1980 09 15 I I I SPECIAL CHANHASSEN CITY CamcIL MEEI'ING SEPTEMBER 15, 1980 Mayor Hobbs called the meetin:J to order at 7:30 p.m. with the followiD] members present: Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, GeviD], and Swenson. The meetiD] was opened with the pledge to the flag. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Coun::::ilman Swenson moved to approve the ageroa as presented with the addition of Street Name for ne.v City Hall. Motion seconded by Councilman Neveaux. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Gevin:J, am SWenson. NJ neg-ative votes. Motion carried. 1980 DISEASED TREE PROGRAM - CERTIFICATION OF DELIN;:)UENT ACCOUNTS - PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Hobbs called the heáringtå E)rder. -rJ:\b one was presént~ Council members discussed charging 10% interest on bills over six months in arrears plus a 15% certification charge. Councilman Geving moved to close the public hearing. Motion secorrled by Coun::::ilman Pearson. The followiIB voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Gevin:J, am Swenson. NJ negative votes. HeariIB closed at 7: 55 p.m. RESOillTION #80-33: Councilman Gevin:J moved the adoption of a resolution authoriziIB the certification for 1980 collectible 1981 delinquent diseased tree billiIBS to include a 15% certification charge am an additional 10% on bills over six months in arrears or not less than $20.00. Resolution secorrled by Councilman Pearson. The followin:J voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, GeviIB, and Swenson. J:\b negative votes. Motion carried. 1980 UTILITY BILLINGS - CERTIFICATION OF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS - PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Hobbs called the heariIB to order. No one was present. The Ci tyManager recommended a 15% certification charge. Councilman Neveaux moved to close the public hearin:J. Motion seconded by Councilman Pearson. The followin:J voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Gevin:J, am Swenson. J:\b negative votes. HeariIB closed at 8:05 p.m. RESOllJTION #80-34: Councilman Pearson moved the adoption of a resolution certifyiIB the delinquent SE.Wer and water utility bills to the County Auditor for collection in 1981 includin:J a 15% certification charge or $20.00. Resolution seconded by Councilman Neveaux. The followin:J voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Gevin:J, and Swenson. NJ negative votes. Motion carried. FRONTIER TRAIL FOæfl\lAIN: Councilman Pearson questioned what is the reason for the forcanain along Frontier Trail that runs parallel with a graVii ty line. Council members r6:JUestErl a report fran the City Engineer. OID ST. HUBERT'S CHURCH, SUB-LEASE AGREEMENT, FAMILY OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH: MEmbers of the Family of Christ liltheran Church have expressErl a desire to enter into a long term lease of old St. Hubert'sChurchfran the City. Members of St. Hubert's Par ish noted they will be needin:J additional space in the near future am may want the lam. It was notErl that if the BRA plan was approved it may be possible to consider sane form of land swap with St. Hubert's. Council members directed the City Manager to neg-otiate a sub-lease with the Iiltheran Church. Council members notErl they would like a clause in the sub-lease allowin:J reasonable use of the building ty other groups. IAIƒ S'IUDY Cc::Mrv1ITI'EE RECCM1ENDATIONS: RECREATIONAL OUTIDTS: Wally Coudron and Jim Thanpson, Lake Study Camni ttee mEmbers, were present. The Lake Study Cæmittee presented a set of policies that would be used when corrli tional use permits are draftErl for homrowner' s association beach lots. Council Meeting September 15, 1980 -2- Council Members questionErl the prohibition of docks and swimmin:Jplatforms am felt both should reasonably be allowed. The committee is further studying the reduètiLon of horsefOWer, hour usage, am other structures in the lake, i.e. Slalan courses am ski jumps. I SURFACE WATER USAGE: The Lake Study Corrmittee has drafted a proposed ordinance governing the surface water usage of Chanhassen's lakes. The Plannin:J Ccmnission conjunction with the Lake Study Corrrrnittee will hold a public heariD] on this proposed ordinance. in INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND CRITERIA: Council mEmbers generally reviewed existin:J cri teria for irrlustrial revenue rom sales and determined that no chan:Jes should occur at the present time. HANUS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Councilman Neveaux askErl arout the status of the revie.v of the Hanus Comitional Use Permit. The City Attorney's office will inspect the property am prepare a report to the Council. HOLIDAY STATION CORNER: CounciJman Neveaux expressed concern atout the lack of maintenance and landscapin:J of the city arrl state property next to the Holiday Stationstore. The Lam Use Coordinator is gettin:J costs to redue the city sign. The City Forester will prepare a landscape plan for the area. NATURAL GREEN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: This itan will be on the first meetin:J in Cctober for council consideration to terminate or extend the comitional use permit. FRONTIER MEATS SIGN: Mayor Hobbs noted that Frontier Meats has installed a sign I alon:J West 78th Street am Monterey Drive. Staff will send than a letter to rEmOve the sign. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Hobbs asked if any council member wishErl to discuss any items on the consent agenda. There being no further cæments, Councilman Pearson moved to approve the consent agema as recommendErl by the City Manager. a. 1980 Budget Adjustments. b. 1980 Election Judges/Counters Salary $4.00 per hour. Motion seconded by CounciJman Neveaux. 'The follCMing voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Gevin:J, and Swenson. No negative votes. Motion carried. STREET NAME, CITY HALL: Staff will prepare a list of possible street names for council consideration. A motion was rrade by Councilman Swenson am secomed by CounciJman GeviIB to adjourn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Gevin:J, and Swenson. No neg-ative votes. Meeting adjourned at 11: 00 p.m. Don Ashworth City Manager I