1d I-494 Corridor CommissionCITYOF
icily Center Drive, PO Box 147
hanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937. I900
General Fax 612.93Z5739
~gineering Fax 612. 93 7. 915 2
blic Safe~ Fax 612.934.2524
~b www. ci. chanhassen, mn. us
Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager
Anita Benson, City Engineer
March 31, 1999
Approve Applying for Membership on the 1-494
Corridor Commission
Over the past several months, the Chanhassen City Council has had an opportunity
to become quite familiar with the proposed new Highway 212 project through the
city of Chanhassen. Through the course of reviewing new Highway 212 and its
impact on the overall transportation system, concerns have been raised regarding
the long-term plans for improvements on 1-494.
City officials have expressed an interest in joining the 1-494 Corridor Commission.
The 1-494 Corridor Corhmission has several municipal members which include
Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Maple Grove, Minnetonka, Plymouth, and
Richfield. The 1-494 Corridor Commission is a joint powers organization which
was formed in 1986. Each of the members of the Corridor Commission pays
annual dues of $. 10 per capita which is used to match a Federal Congestion
Mitigation Ak Quality (CMAQ) grant that has been obtained through the
Metropolitan Council until the year 2003. Meetings of the 1-494 Corridor
Commission are not open to the public. A staff person and one elected official
represent their city on the Commission's Board of Directors.
Membership on the 1-494 Corridor Commission currently consist of only cities
directly adjacent to !-494. However, Ms. Lisa Raduenz of LJR, Inc., the
consultant hired by the Corridor Commission, has informed me that should
Chanhassen decide it would like to become a member, it would be appropriate to
send a letter of interest for consideration by the CommissiOn's Board of Directors.
Upon acceptance of Chanhassen's request to join the Corridor Commission,
Chanhassen would be responsible for annual dues in the amount of $. 10 per capita.
Attachments: 1. Letter from Lisa Raduenz, LRJ, Inc.
2. 1-494 MnDOT Metro Division One Pager.
\xc fsl\vo12Xeng~anitaXccXi494 commission membership.doc
Ci(y of Chanhassen. .4 growing communiff with clean lakes, qualiq/ schaoh, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
,Ja-,n-22-99 02:42P LJR, INC 6i26904094 P-02
80BO Mitchell Rcmd * Eden Prairie MH 55344 * (61g)699-,~228 · FAX 690-4094
Anita Benson, i~nginecr
City ot' Chanhassen (FAX: 612-937-9152)
Lisa Raduenz, LJ'R, Inc.
Chanhassen Interest in 1-494 Corridor Commission
Thanks for your phOne message today regarding Chanhasscn's interest in the 1-494
Corridor Commission. I thought I'd take the opportunity to give you some information
about the membership of the Corridor Commission, its structure and our work plan.
The 1-494 Corridor Commission has seven murdcipal members--the cities of
Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Maple Grove, Minnetonka, Plymouth and Richfield.
.Five of these cities began the Joint Powem Organization (JPO) in 1986; the two
remaining cities, Plymouth and Maple Grove, joined in 1993.
Because of its structure as a Joint Powers Organization, each of thc members of the
Corridor Commission pays annual dues of' l0 cents per capita. These local monies are
used to match a federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) grant that has been
obtained through thc Metropolitan Council until the year 2003. Meetings of the 1-494
Corridor Commission are not open to the public. A staff person and one elected official
represent their city on thc Commission's Board of Directors.
We are beginning a new biennial work plata in January 1999 that focuses on transit and
ItOV improvements for 1-494 and a long-term plan for advancing the reconstruction
plans of 1-494 as detailed in the 1993 Environmental Impact Statement (ELS). At the
present time the reconstruction of 1-494 has been dropped as a project on MnDOT's 20
Year Plan duc to its estimated $I bill,on pricctag. The Corridor Commission's goal is to
find ways in which reconstruction can still occur, even if staged, mad how to improve
capacity along 1-494 by the use of transit, HOV and TDM techniques.
LJR. is thc consultant hired by the Corridor Commission to oversee and implement its
work plan and manage the organization. You can reach me at our St. Paul office, (651)
227-1905, if you have any further questions or need more information.
Thanks l'or your interest in the 1-494 Corridor Commission.
One Pager
February t999
i~494 Reconstruction Project S.P. 2785-261
Limits: 1-394 to Minnesota R/vet
Rich~eld, Bloomington, Ed,ina, Eden Prairie & Minnetonka
1-494 was constructed in the early 1960's and bo~ the roadway and bridge structures -are
in need ofrehabilitatiom Geometric deficiencies -along with closely spaced interchange~
contribute to the severe eonge~on problems experienced. Roadway flooding has been a
problem. Large-scale commercial development is occtm'ing 'along the corridor.
Ultimate ltufld
Construction $600 million
Right-ol:Way* $250 million
TOTAL: $850 million
*Estknatcd Relocations: 2..0 residential, 70 businesses
7198 million .$1 v, 1 million
No Rsfimate
$198 million $1 ~ million
- 1-494 DEIS released in April, 1992. Work proceeded, on FEIS and ROD, however, lack of
:funding prevented final signature of FEIS wkich resulted ~ project being placed "on-hold" until
such time that the funding issue would be resolved.
Preferred alternative rema'ms long range ~ision for corridor. Current m-rdntenance and
prese~w'ation deficiencies d.iemte the need for interim improvement projects.
- The corridor i.¥ divided into three segments: 1-394 to .TI-I 2t2; TH 212 to TH 100; TH i00 to TH
77. The first segment, 1-394 to TH 212, is scheduled lbr pavement reconstruction and addition of
· a median third lane to begin ht FY 2006. The second segment, TH 212 to TH I00, is sckeduted
for pavement reconstruction, addition ora median th/rd lane md bridge replacements to begin in
FY 2002. The third sev~-aent, TI-I 100 to 22i 77, is cm.-cently scheduled for pavement
reeonstzuction and additional lanes to be~n in FY 2006.
- MIS Summary Documen~ will be written. Revised FEIS and ROD doc~m~ents to follow. Expect
completion of Documentation by Summer ofj999 Spring of 1999.
,. Working Mth Project Management Team to coorcLinate staged improvements -and priorities.
Conceptual layout for interchange at J[494/Y35FFis b,ing de,eloped.
~'~i4C project coordi~an'on and 3.:[OU development with Mn/DOT is occurring.
Geomen'ic leo'out for segment from TH 212 to Tt-t lO0 is being developed.
,. Modeling has been comFleted for the .,'~"~ne Mile Creek l~'atershed District.
Investment coordination is critical.
- The CP RR will be involved on segment from TH 212 ~o TH 100.
Wayne Norris, P.E.
Project Mmmger
Scott Sarmes, P.E.
Principal Engineer
N':\TR.~'q P L-X NMhare\O n c pageV99 Feb\ 1 pg494.J94Mn Rvr.wan.wpd