1ji Arboretum Village Final PlaCITYOF C HASSEN ' Co,er Drive, PO Box 147 Min,esota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 Genoa/Fax' 612. 937.5739 ' £<x' 612,937.9152 ' F~r 612.934.2524 ~l~b wu,w. ti. &a,hassen.,ln. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Scott Botcher, City Manager Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director / '4 DATE: May 9, 2001 SUBJECT: Arboretum Village Final Plat and PUD Agreement/Development Contract EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Pulte Homes is requesting final plat of the first phase of their development, Arboretum Village. Phase I includes 95 Lots or 200 dwelling units. The development of the site is tied to the approval (by the City of Chanhassen) of the sewer project BC 7 & 8 and the construction by MnDOT of West 78th Street. The final plat for Pulte Homes will be the dedication mechanism for the necessary right-of-way and easements to construct the sewer, water and West 78th Street. A supplemental agreement with MnDOT for changes to the West 78th Street project is also included for the Council's consideration.' ' This project required the review and approval of a land use amendment by the Metropolitan Council. On May 9th the Met Council recommended approval of the land use amendment. As a part of the subdivision, a site plan development contract/PUD agreement is provided for your approval: Staff is recommending approval °fthe final plat with conditions. BACKGROUND On March 12, 2001 the city council approved the following items. Following are comments on items which are still applicable, have been modified or no longer apply. Changes are in bold or strike out. A Comprehensive Land Use Amendment from low density residential to medium density residential and medium density residential to commercial; and approve the ordinance for a Planned Unit Development rezoning property from Agricultural Estate, A2, and Rural Residential, RR to Planned Unit Development Residential, PUD-R, subject to the following conditions: Contingcnt upon revicw and approval by thc Mctropolitan Council. Condition has been met. G~. o. f Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming, downtown, thriving businesses, and beautifid parks. A great ~)lace to live, work, and play. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 2 . o o Compliance with the Development Standards (site plan dated October 23, 2000, revised February 7, 2001, and revised March 5, 2001.) This resolution shall not entitle the owner of any land adjacent to the new development to seek enforcement of any existing setback requirements in such a way as to prohibit tile development of tile new planned unit development in accordance with it's approved conditions. And (b) shall not entitle the owner of any land located in tile new planned unit developments to seek enforcement of any existing setback requirements in such a way as to prohibit the construction, maintenance and use of any adjacent land of buildings and structures that now are or would be currently allowed by the zoning code as it now exists. Contingent upon the following approvals: a. The subdivision request. b. Tile site plan review. c. The Wetland Alteration Permit. d. Tile Environmental Assessment Worksheet. e. The Conditional Use Permit for subdivision in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The preliminary plat dated October 23, 2000, revised February 1, 2001, and March 5, 2001, for the subdivision of 120.93 acres into 2 additions; 1~t Addition has 61 blocks including 164 units and Outiots A-F, and the 2nd Addition has 35 blocks including 178 units and Outlots A-B with modifications, subject to the following conditions: lo Final platting for the commercial area located in Outlot D shall include a .site plan review and approval. Permitted uses and design guidelines are specified in the Design Standards. . Submit soils report to the Inspections Division. This shall be done prior to issuance of any building permits.. . Submit strects namcs to the Building Department, for review prior to final plat approval. Condition has been met. 4 An crosion control plan shall be incorporated on thc preliminary and final grading plans and bc submitted to thc City for rcvicw and approval prior to City Council review. Thc erosion control plan shall include, but not be limited to, Type III silt fence adjacent to all wetlands and an erosion control blankct on the stecp slope adjacent to the castcrn wetland. Staff recommends that the applicant use the City's Best Managcment Practiccs Handbook for crosion control mcasurcs. This condition has been met. . All utility and street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed street and utility plans and specifications shall be submitted for staff review and City Council approval. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretmn Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 3 The utility systems, upon completion, will be owned and maintained by the City. The private streets shall be constructed to support 7-ton per axle design weight in accordance with the City Code 20-1118 "design of parking stalls and drive aisles." The private streets shall be located in a strip of property or easement 40 feet wide. 4 Wetland buffcr arcas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinancc. Thc City will provide wetland buffer edge signs for the applicant to install after thc utilitics havc been completed. The applicant shall pay the city $20 per sign. This condition is repeated itt the wetland conditions. o The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations for 10 year and 100 year storm cvcnts and provide ponding calculations for stormwater quality/quantity ponds in accordancc with thc City's Surface Water Management Plan for review and approval prior to City Council approval of the preliminary plat. The applicant shall provide dctailed prc devcloped and post developed storm water calculations for 100 year storm cvcnts and normal water level and high water level calculations in existing basins, created basin, and/or creeks. Individual storm sewer calculations between each catch basin scgmcnt will also be required to determine if sufficient catch basins are being utilized. In addition, water quality ponding design calculations shall be based on Walker's Pondnet model. Stormwatcr ponds must have side slopes of 10:1 for the first ten feet at the normal water lcvel and no morc than 3'1 thereafter. Condition has been met. . Thc applicant shall cnter into a PUD agreement/development contract with the City and provide thc neccssary financial secUrity to guarantee co~nplianCe with the terms of the dcvclopmcnt contract. This cottditiott has been met. o The applicant shall apply fOr and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e., Watershed District, Metropolitan Environmental Service Commission, Health Department, Minnesota Pollution control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Minnesota Department of Transportation and comply with their conditions of approval. 10. Fire hydrants shall bc incorporated per the Fire Marshal's recommendations. This condition has been met. 11. The applicant shall include a draintile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump discharge from units not adjacent to ponds or wetlands. - 12. The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat for all utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Consideration should also be given for access and/or maintenance of the ponding areas. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 4 13. 14. No berming or landscaping will be allowed within the right-of-way except landscaping along the frontage road in accordance with the Trunk Highway 5 Corridor Study. The lowest floor or opening elevation of all buildings shall be a minimum of 2 feet above the 100-year high water level of adjacent ponds, wetlands or creeks. 15. If importing or exporting material for development site grading is necessary, the applicant shall supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans for review and approval. Also, any off-site grading will require temporary easements. 16. Thc cul de sac in the northeast corner of the site shall be revised to meet the minimum street grade requirement of 0.75%. Staff also recommends that the cul de sac be moved to thc west and possibly shortencd in length to minimize grading, tree loss, and the impact to adjacent wetlands. This condition has been met. 17. The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any draintiles found during construction and shall relocate or abandon the drain-tile as directed by the City Engineer. 18. Access to the commercial parcel may be limited to a right in/right out along Century Boulevard and a full-shared access off West 78th Street with the parcel to the east. A cross access agreement will be required at the time of final platting. 19. Site grades adjacent to West 78th Street, Century Boulevard, Trunk Highway 41 and" ,, Trunk Highway 5 shall be compatible with the futm'e widening of Trunk Highway 5. 20. Landscaped median islands maybe permitted within the public streets contingent upon the developer entering into an encroachment agreement with the city and the medians do not pose a traffic safety issue. 21. A 5 foot wide sidewalk shall be added along the south side of the public street in the northwest corncr of the site. This condition is no longer applicable. 22. 23. A Conservation Easement prohibiting any alteration shall be created to preserve Outlots E and F, the stand of trees adjacent to Highway 5, and the significant stands of trees to the north of the McAlliste, r property. The conservation easement shall be dedicated in Phase I. This condition has been modified to reflect that Outlots E, F and G are being dedicated to the city. These are the significant area of trees. Language should be added to state bt the form of the attached Conservation Easement (Exhibit D). The developer shall convey to the city Outlots E, F and G by warranty deed free and clear of all encumbrances. Accessibility shall be provided to all portions of the development and a percentage of the units may also be required to be accessible or adaptable in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. Further information is needed to determine these Kate Aanenson, Community Deveiop~nent Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 5 requirements. 24. Walls and projections within 3 feet of property lines shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction. 25. Any building classified as an R-1 occupancy (a building containing three or more dwelling units on the same property) and with over 8500 gross square feet of floor area shall be protected with an automatic sprinkler system. 26. A final grading plan and soils report must be to the Inspections Division before permits can bc issued. This condition is a duplicate. 27. The buildings will be required to be designed by an architect and engineer as determined by the building official. 28. The developer and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 29. Landscaping and tree preservation: Tree protection fencing shall be installed prior to construction around all areas designated for preservation. bo All evergreens used as overstory trees in buffer y~/rd areas shall be increased to a minimum height of 8 feet. The plant schedule on the landscape plan shall be changed to reflect this-requirement. The minimum number of shrubs shall be required in buffer yard areas along Highways 5 and 41. Applicant shall work with staff to meet minimum requirements for shrubs along West 78th Street. d. Boulevard trees along West 78th Street shall be spaced 55 feet apart. eo All Colorado spruce specified in landscape plans shall be replaced by a new selection of evergreen. Rcvisc plant schedule to show seven foot evergreens for understory trees. This condition has been met. g. Proposed trail along the eastern property line shall be realigned and field located in order to completely avoid tree # 1743 and the majority of its roots. h. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city for approval. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 200t Page 6 The applicant shall work with city staff to preserve any or all of the following trees: #1369 (52" oak), #1743 (60" oak), #1742 (48" oak), #2173 (42" oak), and #1881 (36" maple). A walk through inspection of the silt/tree preservation fence shall be required prior to construction. ko Remove the stormwater pond located at the corner of Highways 5 and 41. A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted. This plan shall include wetland vegetation and appropriate plantings for buffering from the intersection including berming. These plans shall be revised and approved by the City Council at the time of final plat. This condition has been met. 30. Before the final plat the restrictive covenants shall be approved by staff. This condition has bee~t met. 31. The outlot west of Highway 41 shall be consistently referred to as Outlot F on all plans. This condition has been met. 32. To ensure clear communication the applicant shall have all homebuyers sign a disclosure statement that would be part of their restrictive covenants. The statement shall include information about Miss Rosie's Petting Farm, Gateway Group Home and potential future road extension. Signed statements shall be submitted to, the City. Staff should consult with DNR regarding the necessity to relocate turkeys. This condition has been met. 34. Staff shall prepare a report regarding trees for fees options. This condition has been met. 35. Platted right of way width for Tanadoona Drive shall be increased to 50 feet. Outlot F is being dedicated to the city, so the right of way is controlled by the city. The developer shall convey to the city Outlot F by warranty deed free and clear of all encumbrances. 36. The applicant will be responsible (escrow security) for a portion of the cost of the future traffic signal at the intersection of Trunk Highway 4 t and West 78th Street. 37. The main loop streets north a.nd south of West 78th Street and the street accessing the city park in the northeast corner shall be a public street. These shall be a 60 foot right-of-way but the city will approve design standards (less than standard pavement width). This condition has been met. The right of way is 60feet with a standard asphalt width of 31feet. The rain#hum house set back from the edge of right of way is 7feet staff is recommending 10 feet. Kate Aanenson, Com~nunity Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 7 38. Acccss to thc McAllistcr parccl in the northwest comer shall be provided to the parcel through thc cxtcnsion of a public street which terminates at the property line. Sanitary sewer shall also be extended to the property line of the McAllister property. 39. The developer shall work with the city to accomplish city goals for housing including the provision of"affordable housing" a minimum of 30% of the ownership housing shall meet the criteria established for affordability by the Metropolitan Council. The developer shall also work with the City on affordability mechanisms for Income Qualifying and Maintenance of Affordability. 40. Blocks 33 35, Lots 1 and 2 (6 units) of Phase I shall be relocated north of West 78m Street. All units along the perimeter of the development north of West 78v~ Street shall be twin homcs. This condition has been met. Site Plan Revie~v #99-21 for 20 club homes, 98 manor homes, 68 coach homes, 164 village homes, as shonvn in revised plans dated February 1, 2001 and March 5, 2001, subject to the follo~ving conditions: o The development must comply with the Arboretum Village Development Design Standards. Exhibit C . Thc opcn spacc north of thc shortened cul de sac (approximately 5 acres) be preserved as park dedication cxcluding land in the primary corridor and the stormwater pond. The area along thc castcrn edge of the development shall not be dedicated for parkland. This condition has been met. o The remaining park dedication requirement be collected in cash in the amount of $18,646 prior to the City signing the final plat. o Pulte Homes shall construct the north and east wetland trail as Public amenities with reimbursement from the city's trail dediCation fund. All necessary public easements required to accommodate these trails shall be dedicated to the city. o Full trail dedication fees be collected bt the amount of $29,265 prior to the City signbtg the final plat. 6. All remaining open space areas'be protected by a conservation easement. Conditions 3-6 should be in the subdivisiOn conditions. o Thc Planning Commission recommends that The following design standards be incorporated in the development: a. Vinyl shakes are an acceptable material on all home styles. Kate Aanenson. Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 8 b. Prohibit shiplap siding. Specify that all buildings use UL Class A asphalt/fiberglass shingle, 230 pounds or better. d. All foundation walls be screened by landscaping or retaining walls. Central air conditioning shall be included in the base price of all homes per the EAW noise abatement recommendation. The percent of brick and other materials for each building style shall be built as per Attachment E. Commercial design standards shall prohibit standing seam siding as a curtain wall. h. The applicant shall provide benches in the totlot areas. No adjacent unit shall have the same fl'ont elevation colors or architectural styles with any 4 types of homes. Materials to be consistent with the Arboretum Village elevation materials dated 2-7-01. Wetland Alteration Permit #00-4 to fill .54 acres of wetlands in two separate basins as per plans revised February 1, 2001, subject to the following conditions: ' The applicant shall resolve the cncroachment of the following structures into the wetland buffer setback: Phase I: Outlot A, V2 Court Baskctball Phase II: Outlot A, Lot 12 This condition has been met. o The applicant shall provide an invert elevation for the proposed storm sewer inlet on the upstream side of Drainagcway 1 to ensure that wetland loss will not occur due to excessivc drainagc of the drainageway and t° ensure that the drainageway will not become wetter. This condition has been met. . Wetland buffers of 0-20 feet with a minimum average width of 10 feet shall be provided around Basins B and C. 4. Wetland mitigation areas must be constructed prior to wetland impacts occurring. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 9 o Wetland mitigation must occur in a manner that is consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). o The applicant shall provide proof of property ownership for Outlot F, as well as a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The ottly conservation easement required shall be the area north of Hwy. 5 in the trees. The rest of the park dedication area (Outlots E, F & G) is being conveyed to the city. 7. The applicant shall submit a wetland banldng application. This condition has been met. Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge. Oo The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a similar seed mix which is approved for wetland soil conditions. 10. 11. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and storm water ponds. The wetland easement shall be dedicated as a part of Phase I. Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in aCcordance with the City's wetland ordinance. In addition, the applicant shall provide vegetative barriers to define buffer edges. The applicant will install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign. 12. 13. NURP ponds shall be constructed/expanded in conjunction with the constructiOn of Phase 1. · Based on the proposed developed area of 6d.66 50.06 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are $98,929.80 $76,591.80 and the water quantity fees associated with this project are $192,363.50 $148,928.50. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are Provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The applicant will not be aasessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. The applicant.is providing water quality ponding for 40.28 acres and one outlet structure; and is therefore eligible for a water quality credit of $64,128.40.' The total water quantity and quality fees due are then $161,391.90. 14. Thc applicant shall modify the wetland replacement plan to accommodate the proposed realignmcnt of Tanadoona Drive. 15. Thc applicant shall dcmonstrate that no unintentional wetland impact will occur when Pond 2 is cxcavated adjaccnt to the existing wetland. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review Ma>' 9, 2001 Page 10 16. The applicant shall provide storm water quality and quantity calculations for Ponds 1 and 17. The applicant shall contact thc Minnesota Department of Transportation regarding the proposed location of Pond 2 to ensure compliance with MnDot standards and requirements. 18. Thc applicant shall provide access to Pond 2 for maintenance purposes. ANAYLSIS The final plat request for the first addition of the development includes 36 Blocks and 95 Lots (200 dwelling units) and 10 outlots. Outlots A, B & C is the common area for the homeowners association. Outlot D is the future commercial area. Outlots E, F and G will be dedicated to the city for open space. Outlot H and I and will be platted in phase 2o Outlot J is the areajust south of the McAllister property. Access to the McAllister property would be restricted by creation of this outlot. This is prohibited by city ordinances. In order to allow flexibility in the PUD yet require public street the setback was reduced. The development proposes the setback from the right of way at a minimum of 7 feet. Staff is recommending a minimum of 10 feet only on Arboretum Village Trail otherwise the setback from paved surface should be 20 feet. · GRADING The site mainly consists of rolling terrain that was employed in agricultural practices in the past. There are a couple of .,wooded areas and isolated wetlands. Existing wetlands on site are proposed to be impacted by development. A wetland alteration permit will be required. 'Most of the wooded areas are being retained. A tree conservation/preservation easement is required to preserve the woodland areas in the southeast corner of the site. The site will be impacted by the upgrading of Trunk Highway 5 and the future construction of West 78th Street. MnDOT is currently constructing Trunk Highway 5 and anticipates completion th u hthe sub ect ro crt is in the summer of 2002. The construction of West 78 Street thro g ,j p p y ' scheduled for the summer of 2001. The phasing plan includes redirecting traffic from Trunk Highway 5 onto the new West. 78th Street frontage road in fall 2001. With all the proposed construction activity and rerouting of traffic, access to the site may be difficult. The 'applicant should work closely with MnDOT in coordinating street grades and access to the site. Berming has been provided along West 78th Street, Trunk Highway 41, and Trunk Highway 5. This is important because there is no noise abatement proposed with the Trunk Highway 5 project. MnDOT will also have to review and approve the grading plan to ensure compatibility. Kate Aanenson, Community Develop~nent Director Arboretuln Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 11 If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans. Also, any off-site grading will require temporary easements. UTILITIES Currently, there is no municipal sewer or water service available to the site. In conjunction with the upgrade of Trunk Highway 5, MnDOT and the City are coordinating to extend water service along West 78th Street from Galpin Boulevard. The timing of MnDOT's project is not controlled by the City. StafFs conservative estimate is that the earliest water would be available is early fall of 2001. Sanitary sewer is located east of Galpin Boulevard just north of Trunk Highway 5. Sanitary sewer will be extended across Galpin Boulevard with the Trunk Highway 5 project. The City's BC-7/BC-8 trunk utility project will extend sanitary sewer further to the west. The proposed sanitary sewer line will not be available for connection until fall of 2001 at the earliest. In conjunction with the BC-7/BC-8 project and the Trunk Highway 5 reconstruction project, the property is subject to special assessments. The total assessments due payable to the City for the BC-7/BC-8 Trunk Utility Project are $444,600.00 and for the Trunk Highway 5 Project are $254,737.00. Sanitary sewer and water hookup fees will be collected at the time of building permit issuance. Utility improvements throughout the site will have to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications have been submitted for staff review. The applicant will also be required to enter into a PUD Agreement/development contract with the Ci{y and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and conditions of final plat approval. The utility system, uPOn completion, will be owned and maintained by the City. Appropriate drainage and utilitY easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat for any utilities which fall outside the dedicated right-of-way.' DRAINAGE A storm water management plan has been developed in accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan. The large storm water retention pond located at the southwest corner of Century Boulevard and West 78th Street will be constructed and owned by MnDOT in conjunction with the Trunk Highway 5 upgrade. The plans propose enlarging this pond to accommodate runoff from the southern half of the site. This will require MnDOT review and approval. Another storm water pond is protPhOSed in the northeast corner of the site. This pond will drain most of the site north of West 78t Street. Soils throughout Chanhassen have a very high moisture content. Groundwater has been observed in other projects in the area. Seasonal and annual fluctuations of the groundwater should be anticipated. Staff recommends the construction of drain tile systems behind the proposed curbs to intercept and convey household sump pump discharge. The City has, in the past, experienced Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 12 hazardous conditions for the public through the discharge of sump pumps in the streets, i.e. icy conditions in the winter as well as algae buildup in the summer. STREETS Overall, the street system is fairly well designed. West 78th Street, which is the major east/west collector street through the site, appears to conform with MnDOT/City plans. Timing of West 78th Street is of major concern. The phasing plan for Trunk Highway 5 is to construct West 78th Street from Century Boulevard to just east of Audubon Road and use it for a detour route while Trunk Highway 5 is being reconstructed. West 78~1' Street is classified as a collector street in the City's Comprehensive Plan and designated as an MSA route. The street will be constructed 36' wide face to face with multiple auxiliary turn lanes and traffic delineation/medians at the intersections of Century Boulevard and Trunk Highway 41. The turn lane medians will limit access points to the site. Access to the commercial parcel located in the southeast corner of Century Boulevard and West 78th Street is also a concern. There is additional land just to the east of the commercial site that will mostly likely develop in a similar land use. Due to medians on both Century Boulevard and West 78th Street, access to the site will be very limited. Staff believes it may be feasible to provide a right-in/right-out on Century Boulevard and a full ac6ess towards the easterly side of the commercial parcel. This full access will eventually have to be shared with the future development of the parcel to the east. Cross-access/maintenance agreements would need to be recorded against the parcel to provide future access needs for the adjacent parcel. The roads that access West 78th Street are all proposed as public streets. The public streets shall be constructed in accordance with City requirements for urban street sections, which is 31' back- to-back with concrete curb and gutter. In areas where turn lanes are proposed, the right-of-way and streets will need to be wider. The applicant is proposing private streets to serve the villas and cottage homes. The proposed private streets are similar to the Walnut Grove development adjacent to Galpin Boulevard north of Trunk Highway 5. City code requires a 24-foot ,,vide minimum private street with no parking unless the street serves less then four dwellings at.which time the street may be 20-feet wide. The private streets will need to be constructed to meet a 7-ton per axle design weight criteria. Cross access and maintenance agreements will need to be developed and recorded against the benefited parcels. Deadends must provide a turnaround acceptable to the Fire Marshal based upon applicable Fire Codes. If on street parking is desired, a wider street section, minimum 28' wide, should be designed. The private street system will need to be located within a strip of property at least 40' wide. This width should be adequate to satisfy the required drainage and utility easements over the proposed utilities. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 13 In conjunction with the Trunk Highway 5 project, a trail system will be constructed along Trunk Highway 5 between Trunk Highway 41 and Century Boulevard as well as along the south side of West 78th Street. The applicant has incorporated these trail systems into the plans. A number of additional interior trails have also been proposed. The applicant should be advised that these trails will be considered private and, therefore, not maintained by the City. A sidewalk system has been incorporated along the public streets and will connect to the trail system on West 78th Street. EROSION CONTROL An erosion control plan has been submitted to the City for review and approval. The plan includes Type III silt fence adjacent to all wetlands and an erosion control blanket on all steep slopes. There are also three rock construction entrances shown off of West 78th Street. All disturbed areas, as a result of construction, shall be seeded and mulched or sodded immediately after grading to minimize erosion. MISCELLANEOUS City Council approval of this development is necessary for a couple of reasons. First, Pulte Homes is dedicating the necessary right-of-way for the extension of West 78th Street from Century Boulevard to Trunk Highway 41. In order for the City to sign a Perrnit to Construct and a supplemental agreement with MnDOT for West 78th Street, the necessary right-of-way must be dedicated. MnDOT is also requiring Pulte Homes to sign a Peh'nit to Construct for West 78th Street. In addition, Pulte Homes is dedicating the necessary easements for the City's BC-7/BC-8 Trunk Utility Project. Without these easements and the special assessments which Pulte Homes is paying, the City could not do the BC-7/BC-8 project. . RECOMMENDATION The City Council approves the final plat for Arborteum Village for 36 Blocks 95 lots (200 units) and 10 outlots, and right-of-way dedication for Highway 5, Highway 41, West 78th Street, Century Boulevard and Trail, and Arboretum Village Trail and Circle as shown on Attachment F and the plans stamped "Received April 23,2001" with the following conditions. Final platting for the commercial area located in Outlot D shall include a site plan review and approval. Permitted uses and design guidelines are specified in the Design Standards. o Submit soils report to the Inspections Division. This shall be done prior to issuance of any building permits. o All utility and street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed street and utility plans and specifications shall be submitted for staff review and City Council approval. The utility systems, upon completion, will be owned and maintained by the City. The Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 14 private streets shall be constructed to support 7-ton per axle design weight in accordance with the City Code 20-1118 "design of parking stalls and drive aisles." The private streets shall be located in a strip of property or easement 40 feet wide. 4~ The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits fi'om the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e., Watershed District, Metropolitan Environmental Service Commission, Health Department, Minnesota Pollution control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Minnesota Department of Transportation and comply with their conditions of approval. 5~ The applicant shall include a draintile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump discharge from units not adjacent to ponds or wetlands. 6~ The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat for all utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Consideration should also be given for access and/or maintenance of the ponding areas. . No berming or landscaping will be allowed xvithin the right-of-way except landscaping along the frontage road in accordance with the Trunk Highway 5 Corridor Study. 8~ The lowest floor or opening elevation of all buildings shall be a minimum of 2 feet above. the 100-year high water level of adjacent ponds, wetlands or creeks. . If importing or exporting material for development site grading is necessary, the applicant shall supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans for review and approval. Also, any off-site grading will require temporary easements. 10. The'applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any draintiles found during construction and shall relocate or abandon the drain-tile as directed by the City Engineer. 11. Access to the commercial parcel may be limited to a right in/right out along Century Boulevard and a full-shared access off West 78th Street with the parcel to the east. A cross access agreement will be required at the time of final platting. 12. Site grades adjacent to West 78th Street, Century Boulevard, Trunk Highway 41 and Trunk Highway 5 shall be compatible with the future widening of Trunk Highway 5. 13. Landscaped median islands maybe permitted within the public streets contingent upon the developer entering into an encroachment agreement with the city and the medians do not pose a traffic safety issue. 14. A Conservation Easement prohibiting any alteration shall be created to preserve the stand of trees adjacent to Highway 5. The conservation easement shall be dedicated in Phase I. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 15 Language should be added to state in the form of the attached Conservation Easement (Exhibit D). The developer shall convey to the city Outlots E, F and G by warranty deed, free and clear of all encumbrances. 15. Accessibility shall be provided to all portions of the development and a percentage of the units may also be required to be accessible or adaptable in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. Further information is needed to determine these requirements. 16. Walls and projections within 3 feet of property lines shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction. 17. 18. 19. 20. Any building classified as an R-1 occupancy (a building containing three or more dwelling units on the same property) and with over 8500 gross square feet of floor area shall be protected with an automatic sprinkler system. The buildings will be required to be designed by an architect and engineer as determined by the building official. The developer and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Landscaping and tree preservation: ao be de Tree protection fencing shall be installed prior to construction around all areas designated for preservation. ee All evergreens used as overstory trees in bUffer yard areas Shall be increased to a minimum height of 8 feet. The plant schedule on the landscape plan shall be changed to reflect this requirement. The minimum number of shrubs shall be required in buffer yard areas along Highways 5 and 41. The applicant shall work with staff to meet minimum requirements for shrubs along West 78th Street. Boulevard trees along West 78th Street shall be spaced 55 feet apart. All Colorado spruce specified in landscape plans shall be replaced by a new selection of evergreen. Proposed trail along the eastern property line shall be realigned and field located in order to completely avoid tree #1743 and the majority of its roots. g. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city for approval. Kate Aanenson, Commtmity Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 16 ho The applicant shall work with city staff to preserve any or all of the following trees: #1369 (52" oak), #1743 (60" oak), #1742 (48" oak), #2173 (42" oak), and #1881 (36" maple). A walk through inspection of the silt/tree preservation fence shall be required prior to construction. 21. To ensure clear communication the applicant shall have all homebuyers sign a disclosure statement that would be part of their restrictive covenants. The statement shall include infm-mation about Miss Rosie's Petting Farm, Gateway Group Home and potential future road extension. Signed statements shall be submitted to the City. 22. Outlot F is being dedicated to the city, so the right-of-way is controlled by the city. The developer shall convey to the city Outlot F by warranty deed, free and clear of all encumbrances. 23. The applicant will be responsible (security) for a portion of the cost of the future traffic signal at the intersection of Trunk Highway 41 and West 78th Street. 24. The main loop streets north and south of West 78th Street and the street accessing the city park inthe northeast corner shall be a public street. These shall be a 60 foot right-of-way but the city will approve design standards (less than standard pavement width). A standard asphalt width of 31 feet. ,, 25. Sanitary sewer shall also be extended to the property line of the McAllister property. 26. The developer shall work with the city to accomplish city goals for housing including the provision of"affordable housing" a minimum of 30% of the ownership housing shall meet the-criteria established for affordability by the Metropolitan Council. The deVeloper shall also work with the City on affordability mechanisms for Income Qualifying and . Maintenance of Affordability. 27. The remaining park dedication requirement be collected in cash in the amount of $18,646 prior to the City signing the final plat. 28. Pulte Homes shall construct the north and east wetland trail as public amenities with reimbursement from the city's trail dedication fund. All 'necessary public easements required to accommodate these trails shall be dedicated to the city. 29. Full trail dedication fees be collected in the amount of $29,265 prior to the City signing the final plat. 30. The open space north of Highway 5 shall have a conservation easement. Language should be added to state in the form of the attached Conservation Easement. Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Arboretum Village Final Plat Review May 9, 2001 Page 17 31. Access to the McAllister property must be provided over Outlot J. 32. City Improvement Project 97-6A will provide trunk and lateral watermains to serve the project. Based upon estimated project costs, the special assessment for the project is estimated to be $254,737. The amount of the final assessment will be adjusted based upon final project costs and assessment apportionment. The Developer waives any and all procedural and substantive objections to the public improvements and special assessments, including but not limited to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessments exceed the benefit to the property. The Developer waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to M.S.A. § 429.081. 33. City Improvement Project No. 00-01, BC-7/BC-8 will provide trunk and lateral sewer and water utilities to serve the project. Based upon estimated project costs, the special assessment for the project is estimated to be $582,596. The amount of the final assessment will be adjusted based upon final project costs and assessment apportionment. The Developer waives any and all procedural and substantive objections to the public improvements and special assessments, including but not limited to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessments exceed the benefit to the property. The Developer waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to M.S.A. §429.081. 34. Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation shall sign the Minnesota Department Transportation Permit to Construct for West 78th Street. of 35. Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges shall be collected at the time of each building permit issuance. The current 2001 hookUp charges are $1,322 for sanitary sewer and $1,723 for water. ATTACHMENTS o 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Arboretum Village Lot Areas. Conservation Easement Site Plan Permit. Conditional Use and Wetland Alteration Permit Design Standards Final plat dated stamped Received April 23,2001. Site plan dated stamped Received April 23,2001. g:XplanXkaXarboretum village final plat.doc ARBORETUM VILLA GE LOTAREAS Area Area Lot Block Area (SF) (Acres) Lot Block Area (SF) (Acres) 1 1 6,685 0.1535 1 18 1,800 0.0413 2 1 6,685 0.1535 2 18 1,800 0.0413 3 1 6,685 O. 1535 1 19 1,800 0.0413 4 1 6,685 0.1535 5 1 5,217 0.1198 1 20 3,240 0.0744 - 6 I 6,685 0.1535 2 20 3,240 0.0744 7 1 5,217 0.1198 1 21 8 1 6,685 0.1535 2 21 9 1 397,177 9.1179 1 22 1 2 6,685 0.1535 2 2 5,217 0.1198 3 2 5,217 0.1198 2 23 4 2 5,217 0.1198 1 3,240 0.0744 3 24O 0.0744 0.0744 3 240 2 22 3 240 0.0744 1 23 3 240 0.0744 3 240 0.0744 5 2 57,001 1.3086 2 24 3 240 0.0744 I 3 9,540 0.2190 I 25 .... ~;80~ ...... 0.~4'13-- .... ~ ...... 3 9,540 0.2190 2 25 1 800 0~'~' 3 3 9,271 0.2128 1 26 1.800 0.0413 ... 4 3 6,068 0.1393 2 26 1.800 0.0413 5 3 9,540 0.2190 I 27 1,800 0.0413 6 3 9,540 0.2190 2 27 1,800 0.0413 7 3 9,540 0,2190 1 28 1 8~ ....... 0.~3-' ..... 8 ....... 3 105,385 2,4193 2 ...... 28 I 880 ...... 0;0413, 1 4 1,800 0.0413 1 ..... 29 '-~-80~ ..... 2 4 1,560 0.0358 2 29 - ~ 88'0 ....... 0~0~i3- .... 3 ........ ~'-- 1,~0 0.0358 1 ..... ~0 ...... ~'8~6 ........0.04~- 4 4 1,800 0.0413 2 30 1 800 0.0413 I 5 1,800 0.0413 1 31 1 800 0.0413 2 5 1,560 0.0358 2 , 31 3 5 1 800 0.0413 .......... ~ ........ 32 .... ~8~0 ..... ~ ........ 6 I 800 0.0413 2 3~ ......... ~00 ..............................................2 6 1 560 0.0358 i ............. 3~ .... i~' 1-800 ..... 0;6413- 3 .... 6 1 800 0.0413 2 ..... -33-- ...... ~-800 ........ 1 7 1 800 0.0413 1 '- 34 1 80~ 2 7 I 767 0.0406 2 34 1 800 0.0413 1 8 1 778 0.0408 1 ' 35 1 800 0.0413 2 8 1 560 0.0358 2 35 1 800 0.0413 3 8 1 800 0.0413 1 36 1 800 0.0413 t 9 I 800 0.0413 2 36 1 800 0.0413 2 9 1 560 0.0358 3 9 I 800 0.0413 I 10 1 800 0.0413 Outlot A 198,718 4.5619 2 i0 1 800 0.0413 Outlet ~ .......... ~9~9i9 ..... 0.4573'- I 11 1 800 0.0413 Outlot C 47,247 1.0846 2 11 1,560 0.0358 Outlot D '~ ~810~8 ..... 2~'98 ' 3 11 1,560 0.0358 Outlot E 132,127 3.0332 4 11 1,800 0.0413 Outlot F 480,007 11.0194 1 12-- 1,800 0.0413 Outlot G 1,593,257 2 12 1,800 0.0413 Outlot H 388,116 8.9099 1 13 1,800 0.0413 Outlotl 308,072 7.0724 2 13 1,800 0.0413 OutlotJ 4,299 0.0987 I 14 1,800 0.0413 Highway 5 514,215 11.8048 2 ..... i~,-- 1,800 0.0413 Highway 41 - ~-6~,'~37 '-'7.01'88-' 1 15 1,800 0.0413 W. 78th St. 159,208 3.6549 2 15 1,800 0.0413 Century Blvd. & Tr. -~5~9~,~ ..... ~97~9-- 1 16 1,800 0.0413 Arb. Vii. Trail 28,593 0.6564 2 16 1,800 0.0413 Arb. Vii. Circle 71,639 1.6446 ----1 ........ i7---- 1,800 0.0413 2 17 1,800 0.0413 TOTAL 5,306,301 121.8159 _ CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT made this day of ,2001, by and between Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation, a Minnesota corporation ("Grantor") and the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"). The Grantor, in consideration of good and valuable consideration paid by .the City, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, grant unto the City a permanent conservation easement for the purposes set forth in this instrument, over, under, and across the premises described in the attached Exhibit A ("Subject Propert, y"). 1. Grantor and for its heirs, successors, and assigns, agree that the following are prohibited in perpetuity on the Subject Property: . . .. A. Constructing, installing, or maintaining anything made by man, including but not limited to buildings, structures, walkways, clothesline poles, and playground equipment. B, Cutting, removing, or altering trees or other vegetation, except for noxious weed control by or as directed by a governmental agency. Co D, E, Excavation or filling. Application of fertilizers, whether natural or Chemical. Application of chemicals for the destruction or retardation of vegetation. F. The deposit of waste, yard waste, or debris. Go The application of herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides, except for noxious weed control by or as directed by a governmental agency. H. Outside storage of any kind. Activity detrimental to the preservation of the scenic beauty, vegetation and wildlife. 2. Grantors and for it heirs, successors, and assigns, further grant to the City the affirmative right, but not the obligation to do the following on the Subject Property: Ao Preserve, improve, and enhance the slope, trees, vegetation, and natural habitat by altering, clearing, and removing trees or other vegetation, by changing the contour of the land, and by planting trees or other vegetation. m~ Enter upon the Subject Property at any time to enforce compliance with terms of this instrument. PULTE HOMES OF MINNESOTA CORPORATION, a Minnesota corporation By: Its: CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation By: Mayor And: City Manager This instrument was drafted by: Gary C. Wilkerson Wilkerson & Hegna, P.L.L.P. One Corporate Center III, Suite 300 7300 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439-2302 (952) 897-1707 21972dt-conser-easel.doc EXHIBIT A That part of Lot 9, Block 1, ARBORETUM VILLAGE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 9; thence on an assumed bearing of South 88 degrees 31 minutes 37 seconds West, along the south line of said Lot 9, a distance of 531.79 feet; thence North 30 degrees 29 minutes 14 seconds West 56.32 feet; thence North 11 degrees 52 minutes 37 seconds East 48.79 feet; thence North 03 degrees 03 minutes 38 seconds West 93.51 feet; thence North 31 degrees 59 minutes 03 seconds East 54.23 feet; thence North 07 degrees 26 minutes 15 seconds East 38.91 feet; thence North 30 degrees 29 minutes 05 seconds West 59.05 feet; thence North 17 degrees 29 minutes 34 seconds East 34.18 feet; thence North 69 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds East 32.07 feet; thence South 85 degrees 30 minutes 29 seconds East 103.89 feet; thence South 88 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds East 118.86 feet; thence North 79 degrees 26 minutes 36 seconds East 98.72 feet; thence South 81 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds East 191.89 feet; thence South 07 degrees 54 minutes 04 seconds East 80.19 feet; thence South 18 degrees 58 minutes 15 seconds East 63.32 feet; thence South 13 degrees 36. minutes 42 seconds West 86.59 feet; thence South 07 degrees 43 min'utes 36 seconds East to the southeasterly line of said Lot 9; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line to the point of beginning. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SITE PLAN PERMIT #99-17 SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT dated May 14, 2001, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, (the "City"), and Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation (the "Developer"). 1. Request for Site Plan Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a · site plan for a Planned Unit Development (referred to in this Permit as the "project"). The land is legally described as Arboretum Village. 2. Conditions of Site Plan Approval. The City hereby approves the site plan on condition that the Developer enter into this Permit and furnish the security required by it. 3. Development Plans. The project shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Permit, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan AJSite Plan, Grading, Drainage, and Utility Plan, and Landscaping plan dated Stamped Received April 23,2001, prepared Hedlund Planning, Engineering, Surveying. 4. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required screening and landscaping by May 14, 2003. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 5. Security. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Permit, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit from a bank, or cash escrow, in the amount of $ (Tncluded in the PUD/development contract) (landscaping, $2,500 - boulevard restoration and driveway aprons and $2,500 - erosion control). If the Developer requests a Certificate of Occupancy prior to the installation of site landscaping, then the Developer shall provide to the city a letter of credit or cash escrow in an amount sufficient to ensure the installation of said landscaping. 6. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation 1355 Mendota Heights Rd., Suite, 300 - Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1112 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager, or mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Manager at the following address: Chanhassen City Hall, 690 City Center Drive, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, Telephone (612) 937-1900. 7. Other Special Conditions. Approved Site Plan #99-21 for 200 units as shown on plans Stamped April 23,2001 subject to the following conditions: - . 1. The development must comply with the Arboretum Village Development Design Standards (Attachment D). 3. The remaining park dedication requirement be collected in cash. 4. Pulte Homes shall construct the north and east wetland trail as public amenities with reimbursement from the city's trail dedication fund. All necessary public easements required to accommodate these trails shall be dedicated to the city. 5. Full trail dedication fees be collected. 6. All remaining open space areas be protected by a conservation easement. 7. The following design standards be incorporated in the development: a. Vinyl shakes are an acceptable material on all home styles. b. Prohibit shiplap siding. c. All buildings use UL Class A asphalt/fiberglass shingle, 230 pounds or better. d. All foundation walls be screened by landscaping or retaining walls. e~ Central air conditioning shall be included in the base price of all homes per the EAW noise abatement recommendation. go The percent of brick and other materials for each building style shall be built as per Attachment A. Commercial design standards shall prohibit standing seam siding as a curtain wall. hi The applicant shall provide benches in the totlo, t areas. No adjacent unit shall have the same front elevation colors or architectural styles with any 4 types of homes. Materials to be consistent with the Arboretum Village elevation materials .dated 2-7-01. 8. General Conditions. The general conditions of this Permit are attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. CITY OF CHANHASSEN (SEAL) BY: Linda C. Jansen, Mayor Scott A. Botcher, City Manager DEVELOPER: BY: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( SS COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2001, by Linda C. Jansen, Mayor, and by Scott A. Botcher, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( SS. NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF )_ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of 2001, by NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 CONSENT Owners of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Site Plan Permit, affirm and consent to the provisions thereof and agree to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by them. Dated this~ day of ,2001 By STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( SS COUNTY OF ) , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2001, bY NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612)937-1900 CITY OF CHANHASSEN SITE PLAN PERMIT EXHIBIT "A" GENER AT, CONDITION 1. Right to Proceed. Within the site plan area, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security and fees have been received by the City, 3) the City has issued a building permit. ,. 2. Maintenance of site. The site shall be maintained in accordance with the approved site plan. Plants and ground cover required as a condition of site plan approval which die shall be . promptly replaced. 3. License. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the plat to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with site plan development. 4. Erosion Control. Before the site is rough graded, and before any building permits are issued, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented, inspected, and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control requirements if they wOuld be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work in that area. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be certified seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion at the Developer's expense. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless there is full compliance with the erosion control requirements. Erosion control shall be maintained until vegetative cover has been restored. After the site has been stabilized to where, in the opinion of the City, there is no longer a need for erosion control, the City will authorize removal of the erosion control measures. 5. Clean up. The Developer shall maintain a neat and orderly work site and shall daily clean, on and off site, dirt and debris, including materials that have blown, from streets and the surrounding area that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, its agents or assigns. · 6. Warranty. All trees, grass, and sod required in the approved Landscaping Plan, Plan C, . shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality, and disease free at the time of planting..All trees shall be warranted for twelve '(12) months from the time of planting. The Developer or his contractor(s) shall post a letter of credit from a bank or cash escrow with the City to secure the warranties at the time of final acceptance. 7. Responsibility for Costs. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from site plan approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attomeys' fees. B. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Permit, including engineering and attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Permit within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work and construction. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of 8% per year. 8. Developer's Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it heretmder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default, not less than four (4) days in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to s~ek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. . 9. Miscellaneous. A. Constme. tion Trailers. Placement of on-site construction trailers and temporary job site offices shall be approved by the City Engineer. Trailers shall be removed from g~ the subject property within thirty (30) days following the issuance of a certificate of .occupancy unless otherwise 'approved by the City Engineer. Postal Service. The Developer shall provide for the maintenance of postal service in accordance with the local Postmaster's request. C. Third Parties. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Permit. Eo Fo O. H, Breach of' Contract. Breach of the terms of this Permit by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits. Severability. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Permit is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. Occupancy. Unless approved in writing by the City Engineer, no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities tested and approved by the city. Waivers/Amendme. nts. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. Recorcling. This Permit shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. Remedie.q. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. Construction Hours. The normal construction hours and maintenance of equipment under this contract shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, with no such activity allowed on Sundays or any recognized legal holidays. Operation of all internal combustion engines used for construction or dewatering purposes beyond the normal working hours will require City Council approval. K. Soil Treatment Systems. (Not applicable.) If soil treatment systems are required, the Developer shall clearly identify in the field and protect from alteration, unless suitable alternative sites are first provided, the two soil treatment sites identified during the site plan process for each lot. This shall be done prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. Any violation/disturbance of these sites shall render them as unacceptable and replacement sites will need to be located for each violated site in C. order to obtain a building permit. , · Compliance with l,aws, Ordinances, and Regulations. In the development of the site m. plan the Developer shall comply with all laws, ordinances,-and regulations of the . following authorities: 1. City of Chanhassen; 2. State of Minnesota, its agencies, departments and commissions; 3. United States Army Corps of Engineers; 4. Watershed District; 5. Metropolitan Government, its agencies, departments and commissions. Proof of Title. Upon request, the Developer shall furnish the City with evidence satisfactory to the City that it has the authority of the fee owners and contract for 10 No O, deed purchasers too enter into this Development Contract. Soil Conditions. The Developer acknowledges that the City makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the property or its fitness for construction of the improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property. The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its governing body members, officers, and employees from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the property, unless hazardous wastes or pollutants were caused to be there by the City. Soil Correction. The Developer shall be responsible for soil correction work on the property. The City makes no representation to the Developer concerning the nature of suitability of soils nor the cost of correcting any unsuitable soil conditions which may exist. 11 TYPE OF HOME CLUB HOME COACH HOME MANOR HOME ARBORETUM VILLAGE ELEVATION MATERIALS CHANHASSEN, MN 2/7/01 CONFIGURATION ELEVATION #1 MATERIAL SQ. FT, OVERALL 644 GARAGE DOORS 116 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 1 '16 WINDOW 100 BRICK 312 ELEVATION #2 % OF ELEVATION 6-UNIT 4-UNIT 18% 18% 16% 48% OVERALL 783 GAP, AGE DOORS 116 15% SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 427 55% WINDOW 84 9% STONE 156 20% OVERALL 1462 BRICK OR STONE 165 GARAGE DOOR 348 DOOR AND WINDOW 388 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 561 4-UNIT 3-UNIT OVERALL BRICK OR STONE GARAGE DOORS DOOR AND WINDOW SIDING, SHAKE & TRM OVERALL . - BRICK OR STONE DOOR AND WINDOW GARAGE DOOR SIDINF, SHAKE & TRM 954 162 232 252 308 2034 94 356 464 1120 OVERALL BRICK OR STONE DOOR AND WINDOW GARAGE DOOR SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 1522 90 291 348 793 11% 24% 27% 38% 17% 24% 26% 32%. 5% 18% 23% 54% 6% -19% 23% 52% Pa(3e 1 TYPE OF HOME VILLAGE HOME CONFIGURATION 8-UNIT 6-UNIT 4-UNIT MATERIAL SQ. FT. OVERALL 3677 DOOR AND WINDOW 880 GARAGE DOOR 504 BRICK 284 ROOF 131 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 1878 OVERALL .2845 DOOR AND WINDOW 642 GARAGE DOOR 378 BRICK 284 ROOF 93 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 1448 OVER. ALL 1924 DOOR AND WINDOW 404 GAP, AGE DOOR 25.2 BRICK 180 ROOF 55 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 1033 % OF ELEVATION 24% 14% 8% 4% 50% 23% 13% 10% 3% 51% 21% 13% 9% 3% 54% CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE AND WETLAND ALTERATION PERM/T #2000-4 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use to allow construction within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and a wetland alteration permit to allow the filling of 0.54 acres of wetlands in two separate basins as per plans revised February 1,2001. 2. Property. The permit is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Arboretum Village 3. Conditions. The Wetland Alteration Permit #00-4 to fill .54 acres of wetlands in two separate basins as per plans revised February 1, 2001, subject to the following conditions: Wetland buffers of 0-20 feet with a minimum average width of 10 feet shall be provided around Basins B and C. b. Wetland mitigation areas must be constructed prior to wetland impacts occurring. Wetland mitigation must occur in a manner that is consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). d. The applicant shall provide a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The only conservation easement required shall be the area north of Hwy. 5 in the trees. The rest of the park dedication area (Oulots E, F & G) is being conveyed to the city. e~ Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge. The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a similar seed mix which is approved for wetland soil conditions. g Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and storm water ponds. The wetland easement shall be dedicated as a part of Phase I. ho Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. In addition, the applicant shall provide vegetative barriers to define buffer edges. The applicant will install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign. NURP ponds shall be constructed/expanded in conjunction with the construction of Phase 1. j. Based on the proposed developed area of 50.06 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are $76,591.80 and the water quantity fees associated with this project are $148,928.50. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculationsi Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. The applicant is providing water quality ponding for 40.28 acres and one outlet structure; and is therefore eligible for a water quality credit of $64,128.40. The total water quantity and quality fees due are then $161,391.90. · 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation °fthe terms of this permit. 5. l,apse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: May 14, CITY OF CHANHASSEN SEAL By: By: Linda C. Jansen, Mayor Scott A. Botcher, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER ) ( ss ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2001, by Linda C. Jansen, Mayor and Scott A. Botcher, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)937-1900 EXHIBIT C ABORETUM VILLAGE PUD DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD neighborhood commercial/mixed density-housing zone. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. All utilities are required to be placed underground. Each structure proposed for development shal! proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined below. A specific lighting and sign plan shall be submitted prior to final plat. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses within the neighborhood commercial zone should be limited to appropriate commercial and service uses consistent with the neighborhood. The uses shall be limited to those as defined herein. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. The type of uses to be provided on this outlot shall be low intensity neighborhood oriented retail and service establishments to meet daily needs of residents. Such uses may include small to medium sized restaurant (no drive-thru windows), office, day care, neighborhood scale comrfiercial, convenience store, churches, or other similar type and scale uses as described in the Comprehensive Plan. No single use shall exceed 5,000 square feet. c. Setbacks .. The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Setback From Collector Street From Exterior Lot Lines Interior Public Right-of-Way Hard Surface Commercial Hard Surface Coverage * not accepted (Total site) Required Minimum Proposed 50 feet 50 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet ** 7* 70% Not available at this time 30 % 29 % ** Council approval of 10 minimum for residential only in those area adjacent to public streets except Highways 41, 5 and West 78th Street. d. Building Materials and Design COMMERCIAL 1. All materials shall be of high quality and durable. Brick shall be used as the principal material and must be approved to assure uniformity with the residential USES. 2. Metal standing seam siding will not be approved except as support material to one of the above materials. 3. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 4. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened by pitched roofs. Wood screen fences are prohibited. Screening shall consist of compatible materials. 5. All buildings on the commercial site shall have a pitched roof line. 6. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building. RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS The plans propose five products. Each product must conform to the following standards. 1. Club Homes (Rambler attached two unit town homes) [] One level town homes (with or without basement). [] Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. ' [] Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, Pearl gray, shell white, etc.). [] Each town house shall consist of two units. One unit will have a side-loaded garage and the other will have a front' loaded garage. [] Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as arched lOUVers, dormers, etc. [] All units shall utilize fiberglass shingles. [] Each unit shall have a minimum of 1 overstory tree within its front landscape yard. [] All units shall have access onto an interior street. [] All mechanical equipment shall be screened wi~h material compatible to the building or landscaping. 2. Manor Homes (three to four unit town'homes) [] [] Split level town homes with basement. Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding, vinyl shakes, brick and stone. Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, pearl gray, shell white, etc. Each town house shall consist of three or four units. No more than two garage doors may be adjacent to each other. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as round louvers, dormers, etc. All units shall utilize fiberglass shingles. Each unit shall have a minimum of 1 overstory tree within its front landscape yard. All units shall have access onto an interior street. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. 3. Coach Homes [] Two Story town homes (four to six unit town homes). [] Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. [] Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, pearl gray, shell white, etc. [] Each town house shall consist of four or six units. Garage doors must be separated from each other by entryways. [] Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as dormers, etc. [] All units shall utilize fiberglass shingles. [] Each unit shall have a minimum of 1 over story tree within its front landscape yard. [] All units shall have access onto an interior street. [] All mechanical equipment shall be screened w!th material compatible to the building or landscaping. 4. Village Homes [] Two stow town homes with tuck under garage (four to eight unit town homes). ' Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, pearl gray, shell white, etc. Each town house shall consist of four to eight. Garage doors must be staggered. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as donners, bay windows, arched windows, shutters, etc. All units shall utilize Class A fiberglass/asphalt shingles (230 lb. per sq. inch). " Each unit shall have a minimum of 1 overstory tree within its front landscape yard. All units shall have access onto an interior street. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. Changes to building detail plans dated January 16, 2001, shall be required. A design palette shall be approved for the entire project. The palette shall include colors for siding, shakes, shutters, shingles, brick and stone. The following design standards be incorporated in the development: a. Vinyl shakes are an acceptable material on all home styles. b. Prohibit shiplap siding. Co Specify that all buildings use UL Class A asphalt/fiberglass shingle, 230 pounds or better. d. All foundation walls be screened by landscaping or retaining walls. Central air conditioning shall be included in the base price of all homes per the EAW noise abatement recommendation. The percent of brick and other materials for each building style shall be built as per Attachment A. g. Commercial design standards shall prohibit standing seam siding as a curtain wall. h. The applicant shall provide benches in the totlot areas. No adjacent unit shall have the same front elevation colors or architectural styles with any 4 types of homes.. Materials to be consistent with the Arboretum Village elevation materials dated 2-7-01. TYPE OF HOME CLUB HOME ARBORETUM VILLAGE ELEVATION MATERIALS CHANHASSEN, MN 2/7101 CONFIGURATION ELEVATION #1 MATERIAL SQ. FT, OVERALL 644 GARAGE DOORS 1 i6 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM i 16 WINDOW t00 BRICK 312 ELEVATION #2 % OF ELEVATION 18% 18% 16% 48% OVERALL 783 GARAGE DOORS 116 15% SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 427 55% WINDOW 84 9% STONE 156 2O% COACH HOME MANOR HOME 6-UNIT 4-UNIT 4-UNIT 3-UNIT OVERALL 1462 BRICK OR STONE 165 GAPJkG E DOOR 348 DOOR AND WINDOW 388 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 561 OVERALL 954 BRICK OR STONE 162 GARAGE DOORS ' 232 DOOR AND WINDOW 252 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 308 OVERALL 2034 BRICK OR STONE 94 DOOR AND WINDOW 356 GARAGE DOOR 464 SIDINF, SHAKE & TRM 1120 OVERALL 1522 BRICK OR STONE 90 DOOR AND WINDOW 291 GARAGE DOOR 348' SIDING. SHAKE & TRM 793 11% 24% 27% 38% 17% 24% 26% 32% 5% 18% 23% 54% 6% 19% 23% 52% Page 1 TYPE OF HoME VILLAGE HOME CONFIGURATION 8-UNIT 6-UNIT 4-UNIT MATERIAL SQ. FT. OVERALL 3677 DOOR AND WINDOW 880 GARAGE DOOR 504 BRICK 284 ROOF 131 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM t878 OVERALL .2845 DOOR AND WINDOW 642 GARAGE DOOR 378 BRICK 284 ROOF 93 SIDING, SHAKE & TRM t448 OVERALL 1924 DOOR AND WINDOW 404 GARAGE DOOR 252 BRICK 180 ROOF 5,5 ,SIDING, SHAKE & TRM 1033 % OF ELEVATION 24% 14% 8% 4% 50% 23% 13% 10% 3% 51% 21% 13% 9% 3% 54% Page 2