1976 05 10 I I I PUBLIC HEARING EAST IDTUS LAKE SANITARY SEWER, WATER AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECI' MAY 10, 1976, AT 7:30 P.M. Mayor Klingelhutz called the public hearing to order with the following members present: CounciJmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers . Councilman Shulstad was absent. Approxirrately 82 interested persons were present. 'Ihe City Administrator read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald. Bill Brezinsky explained the proposed project as setforth in the Feasibility Study dated April 8, 1976. 'Ihe hearing was opened for cormÅ“nts from the floor. Steve Murphy, 195 Pleasant View Road - Are there any plans for storm sewer? Bill Brezinsky - We have included stonn sewer in the cost estimate in Colonial Grove. We have not included stonn sewer in Area C other than replacing existing stonn sewer or culverts and rerroving some. We will try to correct the drainage as much as possible during construction. We will try to correct any drainage problems that exist now by regrading roads, replacing cuI verts that don I t work or in some cases eliminating culverts. Dale Palmer, 521 Iroquois - Why are you not running the water down IrCXJuois? Bill Brezinsky - 'Ihat I s a mistake. It should show water on that street. Dale Palmer - We have some valuable trees, will they go around them? Bill Brezinsky - I don I t think we should have to take any trees up in that area. Otto Bloedow, 540 Pleasant View Road - 'Ihe question on the availability charge, is that only based on an improved lot? Bill Brezinsky - The $350 availability charge is levied by the M2tropoli tan Waste Control Cormnission. 'Ihey City is required to collect it at the time of connection. For a single hane it is $350.00. Steve Murphy, 195 Pleasant View Road - What is the minimum size of a saleable lot after sewer is in? Bill Brezinsky - Right now it is 15,000 square feet by ordinance. Paul Orednick, 210 Sandy Hook Road - In Area B I believe you mentioned that from the proposed lift station the sewer would be lifted out and dumped to a connection in Eden Prairie, would there be an additional taxation for the dumping privilege to Eden Prairie? Bill Brezinsky - No. It won I t cost the owners in this area any IIDre going to Eden prairie than it would if the system was fully contained within Chanhassen. John Cunningham, 6665 Horseshoe Curve - On those smaller sewer lines that run along the lake, how deep are those? Co they go below the level of the water? Bill Brezinsky - Yes. The sewer lines along the lake will be five or six feet deep below the surface of the ground and no:rmally would be one to three feet below the lake. John Cunningham - Is that the reason why you have chosen to go out on the point? Bill Brezinsky - This is based on two or three times out there and on ten foot contours. We haven I t had a surveyor get the actual elevations. John CUnningham - When that happens can we talk to them? Bill Brezinsky - Yes. Any property that we go across we will have to get an easement. The Attorney will be there and we are happy to talk about reãlignment Public Hearing, M:ty 12, 1976 -2- of any of the lines. In IIDst cases the actual alignment ends up different than what we first said because of the property owners wishes. I John Cunningham - Are existing things replaced? Bill Brezinsky - Trees won I t be replaced. As far as retaining walls or water lines or electric service lines, fences or anything like that will be replaced. Elwood .M::Cary, 108 Sandy Hook Road - I would like to assume that when you put the sewer in the water lines would go in. I can't see paying another assessment for streets three or four years down the line. Mayor Klingelhutz - It has been our policy that when we put sewer in the water lines go in. M21 Kurvers, 7240 Chanhassen Road - How close to the lake are you going to go with that sewer in Area A? Bill Brezinsky - If we go wi thin 50 feet of the lake we have to take special precautions to protect the lake. In some cases we will be within 50 feet of the lake. Harvey Parker, 7480 Chanhassen Road - How many bidders usually bid on these projects? Bill Brezinsky - On the last project in Carver Beach we had 17 bidders. Con Niehaus, 6645 Horseshoe Curve - You mentioned that our area may not get services this year, what would determine that? Bill Brezinsky - It is quite a large area. If you set a completion date for this year because of the size of Area C you might end up paying a I premiUTL or the contractors might add money ·to their bids because of the tight time schedule. When you get into October the contractors don't know what they are going ·to be able to get done. I think that because each area can be served independently with sewer we would recamÅ“nd that the areas be bid separately. Phil Chenoweth - The market has been stronger than we have seen. It may change again and be right back up there again by the time this project is ready to finance but as sure as change is going to happen we see a changing bond market. Indications have been that it should remain pretty strong through this year. When I say strong I mean lower interest rates. You can pay up your assessment in cash or you can pay it up any year during the period of installments by paying the principal and interest due that year. Harlan Felker, 429 Pleasant View Road - What if these people in this property happen to default and can't make it? Phil Chenoweth - If you go delinquency on the assessment, it goes against the property. If you are delinquent over a period of time, it used to be seven years but now it has been shortened to about five years, the property could go up for sale and the City would then recoup their TIDney in it. They come first before taxes. Betty Kelly, Colonial Grove - The bituminous street that you are talking about putting in, is that seven ton or nine ton? Bill Brezinsky - It is a seven ton street. Betty Kelly - Is that sufficient to withstand the traffic for builders. Bill Brezinsky - It will be adequate to haì1dle garbage trucks, builders trucks, school buses, etc. I I I I Public Hearing, May 10, 1976 -3- Bill Huskins, 102 Sandy Hook Road - How do you go about determining what the preference is for example concrete curb and gutter? Mayor Klingelhutz - It would have to be brought up before the night that we would be letting the bids. Let us know what the neighborhood wants before we go ahead with the project. Jean Iovetang, 6850 Chanhassen Road - I will go on record as being the first descending vote mainly because of the situation the way IT!Y land lies right on 10l. 'Ihe Ecklund and Swedlund property surrounds me, what their particular thinking is insofar as the curbing and irrprovements going in. Bill Brezinsky - There will not be street or curb and gutter put in with that project. They will be put in by Ecklund and Swedlund. You, on your property would not receive any street or curb and gutter and you wouldn't be assessed for it. On your property you could take out the street and curb and gutter costs and your assessment would be $4,493.00. The Council will be making a decision on this project May 17. Wri tten statements will be accepted until Thursday noon to be included in the Agenda. Statements received after that will be given to the Council on M::mday evening. A motion was Trade by Councilrran Neveaux and seconded by Councilman Hobbs to adjourn the hearing. 'Ihe following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. Hearing adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Con Ashworth Clerk-Administrator SPECIAL æANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 10 r 1976 Mayor Klingelhutz called the meeting to order at 9: 40 p.m. with the following members present: Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. Councilman Shulstad was absent. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: A rrotion was made by Councilman Hobbs and seconded by Councilman KlTI-VerS to place Ordinance 33-B on first reading. 'Ihe following voted in favor: M3.yor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. MJtion carried. I SEWER UTILITY RA'IES: Frank Laska was present. Council rrembers tended to prefer Proposal 3 which calls for a minimum of $5.00 for the first 5,000 gallons and 81¢ per thousand gallons above 5,000 gallons per quarter. No action was taken. This will be on the May 17 Council agenda for approval. COUNCIL PROCEDURES: No action was taken. This item will be on the May 17 Council Agenda. DEVIIS SLIDE: Tim Stone and Mike Niemeyer were present. Bill Brezinsky presented prq:osals for the street restoration and drainage of Devils Slide. The present grade of Devils Slide is 16%. In conjunction with the sewer project the Engineer's proposed to lower Kiowa about l:!;¡ feet and raising Tamarack at the base of Devils Slide to achieve a grade of 14.9%. The additional cost woulä be about $3,064. 'Ib get the least grade on Devils Slide would require lowering Kiowa l:!;¡ feet and then getting the flattest grade possible from Kiowa down to Iroquois. The resulting grade would be 12.4% at an additional cost of $6,860. This does not include the cost of the property. Runoff from approxinately 4.6 acres presently flows down Devils Slide. Improvement I of the streets and drainage in the area will increase the flow by approximately 20%. With the increase in the flow there definitely would be erosion. 'Ihe additional arrount of erosion probably would not be noticeable. 'Ihe gravel presently on the street is finer than what the Engineer would reconmend to put on. The runoff from Devils Slide would go to the drainage ditch along Iroquois then to 66th Street and to lotus lake. When the ditch is cleaned and sodded it will be adequate to handle the runoff. The City Engineer recommended the restoration of Devils Slide be put in the way it was initially planned and possibly look into a future extension to Iroquois. He would like to see it blacktopped because of the erosion. If it is not blacktopped the road will erode and there will be rraintenanoe required. A IIDtion was made by Councilman Hobbs and seconded by CounciJman Neveaux to direct the Administrator to investigate appropriate signing, designate the road as an emergency or limited access road. 'Ihe following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs and Neveaux. Councilman Kurvers voted no. Ivbtion carried. FLAG POLE: The Bicentennial Commission has enough money left from donations last fall for the flag pole at city hall. 'Ihey plan to put a flag pole up at Lake Ann Park behind the Lake Ann Park sign. A rrotion was made by Councilman Neveaux and seconded by Councilman Kurvers to adjourn. 'Ihe following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs, Neveaux, and Kurvers. No negative votes. M2eting adjourned at ll: 40 p.m. I Con Ashworth Clerk-Administrator