1b App Disposition of 84 GMC CITY OF CHANHASSEN o City emf" DriVt, PO Box /47 c;hanhllSIrrI, MinnðOta 55317 Phont612.937.1900 Gtnrral Fax 612.937.5739 :nginming Fax 612.937.9152 'ublic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 "",b www.ci.chanhllSIrrI.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: 11> - Scott Botcher, City Manager FROM: Mark Littfin, 2nd Assistant Fire Chief DATE: April 4, 2000 SUBJECT: Sale of]984 GMC Rescue Truck (old 2]8) On April 4, 2000, I opened the bids for the sale of the above rescue truck. They are as follows fÌ'om high to low. Number 6 was received by mail one day late of the advertised close date. $11,550.00 $ 8,860.00 $ 8,750.00 $ 2,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,550.00 I would recommend the sale of the ] 984 GMC rescue truck to Benson Fire Department for the amount of$] ],550.00. 't Citv of Chd11hassen. A fflJwin{f community with titan lakes. ouality schonk (J rharmi"u Mumtmlm. thrÎ1,;nu hur;nPrrPr. tmd hnwti(,,1 fIII""r A (lTPllt ,,1111" tII Ii,!p 1I1M'¡' 11"" h1111, I. Benson F ire Department 2. Mid America 3. Bob Lorentz 4. Morse Bluff, Ne. 5. Erik Pehoviack Bid Received Late 6. Ken Quam ML/be ~ g;\safetylml\ 1984gmcsale