59 City CenterDrive, PO Box I47
;hanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612937. I900
General tax 612. 937.5739
ngineering Fax 612.937,9152
~blic Safe~y Fax 612.934.2524
Veb www. ci. chanhassen, mn, us
City Council
Botcher, City Manager~~--~
September 23, 1999
Chanhassen Cinema
Please find attached a copy of a letter dated September 23, 1999, from Bob
Copeland to myself regarding the Chanhassen Cinema project. Mr. Copeland
earlier this aftemoon (Thursday) requested that his project be placed in abeyance
indefinitely until such time "when the city becomes receptive" to his project. I
indicated to him and had already drafted a memo communicating the same that to
place a project in abeyance indefinitely was not in the city's best interests and
would not be acceptable. I indicated that he had two choices: 1) move ahead
with the approval process, and given the fact that no action had been taken since
the last meeting with the council, face a likely denial of his application; or 2)
withdraw his proposal from the approval process. Mr. Copeland indicated that he
did not wish to receive an unfavorable vote and has communicated through means
of his letter dated September 23, 1999 his withdrawal of the project from the
municipal approval process.
As such, the Chanhassen Properties, LLC site plan approval request has been
removed from the agenda. Should you have any questions, please feel free to
contact me.
Cit~ otC Chanhassen.~q frowinf cammun&, w/th dean lakes, auality schoob, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful oarks. A ereat olace to live, work, and olay.
99/23/99 THU 15:08 FAX 612 832 $301 COPELAND B~ILDIN~ ~00~
570 Pauly Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
September 23, 1999
Mr. Scott Botcher
City Manager
City of Chanbassen
690 Coulter Drive
Ch~ahassen, MN 55317
Re: Addition to the Chanhassen Cinema
Dear Mr. Botcher:
My letter of September 20, 1999 requests that the approwl process for the cinema
addition project be placed on hold. You have informed me today that this is not a option
for us. You have informed me that we have only two options:
I. Let the eounei! approve or disapprove the project on Monday night. You have
agreed with me that approval on Monday night is unlikely.
2. Withdraw the project from the approval process.
If these are our only two options, we elect to wifladraw the project from consideration at
this time.
Please keep in mind that we still want to do the project. We will continue to be very
flexible but we just do not know what to do to get the project approved.
Robert R.. Copeland