2 Noise Study Lewis EngineeringCITYOF CHAN SEN 690 G7 Cemer Drive, PO Box I47 GJ,mhasseJ~, Mimtesom 55,317 Pt,o,e 612.937,1900 Geno~d bkx 612.937.5739 E~gineeri,g Fax 612.937.9152 P, blic S~O, ht.x' 612.934.2524 it:~b tt,~,t~ ti. cha~l~asse~.,m. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Gerhardt, Acting City Manager Kate Aanenson, AICP, Planning Director January 13, 1999 Lewis Engineering Noise Study The city council authorized David Braslau to conduct a noise study of Lewis Engineering located in Chaska. The study was precipitated by the residents of Trotters Ridge who were unsuccessful in dealing with the City of Chaska and Lewis Engineering to reduce the noise. City staff, Don Ashworth and Mayor Mancino met with Chaska City Manager Dave Porkorney to discuss this issue. Chaska has stated that they would be willing to work with the City of Chanhassen to help resolve this situation but they have not made any commitment regarding costs. The first step in the process is to review the noise study and determine some possible alternatives. Attached please find the Braslau study. Staff will review the study with the council and discuss some possible alternatives. Staff is seeking direction from the city council. The City qf CTmuhasse,, ,4 ,growi~g comm~jjiO, with c/c~J: /~d,'es, q~.~,diO, sd~oo& a ch~J7~i~g downtown, 3riving busi~esses, and beaut~d p~rks. A great place to live, work, artd play. DRIVE HIGHWA o 0 82ND STREET _ LYMAN i= BLVD.~ 8700-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8800-- (C.R. 18) DEC 10 1998 12:08 FR DAVID BRASLAU ASSOC 612 331 45?2 TO 9375?39 P.02/08 david brlll~~u b aaaaalmt~lm, ~;elephone: 512~,_~11-~571 · fax: 10 December 1998 TO: Cynthia Kirchoff FROM: David Braslau Lewis Engineering - Noise Control Study This short interim memorandum describes the current study status. Establishment of Geometry..,artdEl_~y~ations A number of different sources were needed to establish a sufficiently accurate layout with elevations for a the barrier study to be meaningful. These included: USGS Topographic map (on CD) · Metropolitan Council aerial photo (on CD) · Lewis Engineering building plans and elevations Residential site surveys Since all of the above were in different scales and formats, considerable effort was needed to establish the layout. This is shown on Attacttment 1 First and second floor elevations were assumed to be 5 and 14 feet above ground elevation. Assumption on No!s.e...S.q.u. ree(s~ The observed sound source was a loader although other equipment may be used. No attempt was made to evaluate impact nobe within the scope of this study. A source sound level of 85 dBA at 50 feet was assumed for the yard equipment. Since no specific information on location of activity within the yard is available, seven locations distributed from north to south within the yeard were analyzed. These sites are indicated on Attachment 1. Calculation,.pf Barrier Effectiveness In order to begin the analysis, an initial barrier height of 15 feet above ground elevation was assumed. Two barrier locations were analyzed, one along the edge of the storage area and the other along the berm just west of the residential area. Effectiveness for both 1 st and 2nd story elevations was calculated. The attached charts show the predicted noise level with and without the barrier, the barrier benefit (in dBA) and the effective barrier height relative to the sound source and receptor site. There is relatively little difference between 1st and 2nd floors for the "Building Wall". since the source elevation is assumed constant and relatively close to the wall. The "Berm Wall" is more effective for the 1st floor, since the 2nd floor is high relative to the barrier height. Some further analysis of these alternatives will be made within the limitations of the study scope. DEC 10 1998 12:01FR DAUID BRASLAU ASSOC 612 3~1 4572 TO 9375739 P.03/08 Cynthia Kirehoff on Lewis Engineering Noise Control Study I 0 December 1998 Page 2 Estimation of,.B,.arrier Costs An initial estimate of barrier costs has been made, assuming a 15 foot high wall located along the storage area and along the berm. The wail length was chosen to provide attenuation to the five homes shown on Attachment 1. For the "Berm Wall", two alternatives were assumed: (1) a full height wall (15 feet) from the ground with no advantage from the existing berm, and (2) a 10 foot high wall on top of the berm (assumed to be 5 feet high). The following approximate costs, based upon rule of thumb estimates, were developed'. Building Wall (length 660 feetYl5 feet high) Berm,Wall (length 580 feet/15 feet high) (located at berm but full height barrier) Berm Wall (length 580 feet/10 feet high) (loom:ed on top of berm) ** A 5-foot high berm with no grading or improvement to support the wall is assumed $148,500 $130,500 $ 58,000** chart 1210-mere.doc 98083 DEC i8 1998 i2:02 ~R DAUID BRASL~U ~SSOC 331 4572 TO 9375739 L~ S'~O~ P. 04/88 .t~,? o F'I" t ATTACHMENT 1 Layout of Lewis Engineering and Adjacent Residences DEC: 10 1998 1~,0~ FR DRUID BReSLaU ~SSOC 612 ~1 4572 TO BLDG WALL -1ST P.05/08 ocAT oN 2503 249g 2495 2491 2483 ~-OCATION --' 25o ' 2499 2495 2491 2483 LOCATION 2503 2499 2495 2491 2483 LOCATION 2503 2499 2495 2491 2483 N 62.9 65.0 65.5 66,5 64.9 N 71,9 73,0 73.5 73,5 71.9 N 9 8 8 7 7 PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS with barrier (dBA) NE ENE E ESE SE 63,0 63.9 63,5 63,3 62,0 63,2 65,3 64,8 63,3 62,9 66.3 66,1 64,6 64,3 62,7 66,3 66,7 65,3 64,0 63,3 65,5 64.8 65.5 64,8 63.5 61.5 62,4 63.1 63.7 64,4 "DOOR 54.8 55,8 56,8 57.1 57,0 PREDICTED, ,NOISE LEVELS. with NO ~barrier (dBA) NE ENE E ESE SE 73,0 71,9 70,5 69.3 68,0 73,2 73.3 71,8 70,3 68,9 75,3 74,1 72,6 71.3 69,7 75.3 74,7 73.3 72.0 70.3 73.5 73,8 73,5 72,8 71,5 s 67,5 68.4 69,1 69,7 70.4 DOOR 60,8 61.8 62,8 63,1 63.0 TABLE OF BARRIER BENEFITS (dBA) NE ' ENE E ESE S'F. 10 8 7 6 6 10 8 7 7 6 9 8 8 7 7 9 8 8 8 7 8 9 8 8 8 DOOR 6 6 6 6 6 TABLE OF EFFECTIVE BARRIER HEIGHTS (feet) N NE ENE E EsE SE $ DOOR 9,4 9,4 9,6 9.6 9.6 9,6 10.0 6.3 9,5 9.4 9.6 9,7 9,7 9,7 10.1 7.6 9,9 9.7 9.7 9.7 9,6 9.6 10.1 7,6 10.1 9.6 9.6 9.6 9,6 9,6 10.1 7.5 9.9 9,6 9,5 9,6 9.5 9.5 9.9 7.2 11/18/98-8:35 AM-E~arrcalc,xls DEC 10 i998 12:83 FR DRUID BRRSLRU RSSOC 612 331 4572 TO 9375739 P.06/08 BLDG WALL-2ND PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS with barrler(dBA~) LOC-ATI'~N .... N NE ~NE E ESE SE 2503 63.9 65.0 65.9 64.5 65,3 62,0 2499 66,0 65.2 67,3 65,8 64.3 62.9 2495 67,5 68.3 67,1 66.6 65.3 63,7 2491 67,5 68,3 67,7 67.3 66.0 64.3 2483 65,9 66.5 66.8 66.5 65.8 65.5 61.5 62.4 63.1 63.7 64,4 o0ba 54.8 56,8 56.8 57.1 57.0 LOCATION ,,?REDICTED NOISE LEVELS with NO barrier (dBA) ESE SE S DOO~ 2503 7t.9 73.0 71.9 70.5 69.3 68,0 67.5 60,8 2499 73.0 73.2 73.3 71,8 70,3 68,9 68,4 61,8 2495 73,5 75,3 74.1 72.6 71.3 69,7 69-1 62,8 2491 73.5 75,3 74.7 73,3 72.0 70.3 69,7 63.1 2483 71.9 73.5 73,8 73.5 72.8 71.5 70.4 63.0 , TABLE OF BARRIER BEN~EFITS (dBA) LOCATION N NE ENE - E ESE SE'" $ DOOR 2503 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 2499 7 8 6 6 6 6 6 5 2495 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 2491 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 2483 6 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 TABLE OF EFFECTIVE BARRIER HEIGHTS (feet) LOCATIO~ N NE EI~E E ESE SE 2503 8.2 8,2 7,7 7.8 7.8 7.9 2499 8.0 8,2 7,7 7.7 7.7 7.7 2495 7,3 7,6 7,7 7,6 7,7 7.7 2491 6.9 7.8 7.7 7.7 7,7 7.7 2483 7,1 7.9 7,9 7,9 6,0 7,9 S DOOR 7,0 4.6 6.7 4,3 6.8 4.3 6,8 4,8 7.1 4,4 11/18/98-8:3§ AM-Barrcalc.xls 331 457~ TO RB?573R ~.07/0~ LOCATION 2503 2499 2495 2491 2483 62.9 62.0 62,5 62,5 63,9 LOCATION ' 2' 03 2499 2495 2491 2483 N 71,9 73.0 73,5 73.5 71.9 LOCATION 2503 2499 2495 2491 2483 BEEM WALL-1ST LOCATION 2503 2499 2495 2491 2483 N 11,4 11,6 11,5 11,5 11,1 PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS with barrier(dBA) NE ENE E ESE SE 65,0 63,9 62,5 62,3 62,0 65,2 62-3 62,8 62,3 62,9 64,3 64,1 62.6 63,3 61,7 65.3 64,7 63,3 63,0 62,3 65,5 65,8 65,5 64,8 64,5 PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS wlth NO barrier(dBA) NE' ENE ~ EsE "SE 73,0 71,9 70,5 69,3 68,0 73,2 73.3 71,8 70,3 68,9 75,3 74.1 72,6 71,3 69,7 75,3 74,7 73,3 72.0 70,3 73,5 73.8 73,5 72,8 71,5 8 DOOR 60,5 56.8 59,4 55,8 61,1 57,8 61,7 58,1 63,4 60,0 TABLE OFBARRIERBENEFITS (dBA) N NE ENE E ESE SE 9 8 8 8 7 6 11 8 11 9 8 6 11 1t 10 t0 8 8 11 10 lO 10 9 8 6 8 8 8 6 7 8 DOOR 67,5 64,8 68.4 65.8 69,1 66,8 69,7 67,1 70.4 67.0 DOOR 8 I0 9 9 7 TABLE NE 11.2 11.2 1t,4 11,3 11,0 OF EFFECTIVE BARRIER HEIGHTS (feet) EN~ E ESE SE 11,2 11.2 tl,2 1t.2 11,5 11.5 11,4 10,9 11,4 11.4 11.4 11,4 11,4 11.4 11,4 11.3 10,9 11.0 10.9 11.0 8 DOOR 11,3 10.6 11,6 11.0 11,5 10.8 11.5 10,8 11.1 9.9 11/18/98-8:33 AM-Barr6al¢,xls DEC 10 1998 12:03 FR DAVID BRASLAU ASSOC 6i2 331 45?2 TO 9375739 P.88/08 BERM WALL-2ND LOCATION PREDICTED.. NOISE LEVEL,$ with barrier (dBA) ...... NE ENE E ESE SE 2503 65,9 2499 67,0 2495 67,5 2491 67,5 2483 65.9 67,0 65.9 . 64,5 63,3 63.0 67.2 67,3 65,8 64.3 62,9 69,3 68,1 66,6 65,3 63.7 69,3 68,7 67,3 66,0 64,3 67,5 67,8 67,5 66,8 65.5 S DOOR 62,5 55.8 62.4 55,8 63,1 56.8 63,7 57.1 64,4 58,0 LOCATION '" N 250~" 71.9 2499 73.0 2495 73.5 2491 73,5 2483 71,9 PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS with NO barrier (dBA),, NE ENE E ESE 73,0 71.9 70,5 69,3 73.2 73,3 71,8 70,3 75,3 74,1 72,6 71,3 75,3 74,7 73,3 72,0 73.5 73-8 73.5 72.8 SE $ DOOR 68.0 67,5 60,8 68,9 68.4 6t,8 69,7 69.1 62,8 70.3 69,7 63,1 71,5 70.4 63.0 LOCATION N 2503 6 2499 6 2495 6 2491 6 2483 6 TABLE ,OF BARRIER,. BENEFITS (dBA) NE ENE E ESE 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 SE S DOOR 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 TABLE LOCATION N NE 2503 4,3 4.5 2499 3.9 4,6 2495 3.9 4.3 2491 4,0 4,4 2483 4.8 5,0 OF EFFECTIVE BARRIER H, EIGHTS (re ,e,,t,) ENE E ESE 4.5 4,6 4.7 4,0 4.1 4,1 4,2 4,2 4.3 4.3 4,3 4,3 5.1 5,0 5,2 SE $ DOOR 4,6 4.4 3.4 5,2 3,8 3.3 4,3 4.0 3.3 4,3 4,0 3.3 5,0 4,7 3.6 t tll 8/98-8:34 AM-Barrcalc.xl$