1977 07 18 I I I HEGULA11 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL HEETING JULY 18, 1977 Nayor Hobbs called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Vlith the folloljlÌng members present: Councilmen Pearson, Geving, and -,laritz.. Councilman Neveaux came late.. The meeting Ï'ras opened Hi th the Pledge to the Flag.. APPHOV AL OF AGENDA: Councilman Pearson moved to approve the agenda ì'lÌ th hlO additions; pollee contract anci picnic in the park. Notion seconded by Gouncilman\laritz. The fol101Üng voted in favor: Hayor Hobbs, CouncilJrlen Pearson, Geving, andiJal'Í tz. No negative votes. l!Iotion carried. Iv¡INUTES: Amend the last sentence under BLUFF CREEK DHIVE - TfU¡Ji'FIC REGULATION~) in Lht::'Ju.ly- 11, 1977, Ci ty Council minutes to read; '1'he city engineer Hill prepare a report on speed bumps and dips for f\'..ture Council consideration.. Councilman Geving m01TOd to 2.pprove the July 11, 1977, City Council minutes 3.S v.mended'. ¡·lotion seconded by Councilman Poa.rson. The fo1lovring voted in favor: Bayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Geving, and:Jaritz. No negative votese ¡'lot-ion carried. Councilman Pearson moved to note the July 5, -1977, Pa.rk and Recreation Commission minutes. Notion c8conded by Councilman 48.ritz. The follo1^lÌng voted in favor: fJayor Hobbs, Councilmen P8G.rson, Geving, and.Jaritz. ì'Jo negative votes. l/btion carried. TBNPOHARY NON-INTOXICATING LIQUOB. LICSNSS ORDINAI~C.ó l1HGNmlEl~'J:'_ -FINAL HEADING: Counci'J.:m8n Neveaux came at 8: 25 p.m. The proposed amendment ,,¡auld require chari table, club, religious or non-profit organizations to state the specific purpose and times per year a license would be required v~th the final decision left to the Council. Councilman Pearson moved to approve Ordinance 34-D. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The follo\dng voted in favor: Hayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearsoll, Neveaux, Geving, and Waritz. No negative votes. Motion carried. ST. HUBERI" S CHURCH - TENPORARY NON-INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE: Fr. Armand "Jill be contacted to determine no\'1 many additional tiræ s and for what purposes the license v¡ill be needed. FRONT YARD V ARrANCE RE(~UEST - ELIZABE'm NOV AI<: 1'1s. Novak has purchased Lots 8, 9, 1''8, aÚd19, Red Cedar Point and ¡-dshes to build a home. Sewer and water are not available to Lots 18 and 19 on I(irkham Road. Staff recommended approval of the vari ance. Councilman Pearson moved to approve a ten foot front year variance as requested by Hs. Novak. Notion seconded by Councilman Neveaux. The following voted in favor: Hayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, and ],I[aritz. No negative votes. Ivbtion carried. ZONING ORDINANCE Al18~NDHENT - 110TH2:R-IN-1A'tl APARTM.ENTS: The Council discussed the Plaming Commission recommendation whetlier to allow mother-in-lavJ apartments in the R-l Use District. The Planning Cowrlission recommended that Ordinance 47 not be amended to include mother-in-law apartments and suggested the Council investigate the possibility of licensing or issuing a conditional use permit for a mother-in-law apartment. The Council felt the key to enforcing the present ordinance is Vlhether the home has tHO totally separate entrances or one main entrance for everyone. By closing the home off this creates two separate living facilities. The Ci ty At~or?ey suggested that "this is for single family res~dents anI!" be v¡YÌ tten on the b1JJ..lding permit. He further suggested leaving the ~rdlnance as ~_s and us~ the framev¡ork of the issuance of a building permit spellJ..ng out what lS to go In the home as a single family home in an R-l District. Council ï1eeting July 18, 1977 -2.", Councilmgn Neveaux rnoved to accept the recommendation of the Flarming Commission of Hay 2.'::>,1977, that Ordinance T-J.7 not be amended to include lViother,,-"in-law apartments. Motion seconded by Councibnan Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hobbs, Councilmen Poe.rson, Neveaux, Gevi.ng, and Ja:ritz. No negative votes. Hotion carried.. I TRAFFIC ORDINANCi~ AHSNDH2~NT - SNOd ßlvI,~llGii;NCI.2:S AND CODIFICATION: '1'here have beEm seve-nit i.1Jne"Qdïn.entó:; to Ordi.narlc8 3 (exl1iiJìtlon dnvlng, no ù--turn zano,:;, and no parking zones) l'econl.1y. ütaff recommended these amenôments along\Ü'ch snOH emorgencics arl1cndment be consolidated into one ordinance to make it e¿j}-,iü:c for the Police Depar'Gment. T,,¡o alternntos arc proposed for snOH emergencies: a.. No peri;on shall stop, f;tancl or park any vehiclo or permit it to ;:d:,~mcl on any fi treet '·íi thin the City betucen the hours of 2 :00 a.m. and 6: 00 a. m. on any day. b. or... betw·een November and April betHeen the hours of 2 :00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on anÿday. Uounci 1man Neveaux moved to place the 'l'raffic Ordi.nance amendment on readine including Alternate B vr.L th the dates of November 1 and April seconded by Councilman lJar'Ì tz. The folJDì1Ìng voted in favo 1': Nayor Counci lmen Pearson, Neveaux, vJari tz, and Geving. No negative votes. carried. first 1. Hotion Hob bs , Hotion PWt:1BING INSP:~CTOH FEES - 1977: Tho COlmci1 di5CUSi3CÙ. changing tho method of payl.n¡C1:.Lè plurnbulfCil1'"i,pector I-rom a f12.t rate to 60 percent (1977) of the permit foc. 'rho ~10.00 remodeling inspection, meter inspection or re-inspection feei3 'iIould r2mdn the same.. !jtoff rcconUl1endecl that the ordina.nce be amended I· to r'Di;::o bhe n¡Hr strv.ctu:ce permit feu from ,,¡)30.50 to approxirrHtely w40.00 alc;o the eo~;'G of a HaLer ¡[loter be raÜ,ed to .,;J75.o0.. The incre<.wed ì·rat(-)l" meter price 1¡rould be effÒtòctive Septnraber 1, 1977. CounCDm;HJ.hritz moved to place an ordinance amendment on first reading changing the method of payment to the plumbínß inspector to 60 percent of the porm.i t fee and also amending the cost of a plumbing permit fee for neH structures to ;;[>l.¡.0.00. flIotion seconded by Councilman Geving. The fa 110 "I-ång vo ted in favor: l-Iayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, and daritz. No negative votes. No tion carried. LAK8 H.ru:;y SK,\JSh PROJECT 77-2 - APPHOVE PLANS AND SPóCIFICA'J'IONS AND ADVEETISE 'FOR mJJs: -'rho city I:Ian2ßer J'ecommrJ:.ndecl the CC:mnc·U approve the p18.ns and- f;p~.tcÜ.'jcations and authorhe tIle Oi ty EnGineer advertif;e foY' bids. BD.l Brezinsky di.:;cussecl the plans and specification;). The (~stimated constructton cos t. is -;i;14(),500 or $1.,375 more thém the feasibility Gtudy estima.te. It[<;SOLUTION /177-30: Councilman Pea:t'son rr¡oved the; adoption of n refwluti.on approv1nß the final plan~) ancl specifi.cations and au.thorize the Cityl';ngineer to advertise for bidf3 to 1)0 opcnod Aug\.wt 12, 1977. He~,olution seconded by Co unci lman Noveaux. The fol1oHing voted in favo r: Hayor Hobbs, Counci1Jllcn Pearson, Neveé'cux, Gevi.ng, ancl.Jari tz. No nega.tive vote;). Ho'Gi.on carrÎ-ods I' üARATOGA LANE Ii'HISer AND S,':;COND ADTJll'IONS - DEVELOPNGNT CüN'l'RA.CT: Doug Hannen ~ end fum Klingelhut:.-. 1:rem present to cUscuss changes in the development contract. Council Heeting July 18, 1977 ') -..J- The I a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. fa llo1-1Ìng changes Here agreed upon: Boulevard sodding or seeding. The developer shall provide one boulevard tree, of a species acceptable to the City Forester, of a diameter not less than l~" for each lot. Completion date for sanitar,y sewer, water, ~ld storm sewer of August 12, 1977. Completion date for all curb and gutter, streets, and final asphalt wearing course of July 1, 1978. Boulevards and all front yards shall be sodded or seeded and driveways installed upon completion of oonstruction of the principal structure upon each lot. Side~valks across the two lots along Laredo Drive v¡ere discussed. It viaS decided to study the lVhole area along Laredo Drive for a side¡,¡alk improvement project in the future. Lots 1 and 2 of Block 3, Lot 5 of Block 2, and Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 1, Saratoga Lane First Addition may be improved by the erection of one, tl'JO (2) family residential structure on each lot.. There are tl'JO outlots in the plat. I I Tom Klingelhutz asked the Council's help in getting the overhead power line removed that crosses Long View Circle. Counct~~n Neveaux moved to authorize l~or Hobbs to sign the development contract as amended. Mo tion seconded by Counci bnan Geving. The fo 1101ving voted in favo 1': Ì1ayor Hobbs, Councibnen Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, and 4aritz. No negative votes. Notion carried. The Council agrees ~~th the Planning Commission's concept of sideVlalks but feel it is not important to this project. It should be studied more comprehensively as a separate matter later. SHOR.r!":LAND l'1ANAGEHENT REGULATIONS - FIi'JAL READING: Councilman Pearson moved the adoption of an interim ordinance for the management of shorelaIld areas of the City of Chanhassen. fiíotion seconded by Counci~aan \vari tz. The fo IlmÜng voted in favor: Hayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, ¡laritz, and Geving. No negative votes. Notion carried. BILLS: Councilman Neveaux moved to pay the June bills as presented. liotion seconded by Councilman Pearson. The following voted in favor: Hayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, andvaritz. No negative votes. Notion ca.rried. :JAT3R MST¿R DEPOSIT - ORDINANCE .~1END}ŒNT: Staff recowaended that the Council place on first reading an ordinance amendment deleting the VJOrding "meter security deposi t" and substituting the VIording "meter charge ". Councilman Geving moved to place the ordinance amendJaent on first reading. Notion seconded by Councilman vJaritz. The follovlÌng vote~ in fav~r: Hayor H~?b~, . Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, and '.Varitz. r~o negat~ve votes. lvlot~on carr~ed. 1977 BUDGST Al1Ti~NmE!;NT, TEHFORARY EHPLOY11ENT - SECTION 8 RENT SUBSIDY PROGRAl1: Staff recommended that the Council approve a budget adjustment for 1977 in the amount of $1,500 for the employment of part time salaries to administer the Section 8 Rent Subsidy Program _ such to be funded via reimbursements from the state and federal governments. Councilman Neveaux moved to approve a budget amendment in the amounkof ;¡þ~,50? to 8 allow for permanent part time employment of Nancy Opfer to carry out the. bectwn d Rent Subsidy Pro gram. IvTotion seconded by Councilman Geving. The fo 11oH1-ng vote Council i"ieeting July 18, 1977 -4~ in favor: Hayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Geving, Neveaux, and daritz. No negative votes. ¡'lotion carried. MUfN SSO'l'A HOUSING FINANC;;; AGI~NCY - HOl-L:i; IhPROV~~Ì'll~NT GRANT PHOGRAÍIÍ, PHASE II: Councilman Pear.,30ñ moved that baf3ed on the informaHon presented anèl as suriîlng it 1-Jill not change, hay-or Hobbs be authorized to enter into an agreement "JÌth Scott Carver ,~conomic Council to carry out this program for Ch2cYlhassen residents. Eotion :'3econc1ed by Councilman ,lari tz. The follo~ving voted in favor: Nayor Hobbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, and¡Jari tz. No negative votes. Hotion carried. ,L¡\!iJCON FUNDING: The City ¡·Ianager up dated the Council on the progress of the F:!-anl1J-ng Commls~sion and Park and, Hecreation Connnbsion ip finding a suitable s lte fo l' a park and boat access J.n the northeas t end of Lotus Lake. PICNIC IN TEl'; PARK: CounciJ.man Pearson moved to authorÍ?,e the Ci t;y- Í'¡a.nager to -present a plaque to Joe and Bobbi l3etz, Chairmen of tho Picnic in the Park, for all tho time and effort they put in. Hotion seconded by Councilman ..Jari tz. The fo 11_o1tlÌng vo ted in t'avo r: Nayor Hobbs, Counci lmon Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, and :laritz. No neBa.tive votes. Ì'lotion carried. POLICJi: CONTRACT: 1'1ayor Hobbs reported on a reoent meet.ing·-he iJ.'Gtended. This \V'as to set up a prog"ram of county Hide coÙtrnct. policing on a per capita basis. The Sheriff IS Department Hould give 24 hour police protection to everyone that participates. Ci ties ~,puld pay a full per capita basÜ3 and to~mships pay half. ChD.nhassen ViQuld pay approximately ;j)80 ,000. I Counei.lman Nev8é:ux moved to adjourn. Eotj.on seconded by Councilman Pearson. The £'0 lJmÜng vo ted in favor: Hayor Babbs, Councilmen Pearson, Neveaux, Geving, I and;Jaritz. No negative votes. Eeeting adjournod at 11 :30 p.rrl. Don AshHorth City Hanager I