4 Departmental Goals for 20022002 Goals · · · Administration Department December 21,2001 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 2002 GOALS Centralize Office Supply Purchases (Norma) 1) Self Order Forms 2) Order Once a Week 3) Log Sheet in Convenient Spot December 21 complete! · List of Planning Projects by Staff Member January 2002 Establish 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Customer Service Manual: Training Putting Phones on DND Smiling and Friendly Number of Rings Calls vs. Customers Someone Available From Each Department Over Lunch Hour January-December Update Web Page and Links (Karen) 1) On-line Registration and Payments January-December Development of City Center Commons (Todd) 1) Staff Input and Updates January-December Better Signage for each department in City Hall (Dave) 1) Color Coded Maple Leaves March · Create Policy on Locking City Hall (Todd) January · Rekey Locks (Dave) January-December Clean up 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) and make repairs to Lower Level of City Hall Bathrooms Gross Chamber Chairs, ,Get Prices Water Damage Clean-up Junk Room Finish off Common Spaces/Plan for Re-Use of Library Space January-December Clean-up Common Areas 1) Conference Rooms 2) More Professional Look January-December New Furniture in Reception Area 1) Move Sofa from Courtyard 2) Paint Maple Leaf Green January Better Communication with Public Works and All Departments 1) Problem areas i.e. rusty water, watermain breaks, etc. 2) When Nikki is Gone 3) Senior Center Schedule Ongoing Gina & Norma- Tour the City of Chanhassen 1) Go along with the Planning Commission Tour 2) Map Showing Subdivisions from Dan (Norma) 3) Give those calls to Dan Library Project (Todd) 1) Make sure on schedule.and on budget Ongoing Training: ~) 2) Word, Pagemaker, GIS, Web Customer Service Excellence January-December Look at Definitions for Sick Use Leave 1) Significant Other/Partner (Norma) 2) Survey other communities January-June Audio Visual Equipment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) January-December New microphone system for Chambers Rebroadcast of meetings Train a back-up person to record meetings More than one staff report packet available for items of more public interest. AV contractor to work with Nann AV equipment closed off from public Call Gary Kurtzweig Improve background view when public speaks at podium Improve Content of Chanhassen Connection (Karen) · Administration Department Monthly Meetings · Create a Safety Committee (Todd) · Fix Overhang outside of Park and Rec (Dave) January-December Ongoing January-June January-June Look at the possibility of Reclassifying Receptionist Positions for Gina and Norma (Todd) January-April · Maintain Programming for New Phone System (Karen & Vic) Ongoing Polling Places (Additional) (Karen) Pi'ant Shade Trees North of City Hall (not pine trees) (Dave) January-June September · TIF Inventory (Vicki) · More efficient storage and filing system (Vicki) January-June · Look for Ways to Save Money throughout City Hall (Everyone) Ongoing · Install an Energy Management System (Dave) January-December Community bcv~lopmcnt AAission Statement To serve thc community by providin9 thc ~¢$ou~ccs in on efficient, consistent and effective manner to ensure o safe, healthy substoinobl¢ environment. Planning Division 2002 Goeis Revise the City Ordinance: a. Develop flexibility to accommodate a more diverse (social & economic) community. b. Think outside of the box or creatively. c. Take risks and Learn from mistakes. Continue to serve the community by providing: a. Information and education to the community (e.g. website). b. Consistency. c. Improved communication. d. Share knowledge and offer assistance to others. e. Provide the Planning Commission & City Council information they need as well as our expertise. f. Continue to serve special interest commissions such as Southwest Metro Transit and Senior Commission. 3~ Continue division education and training: a. Better understanding of Laws vs. Ordinances (what is legally enforceable). b. Additional Training in Land-Use Law. c. Better understanding of development costs (what are the ramifications of some conditions of approval, and can they be implemented.). . Gain a better understanding of Community needs allowing us to be proactive. o Include transportation os o port of new development includin9 senior and business. 6. Negotiation that results in a win-win. 7. Develop Standard Operating Procedures Manual. 8. Expand available Land Inventory. 10. 11. 13. Develop an inventory of the existing buildings for commercial & industrial. Keep the subdivision sheet current. Update post, present, future demographics. :Implement housing strategies. Create opportunities for continuing feedback from peers and co-workers regarding individual operations and performance to identify areas we con improve upon. Natural Resource Management 2002 Goals Continue providing technical and administrative support for the Environmental Commission. . Continue the educational and restoration efforts on public properties along Bluff Creek. o. Recruit volunteers for portions of the restoration pro~ect. b. Provide educational opportunities for nearby residents and City trail users. c. Administer DNR grant for restoration pro~ect. Publish at least one issue of a woodland and/or wetland journal (similar to the Iokeshore journal that went out a few years ago) for distribution to people with wetlands, tree preservation easements and/or conservation easements on their property. Hire and share at least one intern. 5~ . Revise definitions of Primary and Secondary Corridors for Bluff Creek Overlay District. Review aerial photography and other documents, conduct site visits and revise Primary and Secondary Corridor lines. Ensure oll revisions ore consistent with the watershed district's feasibility study and rules. Work to increase the participation in environmental activities such as Arbor Day, recycling, and brush day. l'nspection Division Goals 2002 Gaols Issue mechanical & IST.S permits using Permit Works. When this is accomplished ali construction related permits will be issued using our permit software. . Record the results of all inspections on Permit Works. This will allow us to track permit status and lead us into computerized scheduling. 3. Complete plan review of residential plans within 3 days of submittal. . . Revise ISTS ordinance to correct errors and make necessary administrative changes. Develop division information for City web site which will allow users to access permit applications, informational handouts and other items of interest on line. . Continue cross training of all Division staff which allow more flexibility in scheduling and provide better services. Continue to improve the image of the Division by being a resource for our customers while still enforcing the regulations we are charged to enforce. Long Term Goals :~. Computerized inspection scheduling. 2. Mobile data recording capability. 3. Accept permit applications and plans on line. 2002 Goals Information Services City of Chanhassen Prepared by Richard Rice Revision 5 December 20th, 2001 Fire Inspection Division 2002 Gools Estoblish o choin of commond of how Grog ond I report to the Building Officiol for purposes of inspection duties. 2. Improve inspection forms on internet. 3. Annuol updote of Fire Deportment/Fire Prevention policies, 4. Increase number of existing fire inspections. 5. Explore the vorious options of hiring port-time fire inspectors from within the Fire Deportment orgonizotion to conduct existing fire inspections. .. 6. Impr,gve computer skills (Mark). 7.. Define' JO6'.:,responsibilities between Grog and I. 8. Continue to impr:'ove customer service. 9. Estoblish o prio~,."ity list of type ond frequency of existing inspections to conduct. 10. Develop o m°rk¢.ting plan for the fire prevention division. GOALS The following goals are based on the assumption a second staff member is added to the MIS department. Staffing · Hire a full time PC Support Technician in January / February, 2002 (assuming responsibilities for maintaining client Computers and primers) Client Computer Upgrades · Replace five existing computers with high-end workstations for CAD and Web design. · Upgrade current Windows NT Workstations to Windo.ws 2000 Professional. · Recycle migrated desktop computers to other staff. · Complete a full inventory of all client computers and populate an existing help desk database. · Update replacement schedules for all computer and network related hardware Network Hardware / Software Upgrades · Install one new rack mount server for central database application. · Migrate user / application data from Netware servers to Windows 2000 servers · Redesign directory structure to improve security and usability. · Install several NAS, Network attached storage drives for hosting scanned drawings, GIS datasets, and City document archiving. · Migrate City Internet services to a lower cost vendor. · Clean up wiring closet in the Administration area WEB Redesign · Assist City Office Manager / Webmaster with new website content. · Research and develop a plan to add additional online forms and registrations. · Implement forms and registrations where feasible and funding allows. (Pending changes in finance and permitting applications) Telephones / PBX System · Share role of phone systems programmer with City Office Manager · Assume responsibility of phone adds, moves or changes, with minimal involvement from vendor. · Work with Library Committee / Contractor to coordinate phones for the new Library Document Imaging · Develop a plan for migrating paper documents to digital format. · Install a scanning solution, including a high speed duplex scanner and archiving / retrieval software · Scan Council Minutes and Resolutions Security Upgrades · Complete a Network Security audit of the City Network · Install a perimeter email scanning GIS Upgrades · Install and integrate a central database for all City geographical data. This may be accomplished within a vendor's solution. · Assist all City departments with migrating paper-based data to digital imaging, and database applications. · Work with Public Works Director and Utilities Superintendent to develop a plan to get GPS coordinates for components of the City utilities, and streets. Training · Continue offering offsite application courses through Mindsharp · Develop and implement in house informal training for Office Suite, GIS viewers. · Complete Arc View Basic, Advanced courses, Exchange Administrator. · Develop plan for IS staff to maintain competency levels on operating systems and applications 20O2 GOALS ENGINEERING/PUBLIC WORKS & GIS December 17, 2001 GENERAL GOALS Goal: Take advantage of training opportunities and provide opportunities for cross training. Why? Continued training provides employees with increased work skills and improved moral and will help staff better understand other's rolls and cover for each other during absences. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? This goal is not quantifiable. Goal: hnprove interaction and communication between the Departments within the Division and other Divisions. Why? Improve coordination and reduce errors and duplicated work due to poor communication. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? This goal is not quantifiable. Goal: Improve understanding and usage of CIP. Why? improved understanding and usage will help with work force planning as well as projections for maintenance of the public improvements. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Maintenance work will better fit the CIP projections. The CIP projects will be completed within 1 year of what is shown in the CIP. Goal: Improve Personnel Moral Why? High moral results in less turn over and higher productivity. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? This goal is not quantifiable. Goal: Improve utilization of "Outlook" calendar and use of email. Why? Improve communication and encourage knowledgeable use of "Outlook" tools. How measured? Review progress at end of year by evaluating improvement in use of calendars and email for scheduling and communication and evaluating pertinent employee training. Goal: Streamline filing system, i.e. reduce paper by promoting digital recordkeeping, purge outdated files. Why? To save space, reduce waste, and make the filing system more efficient for everyone. How to tell if goal has been achieved? Files will be easier to manage. Goal: Promote positive communications with residents. Why? To educate residents in a positive manner and to promote the City as a partner and not the "enemy". How to tell if goal has been achieved? Reduction in complaints. Positive feedback from residents. ENGINEERING Goal: Create a Consultant Engineer guide. Why? A guide will provide Staff with an outline for preparation of an RFP and provide Consultant Engineer with guidance for preparation of assessment rolls, plans, and specifications as well as clarify the expectations of the City. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? When the guide has been prepared and put into use. Goal: Switch to digital as-builts Why? The original copies of the as-builts are fragile. Digital copies can be viewed at multiple workstations, shared via the internet, scaled, and take up less space. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? When the drawings have been scanned and autocad has been obtained. Goal: Create a formal regulatory sign policy. Why? The City receives several requests per year for installation of regulatory signage. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? The Council adopts a formal policy. Goal: Develop maintenance schedule for storm water infrastructure (ponds, catchbasins, etc.). Why? There is no formal procedure for ensuring infrastructure is maintained on a regular basis. Ponds are currently maintained when either staff notices maintenance is needed or complaints are received from residents and deemed valid by staff. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? A maintenance schedule will be developed for all City storm water infrastructure. Staff will develop a database to track the maintenance schedule. Goal: To begin an annual road reconstruction program in the City. Why? The City has many streets that are past their useful life and have been earmarked for full-depth reconstruction by the pavement management program. How to tell if goal has been achieved? Projects will be scheduled in the CD and completed in line with the Pavement Management System. Goal: Develop escrow guide for grading permits and when Certificate of Occupancy is requested prior to completing punch list items or if an inspection cannot be performed due to weather conditions. Why? At this time, escrow amount requested are just a guess. How to know if goal is achieved: A guide will be prepared and put into practice. Goal: Create a Developer's Guide. Why? A listing of in-order steps and procedures from initial planning to walk-through inspection. How to know if goal is achieved: A guide will be developed and implemented. Goal: Update procedure manual for basic department functions (phone reference list, files, mail, permits, etc.) Why? To provide a reference source of all department functions to enable every member of the department to understand each other's duties and for use in the event of an employee's absence. How to tell if goal has been achieved? Manual will be completed. Goals: To minimize the amount of grading and drainage problems created each year. Why? During the spring and summer months, large amounts of staff time is spent investigating grading and drainage problems. Many of these grading problems could be avoided if the developers/builders conformed to the approved grading plan. How to tell if goal has been achieved? The number of grading problems will be logged and compared with previous years. Goal: To establish a formal policy on the installation and maintenance of residential streetlights. Why? Currently, there is no formal policy or procedure on the steps that a resident must take to have a streetlight installed in his/her neighborhood. How to tell if goal has been achieved? A policy will be drafted and instituted for residential street lighting. Goal: Develop a plan to locate and inventory all unknown storm water culverts in the City and begin gathering data. Why? Having accurate records on culverts will help the City to maintain the system and better manage storm water. How to tell if goal has been achieved? A storm water culvert database will be created. Goal: Look for and collect appropriate revenue streams. Why? The Public Works/Engineering Department is currently funded through the General Fund and the Utility Enterprise fund. Some of the activities performed by the Division are on behalf of non-tax payers (i.e. developers and builders) or specific properties How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Staff will prepare fee list for Engineering Services including GIS data, Inspection, and permits. Staff will review the fees annually. Goal: Clean out intern office. Install storage shelves and set up sign-out sheet. Why? An area to store Engineering equipment, traffic counters, hoses, locater survey equipment, etc. is needed. A sign out sheet will let everyone know who is using the equipment. How do we tell if goal has been achieved? Each piece of equipment will have a place and will be in its place when not in use. Last person using the equipment will be held accountable for proper storage. PUBLIC WORKS Goal: Create and maintain an inventory of street signs, valves, hydrants, and manholes. Why? An inventory will assist the City with maintenance of these items. In addition, mapping of the valves and hydrants on the GIS system will help assess whom any repairs impact. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? This will be an ongoing task once initiated. Goal: Develop a new process for the installation and documentation of water meters and radio transceivers in new properties. Why? In conjunction with the implementation of the replacement water meter program, discussions were held with the plumbing inspections department on code references for installation. Following an informal polling of other metro communities, it was found that it would be a cost-savings to have the project plumber install the new water meter and copperhorn instead of city utility personnel. Utility personnel would follow up later and install a radio transceiver (due to programming and assembly), which would not affect the builder or inspectors timetable. This process will entail significant changes to current operations. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Sale and distribution of meters and copperhorns will be done in conjunction with the issuing of permits at City Hall. Goal: Improve fleet maintenance software. Why: A fleet maintenance software system is needed to record prior service and repair orders. It is also needed to tell when scheduled servicing needs to be done. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Re-enter repair orders with mileage on Quest and if the maintenance software does not "flag" future service schedules, purchase a new system. Goal: Make sure all shop equipment is up to safety codes. Why: OSHA has safety regulations on power tools and equipment, etc. that needs to be followed along with safety for the employee using this equipment. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? No OSHA violations. Goal: Review all current electrical billings and make operational and applicable rate changes to reduce costs, tracking, and usage. Why? Electrical charges for the wells and lift stations currently approach $250,000.00. We cannot track recent savings per unit or account for where the bills are coming from or for what rate we are paying. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Tracking and cost controls will be in place. Goal: Develop and present a water education program on water conservation, where water comes from and where it goes after use, on what water treatment does and doesn't do, how it works, and information on why it is being explored by the City. Why? The study of treatment will raise many questions and is a good opportunity for community education. School education is highly recommended by all regulatory agencies, and can be an effective conservation and public relations tool for reaching households with pertinent information. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? When the programs are available. Goal: To monitor and account for the waste discharge flows leaving the City of Chanhassen. Why? Approximately $1,000,000.00 a year is sent off to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services for waste treatment. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Flow monitoring instruments will be installed at identified discharge sites ahead of the Met Council sites. Goal: Street repairs completed in timely mmmer to satisfy residents Why? Ensure safety on public streets, satisfy residents and minimize complaints How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Achieved if there are no complaints Goal: Street sweeping "Spring Cleanup" completed on time Why? Keep storm ponds clean How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Achieved if we complete before spring rains Goal: Make personal safety in the workplace a primary concern. Why? To help prevent injuries. How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Achieved if "Safety Program" is implemented Goal: Update and complete street lighting "underground map". Why? So everyone knows where the lights are How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Achieved when map is done Goal: Educate council and staff on equipment needs. Why? So they know how important our equipment is to complete the essential tasks How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Achieved when equipment portion of CIY is followed and updated annually Goal: Add employee to Street Department. Why? To complete all necessary tasks in a timely manner How can we tell if this goal has been achieved? Achieved when additional employee hired. 2002 Goals Park & Recreation Department December 21,2001 GIS 2002 Goal Status Notes · Documentation Ongoing Approximately 70% finished with GIS coverage documentation. All work is kept in 3 ring binders in GIS office off site. Copies are mailed to Rick Rice at city hall. Transform coverages to concur Incomplete Current coverages need to be transformed or with county, and state databases redeveloped to line up with the county and state database. Approximately 90% of the coverages are finished. Conduct a Needs Analysis for the Ongoing Meet with each department head to discuss their City of Chanhassen projects and goals and then demonstrate how GIS can benefit these issues. Address Atlas Not Started Create a book containing half section maps of the taxparc coverage with addresses and basemap coverages. This will be continually updated when needed. Updates to keep current data base Ongoing Continue to research incorrect and missing PID #'s in current tax parcel coverage. Continue to Congo new city plats. Continue to add any updates, subdivisions, or additions to GIS coverage's. Evaluate other city government Ongoing Visit other city governments to research their GIS GIS structures, structures and compare them to our own. Then develop those that would benefit Chanhassen. Talk to contacts I have met at conferences, tech. forums, and classes. Start an educational session for Not Started We will be developing a new web page for all city city employees to learn how to employees to use for reference. Employees will use new web page mapping, receive handouts, and one to one instruction. They will be given a foundation to work with and contacts to call for questions. Provide support for all city Ongoing Set up a time weekly or semi-weekly to call or meet employees that are using with city employees that have questions on ArcView. ArcView. Create accurate city project Started Create a coverage of all the city projects by number coverage, and color code them. Start ArcPad Program for City Learn ArcPad. Work with Rowekamp Associates in setting up ArcPad for Chanhassen. 2002 Park and Recreation Goals Progratns · Continue building relationships with youth associations-increase communication. Increase overall participation in all programs by 25%. · Start the Skate Park Association. · Increase cooperation between adjoining communities with joint programming with Eden Prairie, Chaska, and Minnetonka. · Implement new and exciting ways to improve special events. Maintenance · Plant more flowers. · Complete the Marsh Glen connection. · Improve the appearance of all waterfront facilities. · Eliminate unused park amenities. · Implement an athletic field management program. Senior Center · Focus on providing more affordable programming. · Coordinate more programs with the Eden Prairie Senior Center, Victoria Senior Center and Southshore Senior Centers. · Coordinate a senior swimming program with Americlnn. · Promote Senior Awareness Month in May. · All staff and volunteers will learn to use RecWare for scheduling and program registration. Rec Center · Implement two staff training workshops. · Build punch card sales by promoting fitness and corporate wellness. · Create a perennial garden at the entrance to the recreation center. · Fix up all the little broken things in the building. · Decorate the meeting rooms with flamed art and photos. 2002 Park and Recreation Goals Customer Service/Adtninistration · Work harder on making Chanhassen Connection more customer friendly. Create a 10-point customer service plan. · Review all department policy statements and organize them in a manual. · Create a Park & Rec Program loop to run on our cable channel. · Upgrade RecWare programs and build department web page.