2. Legislative Agenda From: AMM To: Scott Botcher AMM FAX NEWS March 13- 1 7, 2000 Date: 3/15/00 lime: 9:19:14 PM a' /'- .\ . '-'I VYIIU ....- Page 2 of 2 - Auociation of Metr-opolitan Municipalitie~ Second legislative deadline passes Tax and appropriation bills are being developed The legislature's second dead- line that requires bills to pass from all policy committees in both the House and Senate was March 10. Being aware of the deadline, the status of several bills of interest to AMM members follows: MET COUNCIL STUDY TASK FORCE (SF 2827/HF 3694) The House Local Government Committee amended the task force language to the Metropolitan Council's housekeeping bill. HF 3694 was approved and sent to the House floor. The chief author of the bill also was changed. Rep. Mary Liz Holberg (R-Lakeville) is now the chief author. The Senate file has passed off the Senate floor. Both bills amend the Livable Communi- ties Act (LCA) so that a city does not annually need to pass a resolu- AMM Fax News is faxed periodically to all AMM city managers and administrators. The information is in- tended to be shared with mayors, councilmembers and staff in order to keep officials abreast of important metro city issues. @Copyright 2000 AMM 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone: (651) 215-4000 Fax: (651) 281-1299 E-mail: amm@tmun145.org tion to continue to participate in the LCA. The city would need to pass a resolution to drop out of the LCA. EMINENT DOMAIN CHANGES (HF 591/SF 45) The bill was not heard or amended to another bill. TIF REPORTING (SF2610/HF 3116) The Senate File should be part of the property tax section of the Senate Tax Bill which will be heard on Wednesday. The House file will be heard on Wednesday and could be part of the House Tax Bill that could also be heard also on Wednesday. TIF TECHNICAL & MINOR CHANGES (HF 4099) The bill makes several changes to the TIF Act. The bill repeals the mined underground space district authority, changes dates for several actions related to county road and county comments, modifies the duration limit for economic develop- ment districts and attempts to clarify the relationship between a housing district and housing project area. The bill has various effective dates. It is probable that the bill will be amended and be part of the House Omnibus Tax Bill. PUBLIC FINANCE BILL The Senate file has been ap- proved as amended by the Senate Tax Committee. The bill extends the sunset for housing improvement districts by four years but does not contain the provisions to permit a city to have a capital improvements program with bonding authority. The capital improvements program was deleted from the bill. l , 1 I I I 1 i ! ! ¡ I ; I I .1 I i I . I Transportation, property tax bills in progress The House and Senate Trans- portation Policy committees and finance divisions are in the process of marking up their funding bills. The Senate version appropriates $400.0 million for highway and transit projects, including $12.5 million for Municipal State Aid and $7.5 million for Metro Transit. The Senate bill also authorizes trans- portation bonds. The House bill spends $400.0 million for interregional corridors and metro area bottlenecks. More detail on the transportation funding bills will appear in tomorrow's fax. PROPERTY TAX BILLS The House bill would continue levy limits for one additional year and further compress rates. A more detailed analysis of the House bill and its Senate counterpart will also be in tomorrow's fax. f¡ H 'I ¡ {- ¡ . t~