1f1. Lake Susan Hills West 7th Addition Final Plat 0 1/- r CITYOF - 00 CHANHASSEN 1 I 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 41;,,,, by c, IMEMORANDUM ice,-=.�._. _______.._ __ rte',:.___5 1 E_ c - IITO: Don Ashworth, City Manager € ..-, , rzsr -flt e, FROM: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner , ,` , , - 1 DATE: May 15, 1991 S- 3XC c0 SUBJ: Final Plat for Lake Susan Hills West 7th Addition 1 PUD 87-3 1 The applicant has submitted the 7th Addition for Lake Susan Hills West PUD. The preliminary plat for the subject lots was approved by the City Council in March of 1989. The final plat for the 7th Addition is consistent with the approved preliminary plat. The I only items to highlight are that the applicant must provide an easement for a storm sewer, a water connection to the park area and the developer must pave the access points to the park. These 1 issues are addressed in the conditions of approval. RECOMMENDATION • 1 Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following motion: "The City Council approves the final plat for Lake Susan Hills West 1 7th Addition as shown on plans dated May 15, 1991 and subject to the following conditions: Il. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the city and provide the necessary financial securities to guarantee the completion of improvements. 1 2. The applicant shall obtain and comply with all permits required by the Watershed District, Office of Carver County Engineer, and PCA. 1 3. All street and utility construction shall conform to the latest edition of the city standards for street and utility I construction. Construction plans and specifications shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Department for review and approval. Approval shall be by City Council resolution. 1 II II 11 Lake Susan Hills West 7th Addition May 15, 1991 I Page 2 4 . The applicant shall provide one tree per lot and additional . landscaping along the entrances and boulevards as part of the I PUD approval. The developer shall provide $150 per lot for landscaping. I 5. The developer shall prepare a plan illustrating large areas of mature vegetation located on the site. Areas of mature vegetation not impacted by streets or building pads shall be I preserved with tree removal plans required as part of the building permit. 6. Trails/sidewalks: The developer shall be required to provide Itrails/sidewalks as follows: a. Five foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed I along the south side of Flamingo Drive. The sidewalk shall be completed at the time the street improvements are constructed. In areas where temporary street I improvements are being accepted by the city, a temporary asphalt sidewalk may be installed with the understanding that it will be replaced by permanent concrete sidewalks upon installation of improvements. Ib. The above trail/sidewalk satisfies the city's trail dedication requirements and therefore no trail fee shall Ibe charged. c. The developer will be required to pay 50% of park dedication fees. Id. All building permits with patio doors, as part of the building plan, shall provide a survey showing that a deck I can be installed without a variance to the setback requirements. I e. All disturbed areas shall be immediately seeded and mulched to prevent erosion. All slopes greater than 3 : 1 need to be stabilized with wood fiber blankets or equivalent and Type III erosion control. If. Grading along the plat boundaries shall be compatible with adjacent properties and existing off-site drainage ipatterns. 7. The final plat be amended to include a drainage and utility I easement over the southwest corner of Lot 28, Block 2, to cover the existing storm sewer similarly to Lot 6, Block 3 . 8. Grading along the plat boundaries shall be compatible with the Iladjacent properties and existing off site drainage patterns. I Lake Susan Hills West 7th Addition I May 15, 1991 Page 3 9. The park area lying south of the plat shall be graded as a part of this phase. The developer shall grade the park consistent with plans being developed by VanDoren, Hazard, Stallings. 10. Upon completion of the grading operation, all disturbed areas shall be immediately reseeded and mulched. , 11. The street grade on Flamingo Drive shall be reduced to a maximum street grade of 7%, consistent with city ordinance. 12 . The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the city and provide the necessary financial securities to guarantee completion of the improvements. 13 . The proposed erosion control (silt fence) along the easterly and southerly perimeter of the future 8th Addition shall be modified to Type III erosion control fence. ATTACHMENTS ' 1. Memo from Dave Hempel dated May 16, 1991. 2 . Final plat. 1 1 CITY OF . CIIANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 ' (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 OFFICIAL ENGINEERING COPY MEMORANDUM ReOeived Revision No. TO: Jo Ann Olsen, Senior Planner / approved by City Engineer ' FROM: Dave Hempel, Sr. Engineering Technician `. //f DATE: May 16, 1991 Approved by City Council Dete SUBJ: Final Plat Review for Lake Susan Hills West 7th Addition ' Project No. 91-9 FINAL PLAT ' it appears the overall final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat approval . The only item staff could find to incorporate into the final plat would be a drainage and utility easement to cover the existing storm sewer that intersects the southwest corner of Lot 28 , Block 2 . The easement should reflect similarly to what is conveyed over Lot 6, Block 3. GRADING The entire site in this phase is proposed to be graded. During the previous development phases ( 4th and 5th Addition ) a overall grading plan was developed which included this phase. Last fall the majority of this grading had transpired with the remaining ' being proposed with the 7th Addition. The applicant is also including a phase of grading at this time which lies outside the plat of the 7th Addition but was originally approved during the 5th Addition review process . The applicant is proposing grade to ' the entire area in order to make the earthwork quantities balance . Similarly to the 4th Addition, steep slope areas are found in the rear lots of Lots 1-12, Block 1 and Lots 1-9, Block ' 3 . Due to the steep slopes special stabilization methods such as wood fiber blankets and Type III erosion control will need to be employed. Grading in the proposed park area lying south of Block ' 3 shall be conducted at this time and shall be consistent with the park plan currently being developed by Van Doren, Hazard, Stallings . All disturbed areas should be reseeded and mulched immediately after grading operations have been completed. ' EROSION CONTROL Erosion control fence is proposed throughout the development. Type I and Type III erosion control where slopes are greater than three to one are proposed. I STREETS I The construction plans propose a 31 foot wide street with concrete curb and gutter consistent with the City ' s typical urban section . The street grades range from 0 .50 percent to 7 .1 percent which exceeds the City 's maximum allowed street gradient of 7 percent . Therefore, it is recommended that the street grade be modified to comply with the 7 percent requirement. The applicant is proposing to extend the 5 foot concrete sidewalk on the south side of existing Flamingo Drive ( 3rd Addition ) and connect back into the existing sidewalk on Flamingo Drive within the 6th Addition of Lake Susan Hills West. SANITARY SEWER AND WATER The plat will be serviced from utility lines provided with the 3rd, 4th and 5th Additions of Lake Susan Hills West. The City requests the developer to extend a water service to the park property lying south of the plat for drinking fountain purposes . This can be incorporated into the construction documents . The City will reimburse the developer for this additional water service. DRAINAGE Storm sewers are proposed throughout the development to convey ' storm runoff to an existing retention pond previously constructed with the 4th and 5th Additions . The retention pond was designed and constructed to adequately hold and treat the runoff generated from this development. Therefore, no additional pond sites will be required. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1 . The final plat be amended to include a drainage and utility ' easement over the southwest corner of Lot 28 , Block 2, to cover the existing storm sewer similarly to Lot 6, Block 3 . 2 . Grading along the plat boundaries shall be compatible with the adjacent properties and existing off site drainage patterns . 3 . The park area lying south of the plat shall be graded as a part of this phase. The developer shall grade the park consistent with the grading plans being developed by Van Doren, Hazard, Stallings . 4 . Upon completion of the grading operation all disturbed areas shall be immediately reseeded and mulched. 5 . The street grade on Flamingo Drive shall be reduced to a maximum street grade of 7 percent consistent with City Ordinance. I RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS (continued) 6 . The applicant shall enter into a Development Contract with the City and provide the necessary financial securities to guarantee completion of the improvements . 7 . The proposed erosion control (silt fence ) along the easterly and southerly perimeter of the future 8th Addition shall be modified to Type III erosion control fence. c: Charles Folch, Acting City Engineer Brian Olsen, Argus Development 1 1 1 1 1