1971 10 26
October 26, 1971
The public hearing was called to order by John Neveaux, Planning
Commission Chairman. John Neveaux explained that he had been
asked to chair the joint public hearing. Council members present
were: Councilman Bennyhoff, Councilman Wolf, Councilman
Klingelhutz, and Councilwoman Neils. Planning commission members
present were: Ward Passe, Tom Gabbert, Arnie Ryba, John Neveaux,
Jim Mielke, Nick Waritz, and Dan Herbst. The following interested
persons were in attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vohs, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Bakke, F. D. Scott, Ken Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Moulton, Mrs. Ward Passe, Robert Scholer, Mrs. Ida Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Linsmayer, Conrad Fiskness and Arnie Weimerskirch.
The notice of the public hearing as published in official Village
newspaper was read by the Administrator. Notices were sent to
property owners within 100 feet of proposed plat. It was noted
that the date (October 26) was stated correctly in the notice
but the day (Monday instead of Tuesday) was incorrect.
The Village Attorney's report dated September 24, 1971, was read.
Therequest for rezoning from Farm Residence to Residence Distriet
A was on file.
The Chairman asked Mr. Moulton if he had agreed to release the land
for subdivision. A letter was read by the Administrator and
signed by Mr. Moulton stating he agreed to release the land. Mrs.
Moulton stated she would not sign a release. She questioned the
six foot easement along the north side of Lot 7 for the use of the
other six lot owners as access to the lake. She felt the people
using the easement would not stay within it and trespass on her
property. Mr. Linsmayer explained the six foot easement would be
on the west side of Lot 7 from Frontier Trail to the north edge
of Lot 7 and then down to the lake.
Mr. Scott felt people would take a more direct route across his
property to get to the lake. Mr. Linsmayer explained the hill
between Lots 6 and 7 would be graded down so people would use
the easement.
Mrs. Moulton stated she would not sign to release the property
unless she is satisfied with the easement. Mr. Linsmayer proposed
taking down his present rail fence and erecting it along the north
property line of Lot 7 to ensure that the residents would not
trespass. Mrs. Moulton agreed. Mr. Linsmayer also agreed to
erect a fence on the 25 feet running north and south bordering
Mr. Scott's property.
Mrs. Moulton questioned the marina. Mr. Linsmayer explained that a
bathing beach and one dock were proposed.
Mr. Bakke asked if he had given any consideration to having cu1-
de-sacs. Mr. Linsmayer explained that the size of a cul-de-sac
would take away from the value of the lots especially land 2.
~h~~ ~~q ~~eyiQu~ll þeen ~tuqied ~y the P~ann~n~ Ço~ipp~on.
Public Hearing - October 26, 1971
The Village Engineer's report dated 8üptember 24, 1971, was
partially read.
Mr. Scholer felt the run off onto the street might be substantial
if the low ponding area were filled in. He would like to see a
drainage plan of the proposed plat. Mr. Scholer stated he objects
to seven additional homes in the area from a standpoint of safety
(long cUl-de-sac, natural disaster) and traffic it will generate.
Another development was turned down in the area until another
access is provided. Mr. Linsmayer felt the plan only has seven
lots against approximately 50 lots in the other development.
Mr. Scholer asked if the Village is being consistant with this
development and the other development.
Mr. Scott asked if the present lift station would be able to
handle the seven additional homes. The Administrator explained
the lift station and lines were sized for these additional homes.
Mrs. Bakke asked if the people will have a place to park their
cars when going to the beach. Mr. Linsmayer felt the residents
would walk to the beach and had not provided any parking area.
The Chairman asked Mr. and Mrs. Moulton if they were in agreement
with releasing the land. Mr. Moulton stated he would contact his
attorney tomorrow. His attorney has been ill.
Mrs. Erickson asked about point #14 in the Village Attorney's
report regarding the water run off to the catch basin and storm
sewer line located between his property and Mr. Scott's.
He stated that water goes over the catch basin now. Mr. Erickson
wants the minutes to reflect that at this public hearing he is
indicating his concern over this problem. Mr. Linsmayer stated
the Village Engineer will inspect every lot when the building
permit is issued. Mr. Moulton explained he had owned this land
previously and that Lots l, 2, and 3 drain to the south and the
remaining lots drain to the north end of Lot 7.
A motion was made by Councilman Bennyhoff and seconded by
Councilman K1ingelhutz to continue the public hearing on
November 9, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. so that complete drainage plans
can be presented. Motion unanimously approved.
Councilman Bennyhoff suggested the Village Engineer be present
at the public hearing continuationo¡
Jean MeuWisse~\J