1k Approval of NPDES, Phase II CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.2271180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax 952.2271170 Finance Phone 952.2271140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.2271400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.2271130 Fax 952.2271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.2271125 Fax 952.2271110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us -If< MEMORANDUM To: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager From: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator . Don Asleson, Natural Resources Technician (:)~ Date: February 22, 2005 Re: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit 2004 Annual Report SUMMARY Staff is requesting the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the annual report for submittal to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). ACTION REQUIRED A simple majority vote of City Council present. BACKGROUND At the January 24 City Council meeting, the Council held a public hearing on the NPDES Phase II MS4 Permit 2004 Annual Report. No public comments were made during the hearing. The report was not complete at that time. Council requested the report be brought back for approval once the report was complete. The completed annual report is attached. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following motion: "The Chanhassen City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign the City's NPDES Phase II MS4 General Permit annual report, as attached to this report." ATTACHMENTS 1. NPDES Phase II MS4 General Permit annual report G:\ENG\Lori\NPDES Phase II\MS4 Permit\2004 Annual Report\CC 022805.doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails. and beautiful parks A great place to live work, and play. By completing this annual report form, you are "providing the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) with a summary of your status of compliance with permit conditions, including an assessment of the appropriateness of your identified best management practices and progress towards achieving your identified measurable goals for each of the minimum control measures" as required by the MS4 Permit. Use of this form is not mandatory; however, you must address all the questions and cross reference in a clear format. Name of MS4: City of Chanhassen Contact Person: Lori Haak Telephone Number: (952) 227-1135 Address: P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen (city) MN (state) 55317 (zip code) 1. Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater 1m acts a. Did you hold a public meeting on Yes ~ your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP)? [Part V.G.l.e] b. How many individuals attended?_O_ c. If you did not comply with this requirement, explain why. Please attach a separate sheet labeled lc. d. What was the date of the public meeting? 1/24/05 e. In what newspaper or publication of general interest did you publish the public notice of your meeting? [Part V.G.l.e.2] _Chanhassen VilIager_ f. On what date was it published? _12/23/04_ NOTE: Please retain a copy of the public notice in your records. You must hold your ublic meetin before March 10, 2005. g. You must implement a public education program to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce ollutants in stormwater runoff. Please rovide a status u date concerning your e orts 1 2/18/2005 in developing this program. Please provide your response below or attach a separate sheet labeled 1 g. 12: Status of public education pr02ram development The 2004 - 2008 Educational Activities Implementation Plan (EAIP) will take a community based approach to stormwater education. The City of Chanhassen plans to continue its current practices for public education including the use of the Chanhassen web page, water quality hotline, and articles in the community newspaper and newsletter. In 2005 Chanhassen will have an additional opportunity to communicate stormwater education with the addition of the "Maple Leaf' a monthly insert in the Chanhassen Villager newspaper. With the "Chanhassen Connection" and "Maple Leaf' newsletters Chanhassen hopes to bring timely information and suggestions to residents that will help empower them to take action to improve water quality within the City. As part of the 2004-2008 EAIP Chanhassen has updated its web page dedicated to understanding NPDES MS4 requirements and actions currently happening with the program. The web page also includes links to alternate resources if additional information is needed. The water quality hotline is also updated to include the latest water resource information in Chanhassen. Outreach activities that are planned with the 2004-2008 EAIP include offering materials and presentations to area education professionals and students. Installation of interpretive signage in public areas is planned to allow for a more interactive learning process. In addition to the quarterly newsletters, Chanhassen plans to distribute brochures to increase awareness of water quality issues facing Chanhassen. The City of Chanhassen will also provide educational opportunities to staff in the following areas: park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbance and stormwater system maintenance. h. You must specifically implement an education program that individually addresses each Minimum Control Measure: 1) Public education and outreach; 2) Public participation; 3) Illicit discharge detection and elimination; 4) Construction site stormwater runoff control; 5) Post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment; and 6) Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations. Please provide a status update concerning your efforts to implement this education program for each of the Minimum Control Measures. Provide your response below or provide a separate sheet labeled 1 h. Ih: MCM education efforts status update 1. Public education and outreach During the 2004-2005 permit cycle the public education and outreach educational minimum control measures (MCMs) were implemented as scheduled in the permit cycle. To summarize the educational activities that occurred during the 2004-2005 permit cycle 2 2/1812005 the following actions have been completed: The 2004- 2008 Educational Activity Implementation Plan has been developed. The water quality hotline and web page were updated to include the latest activities that the city has undertaken for the NPDES (MS4) permit. A 30 day notice was given for the public hearing during the City Council meeting on January 24, 2005. The meeting was used to address the City Council on the current standing of NPDES (MS4) activities in addition to allowing public input for the NPDES permit. During the public hearing no oral public input was submitted. No other written public comments were submitted. In addition to the public hearing offered, six (6) Chanhassen Connection articles were published during the 2004 permit cycle. The Stormwater Utility Bill insert survey responses were compiled to assist in the development of the 2004-2008 EAIP. Outreach activities within the 2004-2005 permit cycle included a presentation to local Boy Scout troop assisting them with their water quality education. The 2004-2008 EAIP includes a plan of offering stormwater education assistance to educational professionals and students. 2. Public participation The 2004-2005 permit cycle educational MCMs for public participation included the development of the 2004-2008 EAIP, the update of the City web page and the water quality hotline update. The annual public meeting was conducted on January 24,2005 during the City Council Meeting. At the meeting no oral public input was submitted. No other written public comments were submitted. 3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination Educational MCMs for illicit discharge detection and elimination were completed for the 2004-2005 permit cycle with the development of the 2004-2008 EAIP. The City web page was updated to include the latest information for stormwater issues and NPDES MS4 permit. The surface water management hotline was also updated as part of the 2004-2005 activities. 4. Construction site stormwater runoff control. Educational MCMs for construction site stormwater runoff control for the 2004-2005 permit cycle were completed with the development of the 2004-2008 EAIP. The City web page has been updated to include the latest information for stormwater issues and NPDES MS4 permit. The surface water management hotline was also updated as part of the 2004-2005 activities. 5. Post-Construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment. Post Construction stormwater management educational MCMs were addressed during the 2004-2005 permit cycle with the development of the 2004-2008 EAIP. 6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations Pollution prevention and good housekeeping education MCM activities during the 2004- 2005 permit cycle included the development of the 2004-2008 EAIP. In the 2004-2008 EAIP training presentations and workshops are planned for staff personnel. Training areas for staff will include park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbance and stormwater system 3 2/18/2005 maintenance. Training provided to staff during the 2004-2005 permit cycle included: road salt application, communication procedures with Carver Soil &Water Conservation District, ASIST database management, non-point source pollution, stormwater management, maintenance of stormwater infrastructure, and erosion and sediment control. 2. Public Participation/involvement a. During your public meeting, did you Y es ~ receive written and/or oral input on your SWPPP? [Part V.G.2.b.I-3] NOTE: Input must be considered prior to submittal of your annual report. b. Did you create a record of comments Yes Ne and your response to comments/record of decision (ROD)? c. Have you kept the ROD in Y es ~ accordance with the permit? [Part V.G.2.b] d. Do you plan to incorporate any Y es ~ comments into your next SWPPP update? [Part V.G.2.c] 3. Illicit Dischar2e Detection and Elimination You must develop, implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges as defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(2) into your SWPPP. You must also select and implement a program of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals for this minimum control measure. a. You must develop, if not already completed, a storm sewer system map showing the location of: 1) Ponds, streams, lakes and wetlands that are part of your system; 2) Structural pollution control devices (grit chambers, separators, etc.) that are part of your system; 3) All pipes and conveyances in your system, as a goal-but at minimum- those pipes that are 24 inches in diameter and over; 4) Outfalls, including discharges from your system to other MS4s, or waters and wetlands that are not part of your system (where you do not have operational control); structures that discharge stormwater directly into groundwater; overland discharge points and all other points of discharge from your system that are outlets, not diffuse flow areas. Please provide a summary of your efforts in developing this map. Provide your response below or use a separate sheet labeled 3a. 3a: Storm sewer map development The City of Chanhassen is currently in the process of updating its 1994 Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP). The update of this document is anticipated to be completed December 2005. Included in the contract with the consultant is the task of inventorying all 4 2/18/2005 storm water infrastructure within Chanhassen. Infrastructure to be inventoried includes all lakes, ponds, streams, stormwater pipes, structural pollution control devices and outfalls. All conveyance features will be surveyed to collect x-y positions and collector lines will have the invert (z) data collected in addition to the x-y data. All data will be mapped with ArcMap once the data collection is complete. Approximately 1,125 structures have been inspected and inventoried to date out of an estimated 4,500 (approximately 25% of all structures). b. You must, to the extent allowable under law, effectively prohibit, through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism, non-stormwater discharges from entering into your storm sewer; c. You must develop and implement a program to detect and address non- stormwater discharges, including illegal dumping, to your system; d. You must inform employees, businesses, and the general public in your MS4 area of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste; e. You must address the following categories of non-stormwater discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges), only if you identify them as significant contributors of pollutants to your small MS4: water line flushing, landscape irrigation, diverted stream flows, rising ground waters, uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR 35.2005(20)), uncontaminated pumped ground water, discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air conditioning condensation, irrigation water, springs, water from crawl space pumps, footing drains, lawn watering, truck and car washing, flows from riparian habitats and wetlands, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges, and street wash water, discharges or flows from fire fighting activities. Please provide a status update concerning your efforts to meet these permit conditions. Please provide your response below or provide a separate sheet labeled 3b-e. 3b-e: Illicit dischar2e permit conditions b. Regulatory mechanism for prohibiting non-stormwater discharges from entering storm sewer. Chanhassen City Code Sec. 19-128 and Sec. 19-130 regulate non-stormwater discharges. Upon SWMP Update completion, current ordinances will be re-assessed for effecti veness. c. Program to detect and address non-stormwater discharges Chanhassen has created a web page directing residents to the water quality hotline for complaints or concerns regarding non-stormwater discharges. Additionally, the City of Chanhassen has developed a procedure flowchart for handling both hazardous and non- 5 2/18/2005 hazardous illicit discharges if they are discovered. The water quality hotline was created to provide residents an effective way to ask surface water related questions and/or report non-stormwater discharges. d. Inform general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper waste disposal. The 2004-2008 EAIP addresses education of employees, businesses and the general public of illegal discharge and improper disposal activities and the associated effects of such practices. During the 2004-2005 permit cycle approximately 350 brochures that offer stormwater information were distributed by volunteers to neighborhoods in Chanhassen. Continued use of brochures to inform residents on hazards of illicit discharges will be continued with the 2004-2008 EAIP. 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control You must develop, implement, and enforce a program to reduce pollutants in any stormwater runoff to your small MS4 from construction activities within your jurisdiction that result in a land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre or is less than one acre but is part of a common plan of development that will be one acre or greater. You must also select and implement a program of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals for this minimum control measure, at minimum: a. An ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to require erosion and sediment controls, as well as sanctions to ensure compliance, to the extent allowable under law. These ordinances or regulatory mechanisms must be in place by March 11, 2005; b. Requirements for construction site operators to implement appropriate erosion and sediment control best management practices; c. Requirements for construction site operators to control waste, such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality; d. Procedures for site plan review which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts; e. Procedures for receipt and consideration of reports of non compliance or other information on construction related issues submitted by the public, and f. Procedures for site inspection and enforcement of control measures. Please provide a status update concerning your efforts to meet this permit condition. Please provide your response below or provide a separate sheet labeled 4. 4: Construction site runoff control Chanhassen has two ordinances that require erosion and sediment control. The ordinances also require construction site operators to implement appropriate BMPs on construction sites. To ensure compliance the City of Chanhassen reserves the right to issue a stop work order for non-compliance. Items listed within 4 c & d of the annual 6 2/18/2005 report will be addressed upon completion of the 2004 Surface Water Management Plan Update. In addition to the ordinances listed above, Chanhassen has formed a cooperative effort with Carver Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD). CSWCD assists the City with the review of erosion and sediment control plans in addition to construction site erosion and sediment control inspections designed to ensure compliance by the contractors as well as technically assisting site operators with erosion and sediment control. During the 2004-2005 permit cycle, Carver Soil and Water Conservation District was able to complete 210 inspections on 20 active construction sites. The water quality hotline is one additional way that construction related erosion and sediment control related issues may be reported. 5. Post-construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment You must develop, implement, and enforce a program to address stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment projects within your jurisdiction that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that discharge into your small MS4. Your program must ensure that controls are in place that would prevent or reduce water quality impacts. You must also select and implement a program of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals for this minimum control measure. At minimum: a. Develop and implement strategies which include a combination of structural and/or non-structural best management practices (BMPs) appropriate for your community; b. Use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post-construction runoff from new development and redevelopment projects to the extent allowable under law; and c. Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs installed as a result of these requirements. Please provide a status update concerning your efforts to meet this permit condition. Please provide your response below or provide a separate sheet labeled 5. 5: Post-Construction stormwater mana2ement in new development and re-development a) Post construction program summary During the 2004-2005 permit cycle the City of Chanhassen has developed a spreadsheet to track the use of its non-structural BMPs that are installed within new developments. BMPs that would be considered a part of the non-structural classification include: Buffer Strips, Excavated Conveyance Features, Detention Basins and Post-Construction Vegetation. City ordinances for post-construction stormwater management will be revisited upon ~ompl~tion of the Surface Water Management Plan Update (SWMP). One of the work IteT?s m the contract for the SWMP update is the task of making suggestions to improve ordmances and or suggest areas where ordinances are needed. 7 2/18/2005 b) Ordinance to address post-construction runoff from new development and re- development. City Code Section 18-78 addresses the post construction runoff from new developments and re-developments. c) Long term operation and maintenance of BMPs With the completion of the Surface Water Management Plan the consultant will develop an Implementation Plan for maintenance activities. With the development of this plan, a schedule will be developed for maintenance operations for stormwater infrastructure. Immediate needs will be addressed in this Implementation Plan. 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeepin2 for Municipal Operations a. You must develop and implement an operation and maintenance program that includes a training component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. Training materials that are available from the USEP A, state and regional agencies, or other organizations may be used as appropriate or modified for your community. Your program must include employee training to prevent and reduce stormwater pollution from activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and stormwater system maintenance. Please provide a status update concerning your efforts in developing a Pollution Prevention Plan. Please provide your response below or provide a separate sheet labeled 6a. 6a: Pollution prevention and 200d housekeepin2 for municipal operations Pollution prevention has been addressed in the 2004-2008 EAIP. Training areas for the EAIP include park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbance and stormwater system maintenance. Training that was provided during the 2004-2005 permit cycle included: road salt application, communication with Carver Soil and Water Conservation District, ASIST database management, maintenance of stormwater infrastructure and erosion and sediment control. b. Did you identify and inspect all of your structural pollution control Yes ~ devices such as trap manholes, grit chambers, sumps, floatable skimmers and separators, etc.? [Part V.G.6.b.2] c. How many structural pollution control devices do you have in your MS4 system? 58 d. How many structural pollution control devices did you inspect? 58 e. Calculate the percentage 100% 8 2/18/2005 NOTE: If less than 100 % were inspected, please explain why below or on a separate sheet labels 6e. f. Did you repair, replace, or maintain any structural pollution control devices? Yes ~ g. Briefly, summarize any significant unscheduled (not routine) maintenance or improvement activities stemming from inspections of your structural pollution control devices. What changes have been made to your SWPPP as a result? Please explain below or attached a separate sheet labeled 6g. h. Did you identify and inspect at least 20% of your outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds? [Part V.G.6.b.3] Yes ~ 1. How many outfalls, basins and ponds do you have? _4500_ 2. Indicate if this number known or estimated? _Estimated 3. How many of you outfalls, sediment basins, or ponds did you inspect? 1125 4. What percentage is this? _25%_ 5. If less than 20% of your outfalls, sediment basins and ponds were inspected, please explain why below or on a separate sheet labeled 6h-5. 6. Briefly, summarize the dates of completion of major additional protection measures triggered by your inspections. [Part V.G.6.b.4]. Attach a separate sheet if necessary labeled 6h-6. 7. Additional SWPPP Issues ¥@!! No a. Did you make a change to any identified best management practices or measurable goals that were submitted with your permit application? [Part V.G.6.b.l] If you responded yes, explain under part boo b. Briefly list the best management practices using their unique identification numbers you used in your SWPPP or any measurable goals that will be changed in your updated SWPPP, and why they have changed. Attach a separate sheet if necessary labeled 7b. c. Did you rely on any other entities to satisfy any portion of your ¥@e No SWPPP? If yes, please identify below the entity and for what acti vities. 9 2/18/2005 d. Do you discharge to waters with a restricted discharge? See Appendix C Part B; you may view the applicable rules at www.pca.state.mn.us/water/water mnrules.html. If you need assistance with this determination, contact Keith Cherryholmes at (651) 296-6945 Yes ~ If your answer is no, skip ahead to the certification. If your answer is "yes," please attach the following information below or on a separate sheet labeled 7 d. (No response is needed unless there was a change in listing during 2004) a. A map of the watersheds where your MS4 discharges to the waters with restricted discharge. (Use a USGS map or equivalent) b. A narrative estimate of the impervious surfaces where your MS4 discharges to the waters with restricted discharge (estimated total impervious from land use and zoning or existing data can be used if available). c. A narrative estimate of the future / projected impervious surfaces where your MS4 discharges to the waters with restricted discharge (using available zoning or planning information that may affect your future discharges). d. A narrative estimate of how your SWPPP can be altered to eliminate new or expanded discharges to the waters with restricted discharge. This consists of your preliminary plan to avoid, divert, or eliminate discharges to restricted waters, whenever possible. 10 2/18/2005 0.. ner or Operator Certification The person with overall administrative responsibility for SWPPP implementation must sign the annual report. This person must be duly authorized and should be the person who signed the MS4 permit application or a successor. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete (Minn. R. 7001.0070). I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment (Minn. R. 7001.0540). Authorized Signature (This person must be duly authorized to sign the annual report for the MS4) Date Furlong Thomas Last Name P.O. Box 147 First Name Mayor Title Mailing Address Chanhassen MN 55317 City (952) 227-1100 State Zip Code tfurlong@ci.chanhassen.mn.us E-Mail Address Telephone (include area code) Please submit your annual report by March 10, 2005 to: MS4 Stormwater Program Municipal Division Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4194 11 2/18/2005