1978 08 28
Acting Mayor Neveaux called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the
following members present: Councilmen Pearson, Geving, and Waritz.
Mayor Hobbs came late.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Pearson moved to approve the agenda as
presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Waritz. The following voted
1n favor: Acting Mayor Neveaux, Councilmen Pearson, Waritz, and Geving.
No negative votes. Motion carried.
Acting Mayor Neveaux called the hearing to order at 7:30 p.m. with the
following interested persons present:
Sharon Gagnon, 7508 Erie
Carol Johnson, 7604 Erie
Nancy and Curtis Rohinson, '20211est 77th Street
Sue and Wayne Anderson, 204 Chan View
Paul Rojina, 220 West 77th Street
Earl McAllister, 7510 Erie
Robert Kah1, 203 West 77th Street
Frederick Coulter, 7616 Frontier Trail
Barbara Hamilton, 224 Chan View
Don Schmieg, 7703 Erie
Linda and Clark Horn, 7608 Erie
Lois and Wayne Hagman, 7602 Erie
Frances Jacques, 308 Chan View
Vern Zetah, 7500 Erie
O. Iverson, 223 Chan View
Bob Meuwissen, 201 West 77th Street
Ivo Schutrop, 302 Chan View
John Jeurissen, 205 Chan View
Dean Burdick, 206 Chan View
Ed Hjermstad, 7617 Frontier Trail
Bill Brezinsky
Craig Mertz
Russell Larson
Bill Brezinsky explained the scope of the project and the assessment
procedure. The proj ect included e:xt>ension of sanitary sewer and water
services to lots that were not previously served. The main portion of
the project was street construction. This included the construction
of a bituminous street with a bituminous berm from Great Plains Blvd.
to Frontier Trail; the construction of a bituminous street with
concrete curb and gutter on West 77th Street from Frontier Trail to
the eastern end of the street, on Chan View from Frontier Trail
to the eastern end of the street, on Erie Avenue from West 78th Street
northward to 7606 Erie Avenue. The project also included construction
of a bituminous street from 7606 Erie northward into the cul-de-sac
The storm sewer was divided into two areas. Area A generally drains
to the intersection of Erie Avenue and West 77th Street where it is
picked up by a catch basin system and directed to a ponding area.
Area B drains to a low point on Erie Avenue north of West 77th Street
where a catch basin system picks up the flow and directs it to the
ponding area.
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
The ponding area has been removed from this project and included
in the Lotus Lake Drainage Project.
The total project cost is $197,587.00 with $158,815.00 to be I
assessed. The assessments will be spread over a ten year period
at 7% interest. Assessment review request forms are available
and must be completed to the city by August 30 to be reviewed
by the Council on September 5th. Property owners were reminded
they have 30 days from the date the Council approves the assessment
roll to pay all or a portion of their assessment with no interest
Mayor Hobbs came at 7:50 p.m.
Earl McAllister - I have a washout after this last rain. This is
the fourth time it has happened this year. If we
get another good rain the road is going to go
because it's undermining the blacktop.
Bill Brezinsky - That kind of problem is going to happen until you
have the restoration and we get the restoration
behind the curbs. The specifications allow that
the contractor keeps restoring that until he gets
full restoration.
Earl McAllister - If this is left like that until next year I am
going to have problems next spring.
Bill Brezinsky - There are two options on the north part of Erie
and the one is to install concrete curb and gutter
next year and the other is to widen the blacktop I
and put in bituminous curb this year. If we
put in concrete curb and gutter next year we would
have to fill in behind the curbs and seed this
year. If the people in that area want curb and
gutter then we fill in behind the street as it is
right now and restore it. Next year come back,
dig out the top soil and install concrete curb
and gutter.
Wayne Hagman - So far everything that has happened on the north part
of Erie has been contradictory to what we have been
told. We have all of a sudden got a blacktop road
which we weren't supposed to have until next year
due to a settlement, etc. They come in,> they put
the blacktop road in, they narrowed the road, they
put in curbs and we had nothing to say about this.
Something is going to have to be done. The road is
going to be widened, we know this. There is going
to be more expense to somebody. They are going to
come in, tear out 18" or whatever, put in either
asphalt curbing or concrete curbing. This could have
all been done three months ago. We could have had
a meeting just like this. We could have made this
decision. It could have been done all in one fell I
swoop. If that road is good enough to be put in
today the curb could have been put in at the same
time. Why do we have to go through all this extra
expense? I would like to know why the curbs weren't
put in at the outset, right now? Why the road isn't
wide? Why isn't it where it should be? Why do we
have to go back and do this allover again?
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
Bill Brezinsky - The reason that the road restoration was done as it
was is because we presented to the City Council last
fall several alternatives and this was the least costly
of all alternatives to achieve the desired result.
Thê' r.easÒn was that our soil borings indicated that if
concrete curb was put in in this area last year we
would be replacing it all this summer and we would be
replacing it probably at a cost to the city, not the
contractors cost, because the soils were so unstable
you could not guarantee the concrete curb and gutter.
Now, there is curb in the south part where we have it
in there that's been cracked and there are several
sections. Those sections are all going to be replaced.
Those were contractor errors. If we put it in on the
north part, we couldn't say that because the soils
were so unstable that we could assume that it would
'. When yoùarètalking about the road bed you are talking
about a width of 23 to 24 feet wide of asphalt. When
you are talking about a concrete curb you are talking
about an area with a base of 28". What I am saying
is if you have a point load on a 28" concrete curb it
is going to settle a lot more readily than if you have
a load spread out on a 24 foot wide street.
Wayne Hagman - What about an asphalt curb?
Bill Brezinsky - An asphalt curb wasn't put in because the Council had
originally authorized a concrete curb and gutter in this
area. We could not change that. We are possibly
changing it but we can't change it unless the Council
changes it. We can't change it. The reason the
concrete curb and gutter was authorized was that
indications were that the people in that area wanted
them. That's the reason the Council authorized it.
They deleted it for one year to avoid this sett1ment.
The asphalt that we put in right now assumed that
concrete curb and gutter was going to go in. Not until
last Monday did somebody come to me and say we don't
want concrete curb out there,. we would rather have
bituminous. That's the only time anybody has said
anything up until that point. Now, there is a petition
to put in asphalt. We will calculate the cost to do
that. There will be a certain amount of additional
cost but the overall affect will be that you will
go from a cost of $10.65 for the narrow up to $13.72
for the full width with the berm onto the end. This
is 9¢ less than what it cost on West 77th Street west
of Frontier Trai~. The reason we put a berm on there
is not because this is the end product. The reason
we put the berm on there was to keep the water within
the road and-to keep it from washing along side the
blacktop and undermining it;
Clark Horn - The meeting last fall wé were told that there would be a
one year delay and I think Mr. Hagman's point is still well
taken, we were not informed that there would not be a
change. The way I found out that the curbs were not going
in this year was by calling up and finding out that that
had been delayed by what I was told was a Council action.
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
Also we were told that the road would not go in this
year but would go in next year and the other thing
was at the time the people decided to put in concrete
curbs the cost was stated as $2.00 a foot not over
$3.00 a foot as it came out.
Bill Brezinsky - The cost for the curb as originally presented was
over $3.00 per foot and the cost has increased to
Mayor Hobbs - I think in terms of the road and when the road is
going to go in, possibly contrary to some believe,
we try to do these things as inexpensively as possible.
Anytime you demobilize and remobilize it's going to
cost you more money. Anytime you drag a project on
over two or three years it's going to cost you more
money. A year ago they felt it was going to take
longer for that road to settle. That was a very
difficult decision for the Council to make. We don't
like to leave anybody with a part of a road but after
hearing the imput we said we will back off because we
feel it will be a better job. They come in and take
the soil compaction test and tell us, and as Bill
indicated withhold the performance bond from the
contractor, that the road base can support the blacktop
it's to everyones benefit to go ahead and put it in.
I think these types of things are not finite down to
a specific day or specific month it's going to be
ready to go. The reason it was done was to try to
keep the costs down not to increase them.
Don Schmieg - I was told that at the time that we would not stop
a street in the middle in any area once it was started
with a concrete curb it would a continuous concrete
curb. If this is going to be the case I wonder where
the turnabout came now all of a sudden that if we are
going to change it, why would we change now when
originally there was not 50% of the people on a couple
of the streets that wanted it, yet we had to go along
with thee project.
Bill Brezinsky - The only reason the Council considered whole blocks
when they were considering concrete curb and gutter
was that you can't give this guy concrete curb and
gutter and this one blacktop, this one concrete,
this one blacktop. The Council took a look at all
the percentages of the people that had petitioned
and determined that these certain lots, because
of the percentage of petitions for concrete and
gutter were received. As far as ending it in the
middle of a block, it simply looks odd.
Mayor Hobbs - The Council does have the petition to hold a hearing
on the possibility of deleting the curbs. We haven't
held that hearing yet.
Barb Hamilton - Regarding the square footage that we 'were assessed
for a storm sewer, on the north side of our street
we got extra footage when they realigned-the street,
were we assessed for that extra square footage?
Bill Brezinsky - No. The streets in the area are 66 feet wide. That's
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
basically 33 feet from the center of the road. That
wasn't assessed at all so unless the road moved onto
your property.
Sharon Gagnon - You made the comment that there probably could be another future
assessment because of Bloomberg property. Would that affect us as well?
Bill Brezinsky - The assessment in Area B is lower than Area A. Area B has a large
area that is undeveloped, Bloomberg's area specifically. The cost
of the system within his area would be his cost entirely. If you
were to develop your area to a greater extent, then you would have
to pay for it.
Carol Johnson - I was wondering where the low point was of north Erie.
Bill Brezinsky - The low point is where the culvert and catch basins are~'
Carol Johnson - The ditch that you have is enough to take care of it all?
Bill Brezinsky - The ditch, at this time is yes, it will be for some time in the
future. This is a natural ditch. It is nothing that the city
Ed Hjermstad - I am just wondering ,why I am assessed under Area A while Arthur R.
and J. Larson are assessed under Area B. While their area is the
same area as my area, they are assessed $66.60 and I am assessed at
Bill Brezinsky - We have means to ask for a review of your assessment if you feel
that the assessment is incorrect we ask you to fill out one
of those forms. We determined the drainage areas to be as they are
shown on this map with this area being Area A which drains into
this system·"an-d'Are'a-Bwhich drains to this area on Erie Avenue.
Ed Hjermstad - Where does that go?
Bill Brezinsky - They both go to the pond.
Ed Hjermstad - What 1 ake do they dY'ainto?
Bill Brezinsky - Lotus Lake.
Ed Hjermstad - I intend to protest this here particular deal.
Bob Kahl - Did we have to pay extra for all the rock that they had to haul in there?
Bill Brezinsky - Yes.
Don Schmieg - What is the procedure on non-buildable lots?
Bill Brezinsky - In terms of sanitary sewer and water a non-buildable lot is not
assessed. In terms of street, curb and gutter it has been the city1s
practice to assess frontage based on the fact that they do gain
some benefit from this. The lot could be connected to an adjacent
lot or could acquire an adjacent lot and become buildable so it
does receive some value from that.
Curtis Robinson - You had $14,119 for the storage pond and that will be assessed in
Bill Brezinsky - Yes.
Curtis Robinson - Is that a firm number?
Bill Brezinsky - That is our projected number.
Curtis Robinson - Is it done?
Bill Brezinsky - It is not done.
Wayne Hagman - When are these assessed rolls going to be due? When are they going
to be assessed?
Mayor Hobbs - If we adopt them on September 5 you would have 30 days to pay them.
Don Ashwarth - You have 30 days to pay them without interest. The Council has the
authority to assess in advance of completion of the project.
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
Wayne Hagman - We were told that we were going to get a$sessed in 19Y9 for this
project and again we are changing the rules in the middle of the
Mayor Hobbs - We caul d poss ib 1y put off the assessment for a year. The project I
has been bonded for and a majority of the work has taken place.
If we put it off we still are going to pick up the accrued interest
from that bond sale. ,"So actually we feel by assessing it now,
we are well aware that the project is not complete, you are not
gaining anything by putting it off.
Frances Jacques - According to that map we are not assessed for storm sewer, is
that correct?
Bill Brezinsky - Thatls right.
Frances Jacques - Is my assessment for the street, do I have to pay full price
or do I pay half? I paid full price on Great Plains Blvd.
Bill Brezinsky- If you paid full price on Great Plains Blvd. you would pay half
on th is.
Sharon Gagnon - I would like to know, is there a chance Erie will be widened?
You mentioned that with a concrete curb that will be 28" but the
road only measures 17110" right now. When you make that bend
by Hagman IS dri veway it i s really bad news because nobody stays
to the right of the road. If you add 28" on each side of that
road you are still at a minimum for a road.
Bill Brezinsky - There would be more than 28". We left it narrower, we will be
filling in another foot and a half on each side on each side
of the road between the existing road and the concrete curb.
Sharon Gagnon - We have to have our driveway blacktopped because it is just I
washing out with everyone of these rains. We have got to get
it blacktopped and the man wants to know where he should end this
blacktop for our driveway. We have put it off since May. We just
can It go any longer.
Mayor Hobbs - We will take the petition under advisement as soon as we can. I
cannot answer that question tonight.
Fred Coulter - Do they plan to complete the restoration work this year or will
that be done next spring?
Bill Brezinsky - It will be done this year.
Mr. Paul Rojina presented numerous concerns with construction techniques and
minor construction problems. No response was made by the Engineer. All property
owners were informed of a special session to be held by the Engineer on Wednesday,
August 30, at which time details of construction technique or assessment policies
could be reviewed.
Councilman Geving moved to close the public hearing but keep the record open
for written comnents. Motion seconded by Councilman Pearson. The following voted
in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Waritz, and Geving. No
negative votes. Motion carried. Hearing closed at 9:20 p.m.
of the Carver County Library Board, discussed trying a demonstration library I
station in the Old Village Hall for a period of seven months beginning in October
or Novemter. The library would be open 20 hours a week. The county library
system would be responsible for providing staff and materials while Chanhassen
would be responsible for providing atilities and the space.
Councilman Pearson moved to allow the Carver County Library Board use of the Old
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
Village Hall for a demonstration library. Motion secQnded by Councilman Neveaux.
The foll owing voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson , Neveaux , Waritz, and
Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried.
Mayor Hobbs called the hearing to order at 9:45 p.m. with the following interested
persons present:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hungelmann~ 9117 Lake Riley Blvd.
Gary and Genora Travis, 9131 lake Riley 81 yd.
Eugene and Lucille Susemihl, 9245 Lake Riley Blvd.
Lillian Hague, 9247 Lake Riley Blvd.
Pat Swenson
Eunice Kottke, 4441 Washburn Avenue South, Mpls.
Ron Ytzen, 9227 Lake Riley Blvd.
Don and Betty Heath, 9235 Lake Rîley Blvd.
John and Gladys Skranka, 9021 Lake Riley Blvd.
Donna Tottenham, 9223 Lake Ri1 ey Blvd'.
Allen Gray, 5220 W. 102nd,#109-B, Bloomington'
Mr. and Mrs. George DeWitt
Russell Larson
Craig Mertz
Bill Brezinsky
Bill Brezinsky - The primary reason for the Shore Acres sanitary sewer project was
to provide s anitatysewérservi ce ,to the properties abutting Lake
Riley Blvd. Along with the installation of sewer, we tried to make
some improvements fri'the road ali gnment and grade. We changed'
some grades on the project to try tocorrBct some drai nage prob1 ems.
There were some secondary benefits that we're derived from the
system. These benefits were realized by properties outside the
immediate Shore Acres area. W-e~'ac~Ðired a length of sewer line
which was previously privately owned by the Lake View Hills
Apartments. By acquiring that, the City gained the capacity and
means to serve the Shore Acres area,also gained means to serve the
Bandimere Heights area and to expand the entire general service
The street is proposed-to.:beassessed- ona front foot basis and sewer
on a unit basis. The assessments will be spread over a 15 year period
at 7% interest. Assessment review request forms are available and
must be completed to the city by August 30 to be reviewed by the Council
on September 5th. Property owners were reminded they h~ve 30 days
from the date the Council approves the assessment roll to pay all or a
portion of their assessment with no interest charged.
Lillian Hague - Can you tell us what they are going to do about the
turn around?
Bill Brezinsky - The contractor is going to repair it. It should be
repaired very soon.
Donna Tottenham - I thought Mr. Rogers donated some of that land
across ,from Mr. and Mrs. Skranka yet you have got a
cost of $4,000 for realignment of that road.
Bill Brezinsky - The land wasn't donated.
Craig Mertz - Mr. Rogers, at the meeting you may be referring to,
indicated that he might be willing to donate the land but
he subsequently had a change of heart and we had to
purchase that land.
Council :Meeting August 28, 1978
Jack Hunge1mann - In view of the fact that the project isn't
completed shouldn't the September 5th effective
date be deferred until it is completed?
Mayor Hobbs - The bonds have been sold for this project. We could I
defer the assessments for a year but the interest clock
would be running. We could take it off the tax rolls
until 1980 but at the time it was assessed you would
pick up all of the accrued interest from today.'
Jack Hunge1mann - As I understand it the blacktopping on the top'of
the hill, if it isn't done this fall then it probably
won't be done until next July and we have already
lived through about a year of the road being torn
up, can we get any kind of assurance that the road
will be blacktopped before the freeze sets in?
Bill Brezinsky - I can assure you of that.
Mayor Hobbs - I think we all have to be careful and I know that you
are aware of it, this is not a street improvement
project it is simply replacing a street.
Jack Hun,se1mann - Is the Council satisfied that the 48 units who are
participating in this project are not subsidizing
the future use of the trunk.
Mayor Hobbs - Absolutely. They may have, what you will look at as the
cost of the trunk today and they run another one in,
they will pick up the cost at that time which will more
than likely be higher than what you are paying plus the
cost of this trunk at todays market plus interest.
Bill Brezinsky - At the very least they will be paying the cost that
you have plus interest.
Property owners were informed of a special session to be held by
the City Engineer on Wednesday, August 30, tò answer questions
regarding assessments.
Councilman Neveaux moved to close the public hearing but keep the
record open for written comments. Motion seconded by Councilman
Pearson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson,
Neveaux, Geving, and Waritz. No negative votes. Hearing closed at
10:30 p.m.
Mayor Hobbs called the hearing to order at 10:30 p.m. Frank and Myrna
Kurvers, 7220 Chanhassen Road, were present.
The City Engineer explained the scope of the project and the assessment
procedure. The project includes the installation of watermain from
Highway 101 along new West 79th Street to the Hanus west property line,
then south and east to connect to an existing line. The project also
includes the construction of a 9 ton road and curb and gutter.
Bill Brezinsky -
The trunk watermain cost includes the cost of I
jacking under Highway 101 and also the cost of the
watermain within public right-of-way that would
not have any lateral benefit to individual properties
The lateral watermain cost includes all the remaining
costs on the project except for one item. The
street cost includes the construction of street and
concrete curb and gutter. The miscellaneous
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
watermain cost is the additional cost that was
required to construct the watermain along the Hanus
building between the Hanus building and the Kurvers
property that was caused by Mr. Hanus moving the
building toward the Kurvers property. That $1,776
included the installation of the watermain at a depth,
because we didn't have the working room, of less than
seven feet and because we had a depth of less than seven
feet the entire watermain is insulated. These costs
are to be spread according to benefit. The trunk
watermain cost in this,area is assessed at $602 per
single family equivalent unit. This was only assessed
on this project against existing structures not
previously assessed trunk water which included only
the Hanus building. The Hanus building has six single
family equivalent units or a trunk watermain assessment
of $3,612. The difference between $3,612 and the
actual cost of $4,480 will be picked up as the
undeveloped property in the area deve10pes and is
charged this unit according to the type of development.
The lateral watermain in the ~rea was assessed in a
similar manner to past làteral~la:termain, for instance
the Buesgens Building was assessed on a front foot
basis. This is the footage that abuts the watermain
less 150 feet on the sideyard. The front was assessed
full and the side was assessed the length less 150
feet. This is consistent. with past policy in commercial
areas. The result. of dividing ,the total lateral cost
by the number asses sible feet resulted in $21.71 per
footowhich is equal exactly to the number that we
presented in the feasibility study.
The street and concrete curb and gutter was assessed
on an area basis. Again this is consistent with past
policy. The exception '. is when a property gains primary
access from a certain street the future street will
not be assessed for a length of 150 feet. If you are
on à corner lot in a commercial area the assessment
is on an area basis except if the first 150 feet from
the primary access street has been deferred. This
means the K1inge1hutz lot would not be assessed. The
street provides access to the Kurvers lot and the Hanus
lot. In computing the assessment we assessed full
area of the Kurvers lot. On the Hanus lot we restricted
the assessment to the developed part of the lot.
The reason for this is that if he deve10pes any more
of this property, anything to the east, then he will
be required to extend this road and the extension will
be his cost. The road as it is in serves the Hanus
property as it has been developed. He has donated a
road which was a requirement of his development contract
and he has donated a roadway easement across the north
part of his property for this future extension.
The assessments for this project are proposed to be
assessed over a five ,year period at 7% interest.
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
Frank Kurvers - I want to know where my access to get to me property
on that street is?
Bill Brezinsky - The access to the property would be at about the I
1/3 point of your property. This was determined
about two years ago, in preliminary discussions
of the project. I think Frank, you were there
and Don Hanus, where we suggested a street grade
at that point and I thought that was agreed on
and we haven't changed it since.
Frank Kurvers - I would like to know where it was agreed on.
Bill Brezinsky - It was in a meeting between you and I and Don Hanus
we agreed on an elevation at a certain point in
your lot which was the 1/3 point and that point
has not changed.
Frank Kurvers - I have an entrance to that property. I still have a
mower standing on it where that entrance is and I
would like to have the city look where that is and
I would determine that that's my entrance to that
Myrna Kurvers - We never agreed on any grade.
Frank Kurvers - There is no way that grade was ever established.
Bill Brezinsky - That may be in our former reports. I can look it
up. As far as I am concerned that grade was set
during a meeting that we had with Mr. Kurvers
and Mr. Hanus. We did not consider going up to
that high point. The discussion was in grading
that lot down.
Frank Kurvers - The only grade that was ever set was when that road I
was completely destroyed. That's what set the grade.
You can look back in all the records that you can find
and you will not find it.
Mayor Hobbs - The way it's presently constructed your access is 1/3
of the way from the property line. You are going to
have to file a written notice or accept the assessment
as presented. You have 30 days after that to appeal.
Myrna Kurvers - We didn't change our road. Don Hanus changed our road.
How do you feel this is a public improvement?
Mayor Hobbs - It benefits public property. A public improvement in a
residential neighborhood benefits the people that live
Frank Kurvers - How can I use that road?
Mayor Hobbs - You can put in an entrance 1/3 of the way on your
Myrna Kurvers - Let's be practical. That road was built to Don Hanus'
specifications. I am not an engineer but I have
enough common sense to look at that road and know
it was built for Don Hanus. Everyone of you Council
members know that too.
Right now our plans are to use our easement and we
have access off of Highway 101.
Frank Kurvers - The city installed a watermain, what are they going to
do with that grade that they cut there? I
Bill Brezinsky - We didn't change that grade at all. That was cut
off before we went in there. When the building was
in there that grade was exactly the way it was.
We did not go on your property. We did not change
the grade. That's the reason we had to put it in
shallow and insulate it.
Council Meeting August 28) 1978
Frank Kurvers - How come Klinge1hutz doesn't get an assessment?
Bill Brezinsky - He has access directly on to Highway 101.
Myrna Kurvers - We have frontage and access too.
Frank Kurvers - We have å 16-foot easement.
Bill Brezinsky - This is something that the Council can consider.
Russell Larson - Am I correct when I say that that issue of whether or
not you have that 16 foot easement is still in
contention between you and K1inge1hutz?
Frank Kurvers - I still own it.
Russell Larson - I understand that they take a different position.
Frank Kurvers - Oh, no they don't.
Russell Larson - I think they have torrensed that title to that.
Frank Kurvers - They can't torrens it.
Russell Larson - I want to check that record before accepting your
statement on it.
Frank Kurvers - Go right ahead. The property is not torrensed.
Mayor Hobbs - I think the main thing Frank is you can fill out the
form stating that you have access off 101 and the reasons
whY you feel you don't gain benefit off this road. The
Council will look at those next Tuesday.
Myrna Kurvers - That road was built for Don Hanus. I would like to hear
a statement from everyone of the Councilmen on their
reaction to what they think and I want an honest one.
Councilman Geving - I think there is a legal question that has to be
cleared up on the access on 101. We do have a
public street that was put in. We do have costs
that were incurred. and at this point I am quite
certain myself one way or another but I lean toward
assessing those costs some way. I realize that
the area that you described as. your. driveway is
just about six or eight feet above the road level
but I also feel that that can be worked out whether
you move it back where the engineer described it
some agreement could be worked out. I am looking
at it from the standpoint that it's a public street.
T don't agree with you.
Councilman Pearson - I feel you can do with it what you want to.
Councilman Neveaux - I don't really think, we have been working on this
project for over a year and I haven't sensed any
real imput from you about what you did want to do
with your property so that we get feed back into
the mix of the things the engineer has to work
with from the standpoint of what you are going to
do with it, what kinds of access you need, I have
no idea what your plans are now and the use of any
piece of property generally requires some kind of
adjustments with contours and elevations and
basically as I see it your property has just stood
there and the project went right passed it without
any imput from you as to how you could best benefit
from the project. I feel perhaps you could have
come forward and made some more imput into the
project instead of sitting back now until it's all
over and in and now throwing things up to us that
are difficult to respond to. The road is in.
Councilman Waritz - I wish it hadn't come this far. I guess I could see
it coming three years ago before Don came up with a
proposal up there. Let's face it he dug out a city
road and he took out tons of fill without a permit
and he was stopped and he started again. I am not
Council Meeting August 28, 1978
saying what he has built out there is a benefit
to the city but he did follow a rather unorthodox
and he did pretty much what he wanted to do
and I think he left Frank sitting high and dry. I
I can't blame Frank and Myrna for feeling the
way they do. I think in any other area the
developer would have had to leave room on his
property to landscape the property. He can't just
go in there and cut it off like a cliff. I think
in any other area a developer would have to leave
an area where he would have to be able to berm
it or landscape it down. Don didn't. There is
problems here. I wished it didn't have to come
this far. I wished Don and Frank could have
gotten together and come to some mutual satisfactory
agreement earlier.
Councilman Pearson moved to close the public hearing but keep the
record open for written comments. Motion seconded by Councilman
Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen
Pearson, Neveaux, Waritz, and Geving. No negative votes. Hearing
closed at 11:15 p.m.
Councilman Geving moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Councilman
Waritz. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen
Pearson, Neveaux, Waritz, and Geving. No negative votes. Meeting
adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager