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1971 07 12
I I I CHANHASSEN VILLAGE COUNCIL MINUTES - July 12, 1971 The regular Chanhassen Village Council Meeting on July 12, 1971, was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. The following members were present: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. COUNCIL MINUTES: A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff and seconded by Councilman Neils to approve the Council Minutes of June 21, 1971. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Wolf to approve the Council Minutes of June 28, 1971, with the following amendment: BOND RATING: last paragraph, ....., a committee, including the Clerk and Treasurer, be set up to write a complete history and future expectations for the Village and this to be kept current. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. The above motion also to include an amendment under OLD VILLAGE HALL: lease is to run through December 31, 1971. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: A motion was made by Councilman Wolf and seconded by Councilman Neils that the Park and Recreation Commission Minutes of July 6, 1971, be noted and read. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilman Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES: A motion was made by Council- man Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Wolf that the Human Rights Commission Minutes of May 8, 1971 and June 5, 1971, be noted and read. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Wolf to amend the Agenda, moving item #2 to a later time so that the bids may be considered. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. BOND ISSUE ($775,000.00): Municipal Bond Yield. The The Fiscal Consultant explained following bids were received: FOR BONDS MATURING IN THE YEARS 1974 through 1979 1980 through 1981 1982 through 1983 1984 through 1985 1986 through 1988 the NAME OF BIDDER E. J. PRESCOTT & COMPANY Paine, Webber, Jackson & Minneapolis, Minnesota Juran & Moody, Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota Reynolds & Company Minneapolis, Minnesota RATE 5.50% 5.90% 6.00% 6.10% 6.20% PRICE $763,722.00 Curtis Net Rate: 6.14804% CHANHASSEN VILLAGE COUNCIL MINUTES - July 12, 1971 -2- BOND ISSUE ($775,000.00): (contd) NAME OF BIDDER RATE DAIN,KALMAN & QUAIL, INC. 5.20% Minneapolis, Minnesota) co- 5.75% FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF )managers6.00% ST. PAUL 6.20% St. Paul, Minnesota 6.25% Allison-Williams Company Northwestern National Bank Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Inc. Woodard-Elwood & Company Minneapolis, Minnesota FOR BONDS MATURING IN THE YEARS 1974 through 1977 1978 through 1980 1981 through 1984 1985 through 1986 1987 through 1988 I PRICE $760,000.00 NET RATE 6.20551% A motion was made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Council- man Neils that the Fiscal Consultant be given time to compute the bids Defore any decision is made. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. SEWER RATES: A motion was made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Bennyhoff that Resolution #621711, entitled ESTABLISHING SEWER & WATER RATES, Section 1, be amended as follows: ......., except that the sewer usage charge for all residential structures for the 1st quarter shall apply to the 2nd, 3rd and I 4th quarters. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. LAKE ANN PROJECT: Mr. Pirkl, representing Brauer & Associates, explained the status of the project. Change Order Request 1 and 2 were discussed in detail. Mr. Gilbert, representing Park Construction, stated that all the rain has caused some delay. Both Mr. Pirkl and Mr. Gilbert agreed that the project can be completed within the contract days. Mr. Gilbert objected to the letter dated July 9, 1971, (Subject: Contract Termination Notice), from Mr. Pirkl and felt that this letter should be rescinded. A motion was made by Councilman Wolf and seconded by Councilman Klingelhutz to approve Change Order #1, decreasing the contract with Park Construction, in the amount of $84.24. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Wolf and seconded by Councilman I Bennyhoff to approve Change Order #2, increasing the contract with Park Construction, in the amount of $883.71, if the Contractor agrees. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. r I I I ....-.; f<rÌ<H') flayor arnwuneec1 that the r:1,!-'€d:::tr:;g ¡¡W,S op0n fa:" è(YnsidË)Y',~ ntion of bidg for th0 pu¿"cha;:;e oi' $775 :000 Genc·H."al Ob]j.gat1.t¡n \;Jatey.' and SEn'i(¡r ReVEmLH') Bonds of the VIllage, !rhe Clerlt pl"ei'H?'t1tec1 aff:tda~ vltf.-i fÜìCHtIlng putJli(~ation tn t'he üf.f'ic:!.al nm<mpapex> and the Co:nme1"c:J.al \ie¡:,t of f& nod.ce of' sale of' sald bonds ~ v,¡hich affidavi tg~(n'"e 0j{étlT\~~ ~.n~d» app'oved and o1:'dered placed on file in thG office of the C1E,rl..;:, The Clerk reported that 2. sealed bids for the bonds hi:í.,d, b~en :t"e-cet ve-d at his of 1'1 ce pr'io!" to the tIme of thtfJ m®etlng 9 pursuant to said nQtice of sale~ which were thereupon opened ~nd publicly read and considered and the highent and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: !J3-'!I~~_(2.f.-ª1 {i'<-~f- r. Bid for E~' l!l£!.'Qal.. .------..........-.....--- Irrt:@X't'tfJt ~{atês Total Intere2t Cost Ji~J;~._B:.Y ~r ag_~~.!'Ja ~?~<___ (SI!It:i r.e-,~t P:B9~) ~l-~ I B R D TAB U L A T ION <;;ø~~~..o::.~~~="\Q~~"'a<l~~-J.·=~$Ä-=-r...~~ $115,~G~ G. û. WA1~R ANð S~WtR ~~w1l~l~ ~O~DS VI¡J,.A~~ OF CH~N}~~$SÐ~ CA~\fr:f1 flcND MENWf.:?H{ C-ûŒ~Tn~~L) ÞHr~;~f.:SøY¡i¡ ""fit r E!L~~i.: : t4}~f~Y~ J~~Y 12~ 1~¡ij "ttA~:U : ~. Jo pV-f.5COrf ~ ~4~~~V$ M!N~~^~ü~IS~ ~1~itSa1A .~ A$SQ~~¡^Tí[S :0.= =t-"",a~=--..fo;:it'"""'OI!'".-:"~-<r..-""'117<¡;·'¡;."'nrL:)'C<.;I<=-..e=;.~-+<:or'':J"''''''''..n~''"-T.~~"",,~'';:;__~~..-:¡..;;::<=ra:~_~·~~-C=-=-'ftmraõw~~r~~~~V"!<;?;~:lZ7W~.~""£...~~R:~*;;"~~:ß'.r;:¡:~=;...;~~...o-...~~......~.~..""""-"'=:__-." NÆ~t or ~!!D[}ER RATE A~ THE n:Aw'£ ~t1~li:;t: _,·~v~c<...-=.a"';",",;I~·~_~~"","~~_:'>~"'k;"l<~~7I<O.'T.~.-Ö'_~-C_~~·_~"1<>.-"!-C:~"""'~~~~"~~~i-_~?J'~~~~~-L~~.~a;¡-~~-C;':j.~T.!.~~"I2>:::.~"><t~':"=~_-':;"=-r-"-'~..'~~ E, J. PR:ESGûTT & cmi~p.J'Y PiJ'Íi1~9 ~J2MH'w'~ Jeck!)!.g;jli ~ {),H'US ~1i m1{!a~ ì'~ £; ~ PH m\e$Qtit Jiií"tU1 a !/fu",nz.íj1!} ÄfiC> St. ~aij]t ~Hne§~ta RfJyno~d5 & Cmr~l1¡¡'Y ÏÏìfiOBPQ1IS, Mi~e~ota a.A IN ~ Kß1U~I¡'J'~ ¡~ QUPÙ:t 5 Wi!;. r~hm~ijiJolis, M'I!ìi1@f¡,Ot~ } co~ THÆ: np.~n NATlONAt BAr~K Of)m~~~if"9i<}f$ S'ì9 PhUL St. P3JJ1¡, M"1r¡i~~SOta [\ 11 i S{11¡~·~Ji 111 tlID$ CPj~i¡¡:Mmy NCn"thW'~sttarn N~t:f (~f'I& 1 ü~f~k Pipe¥'$ Jaff'f'llY BJ H6PiRiQ¡!.t~j J¡fC. \~oodar'd~E1w(}1J:d .Eí C!Jì.'fìP¡UÞY Minftem~~1i~g ~i~~~ß6t~ 5.502: 1914 t~V'ûu9h 1919 .;j; 1":g f>)''J iV" ~.. o~ 0· 4--,.!;.. .";'t?~.J 5 . ~TD% 1900 thf'ough 1~~1 6 > tk1% 1982 throu~¡h 1983 ~§·~t ~~ t.{~ ~ 5.1ö% 19Si{. to ~"cMgh 19~ 6.20% 1986 th~"'ðu.gh 1988 ~ ~ 1 dHJltJi~~ % 5 .2t1% 5.7tt% 19'14 1~78 19~1 '19Bo 1981 thf't:m9~' 1977 m~'©ut:íh 1 ~OO ~~?'""ní,;b i:9t:!/J ..<It ~_4<>n !"~4T t?'t'f>t;;yôh 1 ~gfi th~"!}i.~~~ 19~J 5~ïOO ~OD{1 ð Q{) 6 eOO1: 5 .2t~ ~.2!;;% N~t Rr1 t~ ~ 5~2û551% I E}~~E~ .~~~ ~SOt¡Ar~S~ INC. ~qtíü;ftCiâl C(m~u1ti'!~tf, tô too ViHg~~ F1r~t N~ti@f~*l~~g~ linø C~1CÔ~~$~ fro 7 ~~ft!~t t@ p.,~ rn.w ~1nn@~oli$9 Mlnn~sotð 55462 y {t: 1 ~1Jhi}rt!f! : 339 ~ 8291 Ar"~it Ct}.: 512 < . ~.~ .~.- :þ"~i' >". " 'I 1 I C(,}nn~:d líi1lU'l r.-. ',~V· If'....~.,. ~;;:!'t.n';·i-f'l~-p r' -i~'i.6~'.....:-f 1,j~>~-1i theEl 1r¡troducej the foJ.lowing wNßtJl~~,tlün and ~1¡('¡v(?d it,¡j ~~dc~ptJ.on~ RESOLUTION AWARDING gALE OF ~'i"i!" e: ('<<"0- (A&;"iYn;;> I\L Aî:~T 'f 1" 1> ¡"T·'1~S ~I r 1 -.; ZV\j ",,-~~.n~~~'iw.~ 1 ":_}¡'~i..",1A_Uf~.1....-~"-l'·Å\l v!ATEH AND Sr~WE·R REVE~Ug J30NDS BE IT RßSOL'n~D by the V111a~® Council'ûf th~ Vil1~ge of Œ',\8..n!ì¡¡eJJ1Ji®11.:J 1'4jLnnc~cd;& ~ that 'th.e; bid. ö'f' íL J. r-g")·j'j~tt lÞ 1~;\'n~-'~trr ~ of ~Hn~~p@~ h¡, , .. flh'.!OOf¡~':J¡t@ 9, W;1cl Ð.r:HJ@(tiaij;fJ~ í(~OJìlêd th~n·®:tn J t~o pm"chí!!J,H} $TE5 !;10C!O {]€~l?wî'~l Obllg.9,tiön túrter ß-nd Se'Jlør.' R~v~nue 13ond.~ of' th~ Vill¿).goG to b~· {h'lt;~d Auguí§t 1 ~ 1971 ~ in /1MHwrdø.nee '",!1 t11 ;H.!.b lished not1.ßc of ~ali1 thel>eöf, it' Î'Hf;reby f'OHí:1,d ,'and (1®ttfrfi1:hïÆd to b;'.'1 th~~ h:tgh~f1It ant' b~ßt 't¡j,d ¡'ç~g;;~:t~~r@d tor. BH'1d.d bonds a:ml :is h'!:'!X'eby i.we~pt~~d:¡ ~~id bid be::ttìg t{~ pu:r~n.~~~~ maâ.ð bondJj at; a p;:,lc{~ of $ 161ìtl'12:i"OOjÇJln~ ~r;m;'·lH~d ~.:ht~J;'t©':'j}t ~ th{l) l;H3btd~ îß8;t'tn:01njE 1.n th(:3' years ß~t fÙl''i:~h b,elo~1 to r.H~'~î~ lntør(&&.i't at th~ rlf.¡Sf,H'¡tct:l,V@J annu;-~ nl r8':t~Ji$ ø~t QPpoi1,~,te 5'1..\e1'1 f&\(%tur:tty ye&ì::<'''fl~ )'11,,). t P-JJ;' jJ; ~ Y ~'Hil'}~, ~""~':'-'~-""""liS"'=""'~]-·¡';"':'-"""'~F'" , IrA't::n""$~t :rU1,t,~ß <.<i';~-j¡'~~.."...¿.~~.td;:_""''''''_'l.-''-'''i\.''~''''''=_--'''<'''''''~'''~=- ~~'1!)} ~'3!~1J ~;$JU2 l:i5f, ,119$6 t:ht"{ìugh . 1thr~'uøh ~}w~~~} t.hr~gh ~~"<"':'.Ç~~ \.J,""\~~h &. t""I1~ ;;P,W'&"'i;. .~,,$'t~. ',,@@ft 6,,]0% t.; . £t.~~, ¡91~ 199~· T9g~ )<1~@1,Ç , .#'íJi¡¡ ~'~~~ 'l'he: Ht<.y01.' and Gl~rk D.:!:'@ her€!Jby autht';rl~>&d ~'M!ój diT'act~H..l to @nQOr"'gE~ t:h"ç [wc{~pt;anc;:'1 of th~ VLtllEAge J.,"pon fJ. oopy of sa:l.d prOpOSt1J. !find l~~tUirn <:::ho::: same to sa:l.d bidder 9 :t'ei'.;tdning the ~H},ld b:1ddGr'~ 6 good fmith eh,~ek unt:U p~lyment of thf.t pur(~h~uH:.! pJrice $..nd ðÆli\r~H.~;Y ot t;hlli' bonds. fJ:1he g~oocl fn:i.th eh·-a-olt8 of' öthe1~ bld¡derrn ßh,fill be- !;'@ÞJ./;>-n€d ì"iQ:j[·"t:h1'J'lth. ,)~¡th~ motlon fOR' the. £r.dopt:lürt ò!" the fð!t\~l'g4"ii'!f£ ~;@tI,.,lt~~.1ön Vya2 duly 5e~ond6:d b;{ Ct.H~i'W:UJi1¡l1:1 .·~~ß~~!;:'\ ~ ~U1d gpon ~ot$ bèi~~~ <';::O'¡Yør' t·hl~l""'Or.' _ <}; 1-<,1 ," <1''''11'.... '.t?.j,...1f',~,., 'lð~,':',>f!€~> '''!..' ~'".. ff">:1......?!"i.~ <J~hlf!>""~1!>t~"t', ,i",...,. ~,.... €l ~ » \,A~ , ,.'" '-' '1.>1,"", '-'J ...._Hl_ .- ..~. A. """~-,, "",'~.<",,",."'. ~4''f;.",53·~(¡ìì-V'Ì' ¡w;¡;H1Hl).¡;, îJ~.;'tityttofi\ m hl~fiJ 3httt~ <1\fld ~!©1 f ¡; . and. the t'o11'o\ì!:tng voti'j(2 aga:ln;$t '~hEl t;I;~m~:< r.l'tM'M¡~; H[!.Cn~(m¡?ûtl !~aid J(~f":c;J,utlQn l'1;:iW, d¡¡N~lft1:ed dtÜy pa~f;~d @,nd ~&t)P~1(¡tt'L Gouncilnw.Th *®~ h~ th,f.¡\ifA .tX!t:t"ödtu:ed the ~'ûl1,owlng resolution and rnov®d its adoption: ~2~·it- ~ I I I f1}1~~${Î-Lt}~CJ:{)W ti!J'17~~('r!tï:~'~:í!~(f fï~g-rE 1:S~rt~kiî~C~ ~ 'tr"'tY'j''Nfi if<Qi~;'> gff""r~f f"cv'>-L-\ ""z;:m'\.y~!~ å'¡'Wi"'< ' ..... ....l..J'.......>-..4;¡·,..:' J~~~v:t .ß V,í;.l.1"~, t:~·.í~.¥ W&aJ-:-.:h¡",-",.l:~,~.$ ¿:-'d;l;~;..r",,·~' ¡:¡t()'?lj)lJ:~¡:G ~:¡~)Ii ~\\j}!r~ ]J~Ju~(JljTI01J v l)Fi:X~l:'if~Rlt :¡, '10''1'' l' -i', ~1'v'ftÞ,1fI"1 '<c<:'1 1'.. '? 'J' '''. .. f' i~ tì f'<!;¡n,"V"'f-'" t '" ~..},Ai-} -!}.-¡Ytg>_~"t~'i·~. y.\, t}~ f ð ,,/'í ~ ~¡0>\.t ~[~ith:t,rl.;\\..::~.-$ OBL!Qi~I.t':tQN \!1~.'l1gR "k'u:r6 SE'ifmR R~V:€J~~JJ~ BONDS 1. 0 l]~rrJQ tH.WH18 lwœ~ttf}f'Û:r'f; ß!QJ1(~ ~.¡¡~d tU%$;'~~H~ted t~) b€j¡ i:,§fH.1Eid gh~ll b@ d@~l~~~ted Qen®~ffil Obliffi~tion W~t®~ &nd'S@wer R~v@r~~~ ~0nd~; Nhs\11 be e.1l@t0d Aug'i.,u;",'¡¡;; 1 ~ 19T1 11 ~!ha,ll be 155 in rn:unb@!> ~nd miWlt:H!ìY,'~d 1""l'¡,ym 1 ttJ 1:2~?, :lïl?lmd¡,~t~ i) ®a1Ì~h :1.1'1, th@ d~nß:;;J'!lat,:lvñ" ~l:'" $5 ¡;{H)Ü~, W)('J,fÜl NEt't:\li?e f:!q'J?~"a.Ü1:Þ J..m'l{~~,'~ 2";!.~\¡fbtJ:¡~?8 K':H"m'l.:; ¡; (H~! f.¡'ØIOÏ"!.c1.~~;':V .1 :t:n tE1>iJYf!J:f!¡3;"'>S, mild ~®nunt~ ~et forth belðNt a~d ~~~11 bê~~ ifiter@~t f~~~ d~t~ ~r :t¡ìNU~ u.ntil patld flt· th~~ X'0mp€ì~1~lv¡T$ r~.!",~H~S 1J~)¡,'" anmlKJi aet fm:th o['poijdte ¡;¡as..c1 r..,'H!tux:'l ty Y\i):;'ì,:t~3 t'Uld amôtmtftJ h~8 1"oll(;·tí1@ ~ ,.\' ~. '" "4'> !;.,~~:!it;~~ X V;¡t~f.õ'\~'Hø t lÌ4'\ t G "'4=~;..r'~:Jo--..""","-=~~...a;o. ~~~l~~~'F'~= Int$}:?®~t A\'fK)U'flt '¡";~-=!:;oi"~~_..~ 't'~&')f' "'-=.r=~'7 AmOft~$1it ~~-%~:J:':."""?Jo 'j A<J1'J ~"'~ ~.~ 19'15 l':.:r~ 6 "Inn")" '!"'~ I f 19"(8 19'1'9 " 1900 1981 ~}2ù .~ (jOG 315 !ßOö , J "¡¡¿Or;Oo'O 40 í:> otjO ~5110(}Q 50~OOO 50 (II ~~10 50 ~ (HJ(1I ':"9"62 1953 '/ (t@¡1, . ..Þ.~ÿt:~ 1985 19~es " l~fW 1 ".i1ß> ,~Q!) $i<;~~8;. ~~ ~~~~*I· . (h !t.*}J6. !Þ<lf~t. ~ ~:!'¥~tt r~ ;¡;:'"'<1';,. ~,,#~'j;¡~. 5o~%, !Ii" j.¡tj]t", " $55 ~ mJQ 609000 ~~O j> fjOG (e¡;f rÞ.'~"'", "':.; \jvtHJ 10»000 'f{¡ i'1000 ¡';p. 1('; ft If'. ¡,~ ../1 * >.HIo;,J! 6 r,f.ýD'~ 6 "t}O% (ñ·,,1@g, : :·'~-e~~~itl;, ·"~:2~. ~~2@$; ~,~~í~. Iilte¡;'I¡H3t ~t th11 l."'~tt1) f.ì,í:;tll~.(Hl-bl@' 'to0aclh bond f';t<;fJm d.at~ of' :HHJUe to !:m;rtu't~:i. ty ~tM~),:lJ.. be ~:·øþx·~~(?;ri't~d. by e;,PPl"oP:i{·j,filt'&! inte~~~t 6@Uþ©ftf. 0 Int~,;¡;<,,", est; illtmll bf!!1 p.aYfJ.ble 011 ~at1h }!'øbrtlê'U:'Y 1 and .å~gut"rt; 1" commer;¡~;tng m1 f:i'~br't'Mrl'Y 1" 1972. 'I'h\i'l bm'ldB ffiRtr¡xr;'1fi€; ifn 1983 i3.n.d ~aÌ"li'Í:u:" y~ntl~~ aZ'Œi.' \'dthôut option of pl"ior I.H;'tYl'j~Æmi:;" but tho~~ ~ë'i.t\\!.t·:lng in 196{~ ¡¡me. lª~,~n" Y~2aJra ~.tí£'O c.'¡'I:1.eh t1U't~j0CI¡; t;) :N!fdIBmpt:ior! at: th<:: option of the "r'l1~1~tte In lnVejNHJ order> of I~H¡;;r'tGì.l rm."Hbi'a'S O~!ì F~b}~u~r)y 1 $ ),963.. and, ~,¡ny l~'1~;i(;'¡1<?f1t1 t; payment da.fi;e t;h~:t'eill:t't(n-;¡) lli~> ~ l':ipic® of' }J.n.=112~ of 1~~n'" plt¡\8$1,O@rM~d, lnte·pü:st 0 Notlce üf' o~11 l}ü'i? ït'edëðnìJt;1on !!!i1.1 be r..r¡..Ü11j~æ;h61tlttot l®~~J than 10 days bef'ol"e 'th~ d;~.t~l ~fJ~e:KflA:Hÿ., 'J:;t::rï" i}I€iid~~~1;i©n ~,n ~ (ll:;¡,:li,i..;rJ '~J:K? Heeltl';f oG.!:r'iot:ac¡~l 'OUbl1ghed ~"n~ at r4iin:net~©t~ elty ï.,.:l' th13 l'i:t"gt; ~ÚlB@", ~r n ~~ "00' ox- :lta WiGtxòopolitan læ~t:. v,qihlt:h {:J1~@V\l@t'~~Hi} tlt!'@U~'\'M.1ut~ 'tg1$ $ta.1tt:a¡ €Ut1fJ' ftH'nif~ht~n f'ln$Jlcd,tltl n~ç-.JTi aßkn.'j,'l:Y~; ~f1 t,~ ~~:r-vi~a" ,Noti©@ ijf&~;,'U,"~l~tJ b(~ ma.il~d 'Co tht1 Í<Js¡nk l~t v~h;1.chpf.¡1~~i\./~;;~>1 ~J.@ 11.'&t;i!fI;1ì"'~f!jt ær[¡~ ,;d)l~ ¡; !,ì¡¿.:¡t ~jut pu.bli¡;~hed 1'1()ti'-::l0 !3hæ,l¿ b0 ,~I:r'~~t:.l~16 W1>ttH)tJ!.~9lr~1':U,¡;~~. h t:r,fk%~n.~ c.1,p¡¡Ü #J,nd '.nte1"'mJt :¡~hal.l b~ p~yabl@ at t;j~~tn I£~ff"tø;$öf~~ r~'Wt~~¡;¡;~tJJW'~1ì r4~1It<t~n¡d ~mìf<. of f¡tm'¡e~~i()H;t" $ in Mif1~,~r.@H~" " " . ÌJ "~~tffá~'Ì.f;%~'t<~" tto.d tht;~ \'!/illf,1.gt~ OOX'0i.JjV (.t~~î?*:a$ . 'to V~.J.~ th,0 l..'~tlfJ\Ci~hl~ t{.~jf.Ï t;¡~.Á~tt9>íî,,~r1 '''I~"¡"~".,,,¡go",,ß"I.~' Oc- >~¡~~f'j'... ")¡'~'t.<¡·".c;> ~'l"{j)p,,>, 'J"1""''' tt,,(~ >;fl,r.'E<'~1'nt ~z'd fHstp::p't>~""~\P'~'t f,'!r;;jêd\"®{,í>f' ,=-> ~~...-.~'" ./I.. f... V'<.~",:(.l .t",~"""",..t1t.) (5{-'I;--:þ~ ,1,-U ~~>"'--v~~ ~ð-.--.j,-!. _~ ~~¡...... _ . .€'_ ;¡>;~~ ~/....- ~"'-<..?;'c.~.'i>-... -q..0i}-:¢'!,). _-,0, ~ ;;: . 'l"h& böndg a,nd th<ø c@'trpmu~ e;PP~ï"t@,¡¡ìä'f);t t~l{~l"eto,~þf;iJ.J, h~ 111 t:t!b~tnntiŒll1y 'the follr¥?¡J'lne; fo~ t"j..thti.u.tt~ble val'"5~ati,oïl~''Ìa ~tndj,~ ~at;1:Jd to;," ð.1.rf'ø~:'lEut.);om fd:1 t.h.Ø~~1" t<e'!:'1tì8l1 ~ ~ .," ',: , ., ..... I I I t.1-IWl~r1~h$D ~j~;:ß~:1~I~~3 (lIt A~~fE~flJ:\;;l SÚ1Ql\1f~ !.}¡~. î¡;li¡}Sf{a~;S~)fl~ß~ eom'jij:-:ü:tS or.; CJi.HVER lHH) wmr.n~'~p¡N VIL!.hŒ;;; OF1 GHAr-rHA~1SEN :.':;..'.. <LW;~Jl:m.1U~ OD1&Il.Hì.I):':{fYN wJA~rtm Â~\1D SEWg;~f¡ nE1;J1!NUE Bmm If" . <1:¡t; {'¡tVì (;,¡\.... $tV h t-< KNOW i~LL M"ù':N riY ~;~æ~~E PRE8¥!~Î\¡'1trß th&'G th~ Vil1a¡~~~ r)1' Chtì!:1h8:.~s(m, u. duly öï~galAi;G~d mutìj,clPf11 êCrpOl"í\t.lle>í1, of CgU"1!í£;1,1.? i1.'i'ld H0nn'IDp:lr.i G~'\J.fitl~Ð ~ 'Min¡':løaQ~m.. ~.\ü~mt)t¡l'í'ìdg&;~ ~,'t;g¡¡glf. t~() bt~ indøbted <1:\n6. f\:Ì'Ï" ¡fQ,lViû z'~{j(;d ved prom:tg.~5 to pay t;o b{t.ê.r"er.* the ß\Uíí.\ of: }f:rVft~ ']['H.mJSh~~n )}OLl,ARS {Hi thø Int; d¡ty of AUgìJ.Bi:;,~ 19 ~ Of.' ~ :i:!t' t1Ü2I> bond is :r>~~d\{H¡w.= ahl~ as ¡':J't,atœ<l b€11cH'J!> on f1 dat~ prim:" th~:rJf:jt;Q ontðh$~ch :.tt 3ht],11 hß'iJ'et hOtiì:ï <.1\\1y ea\¡11@d 1"01· ¡~~1d(;!'llptitJn" ~,nd t() pay Int@r0~t Ok'! a~ld px"1K;,td",~ PI1Ü m:m1 1:Þ.t th"1 ¡:."'Ht~~ of ¡;:}€~á' (~§r.Ii; ( ~t) pel" armUï,1 ~ from t~h~ datf~ he¡N:~of' until :ßfdd pX'Jn~1,,",,' pal Eum 1m paid or until this bond~ if redeemable, haa been dulJ û:n,J.l~d f'J(,.)j¡· t"Üdf!:r:lpt5.(H19 rmY&lbl@ on F~b1;"ua!'y 1 i,ind. Auguf;t'è, 1 In ç~!-;u}b . ji'ftJ'O,'{'s OQfrt,,\'H,;,mc.1ng on FiGtn'US;¡ï':l 1» 1 S'''l 2 ¡; in [~(wm'>d~nee¡ ;;,J'lth ~J,n{~ tlpf".:m t}r.o4;12¡libntat.ion a:nd 8u,!"1"t}nd,E?r.' of. th~ ïífìt~?î"'~81~ (H:"Hlpon3:;¡¡,ppt.trt,enrRn"Î'; hl.\¡ft"ilí<~ t:o~ Dôth p!~ii'w:i.pal &n0. i.ntsl"'~\'.~t. ~J:<'~ p~,y&bli.'; a.d~ t?1: ~1n ¡;;ffiJ{:~ r,rf' t~þ'i; Jro.>da'~~w~~ri(a ij~,t1on{;,) 6IJï1K 'Oil !~iniW~~}f,~l'hf¡ :1.11 ['Iηh'îf~!&1~.JH$ ¡; v~'ivm'Í~zj)t{¡ ,} 1n any c0iú Òl~ cuI"r~r~cy of: t~be Un::tt~:n: 3~~(l.t{,~~ ():t' ;\..j1~:t.·i(~a \lIhlch on th® :;;,,{:wpø©t;~.Vf¡'; d~'t.t~3 of pay:ro€'nt iì':> l1?[f.'t,l í~fJrMjt::r 1'cr' publiù and p:!?:i.vatl!} d@bt~~', F01" i;he p,:t~ômpt If!.nd i'ull plà,)'Yr~(!iirr¡; of' gueh pl":l.nclpal nnd lnte;relðt ¡fïE the tH~.m~ t:HHHnne du~:¡ t;h,~; i'ul1 f'lJí.:S,th ~ ¡;,rt~d1- '.; e,n.d tu.x.ing po'W'er~ of the; Vi l1ø',ge ~ir.0 h€'I't,\,t¡y iZUr(E'f~)t.Hii:) ly plc~dgE!'d 0 Tl'j1m hond i~ one- of' an :UilfflUf1 In th~ t()1;~Û pJ'incJ"p.01,l ümótUilt ()iI> ~t,"'I~'1~; . () (I 1'>- ",'~1 "'~!. ·e"';,,·~¡ ,,~pi<'r¡,{ ..".A ~~~",,¡...'W ",,~"n'''''~''jt' ~e> t·.'''' 'f'{;)O<r''''1f?''ii "'1"'1';;"."""'< A ;r ,,~., \J 3: t-;hJ.~t.. "<fI7.r... ,~J:..t"'''-='' ~t:i."~;¿.I'"V Œb~,~'; _-~¥1hVA Gi>u~\.y'Ç';r- v ~-",FJ V í-0,,-. ..t¡.....~...:!:. ¿ ·""".l.d,V"(ir¿ .., :tg~tel'"'aBi; :f."attJ) matu~:tt:r date Mî1d :!;"{~demþt3.cm priv11\ftge 1< all :'U:lS~H~d flt,H;' th(~ purpo5ß' of fl,:¡vlrAc:lng l~ufH'i!;'Vem~.nt~ 't© th~ Vill!\.£~e ~ ~~; '\'Jat~l" iltil:1.'~ ties; and Bald bondo are issued pursuant to reBolutian~ duly adopted by the Vl.11aŒe C'ou:ncll j a'\'1d p~D;>e)îÅv'f!t to r,¡ncl l:rz Cf>ffrplí::t;(;> fJm'it'~:;¡r':f¡ltty '.d th the pl·o'V'it.d.o[u;;. of' th!,'J C(n,¡£.~tî,t.~rti~n itU1(1 :U~,TI:t! 01.: t.1'1(7 S)t;at:{) Dr r:t1,mu;f.!ota tht~'k"¡!zmnttO i.m,~J)llng,. ~tr,¡cluding f~~.j,ã'me~ota gta~:tutat¡ 11 S@'(~t~lon J~i¡ 4" Wr5. The hcrmla ofth~L'!J ifljí~U1~ ID,£¡,tur1.f!ß; in 1983 ¡;!j!J"td. ~î&j'¡;"l~~@l' ð';,¡11.U"i') f:,H:"û ~{ithm\t ~p1;iGn ;.}ý' pl."~\Of" þJJ;yü'~~y¡¡t ~ f;'f:H.1 thOBf.? nuft'tu:ptng :in .l98J* a.nd lahn-:' Y"Il.ü:t'i3 i~:r>t) each l~ub~¡ lfH~t t;n x~d€impt1.()n at the öptj,01'l 01.' the Vl,l~4 1",CiO'i'> o\!r[ ~l""I"'''''''''e '~...,~"""" "Ii" a""....AJf!L~! "'·l';<,!þ,,~·t"tcA A"·l >mf.):',,""'."'m"J "¡ 'Ì>'~hr..., ,,,.-,-1> .J..~e',.\'.r A,ij. -1.",1;. '-;¡... ~.:.t L!. r.....'l~J¡, U!. f;fl"GA ,,5,.G6-Æ )..~\l.Jk1 v!i:"'......~~:! ~J:r l,t ,~'l,8....th.çz..!_·..n. tY ",1.,. ~ ~.ß{).) '} ~u:¡t..j~ PflU e"'I-aI'do~ n~v-~n~ ~-~Ð t~-~~~P._~ .. "1"_' I~~ ~. n~~ n'..- u :¡'( .J..;~ _'~:r ~k. .,#' ~'·~.J.1,ðl,';C:"'4~· q..!'í;:f...ff~-~ ;..fì.t·~~ ,¡:!¿1.l ~''fÇ'~~ 9 r,:...¥ .....,.\:.; ~.o;... ·.,Ll·f;'_~c!~ 'I.~:'#_Lg-}Lj'j..(,," 1,;?J~w;¡.~ H(:C~('\.M:d :ltltf;n~est, Ül~\ ¥.V;¡,tia.8 of cfÜlfül'" :t~~Jd\1m¡pt/üm publJ.IlÜltt:d 111(/;; le,!j:ð than 30 di),:r~ be1'ox'e th~~ date m)p€"i!jlfi$'d. r(n~ l·t:d1@i~},ptj.on :tn' a ;fl!(jÆirH~~J?,¡Jt r ""'.,~ (,.(tJ· ~,."II -."",'2 '¡¡"">~'k~11 .~.. ~. ",~" """""",.."'~.. .,,41 -1:".'. ",' ¿.ic·r J f>·~ "''l~r ...'1 ""H"~' <,."" '" t ~),...1.], , ... ~'-.-'ð...;.. lþt.,...1~}:,..\.tQ.·£JIC, ,If. .J~~Å cJ. t.1.~t.~L.~l:...;;~,vv(',1. ,~J"ð~r.~Y t.').~, !~n~, <1. ...""',\ }..~~"" e,.:f-,î>,!~~]~* ~I;J~__~~7,...;t. it metropolitan arø~.' ~;¡ ~"~I~'I& ~y/ , I I rr n~ HEnEf.{Y C:ð~H~f.)I¡;~!gn AND rU~Gr:tt~;D t;h.\ît all i:let~% J ç(?\ldl<= t~.ons ~J>ld thi¡i'Àp,;3 ~'EH'"F~t~"t::::Œ by 1::;!1~ Cm1zi;~/"î;ut~Lön. ~i,fj:d. la%<UB of \;:he StRte of' ¡\tln'n.tfJ~.H)1:.tt to Í'JH dŒ.'ï~~ 11 ,\';0 ilif.lf:rt 0 t(J hap!~(m ,~nd t ö b~ 1N.n:'f;;,n.."ITIed p:Ptil!(~I'~tlent tü and ill t.b.Œ)· Ü0G'u,,l/1,r£(ì0 ;)r '(;;,k1irn' bond :trr: {;';j"ðÆI1" tf,} In&¡k~ i:~~ ø, vEÜld sm..~ 'tIindi,n,g g1}j1~iT'3;1 oblig~tj.t)rl ~,+jQf,ftl"dj~~$ t~n :tt~ t;{5Ji1fUl', ¡¡ have b~i!fun donI'¿¡" d.) Ç"ndf~ïc ~ hlt\f0 h«tP1'H\ÍìH~6. t\51t! h{],<1?'\) b~¡¡;n, p;01^"f02î'>!iì'ff!d In ~€:@;ulaJ: IttfÎ.d (}ut! t~CX'în 9 t;tISJ@ f?J;1(-i UJ81'Uì®1" @I,ifj ~o ;r''0\t;\Ui:t'¡E,,1iz ttaø,\: :Jtnf~n.;J, by the l'f:HH>-~ l'J~:to)¡'}. aHth~'H:J.ifr".:1.ng th:tø iS~\Ãi;:1 of bOlnclm ~ th® Vi:U.8.ft~ htf,ì,~ ct.:r{®n§!n.tiH'l 80n.cl !j¡g;:¥'i\ed ri'l:'!.th t~1e holQ'.'sH;3fþ ci' a~,;ø'of §,$).}',d 'bone1t"j 'tbÆ.l't it w:lJ.:,l tmp(X1e~ ".·c,<<I ,.."'"Ilø.>nt ...,I}""..",,,.,,,,,", $',..,,,,, "!7"" ".""~"~<1....,,,, ~'Œ~ <~'.'.,.J ""'~"""l'~'hi'~"J<H'. ,.,.2> ~'li..," u->l..t-...t '~"'!,--r~........","~,;,,f.' '-';.\:\f;,:t..l.l!~"~;f¡-;i ¡;"t,.,¡!~ l....!~.~J d\l:_~..-" tI'&~7{:;;: s;. ,,-c.{~''¿' ,,#..:,;;j.:~ l;.,~v~¿ - t1.,\.J,~...J.',J.>"~\1i! 91 J..F..Ytf. ¡¡'¡'Hule tpal \mt{ZY.'.1i~;ìÒ, 3¡~'í'1®íf' ut;~Uj, tl~~ at 'ì;h~~ t,:iffi~:H;} m'~d in thf;? ~I¡H;nl¥1t0 :<'nqtl:b>e:d to I;>í;"'O'ô'MCGi fît1t: £"~'\!enli~12ì (Afhlql~~l',t~ to t,?tl:/ all 't'ï';l~'ìeií:»?;¡l ti,Iid 1uteì....es:t; \.¡herl ó,u.e on th~1 Qnnð.iJ of' this ir,¡¡~u.ø ~> l)ut; th~" fu::Ll tai th;; CP>Ðdìi t g¡rtd taxh1E pm'Tlul"!] a:f th€ii V~~11.mße h@,w~ b~~n µl'¡MJ.ged to th@ t't!1;'f'" ment 4)t' Buch pr.':tncip~l fM~d tì:1.t,0:r~¥iJt wh;ïln (2lHð 9 and ÆM.:J. Y'fij.03."'~m t~;r;it)!.')\ 11 :U' n~Ce:5fm~(>y fm,'ì ß\wh µU1:'pO&>0, l'f111b,j!! l.eV:t®-tl upon all tg,;gablfJ r:n:'oPiEl'1"t;y l:n U.'H~ V~DJ,n.W~:; 'I ~i!:t th©l,H~ :U,mJ.. tat i!)n &I.~ to l~~rte o:tÐ ß!fiQunt; 6J.rJ.i.1 thßt th18 bond~ tag~th~r with ~ll oth®r ind~bt~dn~~£'of th® V!llig~ cmtß)'i;andtng Q~,1 the dm.tø ht}x""@{;¡f ~ t:'LJdd on th~ dat[~ of' U~í~) !!í1JJtulJ11 $~[ì~!rÚ~= aneIP.:' fI.ri.d deli Vft1"Y:> !l'í;'H;H'¡ì m,í; (~1¡;ce®d any tHnl,~t:i.'tut1{}n&.1 (;¡:t" ßií~î2.~;'ü,t~.'»:w:;r limitation of indebtedness 0 IN toH'('NESS ~~WßREOP, tl'ì(¡¡ V111~g~ of' Ch&nh&~H¡¡8n!, CØ',,:t'I$'~l' and. Henm!Jpln GOu.n1,:lEH;; Jl r15.m1,t,9íSot~ ¡¡- by 1. t;g V111~g€i CÜUftC 11;J hø.5 G~1;Ul~~d t,hir:: bon.d to be Ø,,~(~uted :In,. its b~h~lf' by ~;;h/5) p:r'ir!t~d fs'~m:tv:r1,l® ELt.~!>" '¡·,éJ.tu:r'<~ of its MÐ,:rO!" and the mm~1.Hl¿. stgnatuX'~cf :ltgj V:l1.1i~fg1J' C].et".!!~" ~. !Ut.t#t~ffì'Õ~){¡\JJd~J,4~~ttJ:¡}()t.?4;;'Æi)Cjf1f¡lt)ftJ,mt>r&1t~~¡1nU~Jr.<OOtj;.t~~'¡) hi&.$ (;iBUB~d th¡qJ inte!>!f1g t; coupons e,ppur'Ge¡:w,nt hep0tt) ~md the ce?f'tlflc(ftt¡~ a~ tc! opir!ion of' bm1d. eotWiIH)l em th\9 !>:r~ve:r'8e aid$ h{fn"'00f to be ~1!:ßi(NJUt'€"H~, &!'\1d &utht:1nt~",a~lted h~r the rr¿u~Ðimlle ßJ.€~kll!!.tU.l~£)!3 of !tJ-a3.ð ofj~~tGeJrg, fðx¡¡d 'h~!i§ fJ~M!B@Qì 'thii; bQnd ·to be dated a.f$ of' åUgUi~j~; l~ 1911~ Q!JT:~-þ"~~:~'=-""'-"'~~;-~_-=Õ"U~..if"...þ~"""'lf~~t;;:~~~-~~>:':"'-!>~...d--,.~"~~,:.<~"" _>O~~-~~~-~~>"~~~«Vlnè:gë''1n:ërk~~''~'''''=''--==~-'"'''~ ( SEAl. ) ,~ . \'\"~f1d â f¡û€:,f) imHt~ of ¡ g;% ~ft~~¡;.r,1.}\t~ ~~\f,J~ ß1~ .~~ !$$"JiH:<Bl¡j lfYì1~'~t:Ì'íI'ì, I '.¿5:~ 1 capCiH~~ 1 I Htì. ~ I¡\ {} l'''gtl C) f Co tl :~J (:')!1. ) ~) On the lEit; aay (;if Pß\)r~..K¡;ur;y' (.ft!J~;u~t):> 19 ~ th~ V:tll~~ge r¡t> (~ik.('"l''"\;'''''~I'''''i>''' C~-"'''''I;l''' fn-";' '¡Y"""Ù-'A\'v'''^ t'''"''.''¡''~RM·'' 1',<q'ìl'>""'1ð<"~'~'''''' .,.41') ,<,:",':y '~r' ,,' f!;'"""~z~.;,~,,ì....uþ, G,I ~"'~)' 'J;,d,\.;.', ";!ç'...,d'.Jh'J... '''''.>}''''t.~...'''.;'::; ~ !'...,>, B;,',.Q'~'t.O'1i H."'r~'J<" tJ'Y.,y ,...<.J .~~ e (il>(U'" a t ~W}¡ 'í~1 n ofv'¡ ¡¡;Œ t~)) 1tfw~ ~~t~lF1tlhF;iIí!~}3 \tG1?r1 rn~.~~i ~n~] f}t1i1¡~ €yq fiÎn~r¡e~J.HJ ¡ '~~? in f?tn-~ l;al')'!,'ìf~iJ(j'ia).) the b'!JôOUlît ~'3h():¡n,1 htr:;,gH'H'A :tn lù\11.Ti"\ lli~m@'!y of th~ tJn~,.i;'¡)';d 3t-ø;tei:! 01.' lh\'lm;~i6ü foro Ü't%;ør.¿",w1~ tbiÍ1F1 due eJt'l :'ìJ;;'~ crl&'n\~r'al Obl1!l;~t:lon \}l8,t<I;I> &nÔ Se1'ltH:" Ì.1.(!"Yël'H10 B"n1,(J díl!tt;~~('\l '{,'i);;gv.f~ t 1 Ii 1911:> No? ,1 ii',,'~' '" 4 ,~.~.. ~/ M <? " n"1r"'~ &0 'r~'" " '1 ..~ A i-/h't.,.. l~ .~<t....l.e... ""'\.~. c,~J <;;'t'~.¡¡l. Le..t! \~,.Ao l>d' ;; \'f i :t 1. f)'lr~ f-) C 1~!} ~:i< 1t (~~".~.i'. ~4an.~'J~.' "t.~t",..$~~'ð;..~'.""""",,,,,,,:,,~, ;";'"fk~h~....;.......jk~..., \pO ß rii~~¡'~~;-¡: j, t.~-3,y; ~.~.t. Oi,!):t'-lli of ce~'tLf1cg\1t.ß' t:e bJ} pr~,nt;~d on tb{~ l"@v®:rJ{1J(~ ~ide of' t¡1aeh hond j; if(yl1¡J;\..;~..ng a, f·"¿.Jill î:Ol'>Y {;¡f' 1::11>'3 l{~fsal: opl,n.::ton em t~h(~'i ~tf$ð'l11~) .t:!;~-. \lYe; (~ert;iÎ,>Y t'l-1Ð.t tl!~ flbo'l,f,!1i :l~! a. full ~ tÁ,'''ue Sjj'~J~ c~@:;¡;rr\!:~~1~ copy of th~ l(mgal opi.rdon y'end'i?¡r'{\'Q bJ1' bond. couns01 on thf.'f :ií'J~}1JX: ';,)f' bonds of' the Vll¡ag'B of ,OhBühaí1f;)?'¡YÀ:< P·Um1ßsú\',:;& ~ wh.iùh ~nwlud0f3 tl'xe ';'r:i. t,bin \')(rnd ~ ds;,te-d lH2i of th~ da::¡;~ ~f' d;1;'Jlt vex'Jf (if &î'iti p a yi!1 tf< n.t; fm<> the bondffi, (Facsimile s1güatu~G) Villag~ Glerk i WI"",... .".lj ",,,,'1 1 ti~ ~4 w,~.",,1'·1'''''':¡, 'i \,z, t:!j,~......b.h.v.-b"",,,,,,.r..!..~?< tß..,;:e...¿,-~!i.:J'~.b ~v.; J t'ln.yor , .; . -t5~ I I I 3 II rr).)f3 t~t}ild8 3hÆt~tJ~ '(~Jr~ l'l~ß!?_éìJ~~;;ð~ t~nc1.œ:r t~rje Ó~il)~BÜ.t;1f:J:{1 (JJ:~ 't11e ·~'Y:U.l[1g(.;> G1Ef:t"k a.nlJ f2;hnLL tH~ ,exs(;ub<Jd on behalf öf" th.':~ 1J:t113;g;t~f ~JY the 9~1,nted facsifilile signatl1re of t}~e Mayor and the manual signature of ~~ h(¡ IiJj. 11®.fi;e C 11'2 :el{ j)w;)rsM(tX)tim%(i{Wìli~J;\!î~mJ¡;;l~A¿Œf:{t¡Ü;~'b1~jl¿¡;~~~f.J;t~;g{:k }~~Pðß!j}¡r~¡;'Ü?;(~Ü{:,rj¡t'J§t:Jm ~:)h<~ certlftcaJ;e E.U:; tv ).I~g~.l op:.tnioD. and the att~,eh(;')d h}.t0~"IfJ~t COUm ponG Rhall be eRfH~t!t\9d and furthent:lca:ted by th(-~ pl"<tnted ~ \'~nff.,x"ªV'ed Ü'Z' :U;:~;h"l~1:l~('}.phr~Q. fac:.'d.m:tl~) s,lg;na.f,:an:'6s (:,1' ßald i'~ß.Y01" tM1t2 (n@:\~ko 'W'he-n the bandB have been 80 executed and authenticated, they shall be delivqreð b;.¡ the T:J,"(i.H1~H.tY.'el' to th~ I:H.n'c;}1fittH'H"B on :r.eêi~lpt of. th\~ pUre[HßI3~ þt;':.t(,H:J hG~~if1tofo1;"~ ¡¡'?gr'eed t<\pon ,J and 8ê'd,d p,u"'c1ha2~1"a fÛ'lall n,ot h~! :t"~(l;~tÏ>·'IH'i tJ) ~0a ~o the application thereof. *"Hl'.:î the! i}f'ifl't~,d h!cslmçl~ of th@ @'fifi\~hd ~}!f'©@rQ)t~ !';~®~Q 4. fl~J:H;: bonGs l1®re¡:'J.n ~:u,thm;"ii{Jjd &nd th~ irrt~r{n;t t¡'j~'1'et"n 3DsÙl be p~,y£~ble f:t"(,:)IT!\ a f.:\(èp~:K"atlJ ~u1d ;spec:t:äl account 1nttlfJ $::tn¡,:~.ng F12nd ('}f thE, Vtllø,ge 9 vihlch ~M;'(:OU?Jt is h¡¡¡;re''by eßtgbl:'i.¡;;h~d &litA¥rhl<:::S'l t'(,hv,J.l b€¡ k~Jpt by thr¡; 7:ì3?t{H¡'~H\:i:"¡¡n~ f'ìpa.¿ot;, froB! all other' fund~ oX t:Ì1~ V:i.1J.ag~ flrM1 u~ed fo!~ no oth'i}T plH'POS\S' t.hB,fl thl] payment; of p~j"n~1.plJ.l üf and intG~l'eßt on th(): bond~ r~øJre1Yl authcH.....i~€Hï ¡!;lnd oth~;çD ge1')¡{.~J;>¡j;i.J, ohl:lgnLto!:1 !'eV("ìlU]¡lÍ~ hOI'lã8 iB3U%!I{;'ì to i'lna<.rw~ c&p1t~,1 lmtn:oV'8mŒH'1'I.:strJ· th,::; V:Lllftge ~ fÐ ~\Tatel' and S~J'\\H~ï' v,tl1~.ti~Ð mad® pay~ble l'ro~~ the: gí{;C(j\~;lt I, pì·.:~v:lded ¡, t;xHl1; it> any pß;'¡1fi1cnt of pY,"ln.eir.H;11 Oð' lnt¢l'~g(ft sht'i,1.J. b~~Grtw due \,yhØFI thert) if~ nr,ì't, euffici®f\t mone~y in st1idß.?J~o~l1t to p0,JI' tt!~ ß:6m.e t ttt(;) trree,fJUl>ßl" ~hall I1él';v@l?'thelqHH'J paJÝ ~uQh pl'Ü'1tdpal or' :1.~'¡.t){!n~~H¡.t f':t'ovJ! othet' ftmdß of t!1ß V2.11age ~ and 5ueh oth~x> fill1d¡$ 3h~11 b~j J('zdm= bt'œsed fm.·J sV.ch a,dvanfjer:. out of ~~hê fi0xt n~t :r./!'!!aïlU'fHì ©i.nd ad V'alol"(?rn tHRß.m x"0colved if'! saiðt fi0count anod rwt n®('tdlød to p@.y P:i"~u'M::d>pal and :tnt!.':'x'€J13t on th~ bond¡;r. I:a.to Bm.:td aGcmmt iihall biE' r¡;Hî~~d th¡¡; procÌ>'S,~dß of ;;ì.ll net X'f)V£'1!'iUeS appt:'op~"?ia,ted 'tð thf.{î paYí.n~nt of böD.th~ £J!..nd j..nte:ê~:;s t rß9.d(~ payab le f'!"O'tn ¡HÜð. )tÌlnd:¡ any' 'tau!:€'G løvled };}\U\;:'3tMtrrtto S~,wtiotk,¡7;; a{i.d any amount in a2tC!$BI)¡ of :ß'160 ;,000 retHJî>'tycd frc!.'ß the PUî"tjr,¡,2t.tH.:n:' '(''3n Ù~<U..'?eX'y of the bOl'M1EJ. :>. It ~>s h'!3!X'wb;y ;t"mJ.nc1 j\ d~te:r1f¡lned iH1d d€iclared th.fl,'f; <2;h@ Vil1<!ge of C!:ia?'1hûßßi!)f.':¡ l'10H o\'m:e and <)p~;-!'atef:J iTI%1111c¡:\!.p&1 1tJ@,t~n:~ f¡,nð S>,fJ'i;·NH' sjYstems aß xbøve;l1uí\),~p!"öduôi!1g pUb2t'U~ ut~_ll tici:5; thßt the Vill~¿g<& t09~ t-85 J 000 ûutßtanding bond~ ~~Í'1:teh cÇln~t;i tut,e (Y. lie!'! ~tnd enc.uíf¡}:,J:t>li?'$1(;0· U[HJ:0, the X?0Vf3í1UeS or prope1:>ti~~ß of said. (.Jat~I' util:tty; 9.nd that t;,h(;¡ rl&'t oPQH'ating I't.wen.ues of' 13ald ut:tllt:1~B ~ 6<.:f.'tex' d@dut;t:lng f:t'r:rrll the gj,"00B :t'Ø(;l'j~:tpt¡3 de:ri v<£H1 from che:t'ge~ Cm:"" th<s ffiervtce, use &.nd aV~.:tl&.b:1.1i t;jJ of' tl'w t1lt:11~, tj.ea t.he f.1o!'ll1t~l;¡ fJ'í,u";r'®nt; and ï:~e~.8¡;;)nab10 {;íXp{~m:¡eß ,")1:' OPl31'1.J'.1;:1.on and. ma,1nt!.'1nmncø thê~~eo:f ~ ,\Q:tl1 C@ suf:fj.~i{~nt f'û4"' t;h@ p?àYjrs~n'ìt~ of satd outatan.d,ing bondf:í ¡2nd tn.>: bOllr1ß h('}rein ?l.'Uthú~i~~d. 6. ¡)uJ..~suant to thQ pt"ovliii:1,orus ö~l' ljèct;lQf1 i!!í£} 0 015 ~ i1~1.nn0<~ E¡ç)tn Stm:t~ut€H'j ~ th~ Villag(,I} of ChanhEU1HlH~r1 he¡;"\'l.'bj.:t ~l'}ve)!;~ant8 gnq, mgrfl'@f3 ~·d. th thø holder's from ~;ime to t ~_m·s of' th@ bC!ndß1 he:r'~in 8J,l trH'JKi~~t'i tho.t; 80 long aß any of' the btmds ~1'-e outf3't~ìiriding ¡, the Vj~11@~g(1w:ll1 :l.mpOt3e ~\nd collect X'0.s!JHJ:\utble C1H~¥.'g;98 fot" th,} ð~X'''!j'íc0. J> Uf~~~ ß¡;nt1. {Htft:L!,«" ab1.J,1 t:r öl" itn wa'tex' ernd r.-H;¡WØl" l~:î;;:U.:!,:ti.eß (;Hh1oJr'din,¡z;; t.c, 5©ha¡;:lul~§ ~~H.!''''' f:1.c:h~rìt tn p:i:"oduce net ;~"ti!v~m'!(~·fj of sa:ld utili ty ~~p,f'tic:]~~nt 'i;ó lJV~;! w.1J p1":'tncipal and intffH'>cmt; í~Ìilüln (iUB o.n said o\:~.tí3t~nêlj,nrs bOf't'<13 a:n.d t;h\?; ~Î'(i~, I 1 I hon(È~) hÇ~F;~d.n nut;j1ìoJ:':1z;ed; 8clld 1J&:'".d net X",~VP,''Jl!,U0S ~ t.o the E'xtent n~~C0;C>o,. :.1f:t~,~Jr;j ~l:t."{tt 11~;1rJ<t11JY j.:trx"~~3~?Oeâ"bl;¡ ~)lê(i~~(;clB.nd a:t)f;,r~(r,rt"~l.flt~(l to t::11t:: r,H:l:y-nl{~r\t, of lW,:ld. bonds r,md lntEH"Czt therecn1: ¡t¡Íìt1n duø; pr0vÜï\~d ~ t;hat nnthtng rW:t~'eln ,shall pX>(,Jcludø thç:; Vll1ag~; from h(!ì:cBart¡~l'\> malctng tt!J?thBI' p~!dgeø and appropriations of the net revenues of said utilities or cdther of thcm foT.' pa~nn,,'!m't of mdd'tthn'H.ll {)blig~t:lÍ:rnt> oj,' the Vj,.11~lg!:: hePH8.ften:' ø.uthox~l~~d it the ViJ.,l~g€, Cmlw~:U.. d~1termlne~ bi&fÕY.1.~ t;h({; author.lzetlo:n of m)(~h addit'~ünaJ. ebl;!.gat:tön(~ t,hat the; 8sti!Tii'),tt"d flEd; revenueD of th@ utilities will be sufficient. together with any other ßOV.X'Cf..'B pleð.ßÐd 'to the paY'!:ìh?nt of '¡;kH~ O'¡jd:;~tfj,nd1.ng 8.1:1(1 ;~ddj> tiÖ¡;'tcV\l 0b<,~ llgatlom~ ~ for payrn0H1t of th>~ outßtand:i.ng bonds and such a.ddi't1,onal obl~.gatJ.ons. Sueh fux'th<:,n:' p10dg¡;H~ and approp2';iat5~on8 ol~ sa:td net l'0'JenUes m;ttj.~ be mad:? su.p:~:n"j>ol< 01" 3ubord:i~M~,t0 to ~ O!-; em a pa:r.':U;y td, t:h ;; t.he plŒ!dge and appropri,~1:;ious he1"~:.tn mélde. 7 . Pox- the prom);)'!; and £'u11 p,!iym®nt; of tf;¡~ !n:'i:neip~l of' - and :tnb~1~e~st~ on ~;;a:td bond~1 r2!B the :!m!H.~ r(f$p~wtlV"cl5' b~C(ìme du.® <1 thit~ fu,:.n f','Et1'1:;h~ credit and tfXJ;:~>..D{~ 90"'1('&1:"3 ot the Vll:Lage 5hall b~ ~md f~¿J;~í3 h€1"~,:~b:<' :Lrrevoc:':lbly pl~dg&d. To proYidt'!1 f\t.r¡d~ J,n EH"iditton to the m;;t 't"'0"fenUeC h~:rtej,n pledgelJi to t11& pç~j1'tH::m,t O~; fÆlaid bQn.dB" thé!r'1: :ts h<&r'~-1k¡~1 l¡1;v:t@(1. 'H~I)l" """<;1 1'..4' t"1h"~ 'r.......""hJ<> ""'·'''''P''''T'<.¡j..,.. 0\1..... \h,,,.. ";?'Î"!l·~ß."" "" _,1",.,>,<\,>,>,,& "'''''''''¡'u~1 p,..¿ ~~ú/... .r. ":'do.!-.,!'. ~'J. ~A.lx... \'{~o:'!i..G4>U !st: .~I'tf. .."... UK. ~J ¿..,.i'.~ ",t¡.u'L."; \i ~;.."'..~ ......:~ð''(ð U1 \J,_~~?, "h>w iI n ~¿;~.!U:-f}"'ßYJ.;,""-",,, j) :v'~·"A 1/tl.lúî'em tr-J.:.t whtch 6]181,11 be fJp:r@z~:\.1 upor~ tìH,1 t&Ji :i'oll~ fo!" t:h\~ :1'-0B,:t"i'i 01fH' ln~k1{~ ~:Uílountf3 aa ,t'o11o~"m: Lt:'!',r:J.i' "t.j',.~ 'I-'"?>. ~f;,1 :~ ;~~~~ Collec 'etoH Yea¡l' <Þ"'___~;I'::~~~~' l~f;1vy Y'eaì1> =-==-""':.1 Col1ect:ton ':t' t: ~1'1~;t <l"'~r.o-~_~""~""'''''''~Þ~''''__''''''' f;!!l91:mt; MaCH.:;rrt "",,,,~=,,,'.v..~""_*,:-,",-U,,,,",, ($aft¡ ç¡t\':.n(;ht';d rðh~~t~.t~Mb¡t t1i) Sald t ß..1~ ~lhø.ll ì'je :11"1·erH~ala.tì le .:liS l((ng as any gf said bondt~ a;i,"í;J öu~;.., ~ta.!.1ding and unpaid; prcfv-ided ~ that thf.): Dißt,:r~:lüt t'>e¡rpe!"¡¡e~ thð :r>.:tŒhi; ÆH'1d pOÏi6<:?X' to red.nc~ the ltP.-vi~ß tn the ITHU1n~-r' ~~ t;o t;h~] 4?:l!:tft:H]$~ .P{i),t"'·" mltted by Minnesota Statute8) Seotion 415.61. 8. Hhen all tH:mdt~ of th1.ffi lsm.J'{~ ðt'M:ft ~il1 GOUp0118 âpp@!"t&.in,~· :lng 1;h~'1"et.;o have t.HiN~rìj difH1h&ï'ged· f;.~~ p:fi(Hridf:SìfÎ 1~th~ô.8 f;;',t'!¡,yt,iol"lg; - all pi~dgef) ~ CO'V'0nÐ.1'ltfJ ~md oth¡;;¡p ~"ight~ ~l"fint0d b;y' thlH ¡"·&fwlu:d..oi'Ti tr.) t;hr::; holde:t'~'\ of th~ !G>gnd3 ~ht'!.11 (,;~Hi~H]. friu$ V1-11&¡f5:{t f!W,Y (t1>&~;h¡¡t1:'ge &111 bondß and Cüt.lpons of th:Ü3 :1ß~U¡@ wh~t~h. ~<,:t'® d,i¡J,{r (.'n @hY d;ilt~i by d0t)(n:it·" 1,ïïßvdth t;he paJllng ~gi~n1; ·em O};> b@f\;-r)?'Ð thflt fl~t~ a ¡;n,11¡TI iiJuf1'i~leil.~~ 1\)1.:' t.h(.~ paYYfIJ'"Z'nt th~!"eof' 1)(1 i'uJ.l; Öt:' j;t 8,ny 'bond in> (}(HA'ì-,on ~~lO't11ê !1:t,t; rH'j paid 'ltlh~fl due, it may ni~<¡}'e!;"tht'l~H'H'; b@ dj,~chlll;"'€5(@d. bJf dç,}~~n:;'Bj:î)ilj1g \1tth the paying agent ø.. tnun sufficient f(}p thG paj(fflt::trt. t;hel'~ô1" 1}'i i'u:U, wlth int~~\)es'i; ace1"'u,€};(Î to the Qat!?) of such d~'þo~it. The 'fillagê ri<1&Y ""8,,,; I I I .. L;-'I' ,-4 ~~ i'1 'f :, ;.~ C(J:"j¡;">U7t,\{'X @,J Ø7 'T,ii,){ i.3'~VY ;;¡f'n $'/75./1000 G~ CJ{"~NNA. S~;E.N <> UL V I;¡' t '9 <!3 t 11 'f 6) 1 9" ~j 1 S~ ~t .f.~ 19'1'7 1 ~) 7íJ ø. ¡¡Jl\'(r~:F?: tJ B¡:;¡iE.t~· H~:.vÍ;:NUî!~ £¡(r}NIJß ~4 ~ ~\ir\tE__~~ ~Y'tA G 0~~L, c:i;1. ¥~t4~Â~ ~ì-.!:'~ ~f:f1J;~ Af:~ GUN'!' . . ~ 9 '1,{1 .. fî~(1?;£ -" SO A)S,O;j"1 " ~ 3 45100 . :i 9 75 I]{;; '"VÓO ",OiJ £$ 6~':f8 ~tH) ~. 6900' ·&9¡¡éj ~C~~~ô~t~© í5a-J5t~8o(;(t ® ~ 60fJ ~~1ij ß~~60GQð ~152~00ð &l1~~Oa 1"9'. 8SBB5~OO~'90179a25 ~œ'¡HH) r~l~ ~~~~~~OÖ ~12~~~g$ @ 1~(Jt~ , , ~t4g'A${~~~ ~l;~(j¡\}¡ . Hq9; ". U96tJ·, . ~HHtiSèOO B0NO PIHJ:;ji:E(á~ f,(:A~!TALtl;E:~ U~1ít~ff,5'n Ølr.-!ß })t.t> ~1~iøOO mLL BE US~:D "f0 ~f~Y $'91'; I> 57î.}..QO ~f.¿¡<~'Th>~:fn:ST !"i~"ff'i~i;NT~ 1;#J~ t~·, ! ~ 72 p a "'1.~'72 k ~~;., 1," "13 t1.tJO ¡"3""'~ "" 1'~" 1nH! ), 9t~ 1 î )~Z2 ); 'ø~J~~ :q:,ì 8 &j H~$5 l 9' (~ 6 Ne;TE g " '''?1~ . 132{:'!~r¡, ,A?(~ @~~~éJ)" '!5 "'G~~ot) X 9~l~ .' 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'1'~'Je V:'U.1.age Hiay al.ße~ fit; [{î"ty ~t:lme d:ts(thaf~ge t!~i~ :18sue of f}ûilf12 i~h_ i ti" ~""r!1t~tr{;'t:y þ ø::.Ü:~j\'.H:;t i~o, 't~'H:? p:t>Ov1fi;~cns of lr¡;¡w no~¡ Ù1:' hû!'I%ai"tf!ìr' av:thor'l~lng \:~i\ïHl l~~g,'1:Üe.t;.1i1g ifmch act;iJ).ì1 ~ by {~al:U.ng all PP(~pû.ya.blß bûnd6 í\;}r X"ßd(:Hî1Th"" t ton on thm :n~y:t date ~'i.1(Hl tl1Øÿ may be r(.~p~1d in g.c.cor'di?.¡.j~CG: 'i,;:;{, ,~;h tbdr 1;e~(.'Jßù ~ by giving ~;17,el1otic~ ~"®flU1l"·0(1 fen:' ~ucfj 1"€'(lømq;lè:1G>tJ,;, grid b:! eJ2'posit:1.ng ir'y"@vocs,bly In ~HWrC\1 ¡, with ~ barÜ{ qUß1:i.fi,ed by laH ª8 :~U1 øßQX'ü'W ag~;mt fen" th:ts P¡;;j~"pOiJ1@ $ (,H'li1î1 GZO sfØeur1t:;j,t,H} ~¡¡fd'ßh art'f:; gen·" "'""'~"1 "'^~'l¢o'atM't"'}'l'" ,"';, ~'h, (~ U""~~~~,,,¡j (;,{\Ì'f"t"''''' "'-"" ~""""J""1t;'~"""'i ,,¡of> n""~l'''''(~ q,¡~"¿",,, L.....r. \.'¡, . 'J1ü.t~....J·"J:'> I. +""'.1. -t.,;-. v..".. ~,~,....... ö~..-.......~,;,;....V:1 1,..:. "-"~ ~~ '<:.,:.t. ,,.;<''''''ft.;~~~ ~,,,,>4-,-~~ \,. -Ii... -e.utA~~Y;;i..lo "'0<' ...Þt:.¡.-t...-...,~_r agerH;;J,,€H ~lJ'hj,i!h fU'(;t au:t;hoX"i\;;ed by It!ì.'\1' to 'b~ 80 depo~:dtti}d. ~ b'~a;{'lng i.n,~· ';~(::r'c:a3t ph,yable at su(;h tlm~1j Ð,nd oiit such )'¡'l¡:;.{;(;S ~nçi mr'lt~:j':I":i..:r!g ill) í'HH;h dnt;¡:::w an 8h<!-.11 be !"~;qu:h:"'ed to pfAY íjj.1J. rn:"in~1p~1f; lntel"'®îi\t and T<.:;::d!'!;Erp= tlt:J1't pJ."l'Im1UInf9 to btH,JI;¡rue due cn"! all b©nd8 of the ifHme on Q,\H'j;Q. b~:r'\CJl'e o~1.d~e¢q¡mp·t:ton elate. 9. The V:illi~tgf.': Cl~pk :t5 K!.fn>({':by ~.uthû:t"i\?ed &f!d (tt:r-&QtiJtJ 'i;:f) f:1. ),,'Ü t;fj, th th® Cou.nty tH~~d1 ttH"t'î or C.m.X"V~:t' attd Henrt~p:1.n CDun~~i@a a >:H;!i:t~~" ttf'løél <.:O'py of thls ref:;olut:tor1 ~ tðff;eth~rc- l'd th i:3uî.:h other :inf'{~l"'fM,tjJ)n 8B sa,id Cou.nty Audltox"s p6:quiT"~ and to ol'ìttÜn from s~,ld Cm.Ei~~;Y ,Audtto£'~} a Ct!'rt:U'lGRt0 tJ'H~'t 't.:t~e tax :r'equJ,'t''ff(i by' l~~f f'Qí" the K'!t¥,ymen,t of ::ra'Ý.,d 'OOn(18 has bem"l l¡;,ìv:Ul!å ~ and· th~t Bé1id b(mdr~ h{i~f-ab~~:(; >r:rrt.f;;~"JtJHi upon hiB band register. 10. '¡\h00ffic0Y>S, of' th€ Villl;¡,ge and, tHiid CCUl'1t;{ Attdit:oJ:'[')i Ð::N':! h>Dr~hy fJ.uthöx>i zl3d find di¡('ee't$)d. to prepaî"i'j' and 1:¥.lJ:'nlrulh to th\1" pU!.:'" Chaf30p of Bald bonda:.> rmd to the attoJ:'neym s,p'Pl-'t.nrlng tt;ø l{'~ggl=tt:'Y" of' thø :Lr,lsufHloe t.;h~n·eof, (~t:n·tif:tGd ~Op:if-"S üf all pZ'Q{H~~d:tr1g8 ~HI,d ì.~e€'..H.Y£'d[~~ 0:(' th(? Villa,gt~ x'ûlattng to 3f1:ld bonds and tCI th0 firw.ncial condltim;1 and af'f'aipf3 of th~ Vi l1agEJ , nnd ~nwh other' ß\fî"':1"da't'~LtB ~ c~rt~.f1.aì:1t~Hi and 1.n:töl'tllation as may b~ reC1utp{~d to ~Jh{J¡¡q trl0 f'aete :rei;'ilatinrg t<a 'thf: :u>g:a.li ty and ffi13J."i4:êt:élbi l:t ty of ~~a:ld biJnd~ tlS th~ ~£~'1<"J appea1' f''î'ÜfÜ t;hc, bcokz l1.l'Mi reeoI'd!:J under' the:!./':' custcdJ' f:tX1d contx'ol Ol" a~ othèX'vLÜ1€ known to them,t1nd all such cer1;lfied (1Q~løf;l rJ ~êr"t1f1.c&teg Rnd élfft~ da.vl ts D lnclnðJ.ng tHl~¡ het'et;o.f'~:n"e furnißh®d;t 1tJh~Ül tH::'; de~;n"{;€~d );;"'(~pr{n:H'¡n= t.attons of tha: Vl11age as tQtDí!J tite.t(~ r"f[¡eit€Jd, thGre:t~'[,. ~~hŒ 'motJ.Qn !t'ox' t;he IBI.dCJpt:Ž,on ð:t:' th~l ff)Z>;$;~~o1.nÐ t·'~BoJ..u't:i.Ön HflS duly Í;1~ c.{::mèk~d by ComvJ llm&.l1 ~~TIñ~c~~ff ~ a~d upön vûtw b0ir~ t,gJt(m Uwr'fN:m ~ 1;Ä'MJ fo.llüwÜ'lf~ <~rotet~ i.ii'1\. i'E¡¡.'ìl©2~ th@Ã"~úf'~ti&'1Mi~J;~\, ~if!f,n~', ~ fl';'''nn'f1n~l:f'¡: '"!.'~ ¡ ""ój<1, 11 '~Mí\h" "'r~"~ \J.i~' 1 {J ~ 'v~",;!. t:. .-, ¡J t) 'i"\ ~..'II~j'~P t tn~:! "~""'J . '4¥5.~ ..'<;1""", v :£/.l1d th<:::' follr.;w:1rtg '\n::~t¡~d ag&:J.ní:rï; th& gi!\m~ ~ ~@n~~ \'lhE'X'C:iUPOf! B¡:,dd )î:"€'H3\cltitio,n ~'Sa;¡¡, d~'cl&J;'Ðd dtÜy paSI,\HNl é!J"A(Ì .f~~JjJ~+¡~i 1; @(1 " ~~9"" ~ I I I CHANHASSEN VILLAGE COUNCIL MINUîES " J~1¥ 12, 1971 ~~" LAKE ANN PROJECT (contd) A motion was made by Councilman Wolf and seconded by Councilman Neils that the letter from Brauer & Associates, dated July 9, 1971, to Park Construction, be rescinded. The following voted in favor thereof: Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. Mayor Coulter voted no. Motion carried. BOND ISSUE ($775,000.00): A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff and seconded by Councilman Wolf to adopt Resolution #712711, entitled RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF $775,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Neils and seconded by Councilman Bennyhoff to adopt Resolution #712712, entitled RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE EXECUTION, DELIVERY AND PAYMENT OF $775,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. SEWER TRUNK REPAIR: A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff and seconded by Councilman Klingelhutz to approve the Engineer's Report, dated July 9, 1971, and authorize Change Order #1 for Project 71-3, with the firm of Fox & Weiler, in the amount of $1,441.65. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #5-C and 6-B: A motion was made by Councilmarr Neils and seconded by Councilman Bennyhoff to approve Ordinance #5-C, entitled AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5.01(2),5.02, AND 5.05(2) OF ORDINANCE NO.5 ADOPTED JULY 24, 1967, AND ENTITLED "AN OR- DINANCE REGULATING CONNECTION TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF' THE VILLAGE, AND ESTABLISHING RATES AND CHARGES THEREFOR~ and Ordinance #6-B, entitled AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 2.06 AND 2.07 OF ORDINANCE NO.6 ADOPTED AUGUST 21, 1967, AND ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING CONNECTION TO THE VILLAGE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM, AND ESTABLISHING RATES AND CHARGES THEREFOR. II The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (TEXACO): A motion was made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Wolf to defer any action on this application until representatives from Texaco and Chanhassen Holding Company are present. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. CHANHASSEN VILLAGE COUNCIL MINUTES - July 12, 1971 -4- 4TH STREET: A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff and seconded by Councilman Wolf to have the surveyor draw up a legal des- cription as per exhibit dated July 12, 1971. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. ASSESSING: General discussion on assessing problems and what basis the Village should proceed on next year. No final decision was made at this time. OPTIONAL PLAN IIBII: A motion was made by Councilman Wolf and seconded by Councilman Neils that the following question be placed on the ballot of the Regular November Election 1971: IIShall Optional Plan IIBII, providing for the Council Manager form of Village government be adopted for the government of the Village of Chanhassen?1I The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. SCHOLER, INC.: A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff and seconded by Councilman Klingelhutz to accept the dedication of part of outlot 3, Sunrise Hills 2nd Addition, from Scholer, Inc. to the Village' of Chanhassen. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Wolf and seconded by Councilman Klingelhutz to adjourn. The following voted in favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilmen Bennyhoff, Klingelhutz, Neils and Wolf. No negative votes. Motion carried. ' TIME - 11:50 P.M. Adolph Tessness Clerk-Administrator ~ I I I