2. Library Assessment Update
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City Council
The City of Chanhassm. A frowinf community with clean lakes. quality schooh. a charmin~ t!nwntown. thriviM businesses. and beautifùl barks. A mat Dlace to live. work. ond .la"
Scott Botcher, City Manager
December 30, 1999
Interim Chanhassen Library Needs Assessment Update
You will see on your agenda an item where Barry Petit of M S & R will be
presenting an update on the Library Needs Assessment. Please be aware that this
is not considered to be a final report; simply an opportunity for Mr. Petit and staff
to update the Council on the progress and to pick your brains on a couple of issues
which will impact the ultimate direction of the analysis.
g:\user\sconb\libary update-e,doc
via messenger only
Meyer, Scherer & Rockcasde, Ltd.
Architecture, Interior Design
and Urban Design
119 Norrh 2nd Street
Minneapolis MN 55401.1420
612375.0336 phone
612342.2216 fax
28 December, 1999
Scott Botcher, City Manager for internal distribution
Barry Petit
Chanhassen Feasibility Study #2000001.01
Submittals for January 3"' Council Workshop
Bob Rohlf cannot attend Monday's workshop, however, I know Melissa and I can explain
his area formulas. Bob will fax his final ca\culations to me by Thursday evening. In general
we're still looking at approximately 30,000 sq ft gross area.
Included with this memo are the revised options C-2, 0-2 and £-2 derived from original
schemes C, 0 and £. Also, I took Jill's scheme (which is actually quite interesting) and
labeled it £-3. I believe each idea has merit and should yield good discussions with the
council. Frankly, if the council has a strong preference by the end of the Workshop, I think
we should run with the wining scheme for now. Our final document to the City could
include reductions of all our discarded options so people can see the planning evolution.
As you can see on the submitted schemes, the conflicting issue with each plan is access to
the existing parking west lot verses connection to ciry hall. 0-2, £-2 and £-3 address the
parking issue while C-2 is much better at weaving city hall into the library. This will be an
interesting topic.
Have a good New Years.
Jeff Scherer
Bob Rohlf
Equal Opportunity Employer