1980 11 06 I I I November 6, 1980 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO CANVASS THE CITY ELECTION OF NOVEMBER 4, 1980. Mayor Hobbs called -the meeting to order at 5~00 p.m. on November 6, 1980, with the following members present: Councilmen Swenson and Geving. Councilmen Neveaux and Pearson were absent. RESOLUTION 80-50: Councilman Swenson moved the adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS The Biennial City Election was duly held on Tuesday, November 4, 1980, for the election of the Mayor for a term ending on the first business day of January, 1983 and for two Councilmen for terms ending on the first business day of January, 1985, and WHEREAS, the City Council of Chanhassen has this date duly met as the City Canvassing Board to declare the results of the election returns made by the Election Judges. Said results are listed on the attached Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the City Council sitting as the City Canvassing Board hereby declares the results of the Biennial City Election for the year 1980 as follows: 1. For the position of Mayor - Tom Hamilton 2. For the position of Councilman - Dale Geving 3. For the position of Councilman - Clark Horn. Resolution seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Swenson and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. Councilman Geving moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mayor Hobbs. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Swenson and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. r-I rn 0ìN r-Ir-Ir-Iooll) I.D 00 I.D r-INr-I .¡J O~ N~I"-O'IO'I r-Ill)O'I 0ì01.D 0 I"-~ NOll)O'Ioo ~oo ll)l.Dr-I E-i .. .. .. .. .. .. .. r-Ir-I r-Ir-Ir-I r-Ir-I r-Ir-I I .¡J U ¡:: ..-1 I.D 0 r-IO'Ir-I0ì1"- r-IO'IO I.D m U~ ll)1"- I"-Nr-Ill)1"- ll)r-I I"-ll) Q) 0ìN NN0ìr-lr-l N~ N0ì J.-.¡ III .µ U ¡:: 00 Oll)N~N 0ìll)0ì m0ìr-l .r-j 0ì0 ~I.DNOI"- OI.D~ 0ì01"- U0ì 0ì0ì Nr-I0ì0ìr-l 0ì0ì 0ì0ì Q) J.-.¡ III U) .¡.J E-i U H ¡:: ::J .r-j U) UN om Nr-Ioo00ì omN r-IOO µ.j Q) 001.D ~1.Dll)0ì1.D N0ìll) 1"-ll)0'I ~ J.-.¡ 0ì~ 0ìN0ìNN 0ìll) 0ì~ III Z 0 H E-i U .¡.J µ.j U H ¡:: µ.j~ .r-j I"-r-I oo~oor-l0ì N~O 0ìO I Ur-I 0ì 0 I.DOOl"-r-IOO ~0ì ~m H Q) I.D ~ 0ì 0ì ll) 0ì N ll)ll) ll)'<ji ~E-i J.-.¡ ~H p.¡ µ.jÇQ ZH µjII: 0~ µ.j 0 .~ ~ 00 0'1 0...¡.J r-I Q) ¡:: ¡:: ;J ¡:: 0 ON ONNOO Or-lr-l NOO ~ Q)U II: ~ µ.j ÇQ ~ µ.j :> 0 Z :><: ;J ¡:: r-I N rn 0 'D ¡:: Q) J.-.¡ ¡:: 0 :> 'D ty\ ;J 0 0 .¡.J Q) ¡:: ¡:: ;J ¡:: r-I Z Z I r-IZ rn J.-.¡ 0 'r-j 'D .r-j S OU:>NQ) ¡:: ¡:: S r-I II: Q) .¡.J :3: 0 0 rnH 'r-j J.-.¡0Q)U) .r-j .r-j ~ II: U ~ Q) ÇQ .µ ~ .¡.J ~ ¡:: ¡:: J.-.¡ .¡.J Q) 4-1 UJ ¡:: UJ ¡:: S..c: ;J rnr-lr-lQ)4-I Q) UJ rn Q) UJ rn o 0 0 r-IrnrnOQ) ;J Q)Or-l ;J Q)Or-l E-iCJ U U3:QCJCJ QI :>-iZÇQ QI :>-iZÇQ