1980 10 13
Mayor Hobbs called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following member present:
Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, and Geving. Councilman Swenson was absent.
1981 BUDGET: The City Manager presented the proposed budget to the Council. Members
of the fire department were present to discuss portions of the proposed fire department
budget. Chief Kreger asked for raises in the firemen's pay per hour for fire calls
under classification 4010 as follows:
$ 3.50 Firefighters
$ 3.75 Lieutenants
$ 4.00 Captains
$ 4.25 Chiefs
Council members generally agreed to increase the budget classification 4010 by $2,230.00
to $24,100.00.
Chief Kreger further requested an increase in Travel and Training classification 4370
to $6,715.00. Council members generally agreed with a $2,000 increase for a total of
OSHA requirement for air tanks will increase the fire department budget classification
4530 by $1,600.00.
Fritz Coulter discussed a proposed increase in relief association benefits from the
current $6.00 per year of service to $8.00 per year of service, plus adding a widow's
benefit which would pay 75% of the benefit the member was receiving. The widow's
benefit would be payable to any widow of any firefighter if the firefighter had a
minimum of ten years of service and the benefit would continue until remarriage or
death. The total cost would be $30,800 per year for 29 firefighters. For 40 fire fighters
the cost would be $38,400 per year. Council members generally agreed not to increase
the benefits for 1981.
The City Manager pointed out that a budget increase of $3,600 is needed for a part time
Total budget increase of $9,430.00. Adjustment due to revenue of $6,400. Additional
property tax levy of $3,030 to meet the adjustments.
RESOLUTION #80-39: Councilman Neveaux moved the adoption of a resolution approving the
1980 tax levy, collectible in 1981. Resolution seconded by Councilman Geving. The
following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, and Geving. No
negative votes. Motion carried.
AWARD OF BIDS, FIRE TRUCK: Bids were received from General and Peter Pirsch and Sons.
The fire department recommended acceptance of the bid from Peter Pirsch and Sons in
the amount of $95,292.00.
RESOLUTION #80-39A: Councilman Geving moved the adoption of a resolution awarding the
bid for a 1250 g.p.m. pumper to Peter Pirsch and Sons in the amount of $95,292.00.
The Council finds Peter Pirsch and Sons to be the lowest responsible bidder for the
following reasons:
a. a higher degree of quality control, fit, and finish of the products supplied
by this bidder,
b. a higher degree of compatibility of equipment supplied by this bidder with
existing equipment maintained by the fire department,
c. a higher degree of compliance with the plans and specifications upon which the
call for bids was based,
d. an easier maintenance program for the pump unit contained in the equipment
supplied by this bidder, and
e. a faster delivery time for the pumper truck.
Council Meeting October 13, 1980
The City Attorney will investigate any official new legislation on the city
entering into a certificate of indebtedness in the event the federal government
does not come through with revenue sharing. Resolution seconded by Councilman
Pearson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux,
and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried.
AWARD OF BIDS, HOCKEY LIGHTING: Councilman Neveaux moved to award the bid to
Frontier Electric in the amount of $9,786.00. Motion seconded by Councilman Pearson.
The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, and Geving.
No negative votes. Motion carried.
Councilman Geving moved to
following voted in favor:
No negative votes. Motion
adjourn. Motion seconded by Councilman Neveaux. The
Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, and Geving.
Don Ashworth
City Manager