1j-1. Approve P&S SCADA SystemCITYOF
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The City of Chanhassen · A t :7,,,,,'lng
TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager"~'~'0'
FROM: Paul Oehme, City EngineeffPublic Works Director
DATE: April 19, 2004
SUB J: Consider Approval of Plans & Specifications; Authorize Bids for
SCADA System Improvements, Phase I - PW307D
REQUEST (Simple Majority Vote Required)
The City Council is requested to approve plans and specifications and authorize
bids for SCADA System Improvements, Phase I.
The Engineering Department has been evaluating the City's Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system because of current problems with the
system and evaluating future needs. SCADA systems are designed to automate
the management of the wells, towers, lift stations, pumps, and any other items in
the water distribution and sanitary sewer system. The system uses telemetry units
to relay information back to a main computer system which checks if the system
is functioning properly.
As discussed at the April 12, 2004 Council worksession, the City's current
SCADA system is antiquated, cannot be expanded upon, and routinely gives false
alarms. The current system is very expensive to maintain and requires a
substantial amount of staff time to check false alarms and keep the system
operational. Staff feels the existing SCADA system should be replaced at this
Well No. 9 bids include the new SCADA upgrades. Since the potable water from
Well No. 9 will be treated at Well No. 3 pump house, the SCADA system at Well
No. 3 needs to be replaced to communicate with Well No. 9 pumping. Also
included in the project would be the master computer to manage the wells. Staff
has recommended several guarantees be included in the contract. These include a
10-year guarantee, no charge on maintenance agreement, a 1 O-year no charge
software upgrade, and a 10-year guarantee on prices. At the April 12, 2004
Council worksession, Council requested staff to look into if reducing these
guarantees to 5 years would reduce the cost of the bids. Based on the quote from
a supplier before the guarantees were discussed, and conversations with the
supplier subsequently, adjusting the 10-year guarantee to a 5-year guarantee will
not reduce the bids. This is because the supplier is a local company and would
like to make the City of Chanhassen a show piece of their product.
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The second phase of this project will replace the rest of the City SCADA system.
This includes all remaining wells, water towers, and sanitary lift stations. If the
second phase of the project is advanced on the time table envisioned, the second
phase of the SCADA upgrades should coincide shortly after Well No. 9 is brought
into service.
The total construction cost estimate for the SCADA System, Phase I, is $70,000.
Funding for this project is proposed 100% from the sewer and water utility fund.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following motion:
"The Chanhassen City Council authorizes approval of plans and specifications
and authorizes bids for SCADA System Improvements, Phase I."
c: Sheldon Sorensen, Kaeding & Associates, Inc.
g:\eng\scada\background council auth scada ph i.doc