1b. Lyman Boulevard Imp. Proj. Proposed Noise Walls: Approve ResolutionTodd Gerhardt
September 10, 2012
Lyman Boulevard Imp. Project: Proposed Noise Walls
Page 2
A traffic noise analysis must be completed as part of the environmental review process if the project
meets the definition of a Type I Federal -aid highway project. Type I projects are defined in 23 CFR
772.5 and include projects such as construction of a new highway on new alignment; substantial
horizontal and vertical changes to existing highways; bridge replacement projects; addition of
through traffic lanes and auxiliary lanes; restriping existing pavement for the purpose of adding a
through- traffic lane. Lyman Boulevard meets the definition of a Type I project because it includes
the addition of thru - traffic lanes. A traffic noise analysis has been completed as part of the
environmental review process for the Lyman Boulevard Project, consistent with the requirements
and procedures outlined in the new MnDOT Noise Policy.
Potential traffic noise impacts for the Lyman Boulevard Project are evaluated under the FHWA
noise abatement criteria. The FHWA noise abatement criteria identify thresholds (by land use) that,
if approached or exceeded, require the consideration of noise abatement measures (e.g., noise walls).
Bluff Creek Preserve is located along the north side of Lyman Boulevard, west of Audubon Road
North. Bluff Creek Trail is located along the south side of Lyman Boulevard, west of Audubon
Road North. Parks and trails fall under FHWA Activity Category C. The noise abatement criterion
for Activity Category C land uses is 70 dBA (Lio)•
Future (year 2030) modeled traffic noise levels at Bluff Creek Preserve along the north side of
Lyman Boulevard are predicted to range from 63.4 dBA (Llo) to 70.2 dBA (Llo). Future (year 2030)
modeled traffic noise levels at Bluff Creek Trail along the south side of Lyman Boulevard are
predicted to range from 73.2 dBA (L10) to 74.9 dBA (Llo). Because modeled noise levels are
predicted to exceed Federal Noise Abatement Criteria, noise abatement measures (i.e. noise walls)
were evaluated for Bluff Creek Preserve and Bluff Creek Trail.
In order for a noise wall to be proposed, it must meet several criteria defined in the MnDOT Noise
Policy: 1) be acoustically feasible (i.e., result in a noise level reduction of at least 5 dBA); 2) meet
the noise reduction design goal of at least 7 dBA at one benefited receptor location behind the wall;
and 3) meet the cost effectiveness threshold of $43,500/benefited receptor. A benefited receptor is
defined as those properties adjacent to a noise wall that receives a noise reduction at or above 5
An approximately 800 -foot long, 10 -foot high noise wall along the north side of Lyman Boulevard,
adjacent to Bluff Creek Preserve, is acoustically feasible, meets the noise reduction design goal, and
meets the cost effectiveness criteria. The total construction cost of this noise wall is approximately
$152,000. An approximately 650 -foot long, 10 -foot high noise wall along the south side of Lyman
Boulevard, adjacent to the Bluff Creek Trail, is also acoustically feasible, meets the noise reduction
design goal, and meets the cost effectiveness criteria. The total construction cost of this noise wall is
approximately $126,000. Both noise walls extend from the existing trail underpass to the east to
Audubon Road North. The location of the proposed noise walls are illustrated in the enclosed figure.
g:\eng \pub1ic \_2010 projects \10- 08 1yman imp. phase 2 (audubon to powers) \bkgd 091012 proposed noise walls.docx
Todd Gerhardt
September 10, 2012
Lyman Boulevard Imp. Project: Proposed Noise Walls
Page 3
The final step in the traffic noise analysis process is to solicit input from the benefited properties on
whether or not to build the noise wall. MnDOT has established a voting point system for expressing
the input from benefited properties adjacent to a proposed noise wall. Under the MnDOT Noise
Policy, if more than 50 percent of the total eligible voting points are not in favor of the noise wall,
then it is removed from the project and will not be constructed.
Bluff Creek Preserve is owned and maintained by the City of Chanhassen and is afforded the
opportunity to express their opinion on the proposed noise wall along the north side of Lyman
Boulevard. There are no other benefited properties adjacent to this noise wall. Therefore, the
viewpoint from only the Chanhassen City Council will be solicited and considered in reaching a
decision on the proposed noise wall.
The City of Chanhassen also operates and maintains Bluff Creek Trail and is again afforded the
opportunity to express their opinion on the proposed noise wall adjacent to the trail along the south
side of Lyman Boulevard. This portion of Bluff Creek Trail is within existing Carver County right
of way. As such, the Carver County Board is also afforded the opportunity to express the County's
opinion on the proposed noise wall. There are no other benefited properties adjacent to this noise
wall. Therefore, the viewpoint from both the Chanhassen City Council and Carver County Board
will be solicited and considered in reaching a decision on the proposed noise wall.
Attachments: Resolution
Project Location Map
g:\eng \pub1ic \_2010 projects \10- 08 1yman imp. phase 2 (audubon to powers) \bkgd 091012 proposed noise walls.docx
DATE: September 10, 2012 RESOLUTION NO: 2012-
WHEREAS, Carver County is proposing reconstruction of Lyman Boulevard from a
point located approximately 850 feet east of Audubon Road South (CSAH 15) to a point located
approximately 750 feet east of Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17). The City of Chanhassen is
participating with the County on this project. The Lyman Boulevard Project will be funded in
part with Federal -aid funds. A Project Memorandum (PM) is being prepared by Carver County
to satisfy the environmental review requirements for the project under the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); and
WHEREAS, a traffic noise analysis has been prepared as part of the environmental
review process for the Lyman Boulevard Project, consistent with the procedures and
requirements outlined in the new Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Noise
Policy; and
WHEREAS, Bluff Creek Preserve, located north of Lyman Boulevard and west of
Audubon Road North, is a City of Chanhassen park property; and
WHEREAS, the Bluff Creek Trail is a City of Chanhassen trail facility. The portion of
Bluff Creek Trail along the south side of Lyman Boulevard and west of Audubon Road North is
located within highway right -of -way owned by Carver County; and
WHEREAS, modeled noise levels at representative receptor locations in the Bluff Creek
Preserve are projected to exceed Federal noise abatement criteria with construction of the
project. A noise wall along the north side of Lyman Boulevard, adjacent to Bluff Creek
Preserve, meets the acoustic feasibility requirement and reasonableness factors as defined in the
new MnDOT Noise Policy; and
WHEREAS, modeled noise levels at representative receptor locations along Bluff Creek
Trail are projected to exceed Federal Noise Abatement Criteria with construction of the project.
A noise wall along the south side of Lyman Boulevard, adjacent to Bluff Creek Trail, meets the
acoustic feasibility requirement and reasonableness factors as defined in the MnDOT Noise
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council is not in
favor of a noise wall along the north side of Lyman Boulevard adjacent to Bluff Creek Preserve,
and is also not in favor of a noise wall along the south side of Lyman Boulevard adjacent to
Bluff Creek Trail.
Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 10 day of September, 2012.
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor
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