Correspondence Section Correspondence Section Letter from Peter Bell, Metropolitan Council dated September 2004. Letter from Phyllis Hanson, Metropolitan Council dated September 10, 2004. Review of Claims Paid dated September 20, 2004. .......... Metropolitan Council ~ Ahx f I~JrI1' So:t;c/\ September 2004 :RECEIVED SEP 1 ¡~ 200:1. )1'\1 OF CHANHASSEN By the year 2030, our region is expected to grow by nearly 1 mil1ion people, adding 4 million daily trips to our already crowded roadways. The Metropo1itan Council has prepared a draft Transportation Policy Plan that is designed to improve our highway and transit systems, slow the growth of congestion and help maintain our prized quality of life. The success of the plan hinges on our ability to obtain additional resources for these much-needed transportation improvements. A brochure summarizing the TPP is enclosed. A copy of the complete plan may be obtained online at www.metrocouncil.org or by calling the Council's Data Center at 651-602-1140. We would very much like your feedback on our plan. To comment on it, you may do any of the following: . Testify at our public hearing at 5 p.m. Monday, September 27, in the Council chambers. You may register to speak by calling the Data Center at the number listed above. · Submit written comments by mail, e-mail at <:iata,center@metc.state,mn,us, or fax to 651-602-1464. · Call our Pub1ic Comment Line at 651-602-1500. The public'record will remain open until 5 p.m. October 22, 2004. Sincerely, w Peter Bell Chair www.metrocouncil.org Metro Info Line 602-1RRR 230 East Fifth Street. St. Paul. Minnesota 55101-1626 . (651) 602-1000 . Fax 602-1550 . TTY 291-0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer on cy Plan I·..i. ~.\-... .l............,~..t'lìi~~IIT1¡ ~ .' ~,.. .. tilt.. r,· $~:"":~., . 'tii/~::...-...· :..-~$"".__. More people, more trips Since 1970, the population of the 'lwin Cities metropolitan area has grown by 767,000, or more than 40 percent. During this same period, the region has seen: · More women entering the workforce. Between 1970 and 2000, the proportion of women in the Twin Cities workforce increased from 48.8 percent to 71.4 percent. . Dramatic growth in auto ownership. In 1970, a third of the households in the Twin Cities metropolitan area had two cars. By 2000, the fìgure had increased to 62 percent. In 2000, there was slightly more than one car for every licensed driver in the metro area. · Increased suburbanization and decentralization. In 1970, 54 percent of the region's households were outside of MinneapoJis and St. Paul. By 2000, the lìgure had risen to 73 perccnt. Similarly, rhe share of the region's jobs located outside of the central cities grew from 44 percent in ] 970 to 69 percent in 2000, · Rapid growth in the adjacent count ies, where 5 percent or more of the population commutes (0 work in the seven-county area. l()day, more people are making more rrips and trave1ing longer distances, with suburb-to-suburb commutes exceeding those fì'om the suburbs to the central CHles. By 203(), the region is expected to add nearly 1 million people, 470,000 households and '560,000 jobs, This will generate an ~lddi(iona¡ I¡ million daily trips, a ,37 percent increase in travel on our region's roadways. Slowing the growth in congestion While growth is a good thing, it poses challenges, as anyone who has traveled in peak-hour traffìc can arrest. In 1990, 30 percent of the region's freeway lanes were congested during peak periods; by 2000, the fìgure had grown to 60 percent. In the Council's 2003 survey of metro atea residents, traffìc congestion ranked as the No. 1 concern, outpacing crime, education and housi ng. There arc no "silver bullets" thar will eliminate congestion. But the Council's línwjJorttltÎon Po/iC)l Pltln contains policies and strategies designed to slow the growth in congestion and improve mobility. Consistent with the 2030 Regiontll Development hrtmework - the umbrella chapter of the Council's metropolitan development guide - the 7ímlsjJorttltÎo1! Poliry Pltln calls lor: u PLu1I1ing and investing in multi-modal transportation choices hased on the full range of costs and bendìts. . Encouraging mixed-use development in centers along transportation corridors thar better links housing, johs and amenities, and reduces the need for single-destination trips. o Making more eHìcient use or the regional transportation system by encouraging flexible work hours, telecommuting, ridesharing and transit ridership. " Focusing highway investments lìrsr on maintaining and managing the existing system, and second on slowing congestion. " Building transit ridership by expanding the current bus sysrem and developing a network of dedicated rail and/or hus "transitways." . Encouraging local communiries to implement a system of fully interconnected arterial and local streets, pathways and bikeways. Three scenarios for highways The TPP)- highway plan - developed in close coordination with the Minnesota Department of Transportation - focuses investments on maintaining and managing the cxisring 657 -mile highway system, removing bottlenecks and adding capacity wherc possible. How f;¡r and how ['1st the region can go in improving the highway system hinges on the success of proposals to increase federal and state funding. Because of the political uncertainties, the plan outlines three scenarios: Constrained Plan Scenario: Based on current fl\l1ding levels, this scenario estimates about $283. ') million a year will bc available. Of this total, $162 million wou]d be needed to maintain and manage the current highway system. Another $29.5 million would be needed for othcr purposes, leaving just $92 million for expansion projects. Based on current cost estimates, the region would be able to build by 2030 on]y those expansion projects prcviously planned fCJr construction by 2025. Unconstrained Plan Scenario: This scenario illustrates the magnitude of highway investments required to hold congestion on the metropolitan highway system at the samc level that existed in 1998. Its implementation would require abour a 137 percent increase in highway Illt1ding over the cutrent levels, admittedly an unlikely prospect. Constrained Plus 30% Plan Scenario: This scenario assumes a .')0 percenr increase in highway funding over the Constrained Plan Scenario. Of the $368. ') million in annual resources, nearly $200 million would be available for expansion projects. This scenario would accelerate by 10 years the improvements planned by 2030 under the Constrained Plan scenario. In addition, it would provide funds to expand the entire 1-494/694 beltwav to six lanes, and expand and upgrade certain minor arterials. ~\~íI~.'m~' Growing the transit system The transit plan is intended to increase ridership by 50 percent, or 36 million riders per year, by 2020 - with the goal of doubling ridership by 2030. The strategies for achieving the 2020 target include: . Adding new express bus routes, limited-stop routes, improved frequency and longer hours of service, as well as additional passenger amenities such as transit centers, bus stop shelters and park-and-ride lots. · Funding enhancements such as bus-only shoulders, ramp-merer bypasses and signal priority that give buses travel-time advantages in mixed traHìc. m Providing additional LIre incentives such as the MetroPass now available through employers and the U-Pass avail- able to University of Minnesota students. . Developing a network of dedicated "transitways" - including bus rapid transit, light rail and/or commuter rail - with mode choices based on a careful cost-bendìt analysis. The region now has two such transirways in place or nearing completion: bus rapid transit on 1-394 and LRT in the Hiawatha corridor. Five additional trai1Sitways should be added between 2005 and 2020, with work done to advance three more. Thc cost of implcmeming the transit plan: $')00 million in capital investIw:ms to grow the bus system and SíWO m i!lion to :~ ].4 billion to build the transitways, with an additional S 120 million a year for operating costs by 2020. ~ Metropolitan Council September 10, 2004 REceIVED SEP 1 4 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Robert Generous Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: City of Chanhassen, Settlers West Amendment Metropolitan Council Review File No. 16500-9 Metropolitan Council District 4 (Julius Smith, 952-443-2430) Dear Mr. Generous: The Metropolitan Council received the City's plan amendment for the Settler's West Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUS A) addition amendment on July 9,2004. The amendment proposes to amend the comprehensive plan to add 44.6 acres ofland to the City's MUSA. The Council, at its August 25,2004 meeting, determined that the amendment has no potential impact on any of the metropolitan system plans, and that no plan modifications are required. The amendment is consistent with the Council's Regional Growth Strategy and housing policy, and is compatible with the pIans of adjacent communities. The City may pIace the amendment into effect. A copy of the staff report to the Council is attached for your records. The amendment and supporting documentation will be appended to the City's plan in the Council's files. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Caswell, principal reviewer at 651-602-1319. If you have questions about this review, please contact Tom Caswell, Principal Reviewer, at 651-602- 1319. Q' er~lY, , // JJ;í ,~'-/j /t~ ·ø..W¿lll~'V~/'----' Phy}r' Hanson, Manager PI ing and Technical Assistance cc: Julius Smith, Metropolitan Council District 4 Mark Vander Schaaf, Director, Planning and Growth Management Tom Caswell, Sector Representative Cheryl Olsen, Referrals Coordinator www.rnetrocounciI.org Metro Info Line 602-IR88 230 East Fifth Street· St. Paul. Minnesota 55101-1626 . (651) 602-1000 . Fax 602-1550 . TTY 291-0904 An Eqllal Opportllnity Employer c Consent 2004-273 Meeting date: August 16, 2004 ADVISORY IN FOR Districts, Members Prepared by August 6, 2004 City of Chanhassen- Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Settlers West Review File No. 16500-9 Metropolitan Council District 4, Jules Smith Tom Caswell, Principal Reviewer (651-602-1319) Phyllis Hanson, Manager Planning & Technical Assistance (651-602-1566) Mark Vander Schaaf, Director Community Development (651-602-1441) Planning and Technical Assistance / Planning and Growth Management Date Subject Division/Department REQUEST SUMMA The City ofChanhassen submitted a comprehensive plan amendment (CPA) for 45 acres. This amendment is to change the staging of sewer service to the subject area. The low-density residentiaI Iand use proposed is unchanged from the comprehensive plan reviewed and accepted by the CounciI in 1999. The plan originally showed this area to be added to the Metropolitan Urban Service Area in 2015. The city was recently abIe to acquire sewer service from the City of Eden Prairie through an intercommunity agreement. PROPOSED ACTION Staff recommends that the MetropoIitan Council take the following action: 1) Allow the Cit ISSUES amendment into effect. CounciI staff has found no issues with the CPA. However, the City's surface water management plan update was to be completed by June 2003. The City is currently preparing a request for proposal for preparation of a surface water management plan with a scheduled completion in 2005. Once the city has contracted for this plan with a preliminary completion date, the City should forward this infonnation to the Council. OVERVIEW Conformity with Regional Systems The amendment conforms to the Regional System Policy Plans for - Aviation, Recreation Open Space, Transportation and Wastewater Services - with no substantiaI impact or departure. Consistency with Council Policy The amendment is consistent with the CounciI's RegionaI Growth Strategy, forecasts, water resources management and housing policy. (See issues section) Compatibility with Adjacent Community Plans The amendment will have no impact on adjacent communities. ATTACHMENTS Figure 1 ~ Location Map CITY OF CHAN HAS SEN 7700 riMe' Bmilevar:1 POBo~14ì Chanrl3Ssen, MN 5531ì Administration Prorle 952227.1100 Fax 952,227.1110 Building Inspections Prone 952227.1180 ~ax 952227.1190 Engineering Pr,one 952,227.1160 Fax 95222ì 11 ìO Finance Phare 952,227.1140 Fax 952 227.1110 Park & Recreation PllOrw 952 227.1120 Fax 95222ì 1110 Recreat!OI: Cerler 2310 Booievard PI!0i!8 952227.1400 952,22ì.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Prone 952227.1130 fax 952 227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Poor!e 952,22ì 1300 952,22ì.1310 Senior Center Pr'[Joe 952 22ì 1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www clchal,llass81':T!iI,US MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council FROM: /~71 ì / " . '1/1 Bruce M. Dejong, Finance Director/ ¡)~Ji ~ l~-.~ , . September 20, 2004 DATE: SUBJECT: Review of Claims Paid The following claims are submitted for review on September 27,2004: Check Numbers Amounts 121486-121617 $523,855.72 Total All Claims $523,855.72 Attachments: Check Register Invoice Listing The City of Chanhassen · A growlr!g oommunlty Wltll clean lakes, quallly sohools, a charmlllg downlowrl,lhr,v!llg bus!nesses w111dll!Cj Iralls, and 118alllllul parks A great 10 I,ve, work, ,Jlld play City of Chanhassen CHECK REGISTER REPORT 121486-121617 BANK: CHANHASSEN BANK Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8:46am Page: 1 Check Number ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount Check Date Status Vendor Number Vendor Name Check Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121486 121487 121488 121489 121490 121491 121492 121493 121494 121495 121496 121497 121498 121499 121500 121501 121502 121503 121504 121505 121506 121507 121508 121509 121510 121511 121512 121513 121514 121515 121516 121517 121518 121519 121520 121521 121522 121523 121524 121525 121526 121527 121528 121529 121530 121531 121532 121533 121534 121535 121536 121537 121538 121539 121540 121541 121542 121543 121544 121545 121546 121547 121548 121549 121550 121551 121552 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Printed 09/09/2004 Void 09/09/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed ALEAIR ARAMAR ASPMIL ATTAZ BONROS BOYTRU BROWHI BROAMO BUMBUM CANFIN CARTRA MINNEG CHAVET CHAVIL CHABUI COREXP COTBUI COUMAR CULVER DANKA DEASTA EDINA FABWES FACMOT FASCOM HANTHO JERRUE JOHKNO KAEDIN KIMPRO LANEQl LUNBRO MALTAM MARWEL MATRUA MARRUM MAPARS MERACE MET FOR MINPIP MNARB MVEC NAWATE NEXTEL NORASP PEGZOE PRARES REYWEL SECSER SHEHOR SHOTRU SPSCOM STEPUB STUBUS TEBURN TODGER US BANK WASMA2 WAYTEK WMMUE AERPAI AMEINN BLUSKY BREKNI BRICAR BROTRA ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC ARAMARK ASPEN MILLS AT&T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK BOYER TRUCK PARTS BROCK WHITE CO LLC BROWN'S AMOCO BUMPER TO BUMPER CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP CO CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO CHANHASSEN VETERINARY CHANHASSEN VILLAGER CHASKA BUILDING CENTER CORPORATE EXPRESS COTTAGEWOOD BUILDERS COUNTY MARKET CULVERS DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY DEAN STANTON EDINA REALTY TITLE FABYANSKE, WESTRA & HART PA FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY FASTENAL COMPANY HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON JERRY RUEGEMER JOHN KNOBLAUCH KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES INC KIM PROS EN LANO EQUIPMENT LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION MALINDA TAMLYN MARIANNE WELLS MARK J. TRUAT WELLS INC MARY RUMBLE MATTHEW PARSONS MERLINS ACE HARDWARE METROPOLITAN FORD MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT MN SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC NEXTEL NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC PEGGIE ZOERHOF PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC REYNOLDS WELDING SUPPLY CO SECURITY SERVICE INVESTMENTS SHELLY HORST SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE SPS COMPANIES INC STEVENS PUBLISHING CORPORATION STUMP BUSTERS TERI BURNS TODD GERHARDT US BANK WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST WAYTEK INC WM MUELLER & SONS INC AERIAL PAINTING INC AMERICINN MOTEL & SUITES BLUE SKY GUIDE BRENDA KNIGHT BRIAN CARNEY BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS o RINGS COFFEE/SUGAR/CREAM/CUPS PATCHES/PANEL TELEPHONE CHARGES LL P7. 5 PHASE 2 MUFFLER/CLAMP RETAINER VEHICLE WASHES-AUGUST MISC SUPPLIES COPIER PIN/FLAIL KNIFE GAS CHARGES VETERINARY SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION-ADMIN 2513 PINE/RE-BAR/EXP JOINT/SPEC MIX OFFICE SUPPLIES EROSION ESCROW-6411 TETON LN MISC FOOD/SUPPLIES CUSTARD-CHAN DAY @ ARBORETUM STAPLES LAND/EROSION-500 BIGHORN DR REFUND FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT PROFESSIONAL FEES BATTERY MISC SUPPLIES LIFT STATION 2 MILEAGE-MEETINGS EROSION/LAND-1440 KNOB HILL LN SCADA SYSTEM PHASE 2 PROJECT CD PLAYER BELT LANDSCAPE/EROSION-7403 TRISTAN AS BUILT ESCROW-6220 ARBOR LN YOGA INSTRUCTION WELL 9 CONSTRUCTION REFUND-COMBO DANCE REFUND-PRESCHOOL SOCCER MISC SUPPLIES SPARK SEWER TRACER DYE MEMBERSHIP/CONFERENCE-SINCLAIR ELECTRICITY CHARGES WELL #3 FILL STATION CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 2004 MSA STREET IMPROVEMENTS PILATES INSTRUCTION LK SUSAN -RAGWEED PULLING COMPRESSED OXYGEN LIBRARY MONITORING/FIRE TEST REFUND-KINDER 2 DANCE FAUCET CONNECTOR FLUSH BUSH SUBSCRIPTION BLVD TREE STUMP GRINDING REFUND-BALLET/TAP DANCE SEPT CAR ALLOW/ICMA FLIGHT GO BOND 1999A GARBAGE SERVICE 6 WAY PLUG CONNECTOR Void Check BLACKTOP WEST 78TH ST CABINETS REPAINT POOL USE BLUE SKY GUIDES REFUND-BABYSITTING TRAINING REFUND GRADING ESCROW PUSHBUTTON ADA RIBBED BACK GRN 202.72 129.71 934.42 14.22 498.00 652.57 14.57 5.31 667.82 753.88 278.96 9.59 1,108.64 75.00 111.91 476.27 250,00 100.31 101.92 1,353.25 2,250.00 3.13 422.60 473.17 37.28 4,000.00 219.01 1,250.00 10,219.00 267.21 14.26 1,250.00 1,500.00 752.27 124,976.77 95.00 40.00 1,178.82 4.51 159.72 125.00 3,003.38 344.57 2,089.36 166,438.86 1,845.20 116.30 91. 84 45.00 65.00 21.26 2.15 78.00 319.50 70.00 814.00 201.25 674.43 27.11 0.00 5,646.68 630.00 15.00 1,100.00 45.00 5,000.00 173.37 City of Chanhassen CHECK REGISTER REPORT 121486-121617 BANK: CHANHASSEN BANK Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8: 46am Page: 2 Check Number ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount Check Date Status Vendor Number Vendor Name Check Description ------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121553 121554 121555 121556 121557 121558 121559 121560 121561 121562 121563 121564 121565 121566 121567 121568 121569 121570 121571 121572 121573 121574 121575 121576 121577 121578 121579 121580 121581 121582 121583 121584 121585 121586 121587 121588 121589 121590 121591 121592 121593 121594 121595 121596 121597 121598 121599 121600 121601 121602 121603 121604 121605 121606 121607 121608 121609 121610 121611 121612 121613 121614 121615 121616 121617 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 09/16/2004 Printed 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SCOTT & FUCHS CATHY WOOD CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO CINDY HROMATKA CITY OF CHASKA CORPORATE EXPRESS FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY FASTENAL COMPANY FIREHOUSE GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC HAWKINS CHEMICAL ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST-457 JUDY GOLZ JULIE KRAINES KINKOS KKE ARCHITECTS INC LAKESIDE PROMOTIONS LLC LANO EQUIPMENT LESLIE ELHADI LS BLACK CONSTRUCTORS INC LUND'S PAINTING INC MAUREEN CIACCIO MEDICINE LAKES TOUR METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, ENV SVCS MIDWEST MILLIE'S DELI & CATERING MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. MN STATE TREASURER MSRS NANCY KASID NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION NICOLE SORENSON ONVOY PAUL HEFFRON PUMP AND METER SERVICES INC QWEST QWEST INTERPRISE REAL GEM RICH'S AUTO BODY SHOP RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER RILE & MARY CHERREY RW HAGEN SEH SHAKOPEE TOWING INC SHANE WILLIAMS ENTERPRISES SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE STREICHER'S SUBURBAN CHEVROLET SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO TWIN CITY HARDWARE TWIN CITY SAW CO TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAYS TECH UNITED WAY VERIZON VERIZON WIRELESS WILCOX PAPER COMPANY WW GRAINGER INC XCEL ENERGY INC ZIEGLER INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REFUND-PILATES GAS CHARGES REFUND-INTRO TO LACROSSE NEW ULM TOUR OFFICE SUPPLIES ROTOR/WIRE/CAP/SPARK PLUG MISC SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTION UTILITY LOCATES CONTAINER DEMURRAGE EMP DEFERRED COMP REFUND-PILATES REFUND-PRESCHOOL SOCCER MISC CITY HALL REUSE RECYCLING MAGNETS REPAIR TRACK REFUND-DANCE CITY CENTER CONSTRUCTION LK SUSAN/ANN PAINTING REFUND FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT TWIN CITY TOUR SAC-AUGUST ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER ELECTION MEALS GV REPAIR PARTS REGISTRATION-GESKE SURCHARGE-AUGUST EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 REFUND-PILATES MEMBERSHIP BRONZE FLANGE KIT EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMP MISC SUPPLIES INTERNET CHARGES SR CTR OPEN HOUSE-ENTERTAIN HOSES FOR POWER GREASER TELEPHONE CHARGES INTERNET CHARGES MAPLE LEAF AWARDS PICKUP 301-MAILBOX ACCIDENT ANNUAL SERVICE CONTRACT FIREFIGHTER PHYSICALS REFUND-FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT DIVE INSTRUCTION 2003 MSA STREET PROJECT 04-02 TOWING SILVER CRESCENTS SEALANT/COUPLING/SHUT OFF VLVE CUT OUT LETTERS/NUMBERS SENSOR REFUND PERMIT OVERPAYMENT RAILROAD CROSSING IMPROVEMENT INSTALL NEW KEY PAD ROPE/CARB KIT/CARB/GASKETS WATER ANALYSIS-WELL 3 BARRICADE/FLASHER/CONE SEPTEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS YELLOW PAGES ADVERTISING CELL PHONE CHARGES PAPER GREASE GUN ELECTRICITY CHARGES NUTS/BOLTS Total Checks: 132 Bank Total: 11,952.23 140.00 213.27 60.00 651. 00 17.56 269.65 31.15 30.00 588.80 20.00 430.00 140.00 40.00 28.76 5,113.53 288.83 37.74 8.00 8,735.69 4,900.00 62.48 1,638.00 9,355.50 2,803.61 598.21 925.93 135.00 2,161.42 1,758.16 160.00 135.00 341. 47 6,508.41 134.16 603.48 95.00 57.77 55.38 422.94 75.25 1,318.89 216.96 2,420.50 10,94 500.00 15,466.49 100.00 15.65 10.94 290.35 73.03 6.50 93,427.00 499.63 26.92 245.00 1,040.19 106.00 8.00 28.82 265.65 33.70 14.64 172.46 ----------------- 523,855.72 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 City of Chanhassen Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8: 46am Page: 1 ------------~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Abbrev Vendor Name Invoice Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surtax Pay MN STATE TREASURER 121581 08/31/2004 SURCHARGE-AUGUST 083104 SAC Retain METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, ENV SVCS 121576 08/31/2004 SAC-AUGUST 083104 SurTax Ret MN STATE TREASURER 121581 08/31/2004 SURCHARGE-AUGUST 083104 Total Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: 101-0000-2022 101-0000-3816 101-0000-3818 Dept: Legislative 101-1110-4110 Office Sup DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY STAPLES Promotion CULVERS CUSTARD-CHAN DAY @ ARBORETUM 101-1110-4375 Dept: Administration 101-1120-4030 Retirement MSRS EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 Telephone NEXTEL CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES Membership CHANHASSEN VILLAGER SUBSCRIPTION-ADMIN 2513 Trav/Train TODD GERHARDT SEPT CAR ALLOW/ICMA FLIGHT Mileage TODD GERHARDT SEPT CAR ALLOW/ICMA FLIGHT Equip Rent DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY COPIER Equip Rent CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC COPIER 101-1120-4310 101-1120-4360 101-1120-4370 101-1120-4380 101-1120-4410 101-1120-4410 Dept: Finance 101-1130-4030 Retirement MSRS EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 Dept: Legal 101-1140-4302 Legal Fees CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Check Number 121505 121504 121582 121529 121499 121541 121541 121505 121495 121582 121553 Dept: Management Information Systems 101-1160-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 101-1160-4300 Consulting ONVOY 121588 INTERNET CHARGES 101-1160-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 101-1160-4320 Utilities QWEST INTERPRISE 121592 INTERNET CHARGES Invoice Number Due Date Amount 2,205.53 -94.50 -44.11 ----------------- 2,066.92 08/30/2004 235,15 400716539 08/26/2004 101,92 082604 Total Legislative 09/10/2004 091004 08/23/2004 082304 09/07/2004 090704 09/06/2004 090604 09/06/2004 090604 08/30/2004 702005531 09/01/2004 4782098 ----------------- 337,07 13 .48 77.66 25,00 239.00 575,00 672.40 753,88 ----------------- Total Administration 2,356.42 09/10/2004 4,19 091004 ----------------- Total Finance 4.19 08/31/2004 11,812.23 08312004 ----------------- Total Legal 11,812,23 09/10/2004 1. 58 091004 09/01/2004 603,48 40902000768 08/23/2004 67.19 082304 09/02/2004 612D08651051004246 422,94 ----------------- Total Management Information Systems 1,095.19 Dept: City Hall Maintenance 101-1170-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 1. 43 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1170-4110 Office Sup DANKA OFFICE IMAGING COMPANY 121505 08/26/2004 445,70 STAPLES 400711140 101-1170-4110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXPRESS 121501 08/26/2004 62,28 OFFICE SUPPLIES 54476281 101-1170-4110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXPRESS 121501 08/27/2004 14.19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 54512909 101-1170-4110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXPRESS 121501 08/30/2004 399,80 OFFICE SUPPLIES 54556850 101-1170-4110 Office Sup ARAMARK 121487 08/24/2004 129,71 COFFEE/SUGAR/CREAM/CUPS 6013412841 101-1170-4110 Office Sup MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 64.94 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8:46am Page: 2 City of Chanhassen ------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Abbrev Vendor Name Invoice Description Check Number Invoice Number Due Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: City Hall Maintenance 101-1170-4110 Office Sup WILCOX PAPER COMPANY 121614 09/08/2004 72.07 PAPER 828428 101-1170-4110 Office Sup WILCOX PAPER COMPANY 121614 09/08/2004 193,58 PAPER 828427 101-1170-4110 Office Sup CORPORATE EXPRESS 121558 09/09/2004 17.56 OFFICE SUPPLIES 54804258 101-1170-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 46.83 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 101-1170-4350 Cleaning WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 121543 09/0112004 158,58 GARBAGE SERVICE 88401715938 101-1170-4510 B1dg Maint SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 121536 09/02/2004 21. 26 FAUCET CONNECTOR 62712 101-1170-4510 Bldg Maint MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 1. 05 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1170-4510 Bldg Maint TWIN CITY HARDWARE 121607 09/08/2004 499.63 INSTALL NEW KEY PAD 75535 101-1170-4530 Equip Main SPS COMPANIES INC 121537 08/30/2004 2.15 FLUSH BUSH 51080639001 ----------------- Total City Hall Maintenance 2,130.76 Dept: Elections 101-1180-4370 Trav/Train MILLIE'S DELI & CATERING 121578 09/14/2004 598.21 ELECTION MEALS 9087 ----------------- Total Elections 598.21 Dept: Library Building 101-1190-4260 Small Tool WW GRAINGER INC 121615 09/09/2004 33,70 GREASE GUN 4957467865 101-1190-4350 Cleaning WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 121543 09/01/2004 31.45 GARBAGE SERVICE 88401715938 101-1190-4510 Bldg Maint SECURITY SERVICE INVESTMENTS 121534 09/01/2004 45.00 LIBRARY MONITORING/FIRE TEST 13025 101-1190-4510 Bldg Maint MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 1. 93 MI SC SUPPLIES 083104 ----------------- Total Library Building 112,08 Dept: Police/Carver Co Contract 101-1210-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09110/2004 3.08 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 ----------------- Total Police/Carver Co Contract 3.08 Dept: Fire Prevention & Admin 101-1220-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09110/2004 3,21 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1220-4120 Equip Supp TWIN CITY SAW CO 121608 09/08/2004 26.92 ROPE/CARB KIT/CARB/GASKETS AlO210 101-1220-4140 Veh Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 27.65 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1220-4140 Veh Supp MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 9.29 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1220-4140 Veh Supp FASTENAL COMPANY 121560 09/07/2004 31.15 MISC SUPPLIES MNT10105881 101-1220-4140 Veh Supp STREICHER'S 121603 09/10/2004 27,35 SEAT ORGANIZER 1212904 101-1220-4240 Uniforms ASPEN MILLS 121488 09/01/2004 921.08 JACKETS/PATCHES 57002 101-1220-4240 Uniforms ASPEN MILLS 121488 09/03/2004 13.34 PATCHES/PANEL 57037 101-1220-4240 Uniforms SHANE WILLIAMS ENTERPRISES 121601 09/03/2004 15,65 SILVER CRESCENTS 11756 101-1220-4240 Uniforms STREICHER'S 121603 09/08/2004 100.00 BADGE 1212547 101-1220-4240 Uniforms STREICHER'S 121603 09/08/2004 163,00 CUT OUT LETTERS/NUMBERS 1212548 101-1220-4290 Misc Supp MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 31.42 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1220-4300 Consulting RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER 121596 09/08/2004 2,420.50 FIREFIGHTER PHYSICALS 090804 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8:46am Page: 3 city of Chanhassen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Fire Prevention & Admin 101-1220-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 234.93 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 101-1220-4310 Telephone VERIZON WIRELESS 121613 09/03/2004 28.82 CELL PHONE CHARGES 3559349737 101-1220-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 121555 09/03/2004 83.64 GAS CHARGES 090304 101-1220-4350 Cleaning WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 121543 09/01/2004 80.28 GARBAGE SERVICE 88401715938 101-1220-4360 Membership NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN 121584 09/01/2004 135.00 MEMBERSHIP 2806282X 101-1220-4360 Membership FIREHOUSE 121561 08/11/2004 30.00 SUBSCRIPTION 5472856R1 101-1220-4370 Trav/Train SHAKO PEE TOWING INC 121600 08/1712004 100,00 TOWING 111298 101-1220-4370 Trav/Train MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. 121580 09/15/2004 135,00 REGISTRATION-GESKE 091504 101-1220-4370 Trav/Train RW HAGEN 121598 09/0212004 500,00 DIVE INSTRUCTION 2331 101-1220-4510 Bldg Maint SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 121602 09/13/2004 10.94 SEALANT/COUPLING/SHUT OFF VLVE 62898 101-1220-4530 Equip Main ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 121486 08/30/2004 202,72 o RINGS 7031 ----------------- Total Fire Prevention & Admin 5,331.89 Dept: Code Enforcement 101-1250-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 10,61 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1250-4140 Veh Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 34.11 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1250-4140 Veh Supp METROPOLITAN FORD 121524 08/06/2004 35.99 BELT 434987 101-1250-4140 Veh Supp METROPOLITAN FORD 121524 09/02/2004 44.05 SPARK 435558 101-1250-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 301. 98 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 101-1250-4360 Membership CHANHASSEN VILLAGER 121499 09/03/2004 25,00 SUBSCRIPTION-BUILDING 2516 090304 101-1250-4520 Veh Maint BROWN'S AMOCO 121493 09/0112004 5,31 VEHICLE WASHES-AUGUST 090104 101-1250-4901 Refunds SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 121605 09/09/2004 6.50 REFUND PERMIT OVERPAYMENT 200401873 ----------------- Total Code Enforcement 463,55 Dept: Animal Control 101-1260-4300 Consulting CHANHASSEN VETERINARY 121498 08/31/2004 1,108.64 VETERINARY SERVICE 083104 101-1260-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 15.92 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 ----------------- Total Animal Control 1,124.56 Dept: Engineering 101-1310-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/1012004 14,25 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1310-4140 Veh Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 26.13 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1310-4210 Books/Per CHANHASSEN VILLAGER 121499 09/03/2004 25.00 SUBSCRIPTION-ENGINEERING 2514 09032004 101-1310-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 109.58 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 ----------------- Total Engineering 174.96 Dept: Street Maintenance 101-1320-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 16.53 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp REYNOLDS WELDING SUPPLY CO 121533 08/05/2004 45,92 COMPRESSED OXYGEN 867444 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp REYNOLDS WELDING SUPPLY CO 121533 08/17/2004 45.92 COMPRESSED OXYGEN 881973 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8:46am Page: 4 City of Chanhassen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Abbrev Vendor Name Invoice Description Check Number Invoice Number Due Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Street Maintenance 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp LANO EQUIPMENT 121516 08/20/2004 4.38 PLUG/BUSHING 114334 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp LANO EQUIPMENT 121516 08/19/2004 9.88 BELT 114258 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP CO 121496 09/01/2004 278.96 PIN/FLAIL KNIFE C03334 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp CHASKA BUILDING CENTER 121500 08/10/2004 111,91 PlNE/RE-BAR/EXP JOINT/SPEC MIX 333152 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp BROCK WHITE CO LLC 121492 08/27/2004 14,57 RETAINER 1123403501 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08131/2004 212.01 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1320-4120 Equip Supp ZIEGLER INC 121617 09/09/2004 172.46 NUTS/BOLTS PCOO0730176 101-1320-4140 Veh Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 120.42 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1320-4140 Veh Supp WAYTEK INC 121544 08131/2004 27.11 6 WAY PLUG CONNECTOR 962970 101-1320-4140 Veh Supp FASTENAL COMPANY 121510 08/27/2004 37.28 MISC SUPPLIES MNT10105809 101-1320-4140 Veh Supp BOYER TRUCK PARTS 121491 09/02/2004 652.57 MUFFLER/CLAMP 664654X1 101-1320-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121509 09/02/2004 292,62 BATTERY 12078729 101-1320-4150 Maint Matl WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/27/2004 360.87 BLACKTOP 97078 101-1320-4150 Maint Matl WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/26/2004 743.79 BLACKTOP 96965 101-1320-4150 Maint Mat1 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/10/2004 354.65 TACK OIL 96042 101-1320-4150 Maint Matl WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/10/2004 666.12 BLACKTOP 96041 101-1320-4150 Maint Matl MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08131/2004 7.73 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1320-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 220.72 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 101-1320-4560 Sign Maint MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08131/2004 14,78 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 ----------------- Total Street Maintenance 4,411.20 Dept: Street Lighting & Signals 101-1350-4120 Equip Supp UNITED RENTALS HIGHWAYS TECH 121610 08/31/2004 1,040.19 BARRICADE/FLASHER/CONE 42944238001 101-1350-4120 Equip Supp BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS 121552 09/02/2004 173.37 PUSHBUTTON ADA RIBBED BACK GRN 166297 101-1350-4320 Util i ties MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 121527 08/27/2004 2,715.48 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 082704 101-1350-4565 Light Main AERIAL PAINTING INC 121547 09/02/2004 630,00 WEST 78TH ST CABINETS REPAINT 090204 ----------------- Total Street Lighting & Signals 4,559.04 Dept: City Garage 101-1370-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 12,29 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1370-4120 Equip Supp PUMP AND METER SERVICES INC 121590 09/09/2004 57.77 HOSES FOR POWER GREASER 221461 101-1370-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 107.48 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 101-1370-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 121555 09/03/2004 63,27 GAS CHARGES 090304 101-1370-4350 Cleaning WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 121543 09/01/2004 135.09 GARBAGE SERVICE 88401715938 ----------------- Total City Garage 375.90 Dept: Planning Administration 101-1420-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 4.72 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 ----------------- Total Planning Administration 4.72 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8: 4 6am City of Chanhassen Page: 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Senior Facility Commission 101-1430-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09110/2004 0.40 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 ----------------- Total Senior Facility Commission 0,40 Dept: Park Administration 101-1520-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 2.25 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1520-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 57.46 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 ----------------- Total Park Administration 59.71 Dept: Recreation Center 101-1530-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 0,60 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1530-4130 Prog Supp KINKOS 121567 08/25/2004 28,76 MISC 62100044048 101-1530-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 16,08 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 101-1530-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 121555 09/0312004 38,37 GAS CHARGES 090304 101-1530-4375 Promotion VERIZON 121612 09/0112004 8,00 YELLOW PAGES ADVERTISING 390009277290 ----------------- Total Recreation Center 91. 81 Dept: Fitness 101-1532-4130 Prog Supp KIM PROS EN 121515 09/08/2004 267.21 CD PLAYER 090804 ----------------- Total Fitness 267.21 Dept: Dance 101-1534-3631 RecCtrOp TERI BURNS 121540 09/02/2004 70.00 REFUND-BALLET/TAP DANCE 2000098002 101-1534-3631 RecCtrOp SHELLY HORST 121535 09/0212004 65.00 REFUND-KINDER 2 DANCE 2000097002 101-1534-3631 RecCtrOp MARY RUMBLE 121521 09/01/2004 95.00 REFUND-COMBO DANCE 2000096002 101-1534-3631 RecCtrOp LESLIE ELHADI 121571 09113/2004 8,00 REFUND-DANCE 2000107002 101-1534-4120 Equip Supp NICOLE SORENSON 121587 09/15/2004 134,16 MISC SUPPLIES 091504 ----------------- Total Dance 372.16 Dept: Lake Ann Park 101-1540-413 0 Prog Supp COUNTY MARKET 121503 08/31/2004 32.08 MISC FOOD/SUPPLIES 083104 ----------------- Total Lake Ann Park 32. 08 Dept: Park Maintenance 101-1550-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09110/2004 20,24 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 3,06 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1550-4120 Equip Supp MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 719.56 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1550-4140 Veh Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 89.07 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 101-1550-4140 Veh Supp METROPOLITAN FORD 121524 08/04/2004 -75.53 RETURN- FUEL KIT CM34853 101-1550-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121509 09/02/2004 59.17 SENSOR 6675225 101-1550-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121509 09/0212004 80,92 SPARK/DIST CAP/DIST ROTOR/WIRE 6675096 101-1550-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121509 09/02/2004 40,46 COIL KIT IGN 6675099 101-1550-4140 Veh Supp SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 121604 09/03/2004 73,03 SENSOR 353928 101-1550-4151 Irrig Supp MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 14.89 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 City of Chanhassen Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8:46am Page: 6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Abbrev Vendor Name Invoice Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Park Maintenance 101-1550-4260 Small Tool MERLINS ACE HARDWARE MISC SUPPLIES 101-1550-4310 Telephone NEXTEL CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 101-1550-4350 Cleaning WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST GARBAGE SERVICE 101-1550-4350 Cleaning WM MUELLER & SONS INC BINDER ROCK/RUBBLE DISPOSAL 101-1550-4510 Bldg Maint LUND'S PAINTING INC LK SUSAN/ANN PAINTING 101-1550-4530 Equip Main LANO EQUIPMENT REPAIR TRACK Dept: Downtown Maintenance 101-1551-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO GAS CHARGES Dept: Senior Citizens Center 101-1560-4130 Prog Supp COUNTY MARKET MISC FOOD/SUPPLIES 101-1560-4300 Consulting COUNTY MARKET MISC FOOD/SUPPLIES 101-1560-4300 Consulting CITY OF CHASKA NEW ULM TOUR 101-1560-4300 Consulting AMERICINN MOTEL & SUITES POOL USE 101-1560-4300 Consulting MEDICINE LAKES TOUR TWIN CITY TOUR Dept: Recreation Programs 101-1600-4030 Retirement MSRS EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 101-1600-4300 Consulting JERRY RUEGEMER MILEAGE-MEETINGS 101-1600-4310 Telephone NEXTEL CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 101-1600-4320 Utilities MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP ELECTRICITY CHARGES Dept: Self-Supporting Programs 101-1700-4030 Retirement MSRS EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 Dept: Preschool Sports 101-1710-3636 SlfSupProg MATTHEW PARSONS REFUND-PRESCHOOL SOCCER 101-1710-3636 SlfSupProg JULIE KRAINES REFUND-PRESCHOOL SOCCER Dept: Youth Sports 101-1730-3636 SlfSupProg CINDY HROMATKA REFUND-INTRO TO LACROSSE Dept: Youth Activities 101-1731-3636 SlfSupProg BRENDA KNIGHT REFUND-BABYSITTING TRAINING 101-1731-4130 Prog Supp COUNTY MARKET MISC FOOD/SUPPLIES Dept: Adult Activities Check Number 121523 121529 121543 121546 121573 121570 121555 121503 121503 121557 121548 121575 121582 121512 121529 121527 121582 121522 121566 121556 121550 121503 Invoice Number Due Date Amount 08/31/2004 9.68 083104 08/23/2004 214.36 082304 09/01/2004 269.03 88401715938 08/26/2004 20.00 96966 09/13/2004 4,900.00 091304 08/26/2004 37.74 114674 ----------------- Total Park Maintenance 6,475.68 09/03/2004 12,17 090304 ----------------- Total Downtown Maintenance 12.17 08/31/2004 8.37 083104 08/31/2004 8.26 083104 09/07/2004 651.00 7824 09/03/2004 15,00 090304 09/08/2004 1,638.00 090804 ----------------- Total Senior Citizens Center 2,320.63 09/10/2004 1. 85 091004 09/07/2004 219.01 090704 08/23/2004 67.38 082304 08/27/2004 14,74 082704 ----------------- Total Recreation Programs 302.98 09/10/2004 0,46 091004 ----------------- Total Self-Supporting Programs 0.46 09/01/2004 40.00 2000095002 09/11/2004 40.00 2000106002 ----------------- Total Preschool Sports 80,00 09/14/2004 60.00 2000108002 ----------------- Total Youth Sports 60.00 09/08/2004 45.00 2000100002 08/31/2004 9,10 083104 ----------------- Total Youth Activities 54.10 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 City of Chanhassen Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8: 46am Page: 7 --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fund Department Account Invoice Number Check Number Vendor Name Invoice Description GL Number Abbrev Due Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount 121583 09/09/2004 160.00 2000103002 121565 09/09/2004 140.00 2000102002 121554 09/09/2004 140.00 2000105002 121531 08/05/2004 1,845,20 48 121519 08/10/2004 752,27 081004 ----------------- Total Adult Activities 3,037.47 ----------------- Fund Total 50,128.83 Fund: GENERAL FUND Dept: Adult Activities 101-1761-3636 SlfSupProg NANCY KASID REFUND- PILATES SlfSupProg JUDY GOLZ REFUND-PILATES SlfSupProg CATHY WOOD REFUND-PILATES Consulting PEGGIE ZOERHOF PILATES INSTRUCTION Consulting MARIANNE WELLS YOGA INSTRUCTION 101-1761-3636 101-1761-3636 101-1761-4300 101-1761-4300 Fund: CABLE TV Dept: 210-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 Total Fund Total Fund: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Dept: Recycling 211-2310-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 211-2310-4300 Consulting LAKESIDE PROMOTIONS LLC 121569 09/09/2004 RECYCLING MAGNETS 292 Total Recycling Dept: Reforestation 211-2360-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 211-2360-4130 Prog Supp BLUE SKY GUIDE 121549 08/20/2004 BLUE SKY GUIDES 16844 211-2360-4300 Consulting STUMP BUSTERS 121539 08/30/2004 BLVD TREE STUMP GRINDING 4145 211-2360-4320 Utilities COUNTY MARKET 121503 08/3112004 MISC FOOD/SUPPLIES 083104 211-2360-4370 Trav/Train MN SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE 121526 09/02/2004 MEMBERSHIP/CONFERENCE-SINCLAIR 090204 Total Reforestation Fund Total Fund: 1999A IMPROVEMENT BONDS Dept: 351-0000-4803 Pay Agent US BANK 121542 08/25/2004 GO BOND 1999A 1380788 Total Fund Total Fund: CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Dept: 400-0000-4300 Consulting GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC UTILITY LOCATES 121562 08/31/2004 4080216 Total Dept: Library Building 400-4002-4300 Consulting FABYANSKE, WESTRA & HART PA PROFESSIONAL FEES 121508 08/31/2004 54762 Total Library Building Dept: City Center Commons 2.26 ----------------- 2.26 ----------------- 2.26 0,26 288.83 ----------------- 289,09 0.26 1,100.00 319,50 42,50 125,00 ----------------- 1,587,26 ----------------- 1,876.35 201.25 ----------------- 201.25 ----------------- 201.25 588,80 ----------------- 588.80 422,60 ----------------- 422.60 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 City of Chanhassen Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8:46am Page: 8 ------~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Abbrev Vendor Name Invoice Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Dept: City Center Commons 400-4118-4702 Buildings LS BLACK CONSTRUCTORS INC CITY CENTER CONSTRUCTION Dept: Records Retention System 400-4124-4703 Off Equip RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANNUAL SERVICE CONTRACT Dept: Lower Level Remodeling 400-4130-4300 Consulting REAL GEM MAPLE LEAF AWARDS 400-4130-4300 Consulting PAUL HEFFRON SR CTR OPEN HOUSE-ENTERTAIN 400-4130-4300 Consulting KKE ARCHITECTS INC CITY HALL REUSE 400-4130-4300 Consulting KKE ARCHITECTS INC CITY HALL REUSE Dept: Playground Equipment 400-4132-4705 Oth Equip WM MUELLER & SONS INC 3/4 CLEAR 400-4132-4705 Oth Equip WM MUELLER & SONS INC 3/4 CLEAR 400-4132-4705 Oth Equip MIDWEST ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER Check Number Invoice Number Amount Due Date 121572 09/03/2004 8,735.69 ----------------- Total City Center Commons 8,735.69 121595 08/27/2004 216.96 E08270008121 ----------------- Total Records Retention System 216.96 121593 09/09/2004 75.25 26641 121589 09/16/2004 95.00 091604 121568 07/31/2004 4,710,00 3071220213 121568 07/31/2004 403.53 3071220013 ----------------- Total Lower Level Remodeling 5,283.78 121546 08/18/2004 1,995.69 96487 121546 08/13/2004 668.20 96323 121577 09/07/2004 2,803.61 2380 ----------------- Total Playground Equipment 5,467.50 ----------------- Fund Total 20,715.33 Fund: TAX INCR 4- ENTERTAINMENT #028 Dept: 491-0000-4300 Consulting CAMPBELL KNUTSON SCOTT & FUCHS 121553 08/31/2004 140,00 CHANHASSEN BOWL SERVICES 083104 ----------------- Total 140.00 ----------------- Fund Total 140.00 Fund: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROJECTS Dept: 2004 Residential Street 04-01 600-6008-4751 AWARDED CO NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC 121530 07/31/2004 166,438.86 2004 MSA STREET IMPROVEMENTS 073104 ----------------- Total 2004 Residential Street 04-01 166,438.86 Dept: 2004 MSA Street Improve 04-02 600-6009-4751 AWARDED CO TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 121606 09/1012004 93,427.00 RAILROAD CROSSING IMPROVEMENT 5639 600-6009-4752 Out Engine SEH 121599 08/12/2004 15,466,49 2003 MSA STREET PROJECT 04-02 119091 ----------------- Total 2004 MSA Street Improve 04-02 108,893,49 ----------------- Fund Total 275,332.35 Fund: Water Fund Dept: 700-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 4.81 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 700-0000-4120 Equip Supp MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 30.52 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 700-0000-4140 Veh Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 183.69 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 700-0000-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121559 09/09/2004 29,48 BRAKE SHOES 6676635 700-0000-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121559 09/09/2004 105.34 ROTOR/WIRE/CAP/SPARK PLUG 6676613 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8:46am City of Chanhassen Page: 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL Number Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description Number Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: Water Fund Dept: 700-0000-4150 Maint MatI WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/19/2004 145.34 SCREENED FILL/RUBBLE DISPOSAL 96583 700-0000-4150 Maint MatI WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08130/2004 144.79 SCREENED FILL 97160 700-0000-4150 Maint MatI WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/26/2004 275,62 BINDER ROCK/RUBBLE DISPOSAL 96966 700-0000-4150 Maint MatI WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/25/2004 164.63 SCREENED FILL/RUBBLE DISPOSAL 96830 700-0000-4150 Maint MatI WM MUELLER & SONS INC 121546 08/18/2004 106,98 SCREENED FILL/RUBBLE DISPOSAL 96488 700-0000-4160 Chemicals HAWKINS CHEMICAL 121563 08131/2004 20.00 CONTAINER DEMURRAGE CM107537 700-0000-4250 Merch Inv NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 121585 09/10/2004 341. 47 BRONZE FLANGE KIT 1670803 700-0000-4300 Consulting TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC 121609 09/08/2004 200,00 BACTERIA ANALYSIS-AUGUST 658 700-0000-4310 Telephone AT&T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES 121489 08/28/2004 7.11 TELEPHONE CHARGES 082804 700-0000-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 191.97 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 700-0000-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 83,93 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 700-0000-4310 Telephone QWEST 121591 09/01/2004 27.69 TELEPHONE CHARGES 090104 700-0000-4320 Utilities MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 121527 08/27/2004 21. 24 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 082704 700-0000-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 121497 08130/2004 9.59 GAS CHARGES 083004 700-0000-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 121555 09/03/2004 7,91 GAS CHARGES 090304 700-0000-4510 Bldg Maint MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 7.44 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 700-0000-4510 B1dg Maint TWIN CITY WATER CLINIC INC 121609 09/09/2004 45.00 WATER ANALYSIS-WELL 3 665 700-0000-4520 Veh Maint RICH'S AUTO BODY SHOP 121594 09/07/2004 659,45 PICKUP 301-MAILBOX ACCIDENT 3785 700-0000-4550 Wtr Sys NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 121528 08131/2004 323.76 HYD EXT 1638788 700-0000-4550 Wtr Sys NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC 121528 09/01/2004 20.81 WELL #3 FILL STATION 1645525 700-0000-4550 Wtr Sys MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT 121579 09/03/2004 925,93 GV REPAIR PARTS 154143 ----------------- Total 4,084.50 Dept: Well No. 9 Project No. 03-02 700-7006-4751 AWARDED CO MARK J. TRUAT WELLS INC 121520 08/20/2004 124,976,77 WELL 9 CONSTRUCTION 082004 ----------------- Total Well No. 9 Project No, 03-02 124,976,77 ----------------- Fund Total 129,061. 27 Fund: Sewer Fund Dept: 701-0000-2023 SAC Payabl METROPOLITAN COUNCIL, ENV SVCS 121576 08131/2004 9,450.00 SAC-AUGUST 083104 701-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 4,81 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 701-0000-4120 Equip Supp MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT 121525 08/03/2004 159.72 SEWER TRACER DYE 151462 701-0000-4120 Equip Supp MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08131/2004 36.30 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 701-0000-4140 Veh Supp BUMPER TO BUMPER 121494 08/31/2004 183.69 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 701-0000-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121559 09/09/2004 29.49 BRAKE SHOES 6676635 701-0000-4140 Veh Supp FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 121559 09/09/2004 105.34 ROTOR/WIRE/CAP/SPARK PLUG 6676613 INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8: 46am City of Chanhassen Page: 10 -----------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department GL NW11ber Vendor Name Check Invoice Due Account Abbrev Invoice Description NW11ber Number Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: Sewer Fund Dept: 701-0000-4310 Telephone AT&T CONSUMER LEASE SERVICES 121489 08/28/2004 7.11 TELEPHONE CHARGES 082804 701-0000-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 191,96 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 701-0000-4310 Telephone NEXTEL 121529 08/23/2004 83.93 CELLULAR PHONE CHARGES 082304 701-0000-4310 Telephone QWEST 121591 09/01/2004 27.69 TELEPHONE CHARGES 090104 701-0000-4320 Utilities MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 121527 08/27/2004 251,92 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 082704 701-0000-4320 Utilities CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 121555 09/03/2004 7,91 GAS CHARGES 090304 701-0000-4320 Utilities XCEL ENERGY INC 121616 09/09/2004 14,64 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 090904 701-0000-4520 Veh Maint MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 121523 08/31/2004 17.28 MISC SUPPLIES 083104 701-0000-4520 Veh Maint RICH'S AUTO BODY SHOP 121594 09/07/2004 659.44 PICKUP 301-MAILBOX ACCIDENT 3785 ----------------- Total 11,231.23 Dept: SCADA System Replacement 701-7009-4300 Consulting KAEDING AND ASSOCIATES INC 121514 09/01/2004 10,219.00 SCADA SYSTEM PHASE 2 PROJECT 090104 ----------------- Total SCADA System Replacement 10,219,00 Dept: Lift Station #2 701-7010-4300 Consulting HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 121511 08/24/2004 4,000.00 LIFT STATION 2 13173 ----------------- Total Lift Station #2 4,000.00 ----------------- Fund Total 25,450.23 Fund: SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT Dept: 720-0000-3660 Sewer Chg EDINA REALTY TITLE 121507 08/30/2004 3,13 REFUND FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 1733203 720-0000-3660 Sewer Chg RILE & MARY CHERREY 121597 09/15/2004 10.94 REFUND-FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 1916500 720-0000-3660 Sewer Chg MAUREEN CIACCIO 121574 09/15/2004 62.48 REFUND FINAL BILL OVERPAYMENT 2806301 720-0000-4030 Retirement MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 1.37 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 720-0000-4300 Consulting BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 121490 08/26/2004 360.00 SIGN GRAPHICS/LAYOUT LK SUSAN 111614 720-0000-4300 Consulting BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 121490 08/26/2004 138,00 LL P7. 5 PHASE 2 111617 720-0000-4300 Consulting PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 121532 08/30/2004 116.30 LK SUSAN -RAGWEED PULLING 93287 720-0000-4360 Membership STEVENS PUBLISHING CORPORATION 121538 09/0812004 78.00 SUBSCRIPTION 090804 ----------------- Total 770.22 ----------------- Fund Total 770,22 Fund: DEVELOPER ESCROW FUND Dept: LANDSCAPE 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION 121517 09/02/2004 750.00 LANDSCAPE/EROSION-7403 TRISTAN 7403TK 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay JOHN KNOBLAUCH 121513 09/0712004 750,00 EROSION/LAND-1440 KNOB HILL LN 1440KHL 815-8201-2024 Escrow Pay DEAN STANTON 121506 09/02/2004 750.00 LAND/EROSION-500 BIGHORN DR 500BD ----------------- Total LANDSCAPE 2,250.00 Dept: EROSION CONTROL 815-8202-2024 Escrow Pay LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION 121517 09/02/2004 500,00 LANDSCAPE/EROSION-7403 TRISTAN 7403TK INVOICE APPROVAL LIST BY FUND 121486-121617 Date: 09/20/2004 Time: 8: 46am Page: 11 City of Chanhassen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund Department Account GL Number Abbrev Vendor Name Invoice Description Check Number Invoice Number Due Date Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund: DEVELOPER ESCROW FUND Dept: EROSION CONTROL 815-8202-2024 Escrow Pay JOHN KNOBLAUCH 121513 09/07/2004 500.00 EROSION/LAND-1440 KNOB HILL LN 1440KHL 815-8202-2024 Escrow Pay DEAN STANTON 121506 09/02/2004 1,500,00 LAND/EROSION-500 BIGHORN DR 500BD 815-8202-2024 Escrow Pay COTTAGEWOOD BUILDERS 121502 09/08/2004 250.00 EROSION ESCROW-6411 TETON LN 6411 TL 815-8202-2024 Escrow Pay BRIAN CARNEY 121551 09/15/2004 5,000.00 REFUND GRADING ESCROW DW4388 ----------------- Total EROSION CONTROL 7,750,00 Dept: AS-BUILT ESCROW 815-8226-2024 Escrow Pay MALINDA TAMLYN 121518 09/08/2004 1,500.00 AS BUILT ESCROW-6220 ARBOR LN 6220AL ----------------- Total AS-BUILT ESCROW 1,500,00 ----------------- Fund Total 11,500,00 Fund: PAYROLL CLEARING FUND Dept: 820-0000-2006 Deduct Pay UNITED WAY 121611 09115/2004 106,00 SEPTEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS 091504 820-0000-2009 Def Comp ICMA RETIREMENT AND TRUST-457 121564 09/1512004 430.00 EMP DEFERRED COMP 091504 820-0000-2009 De f Comp NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 121586 09/17/2004 6,508.41 EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMP 091704 820-0000-2016 RET HEALTH MSRS 121582 09/10/2004 1,633.22 EMP HCSP PAY DATE 9/17/04 091004 ----------------- Total 8,677.63 ----------------- Fund Total 8,677.63 ----------------- Grand Total 523,855.72