1970 05 11
PUBL!C HEA:RI.NG- ON REZONING OF þ'10L.~.NE g~OPER'¡'Y ,- Ma,y 11, 1970
'¡'he Chanhassen Village Council met on May 11, 1970, for the
purpose of conducting a public hearing on the rezoning of the
Moline Property. Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Klingelhutz, Pearson,
and Bennyhoff were present. Councilman Hill was absent. The
Public Hearing began at 7:30 p.m.
The following were present concerning the Public Hearing~
Ed Gallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Nicholson, Burney R. Paramore,
W. H. Dixon, Lynnae Nikolai, Denise, Nikolai, Jolene Johnson,
Mrs. John C. Nelson, Earl F. Muehlhausen, G. D. Nugent,
Wal ter R. Cleveland, REv. and Mrs. J. Orville Martin, TR:Dbert
Scholer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerber, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Evans,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Nikolai, Beverly A. Johnson, Fred Niggeler,
Bernard Benz, George Steller, Amy Moline, Henry Moline,
Ray Brenden, Ken Sotherlund, Al.Harvey and Terry O'Brien.
The Administrator read the official publication on the rezoning
and also read a list of land owners who had been notified.
Sub Section .06 of Amendment number 8 of the Township Ordinance,
which pertains to the authority to hold public hearing~ was
read. Sub Section 4 of Ordinance #1, explaining Resident District
IIC", was also read. Part of the proposed P-l District was read
to explain what would be allowed in a P-l District.
MR. HERB BALDWIN; the landscape architect for the applicants gave
a detailed report on what is being planned.
At this time the meeting was opened to questions from the floor on
this proposal. A number o~ questions were asked by the residents
of the area. The following were statements by the area
residents for and against the proposal:
MR. GALLAGHER read the following statement:
SUBJECT: The application submitted to the Council by Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kerber for the rezoning of the Henry Moline property
from a rural farm district to residential district "C", in
contemplation of an extensive development of apartment buildings
and townhouses. This has become of considerable conern to many
residents of the Murray Hill area including some of the owners
of abutting properties. It is our understanding that the original
proposal is to construct 80 living units on this 12.5 acre tract,
but, according to a news item published in the April 30, 1970,
issue of the Excelsior-Deephaven Sun, there is a possibility of an
eventual total of 200 units.
The Council has set a public hearing to be held May 11, 1970, to
consider the application, and has stipulated that the provisions
of Section P-l "Planned Residential Development" of the proposed
Village zoning ordinance shall apply to the property if it is
Before any definite action on rezoning, we suggest to the Council
that they give careful consideration of the following points:
(1) Murray Hill is one of the most desirable areas wi-thin -the I
Northern Section of Carver County. Due to its topography, it
compares withTRRdge Road on Christmas Lake. This is the type
of land which people will buy because it is high and wooded,
and is a very desirable home area when sufficient sized lots
are sold. The property in question should sell, if properly
platted, and should return to the owner as much as if it were
sold for apartment deveJopment.
(2) Does the rezoning of the property to accomodate 80 units
and a possible 200 units follow the intent of Section 14 P-l
"S-tatement of obj ecti ves" of the proposed ordinance?
(3) It is our understanding that the present Township Ordinance
for residence developments requires an average land area per
unit of 15,000 sq. ft. Using this criteria, the erection of
80 units would require a tract of some 28 acres. This appears
to conform to the principles of Section P-l, Section 14.2
"Procedure for Planned 'Residential Development Zoning and Platting",
as paragraph (1) provides that P-l shall apply only to a tract
of not less than 30 acres under a single ownership.
(1) Please give consideration to the relationship, beneficial
or adverse, to the proposed Planned Residential DeveJ.opment upon
the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established as I
provided in paragraph 4 of Section 14.3 of P-l. It is our
beJief that the density of population in a relatively small
area which would result from the proposal would not be bene-
ficial to the area.
(5) P lease also consider the ef feet. which a high concentration
of motor vehicles in this single area would have on the traffic
load on adjacent access roads. Highway 41 to the West and 17
to the East have been built up to speedway level. A third road
in the same catagory does not seem necessary, and is not unless
the character of the neighborhood is changed.
We believe it to be in the best interest of the Village of
Chanhassen to retain so far as possible its existing rural
residential character, and to avoid the concentration of apart-
ment buildings and resulting density of population in limited
Spot zoning is never or seldom wise. It invariably leads to more
requests for yet another exception, and thereby defeats the
purpose for which zoning was established in the first place.
We wouJ.d have no objection to the rezoning of the property in
question for single residences or townhouses with land use
restrictions more in keeping with Township Ordinance C.
We will appreciate the consideration of our views by the Council.
Ruth Cranbrook, G. D. Nugent, Esther Nugent, Lila Sparks,
Lucien Sparks, Burney Paramore, Dorothy Paramore, W. H. Dixon,
Harriet Dixon, Mary Lou Nicholson, Clarke Nicholson, Jr.,
Mrs. Merrill Steller, Merrill P. Steller, Evelyn S. Lohr,
Marjorie Howard, Darrell D. Johnson, Beverly A. Johnson,
Doris L. Nikolai, W. Andrews, Elinor Andrews, Earl F. Muehlhausen,
Mrs. E. F. Muehlhausen, Bernard Benz, Sr., Mrs. Bernard Benz, Sr.,
Mrs. John Bragg, John G. Nelson, Lorraine Clark, Jerry Clark,
Marguerite M. Gallagher, Ed Gallagher, Charlotte T. Cleveland,
Walter R. Cleveland, Joe R. Fitzimons, Jean W. Fitzimons,
D. W. Nikolai, Arnon R. Reese, Patricia M. Reese.
CLARKE NICHOLSON stated: I would give the landscape architect
a lot of credit but with the proper amount of work the
Carmichiel Junk Yard could be beautiful. I moved out in the
country and I like the area as it is.
MRS. JOHN G. NELSON - My main concern is the roads in the area,
Lake Lucy Road in particular. What and how would these roads
be changed?
MRS. SPARKS - I feel it would destroy the quality of the
MR. SPARKS - We have 3.3 acres and like the country atmosphere
and would much rather the ajoining area be developed in large
tracts for single family dwellings.
PASTOR MARTIN - I first would like to state that I am pleased
the community is not getting over emotional over a problem that
they are concerned with. Both the applicant for the rezoning
and the existing owners are long time residents of the Village
and I am sure are planning with the best interest of the Village.
I tend to support the proposal.
WALTER CLEVELAND - I signed the statement that Mr. Gallagher read.
Generally this expresses my feelings, in that we moved away from
the downtown congested area.
G. D. NUGENT ~ I signed the statement and am in agreement with it.
EARL MUEHLHAUSEN - I also signed the statement. I feel the roads
are the main problem, also, multiple dwellings would destroy the
area. I don't feel that the multiples would help taxes.
W. H. DIXON - I also signed the statement and am in agreement
with it.
HURNEY R. PARAMORE - I also sigried the statement and am in
ã~gr-een1ènt ·wi thlt~- Also, if this is approved what is to
prevent others in the undeveloped land around this piece of
proper-~y being re~oned t~he same. I would like some assurance
this would not be done.
MRS. NIKOLIA - I also signed the statement and am In agreement
wlTh - i t-:- -~-
£~"-_EVA_~_ -" My main concern is about the traffic that will be
generated on Lake Lucy Road. l\re we shutting our eyes to the
fact that single family housing is more expensive than many
people can afford and that attractive, well designed townhouses
waul.d be an asset. I would hope that we souJ.d face the facts
and that the Council would approve the proposal.
ROBERT SCHOLEH -- 1 feel that the main points that should be
c-onsidered-by·the Council are:
1. Does it affect the value or the surrounding property.
2. Does it affect the heal.th and welfare.
The main point that has been discussed here tonight has been the
traffic on Galpin Lake Blvd. and Lake Lucy Road. I have checked
the traffic count at the intersection of Highway 7 and Galpin
Lake Blvd. There are 597 trips per 24 hour period. A-t the I
intersection of Highway 5 and Galpin Lake Blvd., there was 227
trips per day. In Section 3 there are approximately 400 acres
undeveloped, If this was developed with sewer and water instal.led,
only by single family residences, with a maximum possible rate
of 2.5 single family residents per acre, this would amount to
approximaJcely 1000 additional homes which generate approximately
7 trips per day per residence as stated by the Metropolitan
Council. This would be 7,000 additionaJ trips per day on Galpin
Lake Blvd. or Lake Lucy Road. This would require an upgrading
of both roads if it were to be developed only by single family
GEORGE STELLER - I am interested in '^'hat is done with this property,
aBlE-was ()wned by my grandparents at one time. I feel -tha-t this
plan using the landscape and leaving the existing trees would be
better than the site being leveled and single family residences
being built. I would hope thaJc the rezoning would be approved.
BERNARD BEN~ - 1 also signed the statement and am in agreement
w·i thO -n: :I-l:i.ke the countr.y atmosphere and fear that if the
rezoning were approved it would be se-tting a precedent.
KEN SOTHEªLUND - I would like to see this proposal approved. I
Yeer-íi:---wouTd--be good for taxes. It also would require less
Village maintenance costs. I [eel that the beauty of the area. I
wouJ.d be kept with a well designed pJ.an.
RAY BRENDEN - I feel the proposal is good and would hope the
Council would approve it.
TERRY O'BRIEN - I personally am concerned about the traffic and
the problems it would create.
AL HARVEY - I feel that the applicant has done a good job of
presenting the proposal, but as a home owner, I feel that the
traffic on Lake Lucy Road would be a real problem and in general
would like to see the area in a rural nature.
DENISE NIKOLAI - I am 12 years old and have lived here all my life.
r-like the-environment as it is and has been. I would like to
see a good clean community and feel that this proposal would
bring many more automobiles to the area and cause pollution.
The recommendation of the ~lanning Commission was as follows:
A motion was made by Anne Neils and seconded by Tom Gabbert
to rezone the 12.5 acre Moline Property from Farm Residence
District to Residence District "c" of Township Ordinance #1
with further stipulation that the developer adhere to
Section P-l of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Motion
unanimously ,approved. Bob Scholer did not vote.
Commission ha:s-not taken any action on this proposal as none
of this land lies in the Park Reserve Green Space.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: The sewer lines for this area have not been
designed at this time and could be sized for capacity to serve
the area with respect to how it is zoned.
HARRY KERBER - I would be willing to have certain restrictions
set on- this - applica tion. I would like to thank all of the
people in this area for the consideration that they have given
the Molines and myself on this rezoning application.
COUNCILMAN KLINGELHUTZ - How would the group .feel about certain
maximum density restrictions?
PARAMORE - I would like to question why the urgency on this
proposal for rezoning before the new Zoning Ordinance is
HARRY KERBER - The option is so written that the purchase of this
property is contingent on the rezoning of the property.
A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff and seconded by
Councilman Klingelhutz to adjourn the Public Hearing. The
following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen
Klingelhutz, Bennyhoff and Pearson. No negative votes. Motion
PUBLIC m;!\HJNC; ON lŒL:Ol'IING 01,' MOLINE PHOP:f<~Rrl'Y -- May J.l, 19'70 --6~
'1'118 Council \vill make a decitdon on this Public Hearing on
,}une I, 19ÎO at 8:30 p.m. at the Village IlalL Purther written
testimony ca.n be t.lŒn8d in to Lhe Village Office until F'rida.y,
Ivlay lS f 1970. No further testimony will be taken after that
CHAN H!\.D_~:; }~N_~I J,LAGJ'; COUNCIl. rg]\IU,£ES ,=--lvIay .1.__tL)9 '7 0
~hc SpeciaJ Chanhassen Vi.JJage Council meeting was held on
r:lay ll, 19'70, in t.lle Village Hall. It was decided to dispense
with all formalities. ThG following members were present, ~
Mayor CouJter, CounciJmen Klingelhutz, Pearson and Bennyhoff.
CounciJ.man Hill was absont.
BANDllvlEl<'l<; mnGH'l'S -- 2ND l\DDI'l'ION: The final plat was presented
and.....-~ that all UlC ~~()rid·itiow3 were m(~tthat were set
torUl in Uw December 15, 1969, Mee·ting of t:he Vil.Lage Council.
A mot.ion wac; madEc, by Counci Imdn Pearson and secondc~d by
Counci_lman KlingeJhut~ that the Village Attorney draft a
development contract setti_ng forth these conditj.ons and submit
it back to the Council at the next meeLing.
cC2J\J}J.:~'rJº~IA!:. UêE_~E~¡V¡I'L': 1\ motion was made by Councilman
Pearson and seconded by Councilman Bcnnyhoff to approve the
Conditional Use Permit for the Twi.n frilJ.s Estates as submitted,
authorLd_nq the Mayor and Clerk to sign said Cond.itional Use
l)LUlvlBING INSPECTOR: A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff
a~ncl_~-s8¿()ndo.d})y-c::ouncilman Pearson approving the reqistTaU.on
fee inlhe amount of $2!j.OO, parking and mileage for the Plumbing
Inspect:or to a'ct.end a Plumbing Inspectors workshop on June 2
and June 3, 1970. ~he following voted j.n favor thereof:
Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Klingelhutz, Pearson and Bennyhoff.
No nega.live voles. Motion carried.
llj)M]~¡.'iIS1'HA'L'OH" A motion was made by Mayor Coulter and seconded
by Counci.lman Pearson that the Village pay for any schooling
-tha·t l:l1e l\drninis'lrator 'cakes and receives a degree. rrhe following
voted j.n [a.vor thereof: Mayor ~ouJter, Counci_lmen Klingel.hutz,
Pearson dnd Bennyhoff. No negative votes. Motion carried.
~,E!\G--ºI~_ ~W_~/lLJi'JTC.~??~L~'1.'2}:~~ _CONVEN'l'IOj\J: A motion "vas made by
Councilman Bennyhoff a.nd seconded by Councilman Pearson to
approve payment of U18 reqi"t:ration f8e, mileage, plus $25.00
a day per diem for th8 Mayor, Councjimen or Administrator to
a'ctend t.he Lca.gu(," of Minnu>ota Municipa Ii ti cs Convention on
,Juno 10, 11 and 12, 19'/0. The following voted in favor thereof :
Ma.yor Coulter, Counci Imcn Klingelhutz, Pearson and Bennyhoff.
No negati.ve votes. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Pearson and seconded by
Councilman Klingelhutz to adjourn. The following voted in favor
thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Klingelhutz, Pearson
and Bennyhoff. No negative votes. Motion carried.
Adolph Tessness