1h-1 Approval of CIP PurchasesCITY OF
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,,<,;', ci cr~anlmssen r'~n us
TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
FROM: Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent0~t~
DATE: March 11, 2004
SUB J: Approval of CIP Purchases
Staff is requesting City Council approval for the purchase of the following
Toro 550-D Grounds Master Lawnmower: The lawnmower to be replaced
is a 1991 Toro 550-D Grounds Master and was the first large cutting
lawnmower purchased by the city. This mower cuts grass 7 hours a day, 5
days a week for the entire summer, and is capable of doing the same amount
of work as 21/2 seasonal workers with the smaller 72" Toro mowers. The
existing unit is 13 years old and numerous breakdowns and increased costs for
repair have been a factor in keeping the grass cut in the parks. This unit
would be sold at a county auction.
State Contract #432120 $68,853.12
Tax $ 4,475.45
John Deere 5520 Tractor with Cab and Broom: The John Deere tractor
and broom would replace a 1987 Ford tractor and broom. This unit is
currently used for sweeping skating finks in the winter, sweeping all park
trails spring through fall, and applying fertilizer in the parks in summer.
Additionally, the street department uses it to help sweep city streets.
This unit is 17 years old and has experienced a lot of hard use. The cab has
extensive rust that cannot be repaired, the broom is wearing out, and the
hydraulic system is in need of repair. The tractor itself is showing some rust
and repairs are becoming more costly. This unit would be traded in for $4000
on the new tractor and broom.
_ bt, mu I !1 parks A ar(~il Isla',:e to i,,~, ,' '
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, qualit? schools a chariTiinq downtowit thrivin(l busirlesses wimS~!g '.rails and ' .. r'~ .... , play
Mr. Todd Gerhardt
March 11, 2004
Page 2
Tractor with Cab:
State Contract #432141 $37,390.60
Less Trade-in ($ 4,000.00)
Subtotal $33,390.60
Tax $ 2,170.39
State Contract #432141 $ 7,143.40
Tax $ 464.32
Grand Total
Amount Included in the CIP
$ 7,607.72
Staff recommends approval of purchasing the following equipment:
Toro 550-D Grounds Master Lawnmower $73,328.57
John Deere Tractor with Cab & Broom $43,168.71
Grand Total
These purchases are included in the 2004 Capital Improvement Program and
all prices are based on state contract purchasing. These items came in under
their budgeted amount by $12,502.72. Approval of these purchases requires a
simple majority vote of the City Council.