1976 02 02
FEBRæRY 2, 1976, AT 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Klingelhutz called the public hearing to order with the following members
present: Councilrren Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. The following interested
persons were present:
Phyllis Pope, 7055 Carver Beach Road, Excelsior
Mike Nierreyer, 6798 Huron, Excelsior
Bob Amick, 605 West 70th Street, Excelsior
Doug Hansen, 17001 Stodola Road, Minnetonka
Ronald Roeser, 222 Chan View, Chanhassen
Mayor Klingelhutz read the official notice as published in the Carver County
The reason for this public hearing is that before applying for a Block Grant the
Ci ty has to get citizen irnput on what the grant should be applied for.
Mike Nierreyer - As a resident and elected representative of the Carver Beach
Association I 'NOuld like to request that this body give serious
consideration to applying these funds to the Carver Beach sewer,
water, and paving project. First, the project area is one where
a direct benefit would result to fixed and low income families
by either allowing deferrrent of assessrrents or reducing overall
project costs as assessed against residents. Second, this project
is consistent with the Carver Beach Guide Plan, the Chanhassen
Comprehensive Plan, the JVEtropoli tan Sewer Services and the State
Departrrent of Natural Resources criteria; therefore, it carries
forth neighborhood, community, metrq:olitan and state objectives.
Third, the project is being installed because of theirrminent
threat of pollution to both lDtus Lake and private dorrestic water
systems. Also, the potential threat of an uncontrolled fire will
be greatly reduced by the installation of hydrants and a proper
road system. In conclusion, we feel our request is timely and
relevant and encourage your positive consideration.
Phyllis Pope - I think that Carver Beach is a place that really could use this
money for the sewer and water. It is important to the people
who are living there to get sorre help with it.
Bob Amick - I tend to agree with everyone else that certainly there is sorre rrerit
in applying part of the funds to Carver Beach and I would like to
thank the City for looking into this.
Mayor Klingelhutz - I had one phone call on this and he was thinking of housing
for the elderly through a Comrrnmity Block Grant.
Mike Niemeyer - There is another point in consideration in reference to the Carver
Beach area project and that's that there is a reasonably tight
tiræ schedule in getting the application in and the necessary
paper work and background data that has to be done to accomplish
that. There has already been a great deal of that work done by
a corrmittee.
Mayor Klingelhutz - The corrmi ttee has done sorre research on housing for the elderly
as a prelude to a Community Block Grant Application for next
year. There is not enough time to get all the materials
together to apply this year.
Community Block Grant Public Hearing February 2, 1976
Ron Roeser - I am interested in housing for the elderly because I know a lot
of senior citizens in town are living in regular apartrrents
and it seems to me that if there is rroney available to build I
apartrrents where they could perhaps have cheaper rent. I think
senior citizen apartments where just senior citizens are living
in there are much better than having to live in apartments where
there are children. It should be considered.
Councilrran Neveaux - It sounds like an ideal thing for the HM. There are other
options than just building a building. There are subsidy
programs that would serve the sarre purpose. I will concur.
I feel that the need for senior citizens housing relief is
very strong.
A rrotion was rnade by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman Neveaux to
adjourn the public hearing. The following voted in favor: l'-'B.yor Klingelhutz,
Councilrren Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Hearing
adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Jerry Schlenk
Acting Clerk-Administrator
FEBRUARY 2, 1976, AT 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Klingelhutz called the public hearing to order with the following members
present: Counci1.ræn Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. The following interested
persons were present:
Ronald Roeser, 222 Chan View, Chanhassen
Bernie Schneider, 220 West 78th Street, Chanhassen
Harry Pauly, 7561 Great Plains Blvd., Chanhassen
Doug Hansen, 17001 Stodola Road, Minnetonka
Jim Hawks, Minneapolis
Mary Ole Kerber, Chanhassen
Mr. and Mrs. Jarres Herber, Maple Grove
Leonette Herber, Chanhassen
Ann Koltyk, Chanhassen
Herbert Bloonœrg, Chanhassen
Mr. and !'firs. Calvin Hutzler, Prior Lake
Hubert Pearson, Onamia
Rich Lyman, 8600 Great Plains Blvd., Chanhassen
A rrotion was made by Councilrran Hobbs and seconded by Councilrran Kurvers to
waive reading the official notice. The following voted in favor: Mayor
Klingelhutz, Counci1.ræn Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative
votes. rvbtion carried.
Bill Schoell gave the presentation. This parking lot is located on the west side
of Great Plains Blvd. south of Í^7est 78th Street. The plan provides for 101
parking spaces. It has a ten foot wide ornamental sidewalk behind the business
places and a ten foot wide sidewalk running toward the dinner theatre. Access
is provided at two locations, one approximately 200 feet south of West 78th Street
and the other along the proposed street north of the railroad. The estimated cost
CBD Parking lDt Public Hearing February 2, 1976
of the proposed 9 ton street is $25,000. The construction cost for the parking
lot is $83,000 and because various owners own varying amounts of land it was felt
a value should be put on the land for a "paper trade" . An arbitrary figure of
$1. 00 a square foot was used for the 65,000 square feet that would be used for
parking purposes. It is hoped that if the project goes ahead that the arbitrary
number be agreed upon by all parties being assessed. The cost of grading, paving,
curb and gutter and drainage is estimated at about $46,000. The cost of landscaping
at about $37,000 and land $64,665 for a total of $148,000. The Engineer recoITrnended
that if this project goes ahead that the total cost would be assessed against
benefi tted properties. The needs for parking are determined by the use of the
Ci ty Ordinance. The total annual es tirn.a.ted cost for rnaintenance is $4,250.
This might be assessed against the benefitting properties in the same relationship
as the initial cost of the parking lot or it might be paid as an annual asseSSIrent
against the various owners based upon actual usage of the lot or the use of
municipal street and park funds.
Ann Koltyk - How much space 'NOuld we actually gain by this? I own rrost of it
and I could rrake a good parking lot if nobody bothers me.
Bill Schoell - There are about 56 existing spaces and we are not quite doubling
it to 101. We are counting the area that is used now.
Ann Koltyk - I don't see where you are gaining that much.
Bill schoell - One other change that is being done here, this is upgrading the
quali ty of the parking. We are talking about a potential value
to the people, to the store owners and the business owners in
this area and there is some value to that. It is up to you to
determine what value it is to you.
Ann Koltyk - Do I understand you are only going to pay $1. 00 a foot.
Bill Schoell -No. All we said in the report was we have to have an arbitrary
figure and we hope that the owners will get together and agree on
what an arbitrary figure ought to be. No valuation has been made.
Hubert Pearson - Whatever price they put on it per square foot would still be
assessed back to the adjoining property owners. If you are
going to have a public parking lot for all the people in the
Village why should it be assessed to just the adjoining property
Bill Schoell - Because the benefits are to the abutting property owners. The
benefits are not to the people that are coming to use it, the
benefi ts are to the people in business because they provide good
parking near their business.
Hubert Pearson - Are all the people that park there going to use just those
Bill Schoell - We hope so.
Jim Herber - When would this all start?
Bill Schoell -. This is the first stage of a project, then the Council will have
to determine should the project go ahead or not. It could be
done this year.
Mary Kerber - Then my house would not be included in the parking lot.
Russell Larson - The property behind your house would be included.
Herbert Bloomberg - I think we are going to come up with an actual development
Cost that's going to be substantially less than what the
Engineer I s propose. Hansen and Klingelhutz have inforrred me
that they want Ire to take over the property in the southeast
corner of this proposed project as per an agreerrent I have
wi th them. I haven't any imnediate plans for the use of this
CBD Parking Lot Public Hearing February 2, 1976
piece of property as an office building. Even though I
feel it is a good piece of developrrent property and perhaps
may go into an office building. I would just as soon
sacrifice a little building space on this office complex
and rerrove a section out of this parking space which already
happens to layover our paved parking lot at the present
time. We actually park cars on that area every Saturday
night. This will rrake all property owners equal in area.
The only change in the plan will be the southerly part.
The proposed street would only be completed to the entrance
to the parking lot and be included in the project. I would
just as soon pay 100% for the rest of the street.
Bill Schoell - I think that certainly has good potential. It appears to ræet
the rrore recent needs of the owners here. I would like to
recorrmend that the hearing be continued to a date two weeks from
now to give us enough tirre that we can make, with Herb's help,
a little rrore realistic cost estimate on the project.
Herbert Bloomberg - I really would like to see this project done and I think if
we do it economically everybody will be very pleased with
the end result.
Harry Pauly - The only qualm I have is the driveway behind the bottle shop.
Closing it up.
Bill Schoell - The original plan showed a backing into truck unloading space for
Harry I s bar and restaurant and apparently that may cause him
sorre problems. What we propose as an alternative is to open this
up with an entrance only, not an exist, for trucks only.
Bernie Schneider - It would not only serve Pauly's, it would serve O'Leary's
Ki tchen and possibly Ann's. In Mr. Schoell' s proposal the
Village property was put in at a square foot cost also and
I think that the City Council should give some consideration
to the fact that they could give this land to .the parking
area at no cost thereby reducing the cost rrore because
naturally the benefitted business would repay this to the
Village in the form of taxes at sorre future date. The
better the parking area the better the business climate
is going to be and it I s going to benefit the entire community
also. It should be called to your attention the fact that
I think that if this plan becorres a reality that the businesses
will also fix up the southerly side of their business places
with soræ type of a proper front look. The continuing
sidewalk is proposed from Pauly's building all the way to
behind Jerry I s Bar and this again would be paid for by the
property owners. It would not be included in the overall
renovation district. The cost of the overall project seems
quite high at the present tirre. Three inch trees were
suggested. The trees might be reduced to inch and a half
or something of that nature.
Herbert Bloomberg - I feel that Bernie's point about the Village contribution
I think is rrost strongly supported· by the thought that the
present Village Hall is going to be a restoration project.
I think that in the coming years there will be a nurriber of
tirres when tourists and visitors will be driving in there
to use that facility and so to be a proper thing that the
Village would feel that their benefit is returned in that
Public Hearing and Regular Council Jv1eeting February 2, 1976
A rrotion was rrade by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman Hobbs to
continue the public hearing to February 16, 1976, at 7:00 p.m. and that the
Engineer be directed to work with Mr. Bloorriberg and also incorporate Mr.
Schneider I s recomrœndations into some alternate cost figures for that evening.
The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux,
Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Hearing continued at 8:05 p.m.
Jerry Schlenk
Acting Clerk-Administrator
Mayor Klingelhutz called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. with the following
members present: Counci1.ræn Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. The meeting
was opened with the Pledge to the Flag.
MINUTES: A rrotion was rrade by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman
Kurvers to approve the January 19, 1976, Regular Council minutes. The following
voted in favor: Mayor I<lingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and
Kurvers. No negative votes. fution carried.
ŒD:)PARI<INGWT: A ItDtion was made by Councilman Hobbs and seconded by Councilman
Kurvers to table a decision on the CBD Parking lDt. The following voted in favor:
Mayor Klingelhutz, Counci1.ræn Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative
votes. rvbtion carried.
REGUIAR MEETING: A rrotion was rrade by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman
Hobbs to set the date for the next regular rreeting of the City Council for
February 16, 1976, irregardless of the fact that it is a legal holiday being
President's Day. The following voted in favor: ~'B.yor Klingelhutz, Councilmen
Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. MJtion carried.
ECDLOGICAL COM1ITI'EE: A ItDtion was rnade by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by
Councilrran Hobbs to merge the Lake Study Corrmi ttee into the Ecological Committee
and they report to the Planning Conmission as a subcommittee. They consist of
seven rrerribers, four individuals from the Lake Study Corrmittee, Bill Turner,
Jim Callinan, Al Sinnen and Lauren Hillquist, a representative of the Planning
Commission, a representative of the Park and Recreation Commission, and Dick
Dutcher. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs,
Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. MJtion carried.
The Planning Conmission should prepare a charge for this committee.
LIQUJR LICENSE TRANSFER - JERRY'S OLD WEST BAR: The City Attorney reported that he
has been informed that there has been ,no agreerænt made for the purchase of the bar.
A ItDtion was rrade by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilrran Shulstad to
table action on the license transfer until such time as a firm: agreerrent has been
reached for the sale of Jerry I s Old West Bar. The following voted in favor: Mayor
Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes.
fution carried.
LIQUOR LICENSE FEES: Ann Koltyk, Herb Bloorriberg and Harry Pauly were present.
CounciJ.nån Shulstad left the meeting at 9 :00 p.m.
Regular Council M3eting February 2, 1976
A motion was rnade by Councilrran Hobbs and seconded by Councilman Kurvers to
table action on liquor license fees until February 16, 1976. The following
voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers.
No negative votes. lvbtion carried.
A rrotion was made by Councilman Kurvers and seconded by Col.IDcilman Hobbs to
authorize the City Attorney to redraft the ordinance and investigating split
liqoor, classification of licenses, wine license, and arr.userrent tax. The
following voted in favor: M3.yor Klingelhutz, Counci1.ræn Hobbs, Neveaux, and
Shulstad. No negative votes. IYbtion carried.
A rrotion was made by Councilrran Kurvers and seconded by Councilman Hobbs to
authorize the Acting Clerk-Administrator to purchase two copies of the MJdel
Ordinance Code for Minnesota Cities. The following voted in favor: ~·'B.yor
Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes.
rvbtion carried.
PRICE QillTES CITY ACCDUNTANT: 'Ibm Brunberg, M. J. LDng Company, was present.
Price quotes were received from two firms; Hoffman and Hoffman $4, 750.00 and
M. J. Long Company $3,950.00.
A rrotion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman Kurvers that
the Acting Clerk-Administrator invite representatives of both firms to the next
Council meeting February 9, 1976, at 7: 30 p.m. The following voted in favor:
Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes.
IYbtion carried.
INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION: The City Planner gave a report on a survey he had taken I
on Industrial Commissions or lack of same in other communities and his
conclusions of the survey. The Council decided to discuss activating the
Industrial Commission after the Planning Commission has completed the Comprehensive
PROJEcr 75- 2 . CARVER BEAŒ SEWER AND WATER~ Ted deLancey, Pete Linsmayer, Conrad
Fiskness, and Bill Brezinsky were present. The Council discussed the cooperation
and/or lack of it with the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District in regard to
District requirements for the South Carver Beach Creek and Lot 12 Creek. A Watershed
District Board of Manager I s rreeting will be held Wednesday February '1, 1976, at
the Eden Prairie City Hall. Councilman Neveaux and Bill Brezinsky will attend.
Councilman Hobbs asked for a report from the Watershed District Board of Manager's
outlining why the need for snow fencing and straw bales in this project.
The Council discussed the route for the forcernain through IDt 12, Auditor's
Subdivision #2. The City Engineer has received prices from the contractor for the
alternate alignITent of the forcemain in the creek. It will cost $27,310 rrore to
follow the creek bed than to follow the existing road. The contractDrfeels that
using the original alignment no trees will be rerroved, however, there might be
minor root damage to nine trees.
Mr. Linsrnayer and Mr. deLancey were generally in favor of the road alignment for
the forcemain with the following stipulations:
1. Install and maintain four erosion control dams in the creek.
2. Dig out and rnaintain the siltation basin at the outlet of the 48" pipe.
3. Trees and debris will be cleaned out of the creek bed.
4. Stake the forcemain alignITent in consultation with Lot 12 representatives.
Regular Council JVEeting February 2, 1976
RESOLUTION #76-12: Councilman Neveaux rroved the adoption of a resolution approving
the road alignment for the forcemain across Lot 12 with stipulations:
1. 'Ihe alignment of the forcemain will be staked in consultation with Lot 12
2. Install and maintain four erosion control dams in the creek.
3. Dig out and rraintain the siltation basin at the outlet of the 4811 pipe.
4. Trees and debris will be cleaned out of the creek bed.
Resolution seconded by Councilman Hobbs. The following voted in favor: Mayor
Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. MJtion
RESOLUTION #76-13: Councilman Neveaux moved the adoption of a resolution that
the engineering firm be directed to prepare a contract aITendment in the amount
of $9,234.00 to install and rerrove fence and bales as per his letter of January
29, 1976, Carver Beach Sewer and Water Project 75-2. Resolution seconded by
Councilman Kurvers. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilrren
Neveaux and Kurvers. Councilman Hobbs voted no. MJtion carried.
LAKE ANN INTERCEP'IOR PHASE II: The Ci ty received a letter from Joseph Strauss,
Chairm:m of the JVEtropolitan Waste Control Corrmission, stating that the Lake Ann
Interceptor Phase II has been included in the development program for years
1977-1981. A meeting will be held February 5, 1976, at 9:00 a.m. Mayor
Klingelhutz and Bruce Pankonin will attend.
A rrotion was rnade by Councilman Hobbs and seconded by Councilman Neveaux directing
the City Planner to prepare a statement for this meeting and request a representative
fran Schoell and Madson I s office be in attendance at this rreeting. The following
voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers.
No negative votes. I'-btion carried.
COMMUNITY BIDCK GRANT: A rrotion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by
Councilman Hobbs to authorize the City Planner to take M3tropoli tan Staff members
to lunch on Thursday, February 5. The Treasurer will reimburse the Planner for
expenses incùrred. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen
Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. MJtion carried.
PROJECT 75-2 EASEMENT AQJUISITION: The City Attorney gave a progress report on
easement acquisition for this project.
RESOLUTION #76-14: Councilman Neveaux rroved the adoption of a resolution
corrrnending the following persons for their participation in City affairs:
Jim Mielke Tim Stone
Dan Herbst Chuck Hirt
Mariana Shulstad Roy Roeser
Tom Gabbert Rich Lyman
Certificates will be presented at the City Party February 14. Resolution seconded
by Councilman Hobbs. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilrren
Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. r-btion carried.
SPECIAL MEETING: A rrotion was rnade by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman
Kurvers to hold a special Council meeting Saturday, February 7, 1976, at 5:00 p.m.
The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and
Kurvers. No negative votes. MJtion carried.
Regular Council JVBeting February 2, 1976
A rrotion was made by Councilrran Neveaux and seconded by Councilrran Hobbs to
adjourn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Counci1.ræn Hobbs,
Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. JVBeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m.
Jerry schlenk
Acting Clerk-Administrator