4c. Chan Lions Club Donations CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690Ci0' Cfllter Dril'e, PO Box 147 Chl1Jzhm.ien, Afill/wota 553]7 Pholle 612937.1900 GCl/eml Fax 612.937.5739 Ellgineaii/g Fax 612,937.9152 fllblic S4'~\' hlX ÓlJ. 9Jí.25.N Iraì /I'/i'li',á.(!\II¡/'¡L'J-m,IIIIl.IU ; l -" I J ."........--- MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager ~ FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: August 12, 1998 SUBJ: Lion's Club Donations Traditionally, the Chanhassen Lion's Club has made cash donations to the City of Chanhassen. Currently the Park and Recreation Department and Lion's Club have two active projects on the books; a Lion's Playground and the Lake Ann Park ballfield lighting. The attached letter sent to the Lions Club on February 2, 1998 addresses both of these projects. After losing their charitable gaming operations at Pauly's Bar and Restaurant, the club has not been able to initiate operations at another establishment. This is not due to a lack of desire. However, it has become apparent that it would be difficult for the Lion's to satisfy their pledge of dollars to the ballfield lighting project. In light of this, is it reasonable that we re-designate the $26,000 in playground money to cover a portion of the $74,000 debt on the ballfield lights? I raise the question since the playground installation, if done, would be completed this fall. I will be discussing this issue with the leadership of the Lion's over the next few days. I hope to provide you and the City Council with an update on Monday night. c: Lowell Vetter, President Chanhassen Lions Club Attachment g:\park\th\LionsDonationUpdate The City ofC/1ll1lbtlSsm. A growing communi!)' /(lith c!eIlI/IIIRtf, 1li,¡/i(¡' j"cf,ooÙ, 17 (hamiÍllg dOU'lltoUlI/, thrilling busilless6, and bt'([l/tifÙ/ pûrh Agrt'ilt pIll(/' to Ii!'e, /i'ork, dud p/'~)¡. l 'i CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Drive, POBox 147 ClJflnhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 Gmeral Fax 612.937.5739 Ellgineering Fax 612.937.9152 Pnblie Sajèty h, 612.934.2524 \r-t'b 1l'lt'wci.chanhmsen.II1I1./IS Fcbruary 2, 1998 Mr. Ed Ginsbacb, President Chanhassen Lions Club 7381 Longview Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ed: At the first of each year I fecI a rcsponsibility to kecp the Lions Club apprised of the status of Club/City Projects. The two projects we currently havc open are thc future Lions Playground and the Lions Ballfield The Lions Playground Project is rooted in 1994 and 1996 donations of$II,OOO and $15,000 respectively. The 1994 donation of $11,000 was part of a larger $17,000 donation. As agreed the Chanhasscn Athletic Association was the henefactor of the remaining $6,000, which they invested in the batting cagcs at Lakc Ann Park. The remaining $11,000 and the 1996 donation of $15,000, for a total of $26,000, remain on rescrvc in the city's Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Account. I am eagcr to invcst these funlls in a Lions Playgmund Project, to he sited adjacent to the entry of the Chanhassen Recreation Ccntcr. As you wiD recall, thc club appointed Lowell V cUer and yourself to work with me on the selection of the playground cquipmcnl. Re-occurring problems with cxcessive frost heave of sidewalks, door stoops and asphalt surfaces at the center has postponed our project for two years. In order to installthc playground. numerous sidewalks and seating areas will he installed. I did not want to move forward prior to resolving these site construction issucs. I look forward to initiating this project this year and will contact you and Mr. Vetter as plans gct underway. The Lions Ballfield Project dates back to a June 28, 1996, donation of $24,000. At that time, it was the desire of the club to donate this amount as a down payment on a pledge of $98,000. We WKlerstand the loss of a location to operate your charitable gambling eliminatcs your source of revenue which would have funded subsequent payments. I hope future gaming operation will allow the Lions to fulfill your pledge, but acknowledge that the City entered into our agreemcnt with an understanding that contributions were contingent upon the continuation of charitable gambling operations. At the time of our initial agreement, five conditions were agrecd upon. I. Field #4 he lighted. 2. Equal access for youth and adult activities. 3. Spectator seating will he enhanced. The City ofChall!Jas;ell. A growing community with clellll lakes, quality schoob, a ehamzing downtown, thriving busines¡e¡, and beautifÙI parks. A great place to IÙ'e, work, and play Mr. Ed Ginsbach February 2, 1998 Page 2 4. An cn\rance monumcnt and LioĊ’ Field sign be installed 5. The field be dediealcd Lions Ficld. Under the circumstances, do you feel it is appropriate to put a hold on itcms 3, 4, and 5? Additional expense would need to be incurred to complete thcsc improvements. I am assuming you will share this letter with your membership prior to rcsponding. In closing, please be aware that the City continucs to value the Lions Club and your contributioll~ to the community. A~ much as we appreciate your dollars, wc like your members and your continued public scrvice even more! Sincerely, ~ Texld Hoffman Director of Park and Recreation TH:gmb c: Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission Don Ashworth, City Manager Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor Jerry Ruegemcr, Recreation Supervisor g:\park\Jh\ginshach 1-29.98.doc