1976 09 27
SEPTEMBER 27, 1976, AT 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Klingelhutz called the hearing to order with the following rrernbers present:
CounciJ..rren Hobbs, Neveaux, Kurvers, and Waritz. The following interested persons were
Merrill Bartlett, 1050 Pleasant View Road
Jim Knop, 6800 Nez Perce
Jack Ernst, 6735 Nez Perce
Helene and Foster Janich, 6777 Carver Beach Road
James Stodola, 7000 Carver Beach Road
Darlene Byrne i 6724 Huron
Mia Huseth, 6719 Ircquois
Royal Martin, 6650 Quail Road
George Herrmann, 795 Carver Beach Road
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Headstream, 784 Ivy Road
Bernard A. Kerber, Bax 57, Chanhassen
Vernon J. Kerber, 7241 Powers Blvd.
Marlene and Len Dusoski, 1022 ~vest 67th Street
Mrs. Gordon Tack, 6598 Huron
John H. Clark, 1215 Lake Lucy Road
Matt Jacobs, 941 West 67th Street
Andy Barash, 6725 Nez Perce
Fred Wagner, 6890 Huron
Gloria and Robert Wiest, 840 Carver Beach Road
Judith Rayrrond, 834 Ivy
Mr. and Î'1rs. Frank ~12tzig, 6400 Chanhassen Road
Robert Amick, 605 West 70th Street
Greg Cloutier, 640 West 70th Street
Î'1r. and Î'1rs. Harry Ahrens, Hamburg
W. R. Christensen, 1021 West 67th Street
Robert Bowen, 6275 Powers Blvd.
Paul Reynolds
Bill Brezinsky
Russell Larson
The City Attorney read the official notice as published in the Carver County Herald.
Bill Brezinsky explained the assessments. The total cost of the project is $1,707,441.
The costs of the lift stations, force mains, oversizing 10 inch and larger sewer
lines are considered trunk sewer costs. The cost of oversizing ten inch and larger
water main where lateral benefit exists and the entire cost of 10 inch and larger
water rrain where there is no water lateral benefit are considered trunk water costs.
The trunk facilities are paid for through a trunk connection charge against the area
served. This area includes, in addition to the on-line properties, a potential of
440 sewer and 742 water off-line residential units. Only the on-line units abutting
the irrproverœnt will be initially assessed. At this time the trunk unit costs are
$458 for sewer and $544 for water.
Lateral sewer, water and street costs are assessed against abutting properties
according to benefit. The assessments were made both on a unit and area basis.
Lateral units were assessed as follows:
One unit for each existing hOITe.
One unit for each platted vacant lot outside Carver Beach SuI:x:1ivision.
In Carver Beach SuI:x:1i vision west of Nez Perce, one unit for each 15,000 square
feet, 90 foot frontage lot that could be developed by a combination of lots
in the SaITe ownership.
In Carver Beach east of Nez Perce, one unit for each 10,500 square feet, 60 foot
frontage lot could be similarly developed.
Carver Beach Assessrrent Hearing September 27, 1976
On unplatted parcels, one unit for each horæ site that could be developed
within a parcel using 100 foot lot width and 15,000 square foot area with
a limit of five units against a single parcel.
Parcels that are unbuildable becau.se of the small size or under the size given
were not assessed unit charges. The area charge was developed to offset the cost
of irrproverænts that abut the undersized parcels and also to offset the extra
cost to go by the larger parcels. The area charge was set at 10¢ a square foot
and was assessed against the entire area within 150 feet of the irrprovernent
on undersized vacant lots. Against the area exceeding 15,000 square feet
within 150 feet of the improvement on the oversized lots.
The total unit cost for a parcel on an asphalt street is $5,163.00. The unit
cost for a parcel on a gravel street is $4,579.00 and with no street is $4,22l.
The assessments will be spread over 15 years at 7~% simple interest. People that
do not agree with the assessment placed on their property or the assessment criteria
can file an appeal with the city. The Council will consider the appeals at a
special rreeting on October 6.
The hearing was opened for questions from persons present.
Jack Ernst - It was mentioned that over 65 at the discretion of the Council, you
could defer it or not defer it. Supposing you don't defer it and
they haven I t got the m::mey?
Mayor Klingelhutz - As you all know we did apply for a block grant for Carver
Beach. Things looked real good. Everything was very
encouraging. About four weeks ago we got a letter from HOD
saying, no, your proj ect isn't eligible. We are appealing
it. We don't want to force anybody to ItDve out of Chanhassen
because of the sewer assessrænt.
Jack Ernst - This was my point. You said at your discretion. In other v.7Ords
if you say no you take the sewer and water, the house, the land,
the whole thing because a guy is poor.
Russell Larson - With respect to the senior citizens deferral, the Council will
have to establish some guidelines either by ordinance or
resolution which they will apply to each application for senior
citizens deferral and if you qualify under those guidelines no
doubt you would be eligible for that deferral.
Mrs. Mark Headstream - We have 14 lots and we are billed for two units and some
have ItDre lots and are billed one unit plus footage. I
don't understand that.
Bill Brezinsky - Your property is under two separate descriptions on the tax rolls.
If the property is under two separate descriptions even though
it may be adj acent to your other property we would assess one
uni t to each one.
Mrs. Headstream - Ours have been combined for that "circuit breaker". When we
paid the last half taxes we went over and asked and he said sure
that we are certainly entitled to it. Whether they did it, I
don't know.
Bill Brezinsky - They didn't when we got the records from them about a ItDnth ago.
We will check with the county. If that is the case then your
assessment would be changed.
Mrs. Headstream - ~ve want to sell the lot but in the meantiræ we pay about $800
interest on it.
Mrs. Gordon 'Ibck - vve live in Minneapolis but own land on Huron and West 66th and
we never get any correspondence at all. As a matter of fact
we don't even know what our assessment is going to be. They
Carver Beach Assessrrent Hearing September 27, 1976
send us our taxes every year. The only tiITe I know there lS a
meeting is when I read aJ:xmt it in the Chaska paper.
Bill Brezinsky - We used the same roll as the county.
Bob Wiest - I have a question as far as the statements that were sent out, are those
the actual taxes officially?
Bill Brezinsky - Those are the assessments as we have on the assessment roll now
and the only way they could be changed if you have an appeal in
the Council were to change the assessment.
Bob wiest - I am not quite clear on the deferrment business because you require this
application be in by September 27 and yet if these assessments are not
official how can you require that sorrething be in when you don't even
know what your assessments are going to be?
Russell Larson - I am sure you are not referring to yourself insofar as deferrrænt
is concerned.
Bob Wiest - N:J, it's a friend of mine.
Russell Larson - You have to be 65 or over. The assessments I am sure will be
within a few dollars of the arrount given in the notices that were
sent out unless there is some very obvious error. The assessments
have not been fully adopted by resolution.
Bob Wiest - Could a deferrrnent still be filed?
Russell Larson - It is up to the Council whether they wish to receive any.
Council rœmbers agreed to extend the deadline on senior citizens tax deferral until
Thursday, September 30.
Darlene Byrne - Are they going to do something with the drainage on Huron?
Bill Brezinsky - We are not finished down there. There is going to be ditches along
the roadway where they were before and as requested by the people
that live there. MJst of the runoff will be taken in these ditches
and slowed through these ditches. There won't be as much running
down the road as there is now.
Dar lene Byrne - Next year will Huron be oiled or watered or something to keep down
the dust?
Mayor Klingelhutz - According to the request of soræ of the people that live on Huron,
Huron will stay a gravel street. If there is any v.7Ork to be
done on it in the future it will be assessed against the property
owners on Huron.
Mrs. Gordon Tack - What people living on Huron requested that? There isn't very many
people that live on Huron at that end.
Darlene Byrne - I really want to know the people that live on Huron requested that.
I know we didn't.
Mrs. 'Ibck - I know we didn't.
Jack Ernst- What do they do if you ever want to sul:x:1ivide and there is only one sewer
hook up, do you have to tear the street up if you ever did want to sul:x:1ivide?
Bill Brezinsky - We tried to provide sewer and water services wherever we feel it is
reasonable that the lots could be sul:x:1ivided. Sorre cases in the
future it will be necessary to go into the streets. We hope not
very many. We doubt there will be very many cases where they will
have to go into the street.
Carver Beach Assessment Hearing September 27, 1976
Mrs. Headstream - I heard something about a sewer availability charge, does everybody
have to pay that that connects up from the sewer to the house?
Mayor KlingeThutz This sewer availability charge is put on by the Metropolitan I
Council and Metro Sewer Board. If it v.7Ould cost you $700 to
get the plumber to hook you up from the sewer stub to your
sewer line and close your septic tank system there would be
an additional $350 SAC charge that the City of Chanhassen has
to pay to the Metro Sewer Board. That has to be paid at the
time of hook up.
A rrotion was made by Councilman Hobbs and seconded by Councilman Kurvers to close
the hearing. The following voted in favor: Mayor Klingelhutz, Councilmen Hobbs,
Neveaux, Kurvers, and Waritz. No negative votes. Hearing closed at 9: 15 p.m.
Don Ashworth