7 Decision Resources, Ltd.DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. 2001 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 3128 Dean Court ~sidcntial Surv~v Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 qPRELIMINARY VERSIO~ Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Chanhassen to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. ~ (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. Approximately how many years have LESS THAN ONE YEAR ...... 1 you lived in the City of Chan- ONE OR TWO YEARS ........ 2 hassen? THREE TO FIVE YEARS ..... 3 SIX TO TEN YEARS ........ 4 ELEVEN TWENTY YRS ..... 5 OVER TWENTY YEARS ....... 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 2. Thinking back to when you moved to Chanhassen, what factors~ were most important to you in selecting the city? 3. Where did you live prior to moving to Chanhassen? 4. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT ............... 1 life in Chanhassen -- excellent, GOOD .................... 2 good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 5. What do you think is the most serious issue facing the City of Chanhassen today? IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: 6. Why do you feel that way? 7. When you think of Chanhassen, do you see it as a small town or a suburban community? SMALL TOWN .............. 1 SUBURBAN COMMUNITY ...... 2 BOTH (VOL) .............. 3 NEITHER (VOL) ........... 4 DON' T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 8. Which of the these two statements STATEMENT A ............. 1 comes closer to your feelings: STATEMENT B ............. 2 (A) I call Chanhassen "home." BOTH (VOL) .............. 3 (B) Chanhassen is just a place to NEITHER (VOL) ........... 4 live; I'd be just as happy else- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 where. 9. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT ............... 1 sense of community among Chanhas- GOOD .................... 2 sen residents -- excellent, good, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 10. In your opinion, should the City YES..~ ................... 1 of Chanhassen spend tax dollars NO ...................... 2 to promote a better sense of com~ DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 munity among residents? IF "YES," ASK: 11. What actions would you recommend? On another topic ....... 12. How safe would you feel walking alone in your neighborhood after dark ~- very safe, reasonably safe, somewhat safe, or very un- safe? VERY SAFE ............... 1 REASONABLY SAFE ......... 2 SOMEWHAT SAFE ........... 3 VERY UNSAFE ............. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 13. Are there any areas in the City of Chanhassen where you would be afraid to walk alone at night? (IF "YES," ASK:) Where would they be? 14. During the past three months, were YES ..................... 1 you or anyone in your household NO ...................... 2 the victim of crime in Chanhassen? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 15. Have you participated in a neigh- YES ..................... 1 borhood block party in the last NO ...................... 2 year? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 As you may know, property tax revenues are divided among the City ef Chanhassen, Carver County, and your local public school dis- trict. 16. For each dollar of the property taxes you pay, about what per- centage de you think goes te city government? (READ #1-#6) TEN PERCENT OR LESS ..... 1 10.1 TO 19.9 PERCENT .... 2 20 TO 29.9 PERCENT ...... 3 30 TO 39.9 PERCENT ...... 4 40 TO 49.9 PERCENT ...... 5 50 PERCENT OR MORE ...... 6 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 The actual percentage of your property taxes going to the City of Chanhassen is about . I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 17. Police protection? 1 18. Fire protection? 1 19. Emergency medical services? 1 20. Sanitary sewer service? 1 21. Accommodation and control of storm water run-off? t 22. Animal control? 1 23. Park maintenance? 1 24. Condition of trails? 1 25. Recreational programs? 1 26. Street lighting? 1 27. Issuance of building permits? 1 28. Building inspection? 1 29. Property maintenance enforce- ment? 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 IF "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR" ON ANY OF ABOVE CITY SERVICES, ASK: 30. Why do you feel that way? Roadways in the City of Chanhassen consist of both city streets, county roads, and state highways. City streets are those found in residential neighborhoods and also include major streets such as · County streets are the following major roadways: Again, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the following services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 31. Pavement repair and patching on city streets? 1 2 3 -4 5 32. Snowplowing of city s[reets? 1 2 3 4 5 Changing topics .... 33. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR ................... 1 crease in YOUR city property tax OPPOSE .................. 2 if it were needed to maintain city DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 services at their current level? IF "OPPOSE," ASK: 34. What services would you be willing to see cut to keep property taxes at their current level? 35. Would you favor or oppose a reduc- FAVOR ................... 1 tion in city services if your city OPPOSE .................. 2 property taxes could be reduced? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "FAVOR," ASK: 36. What services would you be willing to see cut to reduce your property taxes? t would like to read you a short list of city service additions or expansions. In each case, the change would require a moderate property tax increase to fund it. Please tell me if you would strongly support a property tax increase for that purpose, some- what support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose a property tax increase for that purpose. If you have no opinion, just say so .... STS SMS SMO STO DKR 37. More rigorous enforcement of city pet ordinances, on violations such as off-leash dogs? 1 2 3 4 5 38. More aggressive control of wild geese and deer? 1 2 3 4 5 39. Better enforcement of sidewalk snow removal codes? 1 2 3 4 5 40. Expansion of city-sponsored senior activities? 1 2 3 4 5 41. Enhancement of city-sponsored community events, such as Fourth of July or Arbor Day? 1 2 3 4 5 42. Do you consider city property taxes in Chanhassen to be very high, somewhat high, about aver- age, somewhat low, or very low? 43. When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of city services you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? VERY HIGH ............... 1 SOMEWHAT HIGH ........... 2 ABOUT AVERAGE ........... 3 SOMEWHAT LOW ............ 4 VERY LOW ................ 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD .................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Moving on .... 44. Other than voting, do you feel YES ..................... 1 that if you wanted to, you could NO ...................... 2 have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 of Chanhassen runs things? 45. How much do you feel you know about the work of the Mayor and City Council -- a great deal, a fair amount, or very little? GREAT DEAL .............. 1 FAIR AMOUNT ............. 2 VERY LITTLE ............. 3 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 46. From what you know, do you approve STRONGLY APPROVE ........ 1 or disapprove of the job perform- APPROVE ................. 2 ance of the Mayor and City Coun- DISAPPROVE .............. 3 cil? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do STRONGLY DISAPPROVE ..... 4 you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 IF OPINION STATED IN QUESTION #46, ASK: 47. Why do you feel that way? 48. Prior to this survey were you aware that four of the five City Council members were newly elected to their positions last November? YES ............ '..- ....... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 49. How much first-hand contact have you had with the Chanhassen City Staff -- quite a lot, some, very little, or none at all? QUITE A LOT ............. 1 SOME .................... 2 VERY LITTLE ............. 3 NONE AT ALL ............. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 50. From what you know, how would you EXCELLENT ............... 1 rate the job performance ef the GOOD .................... 2 Chanhassen City Staff -- excel- ONLY FAIR ............... 3 lent, good, only fair, er peer? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 IF RATING IS GIVEN IN QUESTION #50, ASK: 51. Why did you rate city staff as Moving on .... At present, the City spreads a mixture of sand and salt en icy reads. Some residents think the amount ef sand spread en roads is excessive. Others are concerned about the cost ef sweeping up the sand in the spring te keep it from washing into wetlands, streams, and lakes. When properly applied, salt seems to be mere environmentally friendly than a mixture. However, increasing the amount ef salt and decreasing the amount ef sand used en icy roads could hasten the corrosion ef vehicles. 52. How supportive would you be ef VERY SUPPORTIVE...' ...... 1 switching to using 100 percent SOHEWHAT SUPPORTIVE ..... 2 salt on icy roads -- very sup- NOT TOO SUPPORTIVE ...... 3 portive, somewhat supportive, NOT AT ALL SUPPORTIVE...4 net tee supportive, er net at all DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 supportive? IF "VERY SUPPORTIVE" OR "SOMEWHAT SUPPORTIVE," ASK: 53. If the cost were to increase YES ..................... 1 by about one-third, would you NO ...................... 2 still favor using 100 percent DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 salt rather than a mixture of sand and salt? 54. During the past twelve months have YES ..................... 1 you had any contact with the Car- NO ...................... 2 ver County Sheriff's Department? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 55. Overall, how would you rate the contact with the Carver County Sheriff's Department -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD .................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 The City of Chanhassen offers a curbside recycling program. Anyone who moves to the community receives a free recycling container and is asked to place recyclable items in the container and leave it at the curb for collection. 56. Do you participate in the curb- side recycling program by separ- ating recyclable items from the rest of your garbage? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 57. Are there any changes or improvements in the curbside recy- cling program which could be made to better meet the needs of your household? (IF "yES,'' ASK:) What are they? Every , the City'of Chanhassen offers a Community Waste~ Disposal Collection Day that gives residents the opportunity to dispose of waste materials -- such as tires, appliances, automo- bile batteries, used °il and filters, and scrap metal. 58. Have you participated in Chan- YES ..1 hassen's Community Waste Disposal NO ...................... 2 Collection Day? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Moving on .... 59. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT ............... 1 condition and appearance of homes GOOD .................... 2 in your neighborhood -- excellent, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 60. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT ............... 1 condition and appearance of yards GOOD .................... 2 in your neighborhood -- excellent, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 good, only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 61. Do you feel the City is too tough, TOO TOUGH ............... 1 about right, or net tough enough ABOUT RIGHT ............. 2 in enforcing the City Cede en NOT TOUGH ENOUGH ........ 3 such nuisances as junk cars, messy DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 yards, weeds er tall grass, and outside storage? IF "TO0 TOUGH" OR "NOT TOUGH ENOUGH" IN QUESTION #61, ASK: 62. Why do you feel that way? 63. How would you rate your ability EXCELLENT ............... 1 to get where you need to ge in SATISFACTORY ............ 2 Chanhassen in a reasonable amount MARGINAL ................ 3 ef time -- excellent, satis- POOR .................... 4 factory, marginal, er poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 IF "MARGINAL" OR "POOR," ASK: 64. Why de you feel that way? 65. How would you rate transit servi- EXCELLENT ............... 1 cos in Chanhassen? GOOD .................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 IF "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR," ASK: 66. Why de you feel that way? 67. What is your occupation and, if applicable, the occupation ef your spouse or partner? M: F: DO NOT ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IF BOTH ARE "RETIRED." If you work outside of the home, please answer the next questions about your own job; if you do not work outside of the home, please answer the next questions in terms of the job of your spouse or partner, if applicable. 68. What is the average commute to that job location? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 0 5 MINUTES OR LESS ....... 1 6 TO 10 MINUTES ......... 2 11 TO 15 MINUTES ........ 3 16 TO 20 MINUTES ........ 4 21 TO 30 MINUTES ........ 5 31 TO 45 MINUTES ........ 6 46 TO 60 MINUTES ........ 7 OVER 60 MINUTES ......... 8 NOT APPLICABLE .......... 9 69. In what city is the job located? 70. which major roadway do you or your spouse use when you leaving Chanhassen to travel to that worksite? 71. How do you normally commute DRIVE ALONE ............. 1 to work -- drive alone, ride VAN OR CAR POOL ......... 2 in a van or car pool, take a bus near your home, use a park and ride lot, walk or or bike, or something else? TAKE BUS ................ 3 PARK AND RIDE LOT ....... 4 WALK/BIKE ............... 5 SOMETHING ELSE. ~ ........ 6 DON' T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 IF "DRIVE ALONE," "VAN OR CAR POOL," OR "WALK/BIKE," ASK: 72. If it were convenient, YES ..................... 1 would you be willing to NO ...................... 2 commute using public DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 transit? 73. What changes would make public transit more con- venient for you to use? ASK EVERYONE: 74. Have you or any member of your household used Southwest Metro Transit in the past? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 75. If you could choose, would you prioritize (ROTATE) the widening of major roadways to accommodate more automobiles OR expanding public transit services between Chanhassen and other points WIDENING ROADS/STRONG...1 WIDENING ROADS .......... 2 BOTH EQUALLY (VOL) ...... 3 EXPAND PUBLIC TRANS ..... 4 EXP PUB TRANS/STRONG .... 5 NEITHER (VOL) ........... 6 throughout the Metropolitan Area? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 7 (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? Moving on .... 76. How would you rate the water qual- EXCELLENT ............... 1 ity in city lakes -- excellent, GOOD .................... 2 good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 77. From what you have seen or heard, DO MORE ............ 1 should the City of Chanhassen be DOING ENOUGH ............ 2 doing more to improve the quality DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 of water in city lakes, or is it already doing enough? 78. In general, do you think the City TOO MUCH ................ 1 of Chanhassen's emphasis on ABOUT RIGHT ............. 2 environmental concerns is too TOO LITTLE .............. 3 much, about right, or too little? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 79. During the past year have you YES/YES ................. 1 contacted the City Forester for YES/NO .................. 2 information or on any issue? NO/YES .................. 3 (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Have you con- NO/NO ................... 4 tacted the City's Wetland Special- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 ist? Let's talk about the availability and quality of tap water in the community. For each of the following, please rate that aspect of city water as excellent, good, only fair, or poor. If you have no opinion, just say so .... EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. 80. Taste? 81. Smell? 82. Presence of rust and/or manganese? 83. Consistent water pressure? 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 The City of Chanhassen could build a water treatment plant to reduce or eliminate water quality and clarity problems. The cost of construction and operation would be funded through an increase in household and business water rates. 84. Would you favor or oppose the con- STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 struction of a water treatment FAVOR ................... 2 plant in Chanhassen, if it would require a 15% increase in your water bill to cover the costs of construction and operation? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly ~ that way? OPPOSE .................. 3 STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 85. Are you aware the City of Chanhas- YES ..................... 1 sen has a lawn sprinkling ~policy? NO ................... '..-.2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 The policy currently states that odd-numbered addresses may water only on odd-numbered days and even-numbered addresses may do so only on even-numbered days. The policy attempts to reduce the amount of water the city takes from underground aquifers and to minimize the chance of shortfalls during times of peak water use and the loss of water pressure for residents and businesses. 86. Do you agree or disagree with this AGREE ................... 1 policy? DISAGREE ................ 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 The current city practice is to issue tickets in the amount of $25.00 for first time violators. 87. Would you favor or oppose an in- AGREE ................... 1 crease in the fine for first time DISAGREE ................ 2 violators to $100.00 to provide DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 a more significant penalty? There has been some discussion about changing water rates to a tiered system to encourage conservation. Currently, water bills are based ena fixed cost for each gallon used, regardless ef the amount. Under this plan, the more water a household used, the higher the per gallon cost would become. There would be a clear cost incentive te conserve. 88. Would you favor or oppose the City of Chanhassen switching to a tiered rate structure to en- courage conservation? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY FAVOR .......... 1 FAVOR ................... 2 OPPOSE .................. 3 STRONGLY OPPOSE ......... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 89. Would you be willing te pay more NO ...................... 1 for water usage if the city did YES/10% MORE ............ 2 net have an odd/even policy? (IF YES/20% HORE ............ 3 "YES," ASK:) How much more would YES/30% MORE ............ 4 you he willing te pay for water? YES/40% MORE ............ 5 Let's say, would you he willing to YES/50% MORE ............ 6 pay percent more? (CHOOSE YES/UNSURE .............. 7 RANDOM STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 8 DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER) Hew about percent more? (REPEAT PROCESS) Changing topics .... 90. As you age, if you reached the point you needed care provid- ed by others, which of the following type of living arrange- ment would you most prefer for yourself? (READ LIST #1-#6) In your current residence with live-in home care ..... 1 Live with a family member ............................ 2 In a senior group home ............................... 3 In a senior apartment complex ........................ 4 In your current residence with regular care visits...5 In a nursing home .................................... 6 DEPENDS ON HEALTH (VOL) .............................. 7 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ................................... 8 91. Does the development through out YES ..................... 1 the City seem well-planned for the NO ...................... 2 future ef Chanhassen? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 92. Would you say the rate of develop- TOO FAST ................ 1 ment in the City of Chanhassen is ABOUT RIGHT ............. 2 too fast, about right, or too TOO SLOW ................ 3 slow? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 I would like to read you a list of characteristics of a community. For each one, please tell me if you think Chanhassen cur-rently has too many or too much, too few or too little, or about the right amount. MANY FEW/ ABT DK/ /MCH LITT RGHT REFD 93. the number of people residing in the community? 94. apartments? 95. higher cost housing oppor- tunities? 96. condominiums and townhouses? 97. affordable housing? 98. housing opportunities for seniors? 99. starter homes? 100. racial diversity? 101. inCome diversity? 102. age diversity? 103. parks and open spaces? 104. trails and bikeways? 105. service and retail establish- ments? 106. entertainment and dining oppor- tunities? 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 107. During an average week, about how NONE .................... 1 often do you eat dinner out at a ONCE A WEEK ............. 2 sit-down restaurant? TWICE A WEEK ............ 3 THREE TIMES A WEEK ...... 4 FOUR OR MORE TIMES ...... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 108. And, during an average week, about NONE .................... 1 how often do you get take-out or ONCE A WEEK ............. 2 fast-food? TWICE A WEEK ............ 3 THREE TIMES A WEEK ...... 4 FOUR OR MORE TIMES ...... 5 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 6 109. What retail or business services do you feel are lacking or are limited in Downtown Chanhassen? t10. Excluding gasoline and food, what do you consider to be your principal retail shopping area? Some people believe the reconstruction or replacement of streets, trails, and curbs make the city mere livable and attractive, and should therefore be funded through the property taxes of all residents. Others believe that these projects are only ef value to people residing near them, and should be paid for hy special assessments on adjacent and affected property owners. 1!t. How do you feel? Should street, TAXES ON ALL ............ 1 trail, and curb reconstruction and SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ..... 2 major maintenance be funded by BOTH (VOL) .............. 3 citywide property taxes or special NEITHER (VOL) ...... - ..... 4 assessments on affected property DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 owners? One proposal calls for cost-sharing of street, trail, and curb reconstruction and major maintenance. A percentage of the cost would be funded through general property tax revenues; the remainder would be funded through special assessments on affected property owners. If you could set the portion that general city revenues would fund .... 112. What would it be -- none, ten per- NONE .................... 1 cent, twenty-five percent, thirty- TEN PERCENT ............. 2 three percent, fifty percent, sixty-six percent, seventy-five percent, or eno hundred percent? 25 PERCENT .............. 3 33 PERCENT .............. 4 50 PERCENT .............. 5 66 PERCENT .............. 6 75 PERCENT .............. 7 100 PERCENT ............. 8 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 9 Changing topics .... 113 . 119 . During the past year, have you telephoned Chanhassen City Hall? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 114 . On your last telephone call .... 01 to the City, which Department FIRE DEPARTMENT ........ 02 did you contact -- the , Fire Department, Public Works, , Park and Rec- reation, Building Inspec- tions, Engineering, Planning, Administration, the Asses- sor's Office, the Finance Department, or the General Information Desk reception- ist? PUBLIC WORKS ........... 03 ..... 04 PARKS AND REC .......... 05 BUILDING INSPECT ....... 06 ENGINEERING ............ 07 PLANNING ............... 08 ADMINISTRATION ......... 09 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE ...... 10 FINANCE OFFICE ......... 11 GENERAL INFORMATION .... 12 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 13 Thinking about your last telephone calI to the City, for each of the following_characteristics, please rate the service as excellent, good., only fair, or poor .... 115 . 116. 117. EXC GOO FAI POO DKR Waiting.time for the reception- ist to answer your call? 1 2 3 4 Courtesy of city staff? 1 2 3 4 Ease of your business trans- action with city staff? i 2 3 4 118 . Was your request handled by leaving a voice mail message? (IF "YES," ASK:) Did you re- ceive a timely response? NO ...................... 1 YES/YES ................. 2 YES/NO .................. 3 DON' T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 During the past year, have you contacted the City of Chanhassen by e-mail? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 120. Did you e-mail? receive a response by YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 121. Were you satisfied or dissat- SATISFIED ............... 1 isfied with the way your e- DISSATISFIED ............ 2 mail communication was BOTH/NEITHER ............ 3 handled by the City? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 4 Moving on .... 122. How would you rate the City of EXCELLENT ............... 1 Chanhassen's park and recreational GOOD .................... 2 facilities -- excellent, good, ONLY FAIR ............... 3 only fair, or poor? POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 The Chanhassen Park System is composed of smaller neighborhood parks designed to serve nearby residents; larger community parks such as Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and City Center, dedicated to active uses such as ballfields and ice rinks; and trails, in boulevards, around lakes, and through parks and natural areas. For each one, please tell me if you or members of this household have visited that facility during the past year. Then, for each one you or members of your household have visited, please rate it as excellent, good, only fair or poor. If you have no opinion, just say so .... NOT EXC GOO PA1 POO DKR 123. Smaller neighborhood parks? 1 2 3 4 5 6 124. Larger community parks? 1 2 3 4 5 6 125. Trails? t 2 3 4 5 6 On another topic .... 126. Are there any recreational facilities not currently in the City of Chanhassen which you would like to see here? (IF "YES," ASK:) What are they? 127. Specifically, how would you rate the appearance of the city's park and recreation facilities? EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD .................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 128. In the past twelve months, have YES ..................... 1 you or any members of this house- NO ...................... 2 hold used any city-sponsored rec- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 reational programs or facilities? IF "YES," ASK: 129. Which ones? 130. Were you generally satis- fied or dissatisfied with the program(s)? SATISFIED ............... 1 DISSATISFIED ............ 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 I would like to read you a short list of proposals for additional park and recreational facilities in the community. In order to develop any of these facilities, a property tax would be required to fund construction and/or operation. For each one, please tell me if you strongly support a tax increase for that recreational development, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose a property tax increase for it. If you have no opinion, just say so .... STS SMS SMO -STO DKR 131. Development of a municipal golf course? 132. Construction of a municipal outdoor swimming pool? 133. Construction of a municipal in- door swimming pool? 134. Construction of a full-service. Community Center, including in- door family leisure-fun pool, walking/running track, gymna- siums, aerobics room, racquet- ball courts, and exercise equip- ment and weight room? 135. Construction of an indoor ice arena for hockey and figure skating? 136. Development of a teen skating park? 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Snowmobiling is currently permitted on city streets and designated trails in Chanhassen .... 137. Do you or anyone in your household YES ..................... 1 own a snowmobile? NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 138. Would you support or oppose ban- SUPPORT ................. ! ning snowmobiles in residential OPPOSE'. ................. 2 areas, so that snowmobilers would DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 be required to trailer their snow- mobile to specific parking areas in the City for access to desig- hated trails? 139. Would you support or oppose a total ban of snowmobiling in the City of Chanhassen? SUPPORT ................. 1 OPPOSE .................. 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 Moving on .... 140. Do you own or have access to a modem-equipped personal computer at home? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you have access to one at work? YES/YES ................. 1 YES/NO .................. 2 NO/YES .................. 3 NO/NO ................... 4 ' DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 IF "YES/YES," "YES/NO," OR "NO/YES," ASK: 141. Are you aware the City of YES ..................... 1 Chanhassen has a home page on NO ...................... 2 the World Wide Web? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 142. Have you accessed this web page? NO ...................... 1 YES ..................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 143. What type of information were you seeking on the web page? 144. Did you find the information you were looking for? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 145. What type of information would you like to see on the City's web page? I would like to read you a short list of transactions which could be completed on-line. For each one, please tell me how likely you would be to do so -- would you be very like- ly, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely to conduct that transaction on-line? VRY SMW NTO NAL DKR 146. Purchase a dog license? 147. Complete a building permit application? 148. Register for a City park and recreation program? 149. Apply for a lawn watering permit? 150. Receive and pay your water bill? 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 151. If the City were to offer residents the option of receiving the newsletter, "The Chanhassen Community News," electronically by e-mail instead of by mail, how likely would you be to switch to the on-line ver- sion -- very likely, some- what likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? VERY LIKELY ............. 1 SOMEWHAT LIKELY ......... 2 NOT TOO LIKELY .......... 3 NOT AT ALL LIKELY ....... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 The City newsletter, called "The Chanhassen Community News" is published four times per year and mailed to all residents. 152. Do you reguarly read and receive this newsletter? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 IF "YES," ASK: 153. How much of the newsletter do ALL OF IT ............... 1 you read -- all of it, most MOST OF IT .............. 2 of it, some of it, or very SOME OF IT .............. 3 little? VERY LITTLE ............. 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 154. How would you rate its format -- excellent, good, only fair, er poor? EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD .................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 155. Does your household subscribe to cable television? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 156. In thinking about information on City government activities and services sent to you by the City of Chanhassen, do you prefer re- ceiving detailed information and explanations OR just basic inform- ation and key points? DETAILED ................ 1 BASIC ................... 2 DEPENDS ON ISSUE (VOL) ..3 NEITHER (VOL) ........... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 157. How would you rate the City's EXCELLENT ............... 1 overall performance in communicat- GOOD .................... 2 ing key local issues to residents ONLY FAIR ............... 3 in its publications, website, POOR .................... 4 mailings, and on cable television DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: 158. Could you tell me one or two reasons why do you feel that way? 159. If you could choose the best way for you to receive informa- tion about City government and the issues facing the commun- ity, what would it be? Changing topics .... 160. How would you rate relations and cooperation between the City of Chanhassen and your local school district -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXCELLENT ............... 1 GOOD .................... 2 ONLY FAIR ............... 3 POOR .................... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 161. In what public school district do MINNETONKA .............. 1 you reside -- Minnetonka Public CHASKA AREA ............. 2 Schools or Chaska Area Public DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 School District 1127 162. How would you rate-the quality of EXCELLENT ~ 1 education provided by the Public GOOD 2 School District in which you re- ONLY FAIR ............... 3 side -- excellent, good, only POOR .................... 4 fair or poor? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 Now, just a few mor. e questions for demographic purposes .... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start with the oldest. Be sure to include yourself. 163. First, persons 65 or over? NONE .................... 0 ONE ..................... 1 TWO OR MORE ............. 2 REFUSED ................. 3 164. Adults under 65? NONE .................... 0 ONE ..................... 1 TWO ..................... 2 THREE OR MORE ........... 3 REFUSED ................. 4 165 . School-aged or pre-school children? NONE .................... 0 ONE ..................... 1 TWO ..................... 2 THREE OF MORE ........... 3 REFUSED ................. 4 166 . Is a full-time or part-time home- based business operated out of your residence? YES ..................... 1 NO ...................... 2 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 3 167 . DO you reside in an apartment, townhouse, or single-family home? APARTMENT ............... 1 TOWNHOUSE ............... 2 SINGLE-FAMILY HOME ...... 3 SOMETHING ELSE (VOL) .... 4 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ...... 5 168. What is your age, please? (READ CATEGORIES, IF NEEDED) 18-24 ................... ! 25-34 ................... 2 35-44 ................... 3 45-54 ................... 4 55-64 ................... 5 65 AND OVER ............. 6 REFUSED ................. 7 169. What is the last grade of school you completed? LESS THAN HIGH SCH ...... t HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE .... 2 VO-TECH SCHOOL .......... 3 SOME COLLEGE ............ 4 COLLEGE GRADUATE ........ 5 POST-GRADUATE ........... 6 REFUSED ................. 7 And now, for one final question, keeping in mind that your answers are held strictly confidential .... 170 . Is your pre-tax yearly household income over or under $100,0007 IF "OVER," ASK: Is it over $150,0007 (IF "YES," ASK:) Is it ever $200,000? IF "UNDER," ASK: Is it under $50,000? UNDER $50,000 ........... 1 $50,00i-$i00,000 ........ 2 $i00,00i-$i50,000 ....... 3 $i50,000-$200,000 ....... 4 OVER $200,000 ........... 5 DON'T KNOW .............. 6 REFUSED ................. 7 Thank you very much for your time. Geed-bye. 171. Gender (DO NOT ASK) MALE .................... 1 FEMALE .................. 2 172. REGION OF CITY (PRECINCT) LIST: TELEPHONE NUMBER: INTERVIEWER: DATE/TIME: