Agenda Agenda Chanhassen City Council Monday, March 6, 2000, 5:30p.m. Courtyard Conference Room, 690 Coulter Dr. 1. New Energy Code, Steve Torell, Building Official. 2. Peiformance Standards for Police Contract, Sheriff Olson. 3. Housing Fundamentals, Kate Aanenson, Comm. Dev. Dir. 4. 800 mhz Radio Frequency Discussion/Study, Fire Chief Wolff 5. Misc. Items -verbal report; Pleasant View Road Pilot Program -March 11 Collaborative meeting w/ Dist 112, et.al. -Lake Lucy Road Water Tower-Plans and Specs 6. Closed Session; Continued Peiformance Review of City Manager. "I , CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 City Cmter DriVl, PO Box 147 Chanhassm, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 Public Safety Fax 612.934.2524 Web www.ci.chanhassm.mn.us ¡: . MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council Scott Botcher, City Manage~ March 2, 2000 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Miscellaneous Work Session Issues for March 6, 2000 Tonight's meeting will include the following: 1. Presentation by Mr. Torell on the new Energy Code going into effect Aprill, 2000. This new Energy Code will have a substantial impact on some of the builders and developers within our community and our Community Development Office would like to apprise you of their proactive activity to deal with the change in legislation and how it affects our community. 2. Sheriff Olson and Sgt. Dave Potts will be present to discuss the draft work plan presented by the County Sheriff. Please understand that at this point this is stilJ a working document and we are seeking your input as to whether or not the items listed are priteria you are comfortable with, whether or not there are criteria you wish to add,à.I1d finaJIy and probably more importantly to me,hQw you wish to measure and interpret d! ta on each one of t\:lese criteria, 3. As promiseQ, Kate will present the first step of our three step housing review discussion. Kate will take !lPproximatety one hour to discuss the housing fundamentals vyithin the (;Îty ofChlillhássen. If you recall, the next step in our three step process ¡sthe meeting on March 20, flooo at the Chanhassen Req Center wh~reMet GouncilJ7presentatives, MipnesQta Housing Fin! nce and Carver County HRA officials 'will Þe present to discuss affordabÍe housing ¡màc smart growth issues. 4. Fire ChiefWolffvyill be present to discllSs tlìe SOO mhz rad,Îo freqaenqy issue before it is QUrr.ç)1:tly beÍÐ.g deiiberate i, There is sOme qonœm on the part of the Fire Department as to its appliqabil\1;y and qesirability àJ,td prior to t!:le City expending ll\!:ge amounts of money in the transItion from our current raðiQ system to: th~ SOO mhi system, Mr. WQjff 'Would like tQ djscuss some of these Issues wÎt!¡ you SQ that )'00 have a full tínderstandlng of what may be coming should we stay on QÍJ ' current course· 5. The three miscellaneous items are ~¡r y self"explàúatory. AlsQ find attached a copy of the revised ;100.0 Wòrk Session $chedule. As promised 1 will attempt to get this to yóu on a more reguiar bäsis p~t:J.1;ips 1¡1oJJtÌùý so you have some ìdea, of what our workload Ì's ¡jke andwhal issÌl¢s are 1191l1ii1:g down the pipe. Please be aware that the work session agendas ate: lUore fluid 1han regular council meeting agendas as issues that we estimate t6 be ripe for ~ussion at a given time may or may not be once we get closer'!';> the àgentla da~e:. Conversely, issues that we do not foresee may become critîca:l and added to a work session agenda as circumstances warrant. Should you have any questions, please give me a call. The City of Chanhassen. A growing community with c/ean lakes, quality schook, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautijùl parks. A great place tQ liVl, work, and play. l! :iJ