1976 02 21
Mayor Klingelhutz called the special meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. for the puipose
of re-interviewing Mr. D:m Ashworth for the position of Clerk-Administrator. The
following IœITbers were present: Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers.
MY". wren Law was present.
The Council discussed the :merrorandum prepared by wren Law dated February 20,
1976, with Mr. Ashworth.
1. Position - Your title will be Clerk-A&ninistrator. The duties and
resfOnsibili ties of your fOsi tion have been thoroughly outlined.
2. Salary - Your annual base salary will be $21,500 for the first year. This
will be subject to review by the Council no later than your anniversary
date and any adjustment will be based on your work performance.
3. City Plans - You will be entitled to participate in such insured and non-
insured benefit plans as the city maintains for the benefit of its employees
in addition to what was agreed upon as outlined below:
a. Heal th Insurance - The city agrees to pay for the Group Health
coverage for you as an errployee and you will contribute for the
dependent coverage which presently is $38.22 per rronth. This
coverage is effective after one rronth' s employrœnt.
b. Life Insurance - The city agrees to cover you on Group Term
insurance for $2,000 as provided by the city for their employees.
c. Vacation - The present vacation plan will be available to you as
outlined in the personnel fOlicy. After six rronths, you would be
eligible for one weeks vacation. (Mr. Ashworth asked if he could
take time off prior to the six rronthclause without pay. The
Council felt this would be fOssible.)
d. Holidays - Ten holidays as listed in the personnel fOlicy.
e. Dues - The city will agree to pay your Io-11\ and ME'OA dues annually.
4. City Car - A pool car is available at city hall for use on any official city
5. Expenses - You will be reimbursed for out-of-fOcket expenses COIl...'l.ected
wi th city business. Expense forms will be corrpleted with the necessary
receipts attached per personnel fOlicy.
6. M:>ving of Household Goods - The city agrees to pay up to $500 for truck
rental, help hired and other incidentals when the move is made from v1hi te
Bear Lake to Chanhassen. This offer up to $500 will only be available if
the rrove is nade within the calendar year 1976.
7. A complete physical ey.arnination is required prior to giving notice at your
present employment.
8. The Administrator is encouraged to attend I01A conventions and will be
reimbursed by the City.
A rrotion was made by Councilnan Shulstad and seconded by Councilman Neveaux to
hire ~1r. D::m Ashworth as Clerk-Administrator and that he have a physical examination
and with satisfactory results of the examination he begin work for the City on
April 1, 1976, per the conditions outlined and discussed in the :merrorandurn of
February 20, 1976, and agreed upon February 21, 1976. The following voted in
favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No
negative votes. ~btion carried.
A mtion was made by Councilman Shulstad and seconded by Councilman Hobbs to
adjourn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Counci1rnen Hobbs,
Neveaux, Shulstad, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
Jerry Schlenk
Acting Clerk-Administrator