1a App Cont Roundhouse Renov
J City Cmttr Drill(. PO BDx 147
. :h.nhIlJStTl,MinntllJf¡¡55317
Phont 612.937.1900
Gtnmtl Fax 612.937.5139
.ginttring Fax 612.937.9152
. .blit Safety Fax 612.934.2524
~b www.ci.ch.nh.Jstn.mn.UI
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director -4
March 16, 2000
Authorization to Enter into An Architectural Agreement with Gary
Hittle, Roundhouse Renovation
The 1997 Park, Open Space and Trail Referendum allocated $40,000 for
restoration of the roundhouse at Roundhouse Park. An assessment prepared by
Locus Architecture resulted in the finding that a budget twice this amount would
be necessary to complete the project. The initial budget could do the job, but in a
band-aid manner with limited long term value. For $80,000 the structure would
basically be gutted down to just the walls and foundation, then rebuilt.
The Park and Recreation Commission held several neighborhood meetings
discussing the merits of preserving the local landmark versus tearing it down. The
consensus was to preserve the roundhouse for use as a winter warming house,
summer park shelter, and local landmark.
This recommendation was received by the City Council during the 1999 budget
process. The additional $40,000 \Vas set aside in the 2000-2004 capital budget.
To move forward with the necessary work, I have met with two architectural
firms. The resulting proposals are attached, with Locus Architecture priced at a
maximum of$13,IOO and Gary Hittle at $3,600. The variation in price is
exaggerated by the fact that Locus is including more services; i.e. mechanical,
electrical. However, these variations do not close a $9,500 price gap. Staff would
assume responsibility for coordinating these electrical and mechanical under Mr.
Hittle's proposal.
It is recommended that staff be authorized to enter into agreement with Mr. Gary
Hittle for architectural services associated with the roundhouse in an amount not
to exceed $3,600.
City of Cha"hasstn. A !(TOwin¡ community with didn labtS, auality schools. . ch.rminr downtown. thrioi.. bu¡intSstS. and bt4utilùl Mrks. A "",ot .!afP to Ii",. morb. nod ./",
124 Ash Avenue North, Post Office Box Number 124, Mayer, Minnesota 55360-0124
Telephone: (952) 442-3995
6 March, 2000
City of Chanhassen
Todd Hoffman
Director of Parks and Recreation
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Dear Mr. Hoffman,
It was a pleasure to meet you last week at Roundhouse Park. As per our
discussion, I present this correspondence as a proposal for the
Roundhouse Park Structure renovation project. I am proposing to do the
preparation ,of the, construction document which will outline the
renovation work for your project. The document will be based on the
program information we discussed at our meeting and also the information
outlined in the structural analysis report titled PRELIMINARY
INVESTIGATION AND CONS'J,'RUCTION REVIEW, Roundhouse Structure, Roundhouse
Park, Chanhassen, MInrlesota dated July 20,1999 which was prepared 'by
Paul V. Neseth, AlA of Locus Architecture. Ltd.
The construction document will include a foundation pIau drawing, a main
level plan drawing, and a roof framing plan drawing with general notes
outlining the renovation and construction work to be done. Elevations,
sections, and any detail drawings needed to further show and explain the
work will also be prepared. The final document delivered will include
all of the above information being shown and specified on one or two
24"X 36" sheets of paper.
There will also be several design concepts prepared for the new entry
canopy and roof system. These drawings will be presented for selection
and approval. The approved concept will be incorporated into the final
construction document.
All information presented in the construction document will be done with
the understanding that any mechanical, electrical, and structural
engineering of said information will be the responsibility of the Owner,
the City of Chanhassen. The Owner will also be responsible for any and
all building code compliances of the work presented.
The construction document shall be prepared, completed and delivered
before or on Friday the 14th of April, 2000.
The compensation for the preparation of the construction document shall
not exceed $3,600.00 (three thousand - six hundred dollars). This is
based on an hourly rate of $75.00 per hour. The work to be completed
breaks down into the following phases, time, and cost:
Gather and review pertinent information.
Collect and verify existing as-build
drawings or prepare new ones if there are
none available.
Prepare entry canopy and roof concepts
Meeting to present concepts
Develop final concept for approval
Prepare final construction document
Miscellaneous work
Total time and cost:
10 hours
6 hours 450.00
2 hours 150.00
4 hours 300.00
24 hours 1,800.00
2 hours 150.00
48 hours $3,600.00
Payment of compensation is to be made in two installments. The first is
to be made on the 25th of March for work completed up to that date. The
final installment is to be made for the remainder of work and is due in
full upon delivery of the final construction document.
If this proposal is in agreement with you, please sign, date, and return
a copy to me. The work will proceed immediately upon receipt of this
agreement. Thank for the opportunity to present this proposal. I look
forward to hearing from you soon.
Gary Hittle, Landscape Architect
JOuI v n_ & "}'Ime g yelland
Î.~n. Arc:hitectur~, Itð,
1211 west 24& street minneapolis.minnesota 55405 612.374.5534 612.374.5570 fox
Todd Hoffinan
Park and Recreation Director
City of Chanhas.sen
690 City Center Drive, PO Box 147
(;ban!ulsøQ;MJI! .~.m7
ProPOsal for Arcbitectunl Services
'RQ.....d..nnsePark .Reno'Vatioa
Dear Todd,
We are pleased to offer this proposal and are looking folWard to working furtber on the Roundhouse Park structure.
Tbe following proposal outlines our services and resulting fees, as well as the services and fees for engineering
services. I bave included a copy of the engineering proposal we received ftom MattsonlMacDonald fuc. It '
describes their scope of work and special conditions for tbe project. Any work performed outside tbe stated scope of
work will he hilled as stated.
Tbe scope of work for, the project includes the renovation of the roundhouse structure within Roundbouse Park. Tbe
mv.estigation prepared m July ,of 1999 is WI Ïntegn¡¡ part ,of this proposal as it ,describes the.cwrent state.of the
structure at the time and outlines tbe intended use of the structure. We assume, in this proposal, that tbere has not
been significant changes in either the condition of the structure or the scope of tbe renovation.
Arcbitectural services we will provide include design, design development, construction documents/specifications
.and bidding negotiation. We will worl(.on.an hourly basis for these phases with ,a ,cap ,of $9,500.00. The fee for
engineering services (in addition to architectura1 services) will be fixed at $3,600.00. I expect that working with you
as tbe client will be ratber fluid, but including additional parties for decision-making and oversight would change the
scope oftbe work for us. Consequently, any drawings for, and presentations made to, individuals or groups other
than you would be considered additional services and, thus, not included in tbe cap. Also, I have separated out tbe
œnstIuction .observation phase as WI item payable ,on.an hourly ,basis,.also not mcluded m the ,cap. However, the
engineering fee includes construction observation for their portion as outlined in their proposal.
Our bourly rates are as follows:
Principal Architect
Project Architect
Intern Architect
CAD Drafting
Expenses will be billed at tbe following rates:
Printing 1.1 x .cost
Travel $.311mile
Delivery 1.1 x cost
We will use AlA contract form B151. If these terms are agreeable, I will send you a contract and we can get started.
Paul V. Nesetb, AlA ~
Locus Architecture, LID.
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21 January, 2000
Paul N¡::seth
LðCUS Arehitectiifë, Ud.
1211 West 24th Street
Minneapolis,MN 55405
Rõulídbòuse Structure, Lake Minnewasbta Park. Cbanbassen MN
Dear 'Paul:
We are pleased to submit this proposal for structural engineering services for the above
rëféténced project. Our understanding of the project and scope of work is based on the
recommendations contained in our investigation report dated July 20, 1999.
Our \Vork for this project will include structural engineering services related to the following
Removal and re-structuring of the roofframing to accommodate a 40 p.s.f. snow load.
RértiÖv¡d ofthe second floor structure and any additional bracing of the existíng wails that
might be required as a result of this work.
Repair and reii'lfõtëiiig öfthé first floor framing to accommodate a 100 p.sJ. live load
capacity .
New fovtil'lgs or foundations -reqaireû as a teSült of mé reinforcing of the first tioor or
required for the addition of a stoop or ramp at the exterior.
R~-pesitioning or re-attacltment of existing steel "hOöt'S" ärotiñd the büilding moved as a
result of existing openings. Re-positíoning or reinforcing of existing "hoops" required to be
moved or ~lIt to acoommodate -new øpettings in t-he -building.
Re-support ofthe exterior load bearing "stave" walls to the foundation required as a result of
the existing {)verbang {)[ the perimeter walls over the foondatioos.
Lintels for new and existing window and door openings.
A ,new entry .ca.oopy {)ftbe main entrance.
Scope of the Work:
I. Review the condition of the existing building. Take measurements and data as
feqüired -(Mille ~iiëfiifãl design årtd detãtlifig.
2. Perform calculations as needed to confirm the load capacity of the existing
s~ure. ' .
3. Perform calculations to determine the appropriate framing elements required for
the new fOOt" -aOO eanøpy.
4. Perform calculations to determine the required reinforcing or repair of the exiting
framing eJe~ to remain. Reinforœ as required to ronfønn to the Minnesota
State Building Code.
5. Prepare 4rawings using backgrounds supplied by the project architect to iUustrate
the structural work required as a result of the calculations performed above.
6. At1end periodic œor-dination meetings, as agreed.
7. Edit specifications, supplied by the project architect pertaining to the structural
8. Perform checking and coordination of the structural documents.
9. Review .of specifIed submittals pertaining to items ~esigned by the structural
engineer. Review of submittals shall be for gelteral conformance with the
infOJDlation giv.en .and ,design .concept ,expressed in the Struc.turaIcontract
,10. ,Ma.ke lip 10 J .site visits, One visit will be 10 inv£S1Ìgate.existing .conditions.and
take measurements. 2 visits will be performed at intervals appropriate to the stage
of consÍI'JI.ctiø.otp øÞ.s~rv~ .aDd .beçome generally familiar with .the .quality .and too
progress of the construction work relative to the structural work.
12. Prepare site visit reports.
13. Our work under site visits is considered general observation and is not intended to
include special inspections, continuous inspection. testing or quality contrøl
verification as may be required by U. B. C. chapter 17. This work may be
provided as an extra service.
D. Special conditions: The following are services are not included in this scope of work.
Soil conditions requiring deep foundation design.
Special inspection selVÏCès.
Extra plotting or printing beyond that needed for team coordination.
'Ct1ent dictated -CAD layering or drawing CöfWetlfíÖi!S.
Phased construction requiring design drawing packages.
Design for future expansion.
Exterior stairways or pedestrian bridges.
EKter1orloading docks or special equipment foondations.
Overhead cranes
Roof screens.
Schedule of hourly rates
Effective January 2000
Principal Engineer
Próject Engineer
Design Engineer
-staff E1\gineef
-$-50 ;OOfhóut
The following are expenses that we consider outside the scope of our usual services and
wiU bi11 as a direct reimbursable expense.
1.0 x cost
Travel to the project site
Messenger service
1.0 x cost
Our work will be billed monthly based on the portion or percentage of work completed at
the end ßf each month. Invoices are due UfJOfI receipt. lmerest will be ehãrged on
invoices 30 days or more past due.