1b. Author Disp. 3 Fixed Assets CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minn"ota 55317 Pholll 612.937.1900 Gentral Fax 612,937.5739 Engineering Fax 612,937.9152 Publit Safety Fax 612.934.2524 W<b www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us ~b MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council Scott A. Botcher, City Manager ~ FROM: DATE: March 30, 2000 SUBJ: Fixed Assets Disposition Please find attached a list of three fixed assets currently owned by the City of Chanhassen. These three units will be traded as part ofthe purchase of previously authorized Fiscal Year 2000 Capital Budget purchases. As indicated in last year's budget season, as these items are already budgeted, we are proceeding with purchase as they are within or extremely close to the budgeted amount. That being said, the City Council still needs to take formal action to dispose of the fixed assets. This should be done as a matter of course and that is the request through this memo this evening. In conclusion, simply put, the request is that the Council authorize the disposition of the three fixed assets as indicated on the memo dated March 23, 2000 from the Equipment Superintendent. Thank you. g:\user\scottb\fixed asset disposition.doc The City of Chanhassen. A f!Owin~ community with c!tan lakes, quality schook, a charminr downtown, thrivinr businesses, and beautifùl parks. A rreat place to live, work, and pla~ 7" .",0; MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO: '. Scott Botcher, City Manager FROM: Haro[d Brose, Equipment Superintendent 690 City Ctmtr Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassm, Minnnata 55317 Phone 612.931.1900 Gmmd Fax 612.931.5739 Enginming Fax 612.931.9152 Public Safety Fax 612.934.2524 wtb IJIWUJ.d.c""nhl1!!m.mn.us DATE: March 23,2000 SUBJECT: Authorization to Purchase Public Works Equipment I have received bids and quotes for the following equipment in the 2000 Budget of the VehiclelEquipment Fund. BUDGET EQUIPMENT VENDOR AMOUNT AMOUNT Bobcat Skidsteer Loader Lano Equipment, Inc. $ [5,304.05 $27,000.00 (State Bid) Trailer RDO Equipment, Inc. $19,921.49 $20,000.00 (State Bid) Dump Body, Hydraulics, Wing I-Craft, Inc. $40,493.60 $[ [5,000.00 and Installation of Plow & Wing (State Bid) Plow and Sander Aspen Reach, Inc. $1 [,801.27 (State Bid) Subtotal $52.294.87 Cab & Chassis $57.018.00 (Already approved and ordered) Total $109.3[2.87 Sewer Cleaning Unit MacQueen Equipment, $127,581.68 $[90,000.00 Inc. Cab and Chassis Boyer Truck, Inc. $ 63.821.00 $191.402.68 (State Bid) 2-Way Radios (4) Ancom Communications $2,088.88 (Same price as 1999) GARAGIh CAPITAL OUTLA~ OTHER ~UlPMENT * Vehicle Maintenance Software. I Snap-On Too[ Co. $3,926.89 $4,000.00 ~ 3(1..i"o * The quote for the software &om Mitchell is $[37.00 less, however, does not offer &ee training. Therefore, I recommend purchasing Snap-an's software. Tht Gty of Chanhassen. A growing community with cltan lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A pat place to live, work, and pia; VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT TO BE TRADED 3. Unit #312, 1994 Ford L-8000 with jet rodder. Serial #IFDXK82E3RV ASOOn $24,000.00 I. Unit # 149, 1993 Model 853H Bobcat Skidloader, Serial #510375228 $8,500.00 2. Unit # 306, 1985 Chevrolet C-70 with vacuum inductor. Serial # 1 GBL 7D lB8FV216288 $12,000.00 March 2000 )!,: