3 Arboretum Village - Pulte HomCITYOF
~90 CiO, Ce, ter Drive
PO Box 147
Cha,hasse,, Mi,,esota 55317
952.93Z I900
E~o~mqng Depar,,e,t Fax
Building Depamne, t Fax
I[~b Site
ww~tci, cha,hasse,.,m.,s
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director
February 7, 2001
Arboretum Village, Pulte Homes
Summary and Recommendation
PROPOSAL: A mixed housing development (379 units) consisting of club homes,
manor homes, coach homes, and village homes on 89.5 acres and
2.94 acres of neighborhood commercial uses on property zoned
A2, Agricultural Estate and RR Rural Residential located on the
northeast comer of Hwy. 5 and Hwy. 41, Arboretum Village, Pulte
a. Comprehensive Land Use Amendment and Preliminary Planned Unit
Development - from low density residential to medium density residential
and medium density residential to commercial
b. Subdivision of 120.93 acres into 2 additions; 1st addition 26 Blocks
including 199 units and Outlots A-F and the 2nd addition 24 blocks including
180 units and Outlots A-C
e. Site Plan Review - of 32 club homes, 105 manor homes, 82 coach homes,
and 160 Village homes
d. Wetland Alteration Permit - to fill .54 acres of wetlands in 2 separate
e. Environmental Assessment Worksheet- will be reviewed addressing
potential environmental impacts of the proposed development approving the
findings and decisions of the need for an Environmental Impact Statement.
f. Conditional Use Permit- for subdivision within the Bluff Creek Overlay
This project has been in the reView process with the city since the summer of
1999. It was given conceptual approval from the City Council in the fall of 1999.
There have been numerous meetings on this project including the neighborhood,
the park and recreation commission and the planning commission. While
conceptual approval has no legal standing, the purpose of the review and approval
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Arboretum Village
City Council Memo
February 12, 2001
Page 2
is to gather input for Parks, Planning Commission, Council and other jurisdictions that have
review and control.
The developer has worked to meet the guiding principles of the city. The project is located at the
convergence of two state highways. This development is being driven in part by the extension of
West 78th Street. The alignment of this road was selected by the city with the approval of
MnDOT. The most westerly leg of this project is not part of the acquisition of right-of-way for
West 78th Street. Unless the city acquires this segment of right-of-way (everything west of
Century Boulevard) or the developer dedicates it, the road will terminate at Century Boulevard.
As this project has evolved, staff has pushed for product diversity. The development has four
different styles with different price ranges. While 41 percent of the products meet the current
"affordable standard," (a purchase price of $134,250), there is no mechanism in place to require
that homes have a minimum value in order to be approved. The project is "market" driven,
meeting an existing demand in the community.
Early in this development review process, staff met with representatives from School District
112, Westwood Church and Pulte Homes to see if there were any design alternatives to provide
for a possible elementary school site in this area. Numerous alternatives were discussed but
ultimately the individual needs of the three parties could not be met. The property south of West
78th Street is guided medium density or office industrial which would significantly increase
traffic in comparison to this project.
The recently adopted Bluff Creek Overlay District allows for the transfer of units within the
primary zone. While the plan is consistent with the current comprehensive plan, the zoning tools
do not permit the unit transfer. The current zoning only allows 3 zonings - PUD averages 15,000
square feet with smallest lot 11,000; standard RSF - 15,000 minimum, or R4, twin homes which
allows for 10,000 square foot lots. None of these zoning applications allows for the transfer of
development rights in the 11 acres in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The PUD ordinance
states "Sec 20-508 (a) Generally. Single Family attached, cluster, zero lot line, and similar
dwelling types shall only be allowed in sites designed for medium or high density residential uses
the City Comprehensive Plan." Therefore, under the current zoning and land use designation,
the application of the density transfer is not an option. Staff has pointed out the flaw with density
transfer and has recommended the change in the PUD.
The Park and Recreation Commission made a recommendation to accept full park and trail fees
(approximately $513,751) at the year 2000 rate. In lieu of fees, land dedication could be
requested. Land dedication would be 8-11 acres depending on the total number of units
approved with the project.
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February 12, 2001
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The Pulte property is proposed to be assessed for the Bluff Creek 7-8 project As proposed by
Pulte, the assessments based on the number units would be $464,100. If the assessments were
approved based on current zoning, the assessment would be $240,500. The difference would
have to be made up the city.
The Planning Commission recommended approval (6-0) on all items being requested by the
developer. Staff is recommending approval of this project for the following reasons: it is
consistent with the goals of the Bluff Creek Overlay District, the Highway 5 Corridor Study, the
PUD creates 4 housing types and it is all market driven with various price points and a
homeowners association. This type of housing project meets the housing goals of the city
comprehensive plan.
If the City Council feels that the density is too great, I would recommend that park and trail fees
be used to purchase the 11 acres west of Highway 41. This would eliminate those units being
transferred. The other option would be to give a variance to the Bluff Creek Overlay District to
allow housing to be built on the 11 acres.
Motion A. "The City Council approve the resolution for a Comprehensive Land Use
Amendment from low density residential to medium density residential and medium density
residential to commercial; and approve the ordinance for a Planned Unit Development rezoning
property from Agricultural Estate, A2, and Rural Residential, RR, to Planned Unit Development
Residential, PUD-R, subject to the following conditions:
1. Contingent upon review and approval by the Metropolitan Council.
Compliance with the Development Standards (dated February 7, and site plan dated
October 23, 2000, revised February 1, 2001.
This resolution shall not entitle the owner of any land adjacent to the new development to
seek enforcement of any existing setback requirements in such a way as to prohibit the
development of the new planned unit development in accordance with it's approved
conditions. And b, shall not entitle the owner of any land located in the new planned unit
development to seek enforcement of any existing setback requirements in such a way as
to prohibit the construction, maintenance and use of any adjacent land of buildings and
structures that now are or would be currently allowed by the zoning code as it now exists.
4. Contingent upon the following approvals:
A. The subdivision request.
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February 12, 2001
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B. The site plan review.
C. The Wetland Alteration Permit.
D. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet.
1. The Conditional Use Permit for subdivision in the Bluff Creek Overlay District.
Motion B. "The City Council approves the preliminary plat dated October 23, 2000,
revised February 1, 2001 for the Subdivision of 120.93 acres into 2 additions; 1st addition
has 26 Blocks including 199 units and Outlots A- F and the 2nd addition has 24 blocks
including 180 units and Outlots A-C subject to the following conditions:
Final platting for the commercial area located in Outlot D shall include a site plan review
and approval.
Submit soils report to the Inspections Division. This shall be done prior to issuance of
any building permits.
3. Submit streets names to the Building Department, for review prior to final plat approval.
An erosion control plan shall be incorporated on the preliminary and final grading plans
and be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to City Council review. The
erosion control plan shall include, but not be limited to, Type III silt fence adjacent to all
wetlands and an erosion control blanket on the steep slope adjacent to the eastern
wetland. Staff recommends that the applicant use the City's Best Management Practices
Handbook for erosion control measures.
All utility and street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest
edition of the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed street and utility
plans and specifications shall be submitted for staff review and City Council approval.
The utility systems, upon completion, will be owned and maintained by the City. The
private streets shall be constructed to support 7-ton per axle design weight in accordance
with the City Code 20-1118 "design of parking stalls and drive aisles." The private
streets shall be located in a strip of property or easement 40 feet wide.
Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City' s wetland
ordinance. The City will provide wetland buffer edge signs for the applicant to install
after the utilities have been completed. The applicant shall pay the city $20 per sign.
The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations for 1 O-year and 100-year
storm events and provide ponding calculations for stormwater quality/quantity ponds in
accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan for review and approval
prior to City Council approval of the preliminary plat. The applicant shall provide
ArbOretum Village
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February 12, 2001
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detailed pre-developed and post-developed storm water calculations for 100-year storm
events and normal water level and high water level calculations in existing basins, created
basin, and/or creeks. Individual storm sewer calculations between each catch basin
segment will also be required to determine if sufficient catch basins are being utilized. In
addition, water quality ponding design calculations shall be based on Walker's Pondnet
model. Stormwater ponds must have side slopes of 10:1 for the first ten feet at the
normal water level and no more than 3:1 thereafter.
The applicant shall enter into a PUD agreement/development contract with the City and
provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of the
development contract.
The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies,
i.e., Watershed District, Metropolitan Environmental Service Commission, Health
Department, Minnesota Pollution control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources, and Minnesota Department of Transportation and comply with their
conditions of approval.
10. Fire hydrants shall be incorporated per the Fire Marshal's recommendations.
The applicant shall include a draintile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump
discharge from units not adjacent to ponds or wetlands.
The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat for all
utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a
minimum of 20 feet wide. Consideration should also be given for access and/or
maintenance of the ponding areas.
No berming or landscaping will be allowed within the right-of-way except landscaping
along the frontage road in accordance with the Trunk Highway 5 Corridor Study.
The lowest floor or opening elevation of all buildings shall be a minimum of 2 feet above
the 100-year high water level of adjacent ponds, wetlands or creeks.
If importing or exporting material for development site grading .is necessary, the applicant
shall supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans for review and
approval. Also, any off-site grading will require temporary easements.
The cul-de-sac in the northeast comer of the site shall be revised to meet the minimum
street grade requirement of 0.75%. Staff also recommends that the cul-de-sac be moved
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to the west and possibly shortened in length to minimize grading, tree loss, and the
impact to adjacent wetlands.
The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any draintiles found during
construction and shall relocate or abandon the drain-tile as directed by the City Engineer.
Access to the commercial parcel may be limited to a right in/right out alOng Century
Boulevard and a full-shared access off West 78th Street with the parcel to the east. A
cross access agreement will be required at the time of final platting.
Site grades adjacent to West 78th Street, Century Boulevard, Trunk Highway 41 and
Trunk Highway 5 shall be compatible with the future widening of Trunk Highway 5.
Landscaped median islands maybe permitted within the public streets contingent upon the
developer entering into an encroachment agreement with the city and the medians do not
pose a traffic safety issue.
A 5-foot wide sidewalk shall be added along the south side of the public street in the
northwest comer of the site.
A Conservation Easement shall be .created to preserve Outlots E and F, the significant
stands of trees to the north of the McAllister property and on the' south side of the
development, west of the NURP pond, and to specifically mention the tree preservation
list which is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 5 out of the 8 large trees. The conservation easement shall be
dedicated in Phase I.
Accessibility shall be provided to all portions of the development and a percentage of the
units may also be required to be accessible or adaptable in accordance with Minnesota
State Building Code Chapter 1341. Further information is needed to determine these
24. Walls and projections within 3 feet of property lines shall be of one-hour fire-resistive
Any building classified as an R-1 occupancy ( a building containing three or more
dwelling units on the same property ) and with over 8500 gross square feet of floor area
shall be protected with an automatic sprinkler system.
A final grading plan and soils report must be to the Inspections Division before permits
can be issued.
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The buildings will be required to be designed by an architect and engineer as determined
by the building official.
The developer and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as
possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures.
29. Landscaping and tree preservation:
a. Tree protection fencing shall be installed around all areas designated for preservation.
b. All evergreens used as overstory trees in buffer yard areas shall be increased to a
minimum height of 8 feet. The plant schedule on the landscape plan shall be changed to
reflect this requirement.
c. The minimum number of shrubs shall be required in buffer yard areas along Highways 5
and 41. Applicant shall work with staff to meet minimum requirements for shrubs along
W. 78th Street.
d. Boulevard trees along West 78th Street shall be spaced 55 feet apart.
e. All Colorado spruce specified in landscape plans shall be replaced by a new selection of
f. Revise plant schedule to show seven-foot evergreens for understory trees.
g. A minimum of three overstory trees shall be added to each of the tot lot areas.
h. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city for approval.
i. The applicant shall work with city staffto preserve any or all of the following trees:
#1369 (52" oak), #1743 (60" oak), #1742 (48" oak), #2173 (42" oak), and #1881 (36"
j. A walk-through inspection of the silt/tree preservation fence shall be required prior to
30. Before the final plat the restrictive covenants shall be approved by staff.
31. The outlot west of Highway 41 shall be consistently referred to as Outlot F on all plans.
The applicant shall post a sign at the end of dead end street that say this road may be
extended in the furore.
To insure clear communication the applicant shall have all homebuyers sign a disclosure
statement that would be part of their restrictive covenants. The statement shall include
information about Miss Rosie's Petting Farm, Gateway Group Home and the potential
future road extension. Signed statements shall be submitted to the City.
34. Remove units that encroach in Highway 5 setback.
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35. Staff should consult with DNR regarding the necessity to relocate turkeys.
Staff shall prepare a report regarding trees for fees options.
Platted right-of-way width for Tanadoona Drive shall be increased to 50 feet.
The applicant will be responsible (esCrow) for a portion of the cost of the future traffic
signal at the intersection of Trunk Hwy. 41 and West 78th Street.
Motion C. The City Council approves Site Plan Review #99-21 for 32 club homes, 105 manor
homes, 82 coach homes, 160 village homes, as shown in revised plans dated February 1,2001
subject to the following conditions:
The development must comply with the Arboretum Village Development Design
Upon conclusion of the discussion on Tuesday, January 9, the Park and Recreation
Commission made the following recommendations to the City Council. It is
recommended that the City Council approve the Arboretum Village PUD as depicted in
the attached plan and the following conditions of approval regarding parks and trails:
a. Full park and trail dedication fees be collected.
b. Dedication of the north wetland trail alignment as a trail easement.
Pulte Homes shall construct the north wetland as a public amenity with
reimbursement from the trail's dedication fund.
d. All totlots shall have a minimum capacity of 40 children.
Outlots E and F, the forested area north of the McAllister property, the Basins 3
and 5 be preserved in perpetuity by a conservation easement. The conditions of
this easement to be very restrictive to ensure that the present condition and
integrity of these places remain intact.
The Planning Commission recommends that the following design standards be
incorporated in the development:
(a). Include vinyl shakes as an acceptable material on all home styles.
(b). Prohibit ship lap siding.
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Specify that all buildings use a UL Class A asphalt/fiberglass shingle, 230 pounds
or better.
Specify that all foundation walls shall be screened by landscaping or retaining
Specify that central air conditioning shall be included in the base price of all
homes per the EAW noise abatement recommendation.
(f). Specify the percent of brick for each building style.
4. Commercial design standards shall prohibit standing seam siding as a curtain wall.
5. Applicant shall consider providing benches in the totlot area.
Motion D. The City Council approves Wetland Alteration Permit #00-4 to fill .54 acres of
wetlands in two separate basins as per plans revised February 1, 2001 subject to the following
The applicant shall resolve the encroachment of the following structures into the wetland
buffer setback:
Phase I:
Outlot A, ½ Court Basketball
Outlot B, Lots 16 and 17
Outlot C, Lot 19
Phase II:
Outlot B, Lots 7 and 9
Outlot C, Lot 19
The applicant shall provide an invert elevation for the proposed storm sewer inlet on the
upstream side of Drainageway 1 to ensure that wetland loss will not occur due to
excessive drainage of the drainageway and to ensure that the drainageway will not
become wetter.
Wetland buffers of 0-20 feet with a minimum average width of 10 feet shall be provided
around Basins B and C.
4. Wetland mitigation areas must be constructed prior to wetland impacts occurring.
Wetland mitigation must occur in a manner that is consistent with the Minnesota Wetland
Conservation Act (MR 8420).
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February 12, 2001
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The applicant shall provide proof of property ownership for Outlot F, as well as a
Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland.
7.- The applicant shall submit a wetland banking application.
Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer
is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge.
The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a
similar seed mix which is approved for wetland soil conditions.
Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland
mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and storm water ponds. The
wetland easement shall be dedicated as a part of Phase I.
Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland
ordinance. In addition, the applicant shall provide vegetative barriers to define buffer
edges. The applicant will install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City
staff, before construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign.
NURP ponds shall be constructed/expanded in conjunction with the construction of Phase
Based on the proposed developed area of 64.66 acres, the water quality fees associated
with this project are $98,929.80 and the water quantity fees associated with this project are
$192,363.50. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are
provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding
and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees
for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The
applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given
for temporary pond areas. Current information indicates that the project proposes water
quality ponding for approximately 44 acres. This results in water quality credits equaling
$67,320.00. The project also proposes providing 1 outlet structure, which results in a credit
of $2,500.00. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the
time of final plat recording, is $221,473.30. This amount will be finalized prior to final plat
g:\plan~ka\pulte motion.doc