1a Century Blvd. ImprovementsCITYOF
0 CiO, Ce, ter Drive. PO Box 147
Ct~anhasse,. Min,esota 55317
Pho,e 612.937.1900
Ge, eral Fax' 612.937.5739
5~gi, ee'd,g £r~r 612.937.9152
'ub/ic SafeO, £ax 612.934.2524
Web u.,wu.:d.&a,ham,.,m.,s
Teresa Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Matt Saarn, Project Engineer .~iJ?
March 13,2001
Approve Consultant Services Contract for Century Boulevard Street & Utility
Improvements - Project No. 97-1C
On March 12, 2001, the City Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for the
above-referenced project. The City has received three submittals in response to the request for
Staff used five criteria in ranking the proposals:
1. Completeness of the proposal including a demonstrated understanding of the requirements of
this project and the concerns of the City.
2. Qualifications and expertise of key personnel to be assigned.
3. Ability of the firm to perform the design and construction administration for the project with
nfinimal involvement by the City.
4. Resources of the f'rrm to conduct and complete this project in a satisfactory manner.
Specifically, the ability and willingness to commit key personnel and resources.
5. Overall fee proposed for performing the design, construction administration, and inspection
The following table lists the proposals received from the three engineering fn'ms, staffs ranking of
each proposal and their lump sum fee:
WSB & Associates $49,900.00
Bonestroo & Associates $46,450.00
HTPO $51,500'
*HTPO's base fee was $46,000.00 with another $5,500 for construction staking; the other fn-ms
included construction staking in their base fee.
Based on the five criteria, staff is recommending that the City Council approve a consultant contract in
the amount of $49,900.00 under the general municipal agreement for engineering services with WSB
& Associates, Inc. for the preparation of plans and specifications and construction services of Century
AttacNnents: Proposal from WSB & Associates
Phil Gravel, Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates
David E. Hutton, WSB & Associates
Laurie A. Johnson, Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson
Fred Richt.er, Steiner Development Corp.
ggeng\public\97- lcX~approve desigm conu'act.doc
'e C/tv of Cha,hasse,. A ~rou,i,~, corn,re,is, with dea, lakes, a,a/in, schooh, a chamd,.~ dow, tow,. t/,'ivin.~ busi,esses, a,d beauti/~}7-~:a-~s..A.great, a/ace to live. work. a,d
To Provide
To the
r~AR 0 7 2001
~U U ~
Century Boulevard
Street and Utility Design
and Construction Services
City Project No. 97-1C
March 7, 200i
4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 300 Minneapolis, ~ 55422 763-541-4800 763-541-1700 (Fax) & Associm~. Inc.
d~sociate, s, Znc.
March 7, 2001
Mr. Matt Saam
Project Engineer
690 City Center Drive
P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Proposal for Century Boulevard Improvements
City Project No. 97-1C
WSB Project No. 00028-010
Dear Mr. Saam:
Enclosed please find five (5) copies of our proposal to provide Professional Engineering Services
for the Design and Construction of Street and Utility Improvements for Century Boulevard.
This proposal outlines our understanding of the project, proposed scope of services, project
personnel, related experience and references, proposed fee and schedule.
The project team will be lead by Mr. Dave Hutton, P.E., Municipal Manager, with design
oversight being provided by Mr. Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., Project Manager. The project team
also consists of experienced C.M) technicians and Mn/DOT certified construction observers.
Due to limitations in the proposal length, we did not include individual resumes, but those can be
provided if desired.
The project schedule is very ambitious, but we feel that the schedule could be achieved,
excluding any lengthy Mn/DOT State-Aid reviews.
WSB & Associates is pleased to submit this proposal and we look forward to your favorable
consideration. If you have any questions on our proposal, please contact me directly at (763)
287-7195. Thank you.
-norial Highway
e 300
1.541.1700 FAX
WSB & Associates, Inc.
David E. Hutton, P.E.
P:\Chanhassen\030601 -ms-0028-010.doc
Minneapolis · St. Cloud · Equal Opportunity Employer
Statement of Project Understanding
The City of Chanhassen is seeking proposals to provide Professional Engineering Services for
the design, construction administration and inspection for the Century Boulevard Street and
Utility Improvement Project, City Project No. 97-lC. Bonestroo recently completed a
feasibility report on this project and this reports sets forth the project parameters that are
requested for the design and construction of this project.
The project consists of the extension of Century Boulevard from 500 feet north of Coulter
Boulevard to the connection point with the TH 5 project. It will include street construction as
well as sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, path and streetlights. The street will be designed
to Municipal State Aid Standards. The path and streetlights will be extended further than the
street construction (to Coulter Boulevard).
This project was initiated by a petition from the adjacent commercial properties and will be
funded predominantly by special assessments, along with other City trunk fees or development
According to the feasibility report, the estimated construction costs are $335,000 (excludes
additive costs). These costs are predominantly street costs, although there is an 8" watermain
extension, 12" sanitary sewer extension, and a 36" storm sewer extension. There are two storm
sewer systems; one for the TH 5 drainage systems and one for Century Boulevard.
The City is requesting the following services for this project:
· Design sen, ices. Preparation of plans and specification to State Aid and City standards
· Obtaining State Aid approval
· Surveying, including preliminary surveying for design purposes and construction staking.
· As an alternate, the fee for soil borings/analysis should be provided
· Obtaining all permits
· Bid Administration including evaluating all bids, making a recommendation to the City and
coordinating the bidding of this project with other City projects
· Contract Administration including review and approval of all shop drawings, preparing all
pay estimates and construction administration
· Inspection services, including supervising testing agencies, final inspection and certificate
· Provide record drawings in both digital and hard copy format
· Preparing the final assessment roll for the project
The City will provide copies of all as-builts, reports, studies standard City specifications, or any
additional information available. According to the information in the feasibility report, the City
is requesting competed plans and specs, and authorization to bid by the April 9, 2001 Council
The key points or issues with this project include the overall coordination with Mn/DOT's TH 5
project, coordination with the adjacent developments and the decision to use State Aid funds on
this project.
The schedule outlined in the feasibility report is extremely ambitious and does not allow for any
State Aid review time. If State Aid money is used, the project cannot be bid until the plans have
been approved (typically a 3-4 week process). If State Aid money is not used, the schedule can
be expedited somewhat in that they would review it for final design standards, not funding
purposes. This decision will substantially impact the overall schedule of the project.
Scope of Services
The improvements to Century Boulevard will be the last phase of the Arboretum Business Park
Area. It will provide the final street and utilities connection to TH 5 and provide access and
utilities to the adjacent developments. WSB is committed to providing the personnel and
resources to meet or exceed the expectations of the City on this project.
A. Design Services
During this phase, the WSB team will develop construction documents (plans, specifications,
and cost opinions) in English units. The design will be completed in accordance with current
Mn/DOT State-Aid Standards. The following work tasks are anticipated to be completed as a
part of this phase.
Task 1 - Project Management
This task will consist of management and administration, project coordination, and
communication with the City of Chanhassen, Mn/DOT, and other developers during the design
phase. It includes periodic meetings with the City staff. Also included will be billing
preparation, invoicing, pro~ess reports, and other non-technical work associated with this phase
of the project.
Task 2 - Data Collection
Data will be collected from Mn/DOT, the City of Chanhassen, the developer's and other City
construction. This data will include, but is not limited to:
· As-built information;
· Digital topography for the project area;
· Adjacent development plans;
· TH 5 plans from Mn/DOT or the City;
· Previous reports, studies or comprehensive plans;
· Standard City Specifications.
Task 3 - Design Surveys/Base Mapl~in~s
A complete topographic survey will be performed for design purposes, which will also identify
right-of-way/property lines.
Task 4- Optional Geotechnical Investigation
The geotechnical investigation work will be completed by American Engineering Testing. WSB
will establish soil boring locations and elevations in the field. Pavement Design will be based on
in-place R-values and follow State Aid guidelines. It is estimated that two borings, a maximum
of 15 ft. deep will be needed.
Task 5 - Final Desien and Preparation o£ Construction Plans
WSB will prepare detailed construction plans for the grading, surfacing, utility, and drainage
improvements associated with the construction of Century Boulevard.
Construction plans will be prepared in accordance with the latest State-Aid Standards. Plans and
profile sheets for streets and utilities will be prepared at 50 scale horizontal and five (5) scale
vertical. The plan would also included sheets showing estimated quantities, bid tabulations,
typical sections, details, traffic control, signing, striping, intersection details and cross-sections.
A trail and street lighting plan will be included. It is anticipated that the construction plans will
consist of 12-14 plan sheets.
Task 6- St~ecial Provisions
Special provisions will be prepared for unique items not covered in the "Mn/DOT Standard
Specification for Construction" or the City Standard Specs. Each provision will contain a
description, materials, construction requirements, method of measurement and basis of payment
for each item.
Task 7- Construction Cost Opinion
A construction cost opinion will be prepared based on quantities generated as part of the
preparation of the construction plans. An electronic copy and a hard copy of the final estimate
will be submitted.
Task 8 - Contract Documents
WSB will prepare the contract documents in preparation for bidding of the proposed
improvements. The City of Chanhassen will provide the "boiler plate" items associated with the
bidding documents in WordPerfect format.
Task 9 - Plan Review and A~provaI
WSB will meet with the City Engineer to review the plans and specifications outlined in the
previous tasks. Following City Engineer approval, the plans will be submitted to Mn/DOT State
Aid for their review and approval.
Since State-Aid funds may or may not be utilized to finance the project, the plan review time
may vary widely. If State-Aid funds are not used, the bidding of the project can be done
concurrently with the State-Aid review. If State-Aid funds are going to be used, the bidding of
the project cannot proceed until Mn/DOT has approved the plans.
WSB will provide 30 copies of the plans, project manual, and bid proposal to the City. It is
assumed that the City will distribute plans to prospective contractors.
Task 10- Bid Administratl'on
WSB will submit the Advertisement for Bids to the City's official newspaper, as well as the
Construction Bulletin. WSB will attend the bid opening, tabulate bids, and make
recommendations regarding the successful contractor. WSB will also attend the City Council
meeting regarding the award of the bid. WSB will prepare the notice of award and contract
agreement and forward them to the contractor.
Task 11 - Meetings
WSB is proposing to attend 3 Council meetings. One to accept the plans and order bids; one to
recommend award of bids and the final assessment hearing.
Task 12 - Pertnits
WSB will prepare for the City's signature the permit applications identified below. The City will
be responsible for all permit fees necessary for the construction of the project. The following is a
list of know permits required:
Unit of Government
Tyoe of Aoolication
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
Sanitary Sewer Connection Permit
Department of Health
Watermain Improvements
Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek WMO
Watershed Approval
State Aid Approval, TH 5 Coordination Permit
The feasibility report refers to wetland mitigation/permits, but in discussing this with City staff it
does not appear that wetlands will be impacted with this project.
B. Construction Services
This phase includes construction services for the Century Boulevard Avenue project. This will
include construction staking, construction observation, and contract administration for the
proposed project. The following work tasks are anticipated to be completed as part of this phase:
Task 1 - Contract Ad~ninistration
WSB will provide administration under the direct supervision of a registered Professional
Engineer, and will keep the City Engineer informed of the status of construction and weekly job
site meetings.
Contract Administration will included processing of contractor payments and change orders. It
will also include attending and conduction the pre-construction conference and weekly meetings,
reviewing shop drawings, and recommending final acceptance of the project.
Task 2 - Construction Stakbte
WSB will be responsible for all construction staking required to complete the project as
designed. Survey documentation will be provided to the City, including all construction survey
notes, at the end of the project for the City' s records. The vertical and horizontal control will be
tied to the City's control datum.
Task 3- Construction Observation
WSB will provide one (1) Mn/DOT certified construction observer to oversee the operation of
the contractor. Additional personnel will be present to assist, if necessary. The observer will
verify compliance with the contract documents, special provisions, plans, and accepted
construction techniques. In addition, the construction observer will maintain a daily construction
diary, record quantities for all payment items, and make field measurements as necessary for use
in measuring quantities or preparing record drawings.
Task 4 - Materials Inspection
WSB will coordinate the testing of materials used on the project. At the City's request, WSB
will make arrangements to select a mater/als testing firm. Materials testing will be completed
according to the Mn/DOT Schedule of Materials Control.
Task 5- Final Review
WSB will pre~orrn a final review of the project. The review will be completed in conjunction
with review~appropriate members of the City Staff. Upon completion, WSB will prepare a
final review a-nd acceptance letter for submittal to the City.
Task 6 - Record Drawinzs
Record drawings depicting as-built locations and elevations will be provided to the City. The
record drawings will typically include the following:
Names of the project engineer, construction observer, contractor, and year constructed;
Locations and elevation of utility structures;
· Elevations and ties to water and sewer services.
Project Personnel
WSB is committed to providing a team of experienced professionals capable of providing quality
service to the City of Chanhassen.
The project manager will be Mr. David E. Hutton, P.E., Municipal Group Manager. Mr.
Hutton has over 21 years of engineering experience with 16 of those as Public Works Director
for Cities, most recently for the Cities of Savage and Shakopee. He has been directly responsible
for the design and construction of numerous State-Aid projects and also for conduction special
assessment hearings on public improvement projects. Mr. Hutton's responsibilities will be to
schedule and coordinate, providing adequate staffing for the project, and facilitating
communication between the design team and the City. Mr. Hutton's extensive technical and
managerial expertise, along with his clear understanding of public works and engineering will
help insure a successful project.
The project engineer will be Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E. Mr. Brotzler will be responsible for the
overall design and preparation of contract documents. Mr. Brotzler has over 7 years of
experience in municipal and transportation projects, including municipal State-Aid projects.
Mr. Brotzler will be assisted in the design by Mr. Joe Swentek, EIT, Design Engineer. Mr.
Swentek will be responsible for completing the detail design and development of plans and
specifications. His experience includes the design of streets, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and
watermain projects and has a varied experience in the field of Civil Engineering.
The CADD work will be the responsibility of Mr. Tim Cartony, Engineering Specialist. Mr.
Cartony will develop and coordinate all computer aided drafting necessary to complete the
All surveying will be coordinated by Mr. Steve Ische, ROS, Land-Surveyor. Mr. Ische has over
20 years of experience with topographical surveys and construction staking. Mr. Ische will
provide the appropriate field personnel to complete the surveying necessary to design and
construct this project.
In regards to construction observation, WSB & Associates has a number of experienced
Mn/DOT certified inspectors that we can provide for this project. At this point, we are planning
on using either Mr. Phil Tipka, who provided the inspection on the Crestview Circle Project for
the City last year, or Mr. Steve Crawford, who provided construction observations to the City
of Shakopee last year. Both of these inspectors have over 20 years of experience in municipal
Finally as part of the soil analysis, we are proposing to use a sub-consultant, namely American
Engineering Testing. They have indicated that they will move on to the site and perform two
borings to the depth of 16 feet, perform all lab testing, develop the logs of the test point, and
make recommendations for sub-~ade preparation, "R" value, and utility support including
bedding needs and back filling as part of their overall service. This is an optional task available
to the City if desired.
Representative Project Engineer/References
WSB has extensive experience designing and constructing projects similar to the Century
Boulevard Street and Utility Improvements Project. The following are similar projects WSB has
recently completed:
City of Shakopee
129 Holmes Street South
Shakopee, MN 55379-1328
Bruce Loney, P.E.
Public Works Director
(952) 496-9668
City of Rosemount
2875 145th Street West
Rosemount, MN 55067
Tom Burt
City Administrator
(651) 423-4411
City of Monticello
P.O. Box 1147
Monticello, MN 55362
Rick Wolfstellar,City Administrator
(763) 295-2711
Southbridge Parkway
Design and Construction of 1.5 miles of
divided roadway with a landscaped median,
turn lanes, and sanitary sewer, storm and
water systems.
Conley Avenue Street and Utilities
Design and Construction of 0.75 miles of
State-Aid roadway, along with trunk utility
systems and ponding to serve a commercial
development area.
7tt` Street Improve~nents
Design and Construction of 0.50 miles of
street, storm sewer and utilities
The cost to provide the services as outlined in the Scope of Services will be billed on an hourly
basis with a "not-to-exceed maximum" based on our 2001 Rate Schedule.
Design Services
Construction Services
Non-salary Expenses
Total $49,900
Soil Borings (optional task)
$ 2,500
The schedule outlined in the feasibility report is extremely ambitious. Assuming City Council
selects the consultant at it's March 12, 2001 meeting, there is approximately 4 weeks to get the
plans done in time for the April 9th Council meeting to approve plans and authorize bidding.
WSB is prepared to have final plans to the City staff by April 2, 2001, in order to stay on this
schedule. The one item that has the potential to delay this schedule is the decision to use State-
Aid funds or not.
If State-Aid funds are used, the City cannot bid the project until Mn/DOT approves the plans,
which is typically a 3-4 week process depending on their workload. If Mn/DOT is simply
reviewing the plans for State-Aid standards the schedule can be shortened and the bid process
may be able to be done concurrently with their plan review. One of the first steps that should be
taken by the City and consultant is to contact Mn/DOT on this item and determine whether or not
State-Aid funds will be used on this project.
Assuming the City will not use State-Aid funding, WSB can meet the schedule outlined in the
feasibility report.