3 Consider Parking Lake Lucy RoC OF
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Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager
Anita L. Benson, City Engineer
April 1, 1999
Consider Allowing Parking on North Side of Lake Lucy Road
Between Manchester Drive and Highover Drive - Project No. 97-5
The issue of whether or not to allow parking along one side of Lake Lucy Road
through the Woodridge Heights 2na Addition development has been raised by
residents in the neighborhood. Staff has reviewed the City Council meeting
minutes from March 10, 1998 (attached) in regards to the parking issue along
Lake Lucy Road. Based on the dialog in the minutes it is stated that the issue of.
allowing parking on one side of the road may be revisited at some time in the
Lake Lucy Road is classified as a collector roadway in the City of Chanhassen's
Comprehensive Plan. A collector roadway, by defmition, will have higher traffic
volumes than local residential streets and serves to provide access for
neighborhoods to higher volume roadways. With the completion with the final
segment of Lake Lucy Road between the Woodridge Heights and Brenden Pond
development this past summer, traffic volumes are expected to continue to
increase. Lake Lucy Road serves as the only east/west collector between Trunk
Highway 41 and CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard) in northern Chanhassen. The
speed limit on Lake Lucy Road from Galpin Boulevard to Trunk Highway 41 is 30
miles per hour.
Lake Lucy Road is 36 feet wide from face of curb to face of curb. Municipal State
Aid geometric standards established for urban collector roadways with an ADT of
less than 10,000 allow for one parking lane on a roadway of this width. In
reviewing the residential development and the segment of Lake Lucy Road
between Galpin Boulevard and Trunk Highway 41, there exists three options to
address the parking issue.
Option No. 1 - Restrict parking on both sides of the roadway for the entire length
of this segment.
· ?ar'lfing perrff~ts are ~ssue~l t~or sPedial events.
Pig af Chanhassen. A growing communiff with clean lakes, quali~, schooh, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A ~reat place to live, work, and play.
Todd Gerhardt
April 1, 1999
Page 2
Option No. 2 - Allow parking on the north side of the roadway only from
Manchester Drive to Highover Drive.
· The majority of the homes are located on the south side of Lake Lucy Road.
· Parked cars may obscure drivers' views of cars backing out onto Lake Lucy
Road and of children playing in yards and/or between cars.
Option No. 3 - Allow parking on the south side of the roadway only from
Manchester Drive to Highover Drive.
· With the geometrics of the road and location of the homes, the presence of
parked cars may create a hazard for westbound motorists.
· Parked cars may obscure drivers' views of cars backing out onto Lake Lucy
Road and of children playing in yards and/or between cars.
Upon reviewing the geometrics of the roadway, it is staffs recommendation that
parking is to be allowed along Lake Lucy Road that it be allowed only on the:
north side of the roadway for the segment of Lake Lucy Road between
Manchester Drive and Highover Drive. ~
Attachments: 1.
Location map.
City Council minutes dated March 10, 1997.
c: Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer
\xc fs l\vol2~engXproject s\woodridgeXparking memo. doc
City Council Meeting - Marc,, 10, 1997
Mayor Mancino: Staffreport please, and just one question before we go on. Charles, I thought there was
no parking along Lake Lucy Road on both the north and south side all the way from Galpin to TH 41,
much like there is from Powers Boulevard to Galpin?
~tes Folch: We discussed the matter with the State Aid officials and they were in agreement to allow
'parking on the south side, adjacent to where the combined driveways are proposed. Just for that stretch
'b~ically but other than that, the north side would be no parking and then east of the intersection, with the
loc,al szree~ there'd be no parking on both sides.
IVlayor Mancino: And why would we want, or I'll wait for the staff report. That just doesn't make any
~ense. Staffreport please.
Kate Aanenson: What your first action tonight would be, final plat approval...of what's now called the
Woodridge Heights. Originally called Shamrock. The first addition, the significant change would really
:be the amount of ~ading. Preservation of more natural features. So because the changes are basic,
mostly construction related, staffhas not revised them as part of the plat. The plat does create two
ouflots. Outlot B which would be part of the second action, and Outlot A. The motion for. this pan of the
Plat is found on page 27. There a couple of modifications that we need to make on this plan. One being
the discussion or the... If you look at condition number 23 where it talks about the Black Spruce with
Manchester fight-of-way should be relocated. What the intent of that condition is that they be mutually
acceptable between the City and the property owner. What we're trying to do is not have them grow to
be mature and then have to move them. It just doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. If we're trying to
screen, then let's put them in an area that they have a little bit more longevity. The other issue on that
would be condition, what we'll call condition 28. And that would be the extension of Manchester. With
that. the extension stops short of the conservation easement. It'd be a temporary with barricades...but it
would be stopped short &the conservation easement. We believe that what engineering had talked
about is that it does not need to be a cul-de-sac because there's not going to be any homes up there but it
would just stop short of the property that would fall within that 30 foot conservation easement.
Therefore not disturbing the existing vegetation. We would make that condition number 28. With that,
that would be the first part of the report. 6A. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have right
City Council Meeting - Max t 0, 1997
Mayor Mancino: Okay. Are these going to be double wide driveways?
Charles Folch: The dimension of those, I don't have a set of plans in front of me. Dan, do you recall off
hnnd what the width of those driveways is.
Dan Blake: The intent would be to the access point to approximately the width of the...width of one
aouble gm'age so...
Mayor Mancino: So it would allow parking in the driveway? Instead of on the street. For both homes.
Or i~ wouldn't?
Dan Blake: Well if they were parked in that shared access point, you would tend to block it with the
or. her homes.
Nlayor Mancino: That's what I'm saying. So there's going to be a lot of on street parking?
Dan Blake: Well there should be room for, what area, triple garage is probably...got an overflow
sirmarion where the driveway...
Mayor Mancino: So it's a double wide? Okay. It's wider than the normal. Okay.
Councilman Senn: Mayor, quick question?
Mayor Mancino: Yes.
Counc~man Senn: Charles, how does the width on this segment of Lake Lucy compare to the width on
the other segment between Galpin and Power?
.~les Folch: I believe they're the segment between Powers and Galpin is 38 feet but you'.re losing 8
feet of that for 3-4 foot bike lanes on either side So you're basically down to a 30 foot travel'way. This
segment here will be 36 foot face to face with no, face of curb to face of curb with no, there will be an
or, freer trail if you will. It won't be on the street.
Councilman Senn: So you're talking really 36 versus?
O:,trles Folch: Versus 30.
CauncHnmn Senn: Versus 30. Okay.
Mayor Mancino: But...collector is 36 on the other side of Galpin.
Cotmc~man Senn: Right, I mean because of the trails. Unless somebody's in them.
Mayor Mancino: Okay, any other questions for staffat this point? Is the applicant here and would you
like to make a presentation to the Council?
Dan Blake: Not on this item.
City 'Council Meeting - Marc~..,~, 1997
Kate Aanenson: No, we've reviewed that. It flattens out those areas and we also had to work where
you've got the driveways coming in. But the intent is that along the collector street, Lake Lucy and
Galpin, that there's not just plants...
Counc~man Senn: All right. And then as far as the conservation easement for the existing trees, that is
not going to impact effectively, define construction limits or anything as it relates to the roadway or the
improvements or anything?
Ks~e Aanenson: Well we're talking about in the northern area which is this area... I think we should be
okay in that one. That's the one I see that it may drop down a little bit more but they've already made
that lot wider.
Mayor Mancino: I think there was a private driveway there at one time that was taken'away.
Councilman Senn: So it's already been designed to accommodate it basically.
Kate Amen.son: I'm not sure if the depth is such that it's going to be a problem.
Counc~man Senn: Okay, then I understand. Thank you.
Mayor Mancino: I just didn't want to stay within that 30 feet if there was some that dipped down and
didn't see it... May I have a motion please?
Councilman Senn: Well, I'II move approval adding conditions 28 and 29 as described and condition 13
and 14, is that correct Kate? Am I doing that right?
Kate Aanenson: Actually 28 is fine. 29 was already covered. Number 23, I think we did
clarify...mumal consent to where those trees are located. And then the two modifications.
'Councilman Senn: Okay. So 28 is just the street conservation easement at the end there? :
Kate Aanenson: Correct. And then clarification on 6.
Councilman Senn: And then I have 13 and 14 written down. Outlot A.
Mayor Mancino: Oh, that's on the next one.
Counc~man Senn: Oh okay. So that doesn't go with A here? It goes with B? Okay, all right. All right,
and then basically ,rnaking the changes as proposed on 6 and 8 by Mayor Mancino. And addin~ the
_stipulation that we re withholding judgment at this point on the parki..ng issue on Lake Lucy. The south
side. .... --'--- ..............
Mayor Mancino: May I have a second to the motion?
Councilman Engel: Second.
Connc~man Senn moved, Councilman Engel seconded to approve rezoning of approximately 37.92
acres from Rurxi R~st'tl'e~n-tia] 'CI:LR) to 'ffingle~amily'Residenfial (RSF), second reading; final plat
City Council Meeting - Marc. ,~, 1997
13. All utility md street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the
City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed street and utility construction plans and
specifications shall be submitted to staff for review and formal approval by the City Council in
conjunction with final plat consideration.
14. The applicant shat[ apply for and obtain the necessary permits from the Watershed District, DNK,
Department of Health, MPCA and other appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their
conditions of approval.
15. Upon completion of site grading, all disturbed areas shall be restored with seed and disc-mulched or
wood-fiber blanket within two weeks of completing the site grading unless the City's Best
Management Practice Handbook planting dates dictate otherwise. All erosion control measures shall
be in accordance to the City's Best Management Practice Handbook.
16. Upon completion, the developer shall dedicate to the City the utility and street improvements within
~he public right-of-way and drainage and utility easements for permanent ownership.
17_ The existing home on Lot 14, Block 3 shall change its address to be compatible with the City's
addressing system once the street has been constructed adjacent the house. The existing driveway
from Galpin Boulevard shall be relocated to Briarwood Court after the new street is constructed.
18. Preliminary and final prat approval shall be contingent upon utilities being extended from Brenden '
Ponds unless other feasible alternatives are provided to the City for review and approval.
Direct driveway access on to Lake Lucy Road or Galpin Blvd. sha[l be prohibited.
20. Berming and landscaping may encroach upon the City's right-of-way along Lake Lucy Road
cormnencing 14 feet behind the curb conditioned upon the applicant entering into an Encroachment
Agreement with the City.
21. The applicant shatl be responsible for rough grading and restoration of the portion of La~e Lucy
Road through Brenden Ponds for the extension of utilities to Woodridge Heights.
22. The applicant's engineer shall work with City staff in revising the construction plans and
specifications to meet the city desig'n standard for street and utility construction.
23_ The proposed Black Hills spruce trees within Manchester Drive fight-of-way should be relocated
outside the fight-of-way or on adjacent private property outside the plat at a mutually acceptable
24. The final plat shat[ be revised to increase the 25-foot wide drainage and utility easement in the
northeast comer of Lot 16, Block 3 to 35 feet in order to encompass the proposed storm sewer.
25. The applicant shat[ receive credits against their sanitary sewer and water hook-up fees at time of
building permit issuance for the oversizing cost of the watermain (I2" vs. 8") in Lake Lucy Road,
abandorament of the City's booster station and utility extension through Brenden Ponds. The total
amount of credit shall be determined based on final quantities and formal acceptance of the utilities
by the City.
City Council Meeting - Me
10, 1997
Mayor Mancino: Oh yeah, I understand that but there will be more people going in and out at different
l=ointa along this collector.
Charles Folch: Total number of movements does not change but the location of them is spread out, yes.
Mayor Mancino: So that is, if you don't hit the first one you hit the second one or the third one or the
fourth one instead of the first or second. I'm assuming that the dwelling types, have they changed so that
there would be, by the developer, so there will be less grading also? Or are they still walkouts.
Charle~ Folch: I believe they're still intended to be walkouts. With their proximity. Where they're
being proposed now for the building pad is an area where you don't have the extensive soil corrections
that you had before. They're closer to an area where the grading is less overall just because you have to
push ir out f,~ther down the slope and such so overall there's just less grading.
Mayor Mancino: Okay. Is the applicant here and would they like to address the City Council at this
?~Dan Blake: Madam Mayor and members of the Council again. I'm Dan Blake with Centex Homes. As
staff has pointed out, this is a reconfiguration of 10 lots that were originally proposed on a couple of
collector private driveways to service this area. After investigating the site, we feel this is a better
alternative. It has actually increased Outlot B by a couple of acres. The undisturbed area. Yes, there are
some direct access points, a few more direct access points onto Lake Lucy Road. I guess I want to make
~e point that there are direct access points onto Lake Lucy Road further to the west of the site on the
Gestach-Paulson development, as well as quite a large number on the segment of Lake Lucy further east
of here. $o I don't know that this is anything drastically different. I think the policy is limit it where
possible and we have concluded it's not very pract!cal to limit it here. I think there's other roads in the
city and Mr. Folch can correct me if I"m wrong but I believe the collector road through the Longacres
development has a number of access points. Allows parking ot~_ both sides.
Mayor Mancino: It is not a Class I collector.
Dan Blake: It is not?
Nlayor Mancino: No.
Dan Blake: I didn't realize the City had.
t?hnrles Folch: It's a State Aid collector route.
Mayor Mancino: It's a Class I? I thought it was a Class II?
Charles 'Foleh: It's a Class ii collector route, State Aid route, yeah.
~Mayor Mancino: But there is a difference, just so you know that.
Dan Bhke: I wasn't aware that the City had different class collectors. I guess other than that, it wa,
brought up regarding the walkouts. I guess walkout lots, backing UP to the wetland will actually result in
tess ~ading, not more grading, because they will fit t~_he slopes that wilt end up, what is there 'will entt'up
City Council Meeting - Mar .0, 1997
10Iay~ Mancino: Good. And I think that that can also do is miles per hour. That would be very helpful.
Co-nc~lm~n Mason.
Cotmm2ma~ Mason: The points raised have been good ones. Need to be iooked at. I'm okay with it as it
:May~Mancino: Thank you. Councilman Engel.
Ccamm'lm.n Engeh They've covered whatever concerns I had. It looka good to me.
M,W~ Maneino: Okay, I have no further comments. May I have a motion?
Senn: I'II move approval adding conditions.
Mayer Mancino: Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry, I do have one. I would just like to see recommendation
mumber 1 be exactly the same as recommendation number 8 concerning preserving existing trees,
vegetation, whichever is g-rearer. The 30 foot easement or existing trees. On condition number I.
Excuse me. I'm sorry for interrupting. On the bottom of page 29. So that continual easement goes all
~e way across the northern.
Com~cilman Senn: Oh okay. I see what you're saying. Okay. So I would move approval with adding
what would it be 13 and 14. then.9
~or Mmcino: Yeah.
Cmmm'lman Senn: That Outlot B be non-developable. And that there be added landscaping on Ouflot A
:to be worked out with the city staff. And then amend condition 1 to be in sync with condition 8 on the
lar~vious approval.
IV~ayor Mancino: Is there a second to the motion?
Com~cilman Engel: Second.
Co~ancBman Senn moved, Councilman Engel seconded to approve the preliminary and final plat
for the Subdivision of 13.5 acres (Outlots A and B, Woodridge Heights) into 10 lots, 2 outlots,
lY,}~dridge Heights 2~'~ Addition, subject to the following conditions:
-l'he following tree conservation and forestation areas shall be dedicated as part of the final plat:
a 30 foot conservation easement, or preserving the existing trees and vegetation, whichever is
greater, along the northern boundary of the site; a 50 foot easement along the western lot line of
Outlot A.
A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs,
bushes, NSP, US West, Cable TV, transformer boxes, mailboxes. This is to ensure that fire
hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City
Ordinance 9- I.
No buming permits for trees removed will be issued. Any downed trees will have to be chipped
sire or hauled off site.
IZity Cotmcil Meeting - Ma; ~0, 1997
regarding detailed street and utility construction plans. That's what you're approving here tonight in
combination with the development contract so that's redundant. Moving down to Section O. Basically a
provision allows for the developer to commence site grading, tree removal and demolition once they've
completed the execution of this development contract and have allowed, given us the necessary financial
securities as outlined. Page SP-6, again we have four places where we're changing applicant to
developer. Section R is no longer needed as the plans show this what you're approving tonight. Page
5P-7, again a couple changes to developer and Section NN again, the same language regarding
commencement of the site grading and tree removal. Also we do have on general conditions, GC page 9,
Semion L under construction hours. The construction hours for the project have been changed from
Monday through Friday, the hours will be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. instead of 7:00 to 7:00 as wa,
originally noted. Other than that, that's the gist of the modifications of this development contract.
May~r Mancino: Any questions for Mr. Folch at this time from Council members? Is the applicant here
rout wahl: to say anything about the development contract?
Dan Blake: Very quickly. You surprised me with that working hours. If you could explain how that
relates to the ordinance. I don't believe that that's a problem but I'd hate to restrict my contractors if
~eed~ to be.
Charles Folch: Basically the development contract can be more restrictive than a general ordinance in
xerm.q of what are the requirements of the development. And based on the type of complaints that we've
been getting in recent, over last year regarding construction hours in the evening and weekdays, we are
going m be going to a general policy for all projects. Public improvement projects where we restrict the
consma:rion hours to 6:00 p.m.
Dan Blake: So this is city wide?
Chm'l~ Folch: It will be city wide on all future projects.
Dan Blnke: I can live with that.
Mayor Mancino: Okay. Any other questions? Thank you. Is there anyone here wishing to address the
.Ci_rv Cou,ucil on this issue? On the development contract. Seeing none, comments. Councilman Senn.
Counc~rnan Senn: Charles, just want to understand. It's 7:00 to 7:00 in here. What we really want to do
is ge.t zo 7:00 to 6:00.
Charles Folch: It should be 7:00 to 6:00. It should be corrected.
Counc~rnan Senn: Okay, all right. So correct that to 6:00, all right. That was my only question. No
cnrnment~ otherwise.
Mayor Mancino: Thank you. Councilman Mason.
Councilman Mason: None.
MayorMancino: Councilman Engel.
Cozmc~man Engel: None.
Woodridge Heights
February 19, 1997
Page 17
The applicant has performed a preliminary noise impact study on Lake L.ucy Road (see attached)~
According to the study, the noise level at dwellings 375 feet away from Lake Lucy Road would
be at an acceptable level based on HUD design level of acceptance.
~nce Lake Lucy Road in a MSA route, parking will be restricted to the south side of Lake Lucy
Road. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution prohibiting parking along the
north side of Lake Lucy Road as a part of this subdivision request Staff has provided a sample
xesolmion for the City Council to consider and act upon.
Since there will be public street and utility improvements consumcted in conjunction with this
development, the applicant will be required to enter into a development comzact with the City and
provide the necessary financial security and administration fees. Staff has prepared one single
development contract for both phases.
Street lighting will be installed throughout both additions by NSP. Lighting requirements will be
similar to Lake Lucy Road east and west of this development.
2nd Addition
The plans propose on sharing driveway access points along Lake Lucy Road to reduce the
number of driveways directly accessing onto Lake Lucy Road. City Code 18-57(L) resm.'cts
direct vehicular or pedestrian access from individual lots to highways, arterial or collector streets.
Staff believes this development should be granted an exception from this restriction for the
following reasons: '
1. The revised plat reduces overall grading, tree removal and soil corrections in the development.
2. There are already existing driveway access points along Lake Lucy Road east and west of the
development which function without traffic safety concerns.
3. Reduces impervious surface in the development. ~
4. Retains site characteristics.
Since the number of lots accessing on to Lake Lucy Road has not changed, the number of turning
movements into the shared driveways will not be increased from the previous preliminary plat
layout (with two private driveways). Staff does not anticipate a traffic safety concern with the
proposed shared driveway access points as proposed.
1 s-t Addition