2. Proclamation May 5-11 Victims of Pornography week 1
City of Chanhassen
Carver and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota
WHEREAS, the laughter of children is the most precious sound
in life; and
WHEREAS, there is nothing more distressful than an abused
' child whose pain circumvents laughter; and
WHEREAS, the memories of childhood are cherished for a
lifetime; and
■ WHEREAS, the experiences of childhood influence an adult's
emotional, sexual and physical behavior; and
WHEREAS, the attitudes children carry into adulthood are
passed on to yet another generation; and
' WHEREAS, people who exploit and abuse children rob them of
pleasant childhood memories; and
WHEREAS, studies show a high correlation between addiction to
pornography and child molestation and other crimes; and
' WHEREAS, victims of pornography have suffered the loss of
everything innocent and precious; and
WHEREAS, the California State Legislature has proclaimed
victims of Pornography Week as an annual statewide event; and
WHEREAS, citizens against pornography, legislators, law
' enforcement, parents, educators, mental health experts, social
service agencies, civic leaders, youth and religious organizations
are united in their concern for victims of pornography; and
' WHEREAS, we wish to express compassion for all victims of
pornography, regardless of their age; and
WHEREAS, we desire to be known as a city filled with happy
childhood memories.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Donald J. Chmiel, as Mayor of Chanhassen
hereby proclaim May 5-11, 1991 as VICTIMS OF PORNOGRAPHY WEEK in
the City of Chanhassen and urge all citizens to show compassion for
the victims of pornography and assist in efforts to keep childhood
memories happy!
ti Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this
Iday of , 1991.
IDon Ashworth, City Clerk/Manager Donald J. Chmiel, Mayor
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Valuable Resources(available through BACAP) The information contained in this brochure was pro-
vided by Lieutenant Tom Rodgers,Indianapolis Police
Facing the Facts: A Parent's Guide to the Dept
Understanding of Child Sexual Abuse
Sex: The Pornographers Vs.The Truth
How to do Background Investigations on
People Who Work with Children '
Child Lures Family Prevention Guide
Other Valuable Resources for Everyone
' Child Abuse Prevention Handbook,Office of CHILI)
the Attorney General,Crime Prevention
Center,P.O.Box 944255,Sacramento, MOLESTERS ;
CA 94244-2550
Youth at Risk,National Center for Kissing and
Exploited Children,2101 Wilson Blvd., WHO THEY?
Ste.550,Arlington,VA 22201 1w HO ARE 1 HEY?
' Children Traumatised In Sex Rings,National
Center for Missing and Exploited
Children,2101 Wilson Blvd.,Ste.550,
, Arlington,VA 22201 r
', Child Molesters' A Behavioral Analysis,For i
Law Er forcemeat Officers Investigating �' "'"',, _
Cases of Child Sexual Exploitation, I
National Center for Missing and ,,,-t _ A-7-
Exploited Children,2101 Wilson Blvd, %.
Ste.550,Arlington,VA 22201 ter- ! i.
4. 1`Y
Child Pornography and Prostitution: Back- %'~'
ground and Legal Analysis,National � = I '
. , Center for Missing and Exploited AN
Children,2101 Wilson Blvd.,Ste.550, - •• I,. , CITIZENS (416 '-'-'
AGIUNST flib-.:
' Arlington,VA 22201 1001! ro omy -- > ~. {
I .�,1 4. _
r.o.Iox a44�. • ! .,�
e116)171.1411 t ti
t�..al, BACAP
Donations are tax deductible and allow us
to provide you with this material
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Child molesters are members of all social,economic, Gain access to children through: 7. Profit-Eventually the pedophile may
professional and religious groups. Most child network with commercial child pomogra-
molesters are male,although the number of female 1. Marriage phers and provide pictures of children he/she
molesters continues to increase. Molesters range in 2. Neighborhood molested. The pictures are sent out of the
age from 10(and even younger)to 92. The majority 3. Volunteer organizations country,made into pornography and shipped
of molesters are people that children know. 4. Professional occupations back.
Pedophiles are a specific type of molester. Warning Signs Protection
Characteristics 1. Excessive interest in children 1. Show your children love,understanding and
2. Few or no adult relationships compassion;if you don't,a molester will be
1. Consider sex with children appropriate. 3. Volunteers or works with one or several youth able to take advantage of them physically by
2. Children are their primary sex object,but they organizations meeting their emotional needs.
may also have adult sex partners.(Other people 4. Appears to be perfect,all-around person("too 2. Develop open communication with them so
molest children,but their primary sex object is good to be true")
you can easily talk about any topic.
an adult.) 5. Pornography or artificial sex articles may be 3. Teach them that people who want them to
3. Plan their lifestyle to gain access to children. seen by child when in his/her home or car keep secrets are not safe to be with and you
4. Lure children with love,rewards and promises. need to know so you can protect them.
5. Are highly respected by friends and family. The Role of Pornography Reinforce that even if someone threatens
6. • Exhibit a persistent(fixated)pattern of behav- harm if they tell the secret,you still need to
for(i.e.,receive sexual satisfaction from chil- 1. Sexual gratification-Molesters use it to know.
dren of specific gender,age,hair and eye color) masturbate,fantasize about children sexually, 4. Teach them about appropriate boundaries for-
7. May commit first offense when in teens remember events of past molestation. their bodies(their private places),how to
8. Even after treatment,they continue to see chil- 2. Create a secret-The molester leaves pornog- protect themselves from dangerous situations
dren as sex objects and return to the activity. raphy(including softcore pornography such as and people. As they mature,teach them ap-
Playboy,Penthouse,etc.)around casually for propriate sexual activity so they do not
Attitude Toward Abuse • the child to see...the first step toward molests- participate in abusive or perverted behavior.
lion. 5. Listen carefully when they tell you about -
1. May act remorseful when arrested but really 3. Desensitize children-Molesters show it to their fears or about situations and people
don't think they did anything wrong. children to convince them other children do that make them uncomfortable.
. 2: If they see no outward physical signs that these things and enjoy it. 6. Believe them when they tell you someone
would directly cause pain to the child,they 4. Education-Teaches children how to perform hurt them,made inappropriate advances or
consider their behavior acceptable. thereby leading them into sexual activity. touched them in private places.
3. Don't consider the emotional impact.that 5. Blackmail-Molesters use the pornographic 7. Report the information;you will be protect-
molestation has on the child. pictures they've taken of the child to silence ing other children(the typical molester had
4. Will often blame the child,claim the child them("I'll show it to your mom","I'll take it 30-70 victims before he is reported).
. wore inappropriate clothes,made advances, to the police",etc.). 8. If your child was molested,insist that the
acted in a certain way,etc. 6. Trade-Pedophiles trade their pictures or offender be tested for sexually transmitted
5. Insists that the child consented so they did videos with other pedophiles. (Pictures and diseases,including AIDS. His promiscuous
nothing wrong. videos become a permanent record of the lifestyle puts him/her,and therefore your
molestation.) child,at great risk.