Chanhassen City Council
MmulJly, JlDlUtuy 17, 2000, 8:30 a.m.
. Courtyørtl Conference RlHJm, 690 City Center Drive
1. Work Session with Fa£ilitator Reviewing Municipal Strategic Plan.
Note: The council will be meeting all day working with a facilitator in reviewing
the municipal strategic plan. This is an open meeting and the public is
invited to attend. No votes will be taken on this day, as it is a work session.
. 690 City Cmter Drive, PO Box 147
Chmzh¡¡¡,m, MinntSota 55317
Phone 612.9311900
Gmeral Fax 612.937.5739
Engineering Fax 612.937.9152
Publit Saftty Fax 612934.2524
Wlb www.â
TO: Mayor
City Council
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager~
January 13, 2000
Strategic Plan Work Session - January 17
Please find attached the agenda for the Strategic Plan work session. In addition,
I am providing a copy of the updated Strategic Plan pursuant to our June review.
You each should have a copy of this somewhere else. but we have provided an
additional copy for your convenience.
Lunch will be on your own. We will start at 8:30 a.m. in the Courtyard
Conference Room. Mr. Eklund will facilitate and Mr. Benson will be present in
the afternoon to assist with his portion.
111l Gtv of Chauhasseu. A fI'Owi"f £DlIIlfI.nÍJuoith c!£Jln lakes. a""litv schools. "hArm;nv downtown. thriviuv businesses. and beautifù! varks. A ""at v/are to live. work. and vIa.