1b. Update on TH 212 Funding ICS I JIM RAMSTAD THIRD DISTRICT, MINNESOTA 11 4 I C �JVA.c""'� 4 1V. 1��. t JUDICIARY COMMITTEE ` s= WASHINGTON OFFICE 1r'"»IIIIII�,. 504 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING I SMALL BUSINESS COMMITTEE " �� WASHINGTON,DC 20515 (202)225-2871 SEL COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS CE ABUSE AND CONTROL Qongres of tlje niteb 'tateg DISTRICT OFFICE II DISABILITIES TASK FORCE 8120 PENN AVENUE SOUTH,#152 COCHAIRMAN jouge of 3epregentatibe5 BLOOMINGTON,MN 55431 (6 1 2)881-4600 II November 8, 1991 if}.(a9 tngton, Dec 20515 IMayor Donald J. Chmiel City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive 1 P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 II Dear Donald: Knowing of your interest in the new U.S. Highway 212, I wanted to give you an update on the status of legislation affecting this vital Itransportation project. I am very pleased to inform you that the House of Representatives has I passed a transportation bill, which I strongly supported, that includes $8.7 million in federal funding for the new U.S. highway 212 . IHighway 212 is a high priority item for the residents of Eden Prairie and Carver County, and I was pleased to see the House pass this legislation. The bill will now be sent to a House-Senate conference I committee to resolve the differences between the House and Senate bills. I You can rest assured of my continued support for this vital transportation project, and I will continue to keep you updated on its status. II S'n erely, IJIM STAD Member of Congress I JR:ep II I II IIPRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ZonçrzionaL i •11' . IInked States ofA Met ira PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF TF1E 102 CON(,ItIiSS, FIRST SESSION i re— Vol. 137 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, IT)I No. 151 • 1-louse of Representatives tiAvi.dutit a'Inv of Thursday.Sevlembrr 19, 19911 Mr. FIAMSTAD.Mr.Chairman,I rise in sup- ' port of H.R. 2950, the Intermodel Surface Transportation Infrastructure Act of 1991 I am pleased first the committee included funding for two vitally Important transportation projects In Minnesota. The first is the Bloomington Ferry Bridge. which ranks as Minnesota's highest priority river crossing. The Bloomington Ferry Bridge spans the Minnesota River and links Eden Prairie, Bloomington, and Shakopee; three of I Minnesota's fastest growing cities which are located in one bf the State's fastest growing areas. Designed almost 100 years ego, the bridge was originally intended to support relatively sparsely populated areas. But as the suburbs have grown. the role of the bridge has grown into one of the most vital links between 14,500 daily suburban and outstate commut- ers and the Twin Cities. I Unfortunately, while the traffic stream has grown dramatically,the condition of the bridge has dramatically declined. In 1977,the bridge was severely damaged by a barge. A tempo- rary bridge was then put In it's place. I However, that temporary bridge has proven terribly unreliable and inadequate. Almost every spring, the bridge floods out and com- muters attempting to cross the bridge are forced to travel miles to two other already - I clogged arteries into the city.Unlike highways, there are no side roads or streets when bridges are involved. When the bridge is . forced to close,there is simply no easy alter. native for commuters. I The need for replacing this bridge Is clear and obvious.The suburban communities have been forced to suffer year after year,as their communities increase in population and the bridge continues to deteriorate. I Second. I'm also pleased that the commit- tee included funding for the new Highway 212, a high priority Item to the residents of Eden Prairie. Chanhassen, and Chaska. This new F four-lane limited access expressway is needed 111 yam` to connect rural Minnesota and the met,opoli. tan area to relieve the existing heavy traffic burden in these suburbs.Currently southwest. ern Minnesota Is the only region of the State not connected to the Twin Cities by a four- I lane road. A new Highway 212 would ease traffic congestion, and Improve safety and access. In eddrtron, because agriculture is the pri- mary industry in Minnesota,it is vital and nec- , essary to have good highways to get agricul- tural products and produce to principal mar- kets,which are located in the Twin Cities and the eastern part of Minnesota. For these rea- sons. Highway 212 is designated as a heavy- , truck artery in the Minnesota highway con- struction program and is essential to ensure a safe and efficient transportation system. Again. I want to thank the chairman and ranking member of the Public Works and I Transportation Committee for their leadership cn this legislation and for recognizing the im- portance of these two projects. • 1