3. Lake Lucy Water Res. Repaint
690 City Center Drive, POBox 147
ChanhllJ"n, Minnesota 55317
General Fax 612.937.5739
Engineering Fax 612.937.9152
Public Sdfety Fax 612.934.2524
m-b www.ci.chanIJllSsen.mn.us
TO: Mayor
City Council
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager
The City ofChanhassen. A '/Towin'! communih' with clean lakes, aualitv JCbools, a channinr dOwlltoum, thrivinr businesses, and beal/tifid pmkJ. A '{reat place to live, uwk, and plAy.
April 12,2000
Lake Lucy Water Reservoir Repainting
As you recall, the Lake Lucy Water Reservoir maintenance is included in the
Fiscal Year 2000 Capital Budget. As you also recall, I brought to your attention
that the previous Public Works Director included approximately half the amount
necessary to do the job in the budget. That being said, conversations with the
Finance Director have indicated that we have the financial resources within the
Enterprise Fund to do the project, regardless of what was included in the budget.
The issue here is less financial and more practical. Consistent with our
discussions, plans and specs for the performance of this work are being
completed. A pre-bid conference has been held and the bid date, the date by
which the bids need to be submitted, is April 20. The award date is scheduled to
be at the May 8, 2000 Council meeting.
The project is approximately a 14-week project-l 0 weeks for the interior work
and 4 weeks for the exterior work. We have asked the interested contractors to
bid two options for us.
. Option A contemplates the interior work being done between August 7
and October 14 of2000, with a rough estimated cost of $285,000. The
exterior work under Option A would be completed between April 30 and
May 31, 2001 at an estimated cost of approximately $250,000, for a total
cost of $535,000. As Option A divides the project in half, an additional
mobilization cost may need to be budgeted. We have estimated this cost
to be $45,000, for a total of$580,000.
. Option B contemplates a single year project beginning July 10 with a
completion of October 14,2000 for a total of$552,000. (Please
understand these estimated numbers are simply estimates at this point.
We have tried to be conservative and estimate high, but I make no
representation that these numbers are anything more than estimates.)
The reason we bid Option A and Option B is to provide you with some choices
with what looks to be a thorny project. We have 4 reservoirs in the
Mayor and City Council
April 12, 2000
Page 2
community-Lake Lucy Road at 3.5 million gallons, the new water tower on
TH 41 at 1.5 million gallons, Melody Hill at 200,000 gallons, and the original
one downtown at 100,000 gallons; for a total of 5.3 million gallons of storage in
the community. As you can see, the Lake Lucy Reservoir is fully 66% of the
storage capacity of the community and having it out of service creates a storage
problem. Sprinkling bans will need to be in place and they will need to be
enforced. Again, until we see the bids and the difference in price of the bids
between Option A and Option B, it is difficult, on a pure financial basis, to see if
A or B is a better deal. However, simply put, what you get for any additional
costs that Option A may include is the ability to have the Lake Lucy Road Water
Reservoir on-line during the month of July in 2000. Obviously no one knows
what the weather will be like in the sununer. However, July is generally one of
our hottest and driest months and if we can avoid having the Lake Lucy Water
off-line during the month of July, it will in all probability work to our benefit.
As I stated, Jerry and I will be present to speak in more detail about specific
issues you may have with this project. However, I think it is important for you
to be aware of the issues that we will be faced with so that when the award date
comes on May Sth you can make your decision with the fullest possible
understanding of the impacts of your decision.
Thank you.
c; Jerry Boucher, Utility Superintendent
Teresa Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engineer