B. 2005 BudgetCITYOF CHANItASSEN 7700 Marke! Boulevard PO Box 147 O~aohassen Mil 55317 Phone: 9522271100 Fax: 952 2271110 Building Inspeclions Phone 9522271180 Fax; 9522271190 Engineering Phone: 9522271160 Fax: 952227 1170 Finance Phone: 9522271140 Fax: 952227 1110 Park & Recreation Phone; 952 2271120 Fax: 9522271110 Recrea!ion Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone~ 9522271400 Fax~ 952 2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Pho~qe: 9522271130 Fax: 9522271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 9522271300 Fax: 9522271310 Senior Center Phone; 952.22? 1125 Fe:x: 9522271110 Web Site www ci.chanhassen mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor City Council Members Bruce M. DeJong, Finance Directo(~L.. August 17, 2004 2005 Budget and Tax Levy Discussion The City of Chanhassen faces budget pressures due to increasing population and the accompanying demand for service, opening new areas to development, and fluctuating and uncertain state aid revenues. This discussion will focus on broad areas where the budget pressure is greatest, with detailed discussions regarding individual departments to be held later this fall. Background Expenditures The preliminary budget contains inflationary increases in the salary and benefit area at the rate of 3.3%. This is consistent with the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculation of inflation. There are also four requests for additional personnel time. The Planning Department (1420) has requested that their intern position be replaced with a full- time Planner I. This position is mainly involved in code enforcement, and it has been difficult to maintain continuity and the skill set as interns rotate through the program and leave. This was a full-time position up until the 2003 state budget cuts, so this merely reinstates the staff that existed until then. The Engineering Department (1310) is requesting that the GIS Technician be increased from 16 hours weekly to 30 hours. This position was used more prior to the state cuts, so once again this just restores the department staffing to where it once was. Street Maintenance (1320) anticipates filling their vacant position next year and keeping the seasonal salaries that they spent this year for additional summer help. The fourth personnel addition is in the Sheriff's Contract (1210). In that budget, two additional employees are included. The proposed budget anticipates adding another patrol deputy and a corporal who will act as the night field supervisor. The City of Chanhassen A growing commundy with dean lakes qu,~,tysc,,.,,Is /charr]i': ~,,,, , 2005 Budget August 17, 2004 Page 2 of 4 The Legal (1140) budget was increased to cover the cost of having Campbell, Knutson perform the prosecution services. This increased cost is partially offset by increased fine revenues. In order to smooth year to year levy fluctuations, staff is recommending that election costs be budgeted on a half cost basis each year. This takes our estimated costs and splits it in half. One year will be under budget and the next over, but the levy will be more consistent. Planning (1420) also needs to increase its consulting budget in order to contract with facilitators for neighborhood meetings. They anticipate substantially more meetings as the 2005 MUSA area develops. The Senior Commission (1430) budget was increased to cover the cost of the congregate dining (CAP). Self-Supporting programs in the Park and Recreation budget are increasing expenditures, but they are offset by additional revenues. Staff is recommending that we fund our pavement maintenance out of the MSA Fund (415). We are taking $50,000 from that fund for crack sealing this year and still have a balance of about $265,000 after that. If we transfer a portion of our tax levy to that program and move the trail maintenance there, then it will be easier to see exactly how much we are spending on those activities. This will remove $35,000 from the Park Maintenance budget. Staff also recommends moving the MSA maintenance revenue from the general fund to 415. Revenues The governor has resolved the Local Governmental Aid (LGA) problem by directing the Department of Finance to follow "legislative intent" which helps Minneapolis and St. Paul to the detriment of suburbs like Chanhassen. We have officially lost the $20,000 that we would have received under a strict interpretation of the poorly drafted law last year. We will also be wrestling with the issue of how the legislature deals with its budget deficit for the 2006-2007 biennium when they convene next January. The stated budget deficit at this time is over $400 million, but that doesn't include any inflationary increase in state spending which is projected at $670 million over those two years. That total deficit of over $1 billion doesn't include any increase in spending on either K-12 or higher education. In discussions with League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) officials, they believe the legislature could come back and take away the Market Value Homestead Credit that we are scheduled to receive. This is the $300,000 annual amount that we had 2005 Budget August 17, 2004 Page 3 of 4 taken away for 2003 and 2004. It is included in the budget for now, but any loss of this aid will come mid-year 2005. The major changes revenues are reflected in the $697,485 decrease of property tax required. This is caused for two reasons. Staff anticipates receiving the MVHC this year which decreases the allowance for uncollectible taxes (3002). The other change is that we do not show any transfer to debt service funds for 2005. That reduction of $821,915 is offset against the increase of $436,890 for new personnel costs and inflationary increases. Other revenue changes in pet licenses (3205), traffic fines (3401), vehicle lockouts (3402), development contract charge (3614), self-supporting recreation fees (3636), and interest earnings (3801) are based on actual experience over the past several years. The $33,600 MSA maintenance funds will be deposited into the MSA fund (415) rather than the general fund. We will add the $27,000 pothole repair funds and the $35,000 trail maintenance that was in the Park Maintenance budget along with new tax levy funds to cover maintenance for all streets, sidewalks and trails. Tax Levy Our tax levy for 2005 will increase by $553,499. Part of this is due to the $258,894 debt service increases which include the new tax levy on the 2004A bond issue that was just sold. The remainder is a combination of the shift of pavement maintenance funds to MSA fund (415), the $800,000 levy for equipment and the $697,485 in general fund tax levy. Staff believes that we should convert our $821,915 transfer to debt service for 2004 into a levy for equipment purchases starting in 2005. This will eliminate the need for bonding equipment purchases and should cover the anticipated equipment purchases in the CIP, which average about $800,000 per year over the life of the 2004-2008 C1P. The Downtown TIF district will be back on the tax roles for 2005. This currently generates about $4,000,000 of increment annually. That translates into tax generation power of about $625,000 back to the city levy. Staff also intends to decertify the Eden Trace TIF district this year. That district currently generates about $400,000 of increment annually. That translates into tax generation power of about $65,000 back to the city levy. These additions to the general tax rolls will more than offset the increase in tax levies. 2005 Budget August 17, 2004 Page 4 of 4 Development also adds to the amount of property that will be taxed. I have estimated about 2% in new construction additions that will generate about $173,000 in tax. With the total additions to the tax capacity of the city, we will be able to fully fund all of the staff proposals and still provide a decrease for an individual property owner. Staff is estimating this reduction at 3.57% on a preliminary basis. Recommendation Staff requests feedback from the City Council regarding the proposed general fund expenditures, pavement management recommendations and tax levy so that we can prepare an appropriate preliminary budget and tax levy for the September 13th meeting. Enclosures: General Fund Revenues General Fund Expenditures Tax Levy Comparison 2004-2025 Debt Levies Pavement Maintenance Proposal CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2004 BUDGET REVENUE 101 General Fund IACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2003 BUDGET GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 3010 3002 3011 3041 3090 3500 Current Properly Tax Allowance for Delinquent Taxes Delinquent Property Tax Homestead & Ag Credit Other Property Taxes Local Government Aid TOTAL GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 6,465,535 (60,000) 50,000 20,400 6,475,935 LICENSES 3203 Dog Kennel 3205 Dog or Cat 3213 Solicitor 3223 3.2 Off and On Sale 3226 Liquor On and Off Sale 3227 Club and Sunday 3230 Rental Housing Licenses 3284 Rubbish * TOTAL LICENSES 2004 BUDGET PERMITS 3301 Building 3302 Plan Check 3305 Heating & A/C 3306 Plumbing 3307 Trenching 3308 Gun 3309 Sprinkler 3310 Gas Piping 3311 Sign 3316 Septic Tank 3320 Stable 3328 Wetland Alteration 3329 Demolition 3390 Misc. Permits * TOTAL PERMITS 2005 BUDGET 6,657,060 (388,734) 50,000 5,959,575 (90,000) 50,000 6,318,326 5,919,575 600 450 450 2,300 2,000 2,500 550 550 550 800 850 850 55,000 81,000 81,000 1,700 40,000 20,000 20,000 500 500 500 101,450 105,350 105,850 616,000 616,000 616,000 365,000 365,000 365,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 16,000 5,000 5,000 30,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 300 300 300 600 600 600 100 100 100 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,243,500 1,202,500 1,202,500 (697,485) 298,734 5OO FINES & PENALTIES 3401 Traffic & Ordinance Violation 3402 Vehicle Lockouts 3404 Dog/Cat Impound * TOTAL FINES & PENALTIES 35,000 35,000 60,000 1,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 39,000 39,000 65,500 25,000 1,500 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2004 BUDGET REVENUE 101 IACCOUNT General Fund DESCRIPTION 2003 2004 2005 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3502 M.S.A. Maint. & Constr. 3509 Other Shared Taxes 3510 Grants-State * TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV 33,600 33,600 108,000 108,000 108,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 181,600 181,600 148,000 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3613 3614 3617 3619 3629 3631 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3649 Sale of Documents Use & Variance Permits Rezoning Fees Assessment Searches Plat Recording Fees Misc.-General Government Admin. Charge-2% Constr. Engineering General Investment Management Fee Misc.-Public Safety Recreation Center Park Equipment Rental Park Facility Usage Fee Watercraft Rental Self-Supporting Programs Senior Programs Food Concessions Misc.-Park & Rec. Misc.-Public Works TOTAL CURRENT SERVICES 4,000 4,000 4,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 700 700 700 6,000 6,000 6,000 59,000 59,000 59,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 11,600 11,600 11,600 65,000 65,000 65,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 207,500 207,500 207,500 150 150 150 15,500 15,500 15,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 147,000 147,000 157,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 800 800 800 2,000 2,000 2,000 638,250 638,250 688,250 OTHER REVENUE 3801 3802 3803 3807 3808 3812 3816 3818 3820 3829 3903 Interest Earnings 170,000 130,000 100,000 Equipment Rental & Sale 30,000 30,000 30,000 Building Rental - Donations 15,000 15,000 15,000 Ins. Recoveries & Reimburse 5,000 5,000 5,000 Contractor Verification 2,500 SAC Retainer 5,000 5,000 5,000 Sur-Tax Retainer 1,500 1,500 1,500 Misc. Other Revenue 5,000 5,000 5,000 Interest/Penalties-Other 500 500 500 Refunds/Reimbursements 6,000 6,000 6,000 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 240,500 198,000 168,000 ** TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 8,920,235 8,683,026 8,297,675 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 8,297,675 NET LEVY REMAINING (33,600) 40,000 10,000 (30,000) (385,351) Expenditure by Year GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1110 Legislative 1120 Administration 1130 Finance 1140 Legal 1150 Assessing 1160 MIS 1170 City Hall 1180 Elections 1190 Library Building TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 1210 Law Enforcement 1220 Fire 1250 Building Inspection 1260 CSO TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 1310 Engineering 1320 Street Maintenance 1350 Street Lighting 1370 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 139,330 172,470 154,370 119,200 124,600 388,700 406,000 388,900 393,300 405,900 284,875 262,100 253,750 292,720 299,550 93,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 145,000 70,300 70,100 50,100 70,100 83,600 337,155 329,230 377,280 258,050 259,800 297,800 293,200 380,400 415,900 396,050 7,800 36,950 31,750 18,500 34,000 61,500 71,500 1,618,960 1,670,050 1,748,800 1,752,520 1,804,500 858,500 1,010,800 1,134,800 1,081,800 1,257,600 537,225 592,390 645,200 615,350 633,550 664,250 710,200 795,900 700,400 727,200 52,000 50,500 61,000 58,450 57,750 2,111,975 2,363,890 2,636,900 2,456,000 2,676,100 708,760 702,950 998,410 454,660 500,800 746,530 779,170 846,070 710,670 724,950 281,960 259,100 261,300 233,300 233,300 274,320 371,510 374,500 358,700 375,400 2,011,570 2,112,730 2,480,280 1,757,330 1,834,450 1410 Planning Commission 3,300 3,200 1420 Planning Administration 281,664 319,314 1430 Senior Commission 22,420 18,100 * TOTAL 307,384 340,614 PARKS & RECREATION 1510 Park & Rec. Commission 3,625 3,625 1520 Park Administration 99,000 121,900 1530 Recreation Center 243,550 248,450 1540 Lake Ann 62,770 57,690 1550 Park Maintenance 783,850 817,750 1560 Senior Center 41,915 44,035 1600 Recreation Programs 248,845 242,170 1700 Self-Supporting Programs 103,699 88,820 TOTAL 1,587,254 1,624,440 3,700 320,825 18,450 342,975 2,225 117,700 253,850 69,440 854,200 53,025 242,505 123,155 1,716,100 3,100 315,475 18,620 04-05 Change 337,195 1,225 104,500 230,250 63,140 767,950 43,925 231,400 115,350 1,557,740 3,100 357,750 28,300 389,150 1,225 111,600 235,100 65,200 771,050 38,350 245,100 125,850 1,593,475 General Fund Total 7,637,143 8,111,724 8,925,055 7,860,785 8,297,675 Population 18,760 20,371 21,561 22,376 23,524 398.20 351.30 413.94 Per Capita General Fund Budget Exp 407.10 352.73 Dollars 5,400 12,600 6,830 35,000 13,500 1,750 (19,850) (13,250) 10,000 51,980 175,800 18,200 26,800 (7OO) 220,100 46,140 14,280 16,700 77,120 42,275 9,680 51,955 7,100 4,850 2,060 3,100 (5,575) 13,700 10,500 35,735 436,89O 1,148 1 4.5% 3.2% 2.3% 31.8% 19.3% 0.7% -4.8% -41.7% 16.3% 3.0% 16.3% 3.0% 3.8% -1.2% 9.0% 10.1% 2.0% 0.0% 4.7% 4.4% 13.4% 52.0% 15.4% 0.0% 6.8% 2.1% 3.3% 0.4% -12.7% 5.9% 9.1o/~ 2.3% 5.6% 5.1% 0.4% CITY OF CHANHASSEN TAX LEVY 2005 Budget TAX CAPACITY BASED TAX LEVY General Fund Capital Replacement Fund (for equipment) MSA Fund (for street & trail pavement maint.) Special Assessment Debt General Obligation Debt Debt of Other Agencies (EDA) TOTAL TAX CAPACITY BASED TAX LEVIES 2004 2005 Percent Levy Levy Increase $6,657,060 $ 5,959,575 -10.48% $ 800,000 0 162,000 218,485 96,940 -55.63% 284,532 658,604 131.47% 153,693 121,213 $7,313,770 7,798,332 6.63% MARKET VALUE TAX LEVY Park Referendum Library Referendum TOTAL MARKET VALUE TAX LEVY TOTAL TAX LEVY Dollar Increase Taxes applied to: General Fund Capital Replacement MSA Fund Total Levy subject to levy limits Bond Funds Total Tax Generation Capacity Prior Year New Construction TIF Dist 1 Eden Trace TIF Total Capacity 841,397 881,234 4.73% 484,000 483,100 -0.19% $1,325,397 $1,364,334 2.94% $8,639,167 $9,162,666 6.06% $523,499 $5,959,575 800,000 162,000 $6,921,575 2,241,091 $9,162,666 3.97% Increase $8,639,167 $172,783 $625,000 $65,00O $9,501,950 Net Effect on existing property owners -3.57% OE.~- O~Jc~ ~oO ._~ I.IJ ~ '0 C X C> ~q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cO cO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~'~ 0 0 0 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i,~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 o Z 0 (D .J 0 o O_ (D Z 0 0 0 O0 .J 0