6b Establish Promotion PolicyCITYOF CHANHASSE ) Grj Center Drive, PO Box' 147 ?hanhassen, Mi,nesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General tax' 612.937.5739 ,gi, eering ?ax 612.937.9152 tblic Safe~y ]ax' 612.934.2524 V/eb wwm ci. chanhassen, mn.~ts MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Mayor and City Council Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager February 17, 1999 Procedures for Requesting Promotions Recently, questions have arisen about how employees are promoted from within the organization. Attached are two additional promotions that were not included in the narrative portion of the 1999 Budget, however, monies were allocated within the respective departments. I apologize to the city council for not bringing this to your attention sooner. To ensure that this does not happen again, I have developed the following policy: Written documentation must be submitted to the City Manager outlining why the promotion is warranted, including responsibilities, skills, knowledge, and understanding of the new duties. The City Manager will then review the promotion and justification based on similar positions in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Salary Survey (Stanton Group). If the City Manager endorses the promotion, the department head must submit all documents supporting the promotion during their annual budget presentation. Approval is recommended. \\cfs 1 \vol2\admin\tg\promotions.doe Ci~. qf Chanhassen. A growing commttn/(y w/th clean lakes, quality schools, a cha,ning downtown, thriving businesses, and beautilCul pw3s. A great place to live, work, a,d play. MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager FROM: DATE: Anita L. Benson, City Engineer October 7, 1998 7 SUBS: Engineering Department Position Upgrade Request Please accept this as a formal request to upgrade Bill Bement's position of - Engineering Technician ti (Construction Coordination) which is currently a s _al~ary grade IV to Engineering Technician IV (Construction Coordination) which is proposed at a salary grade V. I have enclosed the current position description%r the Engineering Technician II (Construction Coordination) and also the proposed position description for the Engineering Technician IV (Construction Coordination) position. This upgrade request is being submitted to reflect the: increased responsibilities and duties for which Bill Bement will be responsible for in the future. Bill has proven himself to be an exemplary employee in the Engineering Department and has a total of 22 years of experience. Bill is currently, at a salary grade IV and current earnings reflect 1'06~% of midpoint. It is proposed that effective January 1, I999, a salary adjustment o~2% of the midpoint forthe new salary grade V be made in addition to the COLA adjustment. Please contact me should you have any questions or concerns. regarding this proposed upgrade. ktm g:XengMnit~'~ncmosXposition upgrade, doc growing community with clean lakes, qttaliO, schods, ,t dJanni.g :iowmown, thrM,:g businesses, and beautifid parks. A ~eat p~e co live, work, ana JOB DESCRIPTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN POSITION: Engineering Technician-ti IV (Construction Coordination) DEPARTMENT: Engineering CLASSIFICATION: Non-exempt DATE: January ~)98 1999 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE To provide assistance and support to the Engineering Department and the public in providing field supervision of public and private improvement projects, performing engineering calculations and other studies as assigned. RELATIONSHIPS Reports: City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Construction Become intimately familiar with construction documents (plans and specifications) to oversee and supervise the consultant inspection of various construction projects in the field. bo Visit each construction site on a regular basis consistent with the intensity of the construction activity. Provide oral and written critique of the construction activity as necessary to protect the City's interests and see that the projects are constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications. Co Review construction sites for items such as erosion control grading; pipe installation; sewer, water and storm sewer installation; street subgrades; test rolling for street compaction; sub-grade quantities; placement of curb and gutter; inspection of blacktop; preliminary inspection of utilities; and to make sure that services are properly marked; etc. do Conduct final inspections of projects making sure that gate valves are straight and keyable; manholes and inverts are finished with dog houses around pipes; benches are clean, all steps are in, no infiltration from joints, lift holes or from rings; mandrel test lines, air test lines, pressure test, and conductivity tests on water mains. Review sites and see to it that proper clean up has been accomplished° Conduct a post-construction review prior to the expiration of construction maintenance bonds. Note any deficiencies in the construction and arrange for any corrective services required prior to expiration of the maintenance bond. fo jo ko Review and provide information to update the city's standard construction specifications and detail plates. Review as-built plans for compliance with city specifications and follow up with any corrections as necessary. Review bid tabs as provided by consultants for completeness and accuracy and monitor/forecast construction schedules. Attem-~- Conduct bid openings and/or preconstruction meetings as directed by the I City Engineer. Anticipate construction/citizen problems for the residents in proximity of the construction and take appropriate action to preempt citizen complaints and construction deficiencies, especially as it relates to erosion control measures. Maintain contact with Utility Superintendents to see that they are up to date on the construction status of private development contracts. Prepare daily and monthly reports for each project regarding the construction activity, work completed and document any problems or direction given to the contractor. mo Obtain/review copies of daily inspection reports for consultants to check against invoices and review items of and follow-up. Advise the Assistant CiW Engineer as to status of letters of credit and the release thereof, as it relates to the stage of completion of the corxstructi(m~ Prepare letter of credit reductions as appropriate. Review building permits to ensure proper building type, loCation, elevations, and drainage patterns are consistent with approved grading plans~ p. Review and prepare grading permits° Special Projects ad Perform engineering calculations and prepare diagrammatics as directed by the City Engineer. b. Perform calculations and takeoffs on special projects. Develop plans and specifications and administrate¢~'ve~t,~mti~m- ......... ,~-,.d~he--~,~.~:~: .... 8upefime~dem)- (including inspection/supervision of construction) ~e-- fl)r annual street repair projects. Assist in the preparation of development contracts and review of Rc. vic, w 'and ~ .......... v .......... plans, plats, review and construction plans and specifications and other reports provided to the Engineering Department as requested by the City Engineer. Ce Research and complete other surveys and reports from agencies such as the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (annual Sewer Use Survey), Department of Natural Resources (Water Pumping Permits), etc., for the City Engineer's approval and sign off. Develop plans and specifications and administer contracts for Infiltration/Inflow projects. go Become proficient with Micropaver pave~nent manage~nent program and software to the extent that; once database is established, capable of updating as directed by City Engineer. 3. Administration a. Run copies of prints for the public and/or City staff as needed. b. Maintain neat/orderly map files and work area. Co Handle calls from the public, as requested, and resolve issues keeping City Engineer informed/involved when appropriate. d. Conduct public meetings as necessary for special projects~ REQUIREMENTS A high school diploma with completion of an approved vocational training program in civil engineering technology. o A minimum of 3- 6 years of practical experience relating to municipal engineering, drafting, and a thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of municipal engineering. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships and deal properly with the public. Ability to utilize engineering tools such as planimeter, transit, level, and blue line lettering machines. A demonstrated ability to work independently and successfully complete projects with minimal supervision. g:~g~biil~job description.doc JOB DESCRIPTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN POSITION: Engineering Technician H (Construction Coordination) DEPARTMENT: Engineering CLASSIFICATION: Non-exempt DATE: January 1998 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE To provide assistance and support to the Engineering Department and the public in providing field supervision of public and private improvement projects, performing engineering calculations and other studies as assigned. RELATIONSHIPS Reports: City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Construction ao Become intimately familiar with construction documents (plans and specifications) to oversee and supervise the consultant inspection of various construction projects in the field° Visit each construction site on a regular basis consistent with the ~r~tensity of the construction, activity. Provide oral and written critique of the cmtstruction activity as necessary to protect the City's interests and see that the projects are constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications° Co Review construction sites for items such as erosion control grading; pipe installation; sewer, water and storm sewer installation; street subgrades; test rolling for street compaction; sub-grade quantities; placement of curb and gutter; inspection of blacktop; preliminary inspection of utilities; and to make sure that services are properly marked; etc. do Conduct final inspections of projects making sure that gate valves are straight and keyable; manholes and inverts are finished with dog houses around pipes; benches are clean, all steps are in, no infiltration from joints, lift holes or from rings; mandrel test lines, air test lines, pressure test, and conductivity tests on water mains. Review sites and see to it that proper clean up has been accomplished. 108 o go ko Conduct a post-construction review prior to the expiration of construction maintenance bonds. Note any deficiencies in the construction and arrange for any corrective services required prior to expiration of the maintenance bond. Review and provide information to update the city's standard construction specifcafions and detail plates. Review as-built plans for compliance with city specifications and follow up with any corrections as necessary. Review bid tabs as provided by consultants for completeness and accuracy and monitor/forecast construction schedules. Attend bid openings and/or preconstruction meetings as directed by the City Engineer. Anticipate construction/citizen problems for the residents in proximity of the construction and take appropriate action to preempt citizen complaints and construction deficiencies, especially as it relates to erosion control measures. Maintain contact with Utility Superintendents to see that they are up to date on the construction status of private development contracts. Prepare daily and monthly reports for each project regarding the construction activity, work completed and document any problems or direction given to the contractor° Obtain/review copies of daily inspection reports for consultants to check against invoices and review items of and follow-up. Advise the Assistant City Engineer as to status of letters of credit and the release thereof, as it relates to the stage of completion of the construction. Prepare letter of credit reductions as appropriate° Review building permits to ensure proper building type, location, elevations, and drainage patterns are consistent with approved grading plans. Special Projects ao Perform engineering calculations and prepare diagrammatics as directed by the City Engineer. b. Perform calculations and takeoffs on special projects. Co Develop and administrate (in cooperation with the Street Superintendent) the annual street repair project. 109 de Review and provide input on site plans, plat review and construction plans and specifications and other reports provided to the Engineering Department as requested by the City Engineer° Research and complete other surveys and reports from agencies such as the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (annual Sewer Use Survey), Department of Natural Resources (Water Pumping Permits), etc., for the City Engineer's approval and sign off° 3. Administration a. Run copies of prints for the public and/or City staff as needed. b. Maintain neat/orderly map files and work area. Co Handle calls from the public, as requested, and resolve issues keeping City Engineer informed/involved when appropriate. REQUIREMENTS A high school diploma with completion of an approved vocational training program in civil engineering technologyo A minimum of 3 years of practical experience relating to municipal engineering, drafting, and a thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of municipal engineering~ 3. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships and deal properly with the public~ o Ability to utilize engineering tools such as planimeter, transit, level, and blue line lettering machineso 110 58 CDC;lO .~.~~ Stanton Group I I i I t £ [ l ! N 58 ~ Stanton Group ,] ! ! I 1 i ! t..- r- x N 59 m ~~- Stanton Group X 6O ~4~k Stanton Group I [ I I I I I I l I [ I ! I ! I ! [ [ CITYOF 690 CiO, Center O~ive, PO t3ox 147 Cha~hasse~, l~ii~mesota 55317 Pt~one 612.937, I900 Gemral F~x 612.937.5739 E~gi~ee~q~tg Fax 612.937.9152 P~tblic Sa~0, bkv 612934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager Steve A. Kirchman, Building Official .~ C~ February 8, 1999 Inspections Division position upgrade request Please accept this as a formal request to upgrade Doug Hoese's position of Building Inspector l,which is currently a salary grade IV, to Building Inspector II, which is a salary grade V. I have enclosed the current position description for both positions° This upgrade request is being submitted to reflect the increased responsibilities and duties that Doug has assumed. Doug has aggressively pursued applicable educational opportunities and meets or exceeds apphcable educational and service time requirments. Doug has proven himself to be an exemplary employee in 'the Inspections Division, has been employed by the City since May, 1995 and had 19 years construction experience prior to his employment with the Cityo Doug is currently at a salary grade IV and current earnings reflect 95.1% of the midpoint° It is proposed that, effective January 1, 1999, Doug be at 89% of the midpoint for the new salary grade V after the 1 ~5% COL adjustment. Please contact me should you have any quesfior~s or cotmerns regardirt~ this proposed ~lpgrade.. g:~s afetyXsakLmemoshnisc~DHprora The City of Cha,hasse,. A grou,i~:g commtmity with c/ea~i lakes, q~tality schooh, a chamti~t~; downtozw~, thriving bttsinesses, and beauti~d parks. A ~reat place to lit,e, tvork, a~d p JOB DESCRIPTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN POSITION: BuiidingInspectorI CLASSIFICATION: DEPARTMENT: Public Safety DATE: January 1996 Non-Exempt RELATIONSHIPS: Reports to: Building Official OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE Assists the Building Official in administering regulations pertaining to building construction and zoning, including enforcement of building and zoning codes and ordinances, and inspection of buildings and land uses to determine compliance with City codes. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Reviews building plans for compliance with applicable building and zoning codes. go Works with contractors, homeowners, engineers, architects, etc. to assist with pre- construction planning and to determine plan modifications necessary to comply with codes. Performs on-site inspections for all commercial and residential construction work and land uses to ensure code compliance. 3. Works with other city departments to ensure compliance with city ordinances. ao Inspection responsibilities include, but are not limited to, building setbacks, footings and substructures, framing, insulation, final inspections° REQUIREMENTS Education/Experience: High school diploma; minimum 5 years working experience in a building construction trade or three years experience and a Building Inspection Technology degree. Certification by the State of Minnesota as a Building Official or certified as a Building Official Class II prior to June 30, 1990; and a valid Minnesota Drivers License. 61 JOB DESCRIPTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN POSITION: Building Inspector ll CLASSIFICATION: DEPARTMENT: Public Safety DATE: January 1996 Non-Exempt RELATIONSHIPS: Reports to: Building Official OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE Assists the Building Official in administering regulations pertaining to building construction and zoning, including enforcement of building and zoning codes and ordinances, and inspection of buildings and land uses to determine compliance with City codes. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Reviews building plans for compliance with applicable building and zoning codeso Works with contractors, homeowners, engineers, architects, etc. to assist with pre- construction planning and to determine plan modifications necessary to comply with codeso Performs on-site inspec'tions t~.~r all commercial and residential cor~stru~:~¢<~ work and land uses to ensure code compliance~ 3. Works with other city departments to ensure compliance with city ordinanceso ao Inspection responsibilities include, but are not limited to, building setbacks, footings and substructures, framing~ insulation, final inspections. REQUIREMENTS Education/Experience: High school diploma; minimum 5 years working experience in a building construction trade or three years experience and a Building Inspection Technology degree. Certification by the State of Minnesota as a Building Official or certified as a Building Official Class II prior to June 30, 1990; Minimum two years experience as a building inspector; and a valid Minnesota Drivers License. 6O 74 ~--~ Stanton Group 76 ~, Stanton Group