4. Frontier Trail Road Improvement II CITYOF L-1- i . , - f w‘ CHANHASSEN 1 . . .. , „... , , ,.. , , . 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 I Yom. (612) 937-1900 • FAX (612) 937-5739 het'-^ t'y (r y m ina,r tiow Er: -- Afil i■c , I MEMORANDUM Reicc.;;: __ N: _..._ v TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Data Sub.: IIFROM: Gary Warren, City Engineer Date Su';--.::: t;,:1 cll`� (5-------DATE: April 18 , 1990 4_23_y 11 SUBJ: Award of Bids for Frontier Trail Utility and Roadway Upgrade - Improvement Project No. 89-10 II As directed by the City Council on March 12, 1990 , the City II advertised for bids for the Frontier Trail Utility and Roadway Upgrade project. Bids were received April 12, 1990 and summarized in the attached bid tabulation. As noted, we had a very competitive bidding climate with the difference between high I and low being only 2/%. The low bid was submitted by Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. of Hamburg, Minnesota in an amount of $520,789.50. This is approximately 5% below the engineer 's estimate of II $550,000 . Wm. Mueller & Sons is a reputable contractor with a good track Irecord. The scope of this project is within their capabilities. It is therefore recommended that the City award the construction contract for the Frontier Trail Utility and Roadway Upgrade I Improvement Project No. 89-10 to the firm of Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $520 ,789 .50. 1 ktm Attachment: Tabulation of Bids Ic: Bill Engelhardt 4 I II II I TABULATION OF BIDS It FRONTIER TRAIL UPGRADE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA I April ' 12, 1990 I CONTRACTOR BID BOND TOTAL ESTIMATED BID 1 Wm. Mueller & Sons , Inc. 5% $ 520, 789.50 Burschville Construction, Inc. 5% $ 521 ,456.00 * iyo Northdale Construction Co. , Inc. 5% $ 531 ,856.50 Latour Construction 5% $ 533, 536. 20 Total Number of Bidders : 4 1 * Bid Correction ILOZ(o goci.55 I o �O O \ ug o. 44. 1 I