4. 800 mhz radio freq. study Dt~-!~-!~J~ !¿:~o J.J. NEL5UN 612 825 8"n I".Ùl"Ob 4. Writer's Dircot Dial (612) 120.5843 612.82S.6399Voi.'C 612.825.8972 FAX (7)SC) AL.L.IANCE TeIecommunic:lll:i(m!j Cun!)Utdl1& 4921 fifth Avenlle SQuib' Min...poli., loiN 5:;409·2644 e-mail: jnclwnmntitaoa.com December IS. 1999 John Wolff, Fire Chief City of C!wJhassen 31 Basswood Circle Cbanhassen, MN 55317 Via FAX 612-294-0481 Re: Regioø8l Radio Project Dear Chief Wolff: I have structured the proposal as a flat fee arrar\&ement to perform !he wks listed. Deliverable product of the work will be a written report outlinin¡ opinions and rcc:ommeJldations concerning coverage and inœroperability. Work could proceed upon issuance of a City purchase order or execution of a contract which we can prepare. Estimated completion would be 9().100 days afler notice to proceed is given. First off, 1hanIt you very much for your patience while you awaited this proposal. Second, on the attaChed pages I have set forth a proposal to perform the work described and as discussed with you by telephone. Overall objectives of the consultin¡ effort will be to review proposed radio frequency (RF) coverage of the regional radio system in your community and consider interoperability issues associated with participatin¡ on the sysœm. cc; Scott Botcher· City Manager 690 Colter Drive Chanhassen. MN 55317 ~'* 5. [7JSC) AL.LIANCe: VCL-lJ-¿jJj j¿;¿b J.J. Nt:.LSUN b12 tQ:;. d~'i'¿ t-' . U.:> tJb SUGGESTED WORK PLAN City or Chanhassen, Minnesota GFm:RAL We understand die major empbasis of your project seeks a proposal for tec:hlÙc:aI consulting ¿?"> services to evaluate and nx:ommend ways to evaluate radio frcqucncy (RF) COYr:ra¡e rcJiability of the MeIropoHtan Radio Board's (MRB) 800 MHz lrunlced radio system in the Chanbassen Fire Department Service Area.. AddiliimaUy, we understand that the City wishes to undentand, in layman's rerms the adequacy of proposed system coverage for claiJy operations and to reviews and understand the benefits and limitations of the syslem's intcropcrability with neighboring commulÙties. TASKS To accomplish these objectives we propose to: I. Evaluate radio syslem (RF) performance criteria, including a) talk outlback range for hand-held radios b) talIc oullback range for mobile radios c) coverage inside typic:al buildings suc:b as Target, Rosemont Industries, Pillsbury. and the Chanbassen Dinner Theater. We will do this via a review of performance data guaranteed by the MRB's contract with Motorola and Carver County. Further we will conduct random field strength measurements using comparable 800 MHz systems which may be on the area, if feasible, to validate the MRB information, We may find it advanlagc:ous to prepare computer generated COverage prediction models to validate information furrùsbed to us and gathered via field tests. 2. With cooperation of City fire pcrsooneJ, we will phYsically inspect eight (8) other randomly selected bUildings for purposes of extrapolating predicted MRB 800 MHz coverage in various locations and building constrUction types within the Fire Department Service area. 3. We will document findings in the form of a written summary repon which c:haracterizes expec:ted performance of the MRB system for City uses. 4. Interview three (3) fire officials from adjacent commulÙties with which Cbanhassen has a fire mutual aid agreement for pwposes of evaluating and nx:ommending benefits and limitations of the MRB's proposed system interoperability. Present findings in writing in a written letter style report. The report will include recommendations and opÏrùons based on data gathered during steps 1-5. Our report will City of C"·"h!!llnen, MN Paac I . Dctcmber IS. 1999 TeJecommunk.don" COIl"uJting UC~-l~-ljjj l~;~1 J.J. i'lt:.L':>UI"¡ ol¿ d,¿:J d':' ,''¿ r. U....,. uo PRICE & EXPECTATIONS Professional & E¡;peD5C Budget PROFESSIONAL FEE Professional fee for tasks set forth above wiU be $5,250. Allowable CIq)CIISCS listed below will be added to ÍOYOices for professional fees and charged as follows: Auto Travel ............................................ SO.34/mile Airfare................................................. Cost+6% Per Diem. Away ftom Minneapolis Overniglrt . . . . . . . . . $100.00 per person/day Auto Rental ............................................ Cost + 6% Topographic Map Datafile (used in radio coverage modeling) ...... . . . .. $250 Printing .t Duplicating Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . Actual Cost Te1cphoneConferenceBridgel.............................. ActualCost Test Equipment Rental (not in inventory) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual Cost Based on prior similar projects, we estimate that project expenses will not exceed S500. By authorizing this work, City agrees to pre-approve nec;essary mileage, telephone, and duplicating expenses (not to exceed S500). Additional expenses, if any, will be pre-c:oordinated with City's authori%ed representative before they are incurred. Actual travel and expense costs will be driven by the project meetings and success of our data collection efforts. We will only bill for those expenses actua1ly incurred. INVOICES & PAYMENTS Three invoices of $1,750 will be generated and are payable net 21 days. The first invoice will be generated at the time of contract executionz. Second invoice will be issued one month later. Third (final) invoice will be issued at time of acceptance of our written report by the Ci1y. Expenses will be itemized and added to invoices for professional setvices set forth above. TOTAL ESTndA,TED PROJECT COST $5.750 2 We have fllCilities fO establish three-way telephone calls. UDder some circumsWlccs our customers ask us to coordinate telephone conference calls with more than Wile CODDeCtÎOD points to save time aud travel expeasð. In these situations we use a multi- poiDl CODfereaœ bridge whiclt offers guaranteed connec:1lon quality. We but for conference bridge time at actUal cost. Assumed fO be no later than JaJluary 15, 2000. This proposal expires if not executed by that date unless exteadoo by prior agreement. [1>SC) ALLIANCE City of "-"....u_n, MN Pa¡e 2 - Dcc;cmbcr IS, 1999 TclctOß)munjt~don' Cømullins , &,.Ic....· ..-,-¿:.>:.>~ l':"':'" bl., b¿~ Ojrc; '-·.I:.Ì'"4~UO 8. 9. r1>S~) ...". ALLI4N E .J..J. 1t:LjlJl~ PROJECT SCHEDULE Other project commitments have us rigidly sdleduled for at least the Dext 3 weeks. We wiD work to COIIIIDeI\Ce work as soon as possible and make cvCly effon to have aU work completed and a final repon delivered to you within 100 days. COOPERATION To a large extent the succ:ess of our effort will be a reflection of the time and willingness of Chanhassen's fire department persol1l1el to make commitments to the project. To fùlfi)1 our responsibilities to you we need: I. Assign a single COntact person who has the' authority to make decisions, answer questions, and provide general liaison with us on behalf of the City. T~ persOD should be able to provide the time nec:essary to fulfill the liaison role, volunteering JUggesûons, setting up local meetings. and clarüying our approach as necessary. 2. Keep us aware of any change in your intentions which could affect the implementation process. 3. Provide us with timely copies of documentation pertinent to OUr vigorous prosecution of the work to include any past technical, feasibility, or pJanniog studies associated with dispatc:bing, communications systems, fire radio system design, as built drawings, and other materials as may be required. 4. Inform us of known or anticipated obstacles to completing our tasks as contemplated. s. Provide reasonable access to your facilities (to include meeting rooms as neceSS8Jy), staff, and representatives as needed to prosecute tasks set out above. You agree that local members will facilitate our access to enter upon public and private land necessary to pursue our work. 6. Reasonably consider Our recommendations in the execution of policy, budge!, and contract award decisions. 7. We are not responsible for identi1ÿing the presence of and/or planning for designs associated with asbestos, PCBs, and other hazardous materials. city's liaison will coordinate timely local review and approvaVcorrectionfamendment of submittals and drafts and forward consolidated comments from interested parties. There is no requirement for shon term recommendations for modification or improvement of existing dispatch systems or facility and that shon term plans and budgets are not required. Cily of Ck-nhutcD, MN Page 3 . I'-...btr 15, 1999 TelecommuniclÜons Consultin& '. DEC-1S-1999 12:28 J.J. t£LSOH 612 825 8972 P.0S/06 10, lí>SC) ALLIANCE Our efforts will require that we coordinate with Carver County, MRB officials, and personnel from Motorola. By authorizing our work, City agrees to permit us to make inquiries and receive information on behalf of the City fi'om these agencies. City will prepare a letter of authoriuûon as may be requested by PSC Alliance Inc. City of CIwIbasw1. MN Page 4 . December 15. 1999 Telecommuni<:.'ions Con,uhin, . ¿"c.~ _-' __._'.' ..:....:...u oJ..,). J.c.:.....~UI1 (..0.1..:.. U':'.' 1..>_'1':" ........... '-'- . . - CREDENTIALS PSCAMance is a Minnesota corporation offeriQg telccommulÙcations consultins services primarily to Aiblic .5èctor Cùstomcrs, We have the qualifications, experience, and resources to satisfy the rcquircmClltSofthe Chanhassen project through subcontract arrangements with some of the most seasoned professionals in the business. PSC personnel have decades of experienœ addressing government sector technology projects which affect the public welfare. PSC AIUance has assumed responsibility for supporlins many consulting activities formerly offered by the Minnesota based commulÙcation engineering firm of W.M. Mo1ltg~ry ct AssocttUes. PSC principal, Jeff Nelson, has more than two decades of experience planrùng, implementing, and operating government communication systems serving serve public safety agencies. WardMontgome¡y,a subcontractor, supports PSCwith radio frequency professional engineering services as required. Other personnel have experience in law enforcement, loc:aI and wide area telephony. and wireless commUlÙcations. Pñor to forming PSC Alliance, Nelson did business as Montgome¡y'S subcontractor. Projects worked jointly by Nelson and Montgome¡y have included cities, counties, highway departments, and intergovernmental ventures. In 1994 work was performed by Nelson on the 800 MHz mobile data system for Scott County (MN). In 1998-1999 Nelson performed radio frequency (RF) propagation and site planlÙng work for the 800 MHz Carver County (MN) mobile data system. Nelson advises Carver County on radio site co-location applications submitted by the Wireless Industry. Nelson previously performed work. for Washington County (MN) on their 800 MHz mobile data systemunderthe Montgomerybusinessbanner. Recently PSC was invited to oversee the successful consolidation of the Hutchinson P$AP with the McLeod County P$AP. Past projects have focused on police, rue, and emergency medic:al service (EMS) voice radio system performance, 9-1-1, admilÙstrative telephone, mobile data and telemetry commulÙcations and alarm systems, control consoles and commulÙcations center integration along with radio system upgrades. Nelson was the lead consultant for recent comprehensive public safety telecommulÙcations upgrades in Douglas, Morrison, McLeod, Otter Tail, Washington, and Polk Counties in Minnesota. P.5Crecently completed the project planrùng and oversight for the Richfield dispatch center upgrade and is just now completins work on the new Brooklyn Center commulÙcations center which opened earlier this month. Nelson was a contributing author to a publication considered to be one of the earliest works on joint dispatch operations titled PlanlÙng Guide for Consolidated Commllnic.ations Cenlers.3 Additionally, Nelson has written articles in the AfCQ Bullcûn and 9-1-1 Mall37Jne on shared computer and commulÙcations technology plus public safety dispatching. PSCrepresentatives are not associated with any manufacturer of computer or communications equipment, software, or related services. We do not sell, install or maintain computers, software, radio, microwave, telephone equipment, signage, or related servic:es. We maintain vendor independence to insure that our advic:e will be completely impartial. r7'S~) ~ IT"""N £ Available from the International APCO Information Servic:e. TelecommuDiclÜun~ Consul1iDg TOTAL P. Ø6