1977 05 09 I I I SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 9, 1977 Mayor Hobbs called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. with the following members present: Councilmen: Geving and Waritz. Councilman Neveaux came at 8:20 p.m. Councilman Pearson was absent. CLARIFICATION OF ORDINANCES 45 and 33-B, MORITORIUM ON BUILDING PERMITS IN UNSEWERED AREAS: A presentation of the proposed ordinance was made by the City Attorney. Councilman Waritz moved to approve an interim ordinance temporarily prohibiting construction or development within the areas of Chanhassen not sÅ’rviced by city sanitary sewer as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Neveaux. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilman Geving, Neveaux, and Waritz. No negative votes. Motion carried. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS - MTS: Councilman Geving asked what had been done in response to the MTS letter. The Manager responded that a letter thanking MTS for their interest was sent, staff would provide whatever help they desired. The Council received personal letters and the Chamber was. notified of the letter. No other action was taken. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS - REPLACEMENT OF CULVERT UNDER HIGHWAY 101: Resolution #77-20; Councilman Geving moved the adoption of a resolution to approve the Deparbment of Transportation's request to replace a culvert under State Highway 101 as per Schoell and Madson's report dated April 27, 1977 I-State Project 315.S.P. 2736 - 18 (TH 101)7. Motion seconded by Councilman Waritz. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Geving, Neveaux and Waritz. No negative votes. Motion carried. The remainder of the agenda consisted of non-action items. The City Council adjourned this special meeting and went into the work session with city staff. No other action was taken. Don Ashworth City Manager