3c Environmental CommissionCITYOF
7700 Marke B' ul~,ar:l
PO Box 147
O!,anl asse~s MN 55317
P!!o !~' 952227 i!.~0
;ax 952 227 1! !0
Building Inspections
P!',or ~~ !}52 227 11
Fax 95,2227 !190
Phe:!¢ 952 227 I~60
Fax 952 2271170
P,~or e: 952 2271140
Fax !)52 227' il 10
Park & Recreation
Pr;)ne 952 ?27 1120
Fax 952 227 !110
2310 Ooult~;r Boulevard
Phor e: 952227 1400
Fax 952 227 1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone 952227 1130
Fax 952 22? 11!0
Public Works
!59! P,rk Road
Phone %2 227 1300
!ax %2 227 13~0
Senior Center
?bore ~!52 227
P~x 9? 227 11!0
Web Site
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
9 September 2003
Environmental Commission Joint Meeting Questionnaire
Here are the questions and answers from the Environmental Commission.
1. What's working with the Commission ?
Meeting date and time, Wednesdays, 7pm. The new Board, though, we've
only had a couple of meetings with the new Chair, Vice-Chair, the EC seems
to be continuing to run smoothly and effectively. The annual work plan presents
a good schedule for the commission and allows us to be efficient and effective.
Commission is successful with its public outreach with the Environmental
Excellence award, recycling coupon, blue sky guides and increased awareness of
environmental stewardship.
2. What's not working with the Commission ?
3. What would the Commission do to improve those things that are not working ?
4. What are the Commission's expectations of the City Council?
I would like to see us meet together at least twice a year, and it would be nice
to have a council member present at a few of our meetings throughout the year.
We expect the City Council to listen to the commission's advice and the council
should ask for feedback on environmental issues. We would like more structure
and direction between the commission and council.
5. How does the Commission define their role ?
We see our role as educational, but wonder if the City Council sees a different
role for us.
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The following by-laws are adopted by the Chanhassen Environmental Commission to
facilitate the performances of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a Commission
established by the City Council pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354,
Minnesota State Statutes annotated.
Section 1 - Duties and Responsibilities
The Environmental Commission has the purpose and responsibility to provide the residents
of Chanhassen with opportunities to improve the quality of their environment, address
issues that affect the city's natural resources, provide environmental education to the public,
bring a comprehensive perspective to environmental issues, and advocate the benefits and
necessity of Chanhassen's natural resources.
The Environmental Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council and
Planning Commission in addressing the needs of the environment as directed by the City
Council. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council.
The Environmental Commission will consider and make recommendations at the direction
of the City Council regarding environmental issues.
The Environmental Commission will make recommendations at the direction of the City
Council regarding funding for environmental projects.
The Environmental Commission may propose studies to the City Council and make
recommendations according to the results.
The Environmental Commission will coordinate services with other governmental and
private agencies for related issues
Establishment of Sub-Committees. The Environmental Commission may, as they deem
appropriate, establish special sub-committees comprised solely of their own members.
Section 2 - Meetings
Time and Place. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the second
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at 690 City Center Drive, unless otherwise directed
by the Chairperson, in which case, at least 24 hours notice will be given to all members.
Regular meetings shall have a curfew of 9:00 p.m. which may be waived at the discretion of
the Chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular meeting.
When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no meeting. In such an
event, the monthly meeting shall be rescheduled by consensus.
Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be held upon call by consensus of the
Commission and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members.
Attendance. The Environmental Commission members shall attend not less than 75% of all
regular and special meetings held during a given calendar year and shall not be absent from
three consecutive meetings without prior notification of the Chairperson. Failure to meet
this minimum attendance requirement shall be reasonable cause for removal from the
Commission by action of the City Council.
Section 3 - Commission Composition - Terms and Vacancies
Composition. The Environmental Commission shall consist of seven voting members.
Seven members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the Council.
The City Council shall appoint one of their members to serve as a liaison to the
Terms and Vacancies. The City Council shall appoint seven members to the commission
for terms of three years. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the
unexpired portion of the term. All members shall serve without compensation.
Member Requirements. All members of the Environmental Commission shall be in
compliance with all local, state, and federal environmental regulations at their homes and
owned businesses. Members will be allowed six months to correct any violations.
Violations existing after that time will be reasonable cause for removal from the
Commission by action of the City Council.
Quorum. Four Environmental Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall
be taken at such meeting.
Section 4 - Organization
Election of Officers. The first meeting in April of each year, the Environmental
Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the Commission shall
elect from its membership a chairperson and vice-chairperson. This shall be done by voice
vote. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining members by the same
proceeding. If the Chairperson retires from the Environmental Commission before the next
regular organizational meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall be Chairperson. If both
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson retire, new officers shall be elected at the next regular
meeting. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent from a meeting, the
Commission shall elect a temporary Chairperson by voice vote.
Duties of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the
Vice Chairperson, shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and
efficiently as possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to preserve
order and decorum and to keep comments to the subject at hand. The Chairperson shall not
move for action but may second motions.
Section 5 - Procedure
Procedure. When appropriate, parliamentary procedure governed by Robert's Rules of
Order Revised shall be followed.
Section 6 - Informational Meetings
Purpose of Informational Meetings. The purpose of an informational meeting is to collect
information and facts in order for the Commission to develop a rational environmental issue
recommendation for the City Council.
Meeting Procedure. At informational meetings, the following procedures shall be followed
in each case:
The Chairperson shall state the purpose of the meeting.
Interested persons may address the Commission, giving information regarding the
particular proposal.
Section 7 - Miscellaneous
Environmental Commission Discussion. Matters for discussion which do not appear on the
agenda may not be considered and discussed by the Commission until the end of the
Suspension of Rules. The Commission may suspend any of these rules by unanimous vote
of the members present.
Amendments. Amendments of these by-laws may be made at any regular or special
meeting of the Environmental Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in
advance of the meeting.
Review. At the first meeting in April of each year, these by-laws shall be read and adopted
by the Environmental Commission.
Adopted this 13th day of June, 2001.
, Chairperson
, Mayor