1979 05 07 I I I REGULAR CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 7, 1979 Mayor Hobbs called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. Ray Jackson, Rodney Gordon, and Jack Gill of Schoell and Madson were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Pearson moved to approve the agenda with the addition of a discussion on the Hanus property and the deletion of "Establish no parking zone". Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. AWARD OF BIDS - SOUTH LAKE RILEY SANITARY SEWER PROJECT 78-8: Six bids were received with the low bid being 55% over the engineer's estimate. Councilman Neveaux moved to reject all bids received on the South Lake Riley Sanitary Sewer Project 78-8 and direct the City Engineer to come forward with alternatives for review by the Council on May 21, 1979. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthews. The fOllowing voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. AWARD OF BIDS - NORTH LAKE SUSAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 78-3: Ed Dunn and Julius Smith were present. RESOLUTION #79-27: Councilman Neveaux moved the adoption of a resolution awarding the bid to Brown and Cris, Inc. and Enebak Construction, a joint venture, in the amount of $1,188,862.40 for Project 78-3 with the additional conditions as brought forth in the memorandum from the City Manager dated May 7, 1979. These conditions being two, mainly one¡ receipt of an irrevocab¡e letter of credit or other financial guarantee in a figure guaranteeing full payment for site grading work and two, the receipt of financial guarantees, as established in the master financial guarantee contract as similarly prepared for the sewer and water project recently let. Resolution seconded by Councilman Pearson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobhs, ~Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. AWARD OF BIDS - DISEASED TREE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL: The City Manager has sent letters to the State Legislators requesting them to proceed with state funding for the diseased tree program for 1979. Mr. Walter Ca~penter of Minnesota Tree, Inc. (low bidder) was present to discuss proposed increased costs for workmen's compensation which have come about since the project was bid. reject all bids as submitted for diseased Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, negative votes. Motion carried. Councilman Pearson moved to tree removal and disposal. following voted in favor: Matthews, and Geving. No The Council requested the City Manager send the bid specifications and bids along with a cover letter to our State Legislators. council Meeting May 7, 1979 -2- PUBLIC HEARING ARBORETUM DRIVE VACATION Mayor Hobbs called the hearing to order with the following interested I persons present: Edward Worm, 3430 Arboretum Blvd. David Boorsma, 185 Arboretum Blvd., Victoria Gerald Neher, Chanhassen Jim Mattson, Fiscal Planning Office, University of Minnesota John Lang, Coordinator for the Arboretum The University of Minnesota is requesting to vacate Arboretum Drive in order to install. èécúrity fences with gètes for the At~óretum. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the vacation on the condition that the Arboretum is willing to leave a key with the fire and/or police departments. Mr. Ed Worm was present objecting to the proposed vacation as he uses the street so that he doesn't have to make left turns off of Highway 5 into his driveway. Mr. Boorsma was present to point out that his mailbox is on Arboretum Drive and he doesn't want to move it to Highway 5. Mr. Lang point out that a cul-de-sac may be installed on the western portion of Arboretum Drive and this would take care of the mail delivery problem. councilman Neveaux moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthews. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, I Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews and Geving. No negative votes. Hearing closed at 8:47 p.m. ARBORETUM DRIVE VACATION: RESOLUTION #79-28: Councilman Neveaux moved the adoption of a resolution to vacate Arboretum Drive as per the Planning Commission case P-'605 with the condition that at the time they anticipate barricading, a plan be presented to the Council showing how this will be accomplished. Resolution seconded by Councilman Matthews. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. MINUTES: Amend the last sentence under CONSIDER PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION, PETITION FOR 40,000 SQUARE FOOT LOTS in the April 16, 1979, Council minutes to read: Those persons in attendance were told that the planning commission is in the process of completing a Comprehensive Plan and estate developments mayor may not be feasible in this or other areas of the City. Councilman Neveaux moved to approve the April 16, 1979, Council minutes as amended. Motion seconded by Councilman Pearson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. Councilman Pearson moved to approve the continuation 1979, Council meeting held April 23, 1979, minutes. by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, and Geving. Councilman abstained. Motion carried. of the April 16, Motion seconded Mayor Hobbs, Matthews I I I I council Meeting May 7, 1979 -3- councilman Neveaux moved to note the April 4, 1979, Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Councilman Pearson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. LAKE MINNEWASHTA: Mr. Worm called the Council's attention to the high water level of· Lake Minnewashta and asked that the outlet be checked. CHRISTMAS ACRES SUBDIVISION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Mr. William Ward is requesting to subdivide approxima~ejy~llacresinto seven lots. The Planning commission recommended approval of a beach ~àsement and that the dockage issue be agreed to between the applicant and the Christmas Lake Homeowners Association. They further recommended denial of a gazebo to be constructed on the beach easement. The City Manager explained the sewer and water assessment procedure for this proposed subdivision. The city would calculate the amount of the assessments outstanding and put those on the assessment rolls on an individual lot basis starting with the next certification for the remainder of the bond issue. Councilman Pearson moved to grant preliminary plat approval with the proviso that no alteration is to be made on the 15 foot beach easement except upon issuance of a separate conditional use permit and that the recommendations of the watershed district be incorporated into the development contract and that assessments be certified this year. Due to the dramatic relief conditions on Lots 3, 4, and 5, all building plans for these lots be certified by a registered architect or engineer. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthews. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. HIGHWAY 212 STUDY COMMITTEE: Councilman Neveaux moved to appoint the following to a committee to review alternative alignments for Highway 212 and to narrow these alternatives for analysis via an environmental impact statement: 1. Nick Waritz or someone from the Bluff Creek Drive area. 2. One Planning Commission member. 3. One Council member. Councilman Geving volunteered. 4. One member of the Chamber of Commerce. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthews. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. HANUS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: The Building Inspector has reviewed the conditions of the permit and visited the site. HANDICAPPED SCOUTWEBK: ·····MayorHobhs:oproclaim~ét'"l::he~week of June 4 as Handicapped Scout Week.· Localscouttroopswiì"l be holding a paper drive during that week for the handicapped scouts. A copy of the proclamation will be sent to the Chamber of Commerce for their support. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Hobbs asked if any council member wished to discuss any items on the consent agenda. Item b. was deleted from this agenda. Item e. - Shore Acres Sanitary Sewer Project, Terminate Contract will be on the May 21, 1979, council agenda if work has not been completed. As no additional comments were received, Councilman Geving moved to approve the following items pursuant to the City Council Meeting May 7, 1979 -4- Manager's recommendations: a. Set New PuÞlic Hearing Date, South Lotus Lake Drainage Project. June 11, 1979. c. Street Address Correction Program, Designate September 1 I Effective Date. d. Guthmiller Property - West 67th Street - Refer to City Attorney's Office. Motion seconded by Councilman Pearson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND REQUEST - M. A. GEDNEY COMPANY: The Council previously approved a preliminary resolution for the sale of industrial revenue bonds for plant expansion. Mr. Gedney Tuttle was present. Councilman Matthews moved to approve the M. A. Gedney Company warehouse addition site plan and floor plan dated April 13, 1979, and revised May 5, 1979, as prepared by the architectural firm of Perrenoud Architects, Inc. and marked as Exhibit A-l and A-2 in Planning Case P-125 subject further to those conditions setforth in the planning report of May 7, 1979. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative v.otes. Motion carried. INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND REQUEST - FRONTIER DODGE, WEST 79TH STREET: Frontier Dodge received site plan and zoning approval for the I construction of an approximate 9,400 square foot auto dealership building and general sales facility. Frontier Partnership has applied to the city for approval of industrial revenue bond financing for their facility in the total amount of $400,000. Several representatives of Frontier Dodge were present. RESOLUTION #79-29: Councilman Neveaux moved the adoption of a resolution giving preliminary approval to this industrial development project by Frontier Partnership as proposed by the City Attorney. Resolution seconded by Councilman Pearson. The following voted in favor: Councilmen Pearson, Matthews, and Neveaux. Mayor Hobbs and Councilman Geving voted no. Motion failed. DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT REQUEST - HANSEN AND KLINGELHUTZ WAREHOUSE/OFFICE BUILDING: Jim Hawks and Doug Hansen were present requesting amendments to Sections 4 and 5 of their development contract. Councilman Pearson moved to amend Sections 4 and 5 of the Hansen and Klingelhutz.Development Contract as follows: Section 4. Outside Storage Prohibited. With the exception of trash facilities as hereinafter provided, and with the exception of licensed vehicle parking as hereinafter provided, no equipment or other personal property shall be stored or displayed outside of the building. Section 5. Overnight Parking Requirements. No motor vehicle of larger than 9000 lbs. licensed gross weight shall be parked overnight except in parking spaces #39-58 as shown on parking layout dated 5/78. This area shall permit overnight parking for larger licensed vehicles not to exceed 8' x 24'. The City Council will determine I I I I Council Meeting May 7, 1979 -5- by permit any additional parking restrictions within the designated parking area. In any case, parking shall be limited to tenaRtparking only and shall in no case allow boat storage. This initial permit shall be valid from this date through November of 1979 at which time such shall be reviewed. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor HObbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. Councilman Pearson moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Councilman Neveaux. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Matthews, and Geving. No negative votes. Meeting adjourned at 12:00. Don Ashworth City Manager