8 Community SurveyCITYOF
690 City Center Drive
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TO: Mayor
City Council
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager~~d.~
February 22, 2001
Community Survey
One of the items this City has not addressed, but has been mentioned many
times since I an'ived in early 1999, was the completion of a community-wide
survey. On your agenda this evening, is a proposal from Decision Resources,
Ltd. to perform such a survey. I have researched the marketplace and spoke
with several other cities and school districts and this firm does, by far, a majority
of this work in the metropolitan area. Mr. Morris and his staff are considered to
be outstanding and I have confidence that they will deliver the product desired
by the Council.
In a nutshell, the plan is as follows. Assuming approval to move ahead is
forthcoming, the Mayor, Decision Resources, and I will spend much of the
month of March identifying the issues upon wNch we wish to gather data and
thereafter developing the questions to appropriately and accurately draw out
fi'om our residents their responses to these questions. As with any survey, this is
a critical process and it is my expectation that we will have before you at the
March 26th meeting a draft of the topics and questions to be utilized in the
If anyone has direct questions about the methodology to be applied, I will be
more than happy to discuss that Monday evening. I have spent significant time
communicating electronically and over the telephone with Mr. Morris about
several statistical issues in order to reach a comfort level that the work we are
about to perform will be valid. I am very satisfied that the work to be performed
will in fact result in~_valid output and will allow_ us_ to perVo_rAn v_~ious _.
statistical manipulations as we so desire following the collection and
compilation of the data.
In conclusion, I hereby recommend that the Council authorize the retention of
Decision Resources for the performance of a community-wide survey as
indicated in their proposal. Thank you.
g:\userXscottb\community survey.doc
02./21/2001 WED 17:30
3128 Dean Court
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416
612-920-1069 (fax)
February 21, 2001
M_r, Scott Botcher
City Manager
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55:317
Dear Mr. Botcher:
Decision Resources, Ltd., is pleased to present tkis survey research proposal to you for the City
of Chanhassen. Much of this proposal is based upon your discussions with both me and my
partner, Diane Traxler, and also builds upon our past survey work for the community. This
prospectus is organized in three parts: a discussion of the goals of the research; a potential design
and schedule; and, estimated project costs. As you will see, I am certain that DRL can provide
the City of Chanhassen with the information it seeks in both a cost-efFective and timely manner.
The survey would assess the attitudes and opinions of residents of the City of Chanhassen on four
separate, but interrelated issues:
1. Evaluation of City Programs and Services: How informed are residents about the current
services and programs provided by the City? How do they rate these services and programs?
What services and programs, if any, would they expand, modify, or terminate? Do they consider
city services a good value for the property taxes they pay? How do they rate the level of current
property taxes in comparison with other areas? How much contact have residents had with the
City Council and Staff? How would they rate the job performance of City Council and Staff?.
2. Genera/Perceplions of the Quality of Life in the City of Chanhassen: What do they like most
about living in the City? What do they consider to be the most serious issues facing the City?
02/21/2001 WED i7:31
City of Chanha, sxen
Survey Research Proposal
February, 2001
How are residents viewing demographic changes during the past few years? What attributes of
the City would residents prioritize for preservation? What changes would they welcome or at
least accept?
3. Issues facing the City: What are residential preferences about the ways to address current
issues? In particular, what are their perceptions about economic development and
redevelopment7 What priority do they assign to these types of issues? If tax costs are involved,
how willing are residents to raise property taxes for specific purposes?
4. Demographic Changes and Ismte Corwerns: What are the demographic characteristics of
residents moving into the community? How do "newer" residents compare demographically and
issue-wise from residents who have lived in Chanhassen for longer periods of time? Do the trends
in the demo~aphic backgrounds of"new-comers" suggest future policy directions? How do
residents of va,wing longevity obtain their information about City government and its activities? .
How com~ected are residents to fl~e City?
Decision Resources, Ltd., proposes to conduct a telephone survey of 400 randomlY selected.
households in the City of Chanhassen. A sample of 400 residents would provide results
projectable to the entire city adult population within 4- 5.0 percent in 95 out of 100 eases. The
sample is also of sufficient size to permit the district to be divided into a maximum of four
categories for more detailed analysis, such as age, mobility, home ownership, location o£
residence, presence of children, and other demographic characteristics.
To insure the integrity of the sample, DRL places the most exacting sampling standards in the
industry on our procedures. Before an alternate household is substituted for a designated target,
at least ten tries are made to contact the initial households during a three day period. The
telephone calls take place during various times on weekday evenings and during the weekend.
Our interviewers are also instructed to seek convenient appointments with haterviewees, cutting
our non-contact rate to less than five percent on average. An unbiased ~election proces~ is also
used to identify the adult member of the household to be interviewed. To validate the completed
sample, the latest United States Census updated population characteristics are utilized as a-
standard of comparison.
The questionnaire would be admiaistered by DRL trained and supervised personnel. The
computer analysis will be obtained from our in-house C-MENTOR and SPSS statistical analysis
systems, insuring both access to the most current analysis programs and confidentiality of the data
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City of Chanhassen
Survey Research Proposal
Febr~tcrry, 200]
The City of Chanhassen will be presented with two bound copies of the final report highlighting
all the major findings of the study. DRL will also speak to any major differences from and
similarities with the past study of the commun/ty, when applicable, h~ addition to other "growth"
communities. A volume of all computer generated cross tabulations and other multivariate
statistical techniques will also be included.
1. Planning with City Council Members, City Staff, and/or relevant individuals to establish the
topics to be covered in the survey, Based on these topic concepts, DILL would word specific,
neutral questions. This activ/ty can be completed by a meeting, telephone and/or fax, depending
on client wishes, within two weeks of the initiation of the contract.
2. Structuring of questions and final approval of the survey instrument. These activities to be
completed within three weeks of the initiation of the contract.
3. Final determination of the field dates for interviewing.
4. Pre-testh~g and, if needed, approval of resulting revisions. This activity to be completed by the
second day of fieldwortc
5. Completion of all fieldwork within a three4o-four week period.
6. Computer analysis and preparation of written report. All analytical tests and commentary will
be available within three weeks after completion of the field work.
7. Delivery of the final written report to the City of Chanhassen and presentation at a formal or
workshop meeting of the results and implications. Allerwards, telephone consultation, as the
need arises, w/ll be provided about the study's findings and implications.
The cost of a survey is driven by two factors: sample size and questionnaire length. A study
whose parameters are a maximum of 80 questions administered to a 400 household random
sample of the City of Chanhassen would cost $8,800.00. Each additional question unit beyond
the Lrfitial allotment would be $130.00.
As company policy, DRL requires one-half of the cost prior to the commencement of'field work;
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City of Chanhassen
Survey Research Proposal
February, 2001
the remainder is due upon delivery of the final written report. Unless otherwise arranged, DRL
invoices clients for the initial payment at the time of the initiation of the contract; the remainder is
due at the time of the receipt of the final written report.
If you require any further information frmn us~ feel free to contact either Diane or me. We look
forward to the opportunity to work once again with the City of Chanhassen, but, in any case, w/sh
you well with this project.
William D. Morris, Ph.D.
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