1c Trail Easement Paymentid... CITYOF 9 G~ CenterDdve, POBox I47 7hanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.93Z 1900 General Fa.,: 612. 937 5739 :hginee~qng Fax 612.937.9152 ublic SafeO, £rtx 612. 934. 2524 X~eb www. ci. chanhassen, nih. us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Scott A. Botcher, City Manager Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: October 18, 1999 SUB J: Authorize Payment of Permanent and Temporary Trail Easement, 1998 Trail Project, Robert and Lois Bowen, 6275 Powers Boulevard Mr. Joel Jamnik. of Campbell Knutson, and I have been meeting with the Bowens and their attorney over the past 18 months. Mr. Jamnik has recorded the history of these meetings in the attached letter. Considering the initial estimated compensation, a $5,000 payment is palatable. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize a $5,000 payment for permanent and temporary trail easement on the Robert and Lois Bowen property, 6275 Powers Boulevard. g:\park\th\b0weneasement,doc e CiO, qfChanhassen. A growing communia, with clean lakes, qualit3, schools, a charmin~ downtown, thriving, businesses, and beautiful/)arks A ~,rem place to live, Work and Thomas J. Campbell l~.oger N. Knutson Thomas M. Scott Elliott B. Knetsch Suesan Lea Pace CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional' Association Attorneys at Law (-651) 452-5000 Fax (6511 452-5550 October 11, 1999 Mr. Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Re: Chanhassen 1998 Bike Trail Project - Robert M. and Lois A. Bowen (Parcel No. 53) Our File No. 12668/490 Dear Todd:. We have reached a tentative settlement with Robert and Lois Bowen, 6275 Powers Joel ,~Jarnt3 k Andrea McDowel~Poet'/ler Matthew 1~.- Bt_oki* johr~F. KaJty Matth~ J..Foil Marguerite M. ~Carron *A/so licc~ed~ Wisconsin Boulevard, for a permanent and temporary easement for trail purposes. We originally proposed to take 2,240 square feet outside the drainage and utility ' easement at $2.21/sq. ft. and 4,000 square feet within the drainage and Utility easement at $1.77/sq. ft. for a total of $12,030, In addition, the estimated .temporary easement of 3,678 square feet was proposed to be obtained for $1,8!2. Finally~ther~ was alsoa p°tential fence~- replacement which ~tpproached $11,000 based on a quote from an area ltimb_~r ~ompany, whi~ brought our estimate for the take to almost $25,000. As revised, the proposed easementetiminated compensationfor the fence was shifted closer to the road t0 avoid the fence. Coricur~entlyl the reCaicffiatedar6a for the. permanent and temporary easements were reduceCkto 1,247.63Squarefe~t f°r th~permanent~ and 2,365.41 square feet for the temporary easements, respectively. Unfortunately, the revised survey did not differentiate between theeasementarea within or 9uBide the drainage~ and utility easement. White it is reasonable to assume that ~most of the trai[as Constructedis now within a drainage and utility easement, we cannot verify that withoul substantial additio~ survey work. Further, as you know, the property recordsfor the affeCted area are not necessarily accurate. This reduces our ~ility to establish with any legal ~et'tainty-where the public's interest ends. For these reasons,'I f~qt that an offer Of $2-.21 sqU reTfoot for the permanent easement was reasonable ($2,757.26). For the temporary easement, I simply adjusted for the reduced square footage, and offered the Bowens our appraiser's estimateof $2.95 per square foot, adjustedaccordinglo Suite 317 · Eagandale Office Center · 1380 Corporate Center CurVe Mr. Todd Hoffman October 11, 1999 Page 2 our established formula. That amount, $1,165.31, when added to the permanent easement, brought our base offer to $3,922.57, plus interest at the judgment rate of 6% from last year's onset of the take (approximately September 1~), or $4,157.92. The Bowens, through their attorney, countered at the full fee value for the permanent easement ($3,680) plus the temporary easement amount ($1,165.31), plus interest, for a total of $5,136.57. Obviously, the $5,000 proposed settlement is skewed toward the Bowens' counteroffer, but remaining questions regarding damage to the fence, restoration, etc. are resolved by accepting their offer. Further, in a sign of good faith, the Bowens executed the easements in anticipation of City acceptance. This alone should save us an hour or two of legal time. In my opinion, the proposed settlement of $5,000.00 is fair, reasonable, and consistent in light of our other trail acquisitions. I recommend acceptance by the City Council. Very truly yours, Campbell Knutson Professional Association JJJ:cjh