1d Jt Powers Agree w SW Metro " ,-, ",','-'.,¡;, , c frY'OF , , '-, - . . ,. ,-- ,- --.,'-'- ':--' , c;,~" !e: ,,' ! c 6lIANHA8SEN' ',"- , . '-'---'" c,úyÇ~Drivt,Þo&x141 ' ---,~':':'"'>-" :',,,-, \'-" ---', ;", ,--', '-:;' illilhasmi. Min';øðta 55J17 _ -P;;'Ìii61Ì.937.1%o ' 'lrnir;JF4X6Í2:!l37.5739 c '-;', ,::"',, '-'- ':,' ,: ~- " ' ',. g¡ñttri1ÍgF4X'61+937.9Ì52 llícSdfetj F4X 612.93,/:2524- ' ,b IliWÌii.cicha1ÍlilllSm.mn.t/J 1: " -'J ',> . ,':\" '-, ',1. - '," , ;, ;,-':' MEMÛRANDUM TO: FROM: Mayor City Council, Scott A. Botcher, City Milnager April 5,2000 ,\;.' '. . DATE:· '. SUBJ: - ,,' ',-. ", "', . - ..' . Southwest Metro T1'IIÌlsit Joi~tPbwers Agreement ,- -. . , - " . Attachèd is the amended Joint PòweiS Avcement With:Southwést M~trO TÌ'ånsit.Len Simich, Exc;cutivðDire ;torWill be preSeri~ at the couÌicil's work, . session to ariswer yhui quëstÎoÌ1$: Also átfâchêd·is an einail that Me; Siriúèh sent tò the CIty of Eden Prairie VvÍth,somehelpfuJ in~ormation. . - .,' f':. City .fCbanbassin. A wwinHommunity w;tb cItan lakes. auality scbools.a cbarm;., downtown. tlmv;., bun",,,es, and bfa.riM p;,rIts. A r>"at tilact to lí1J(;work, and play. , , Apr-OS~OO 11:38A SMTC 974 7997 ,1";0 ". ;. '.~. ';;;:~ , c . -, .:--.' ';-;""~' : , FIRST Al\fÉNDMENT to TDE SECOND REsTATIID JOiNT POWEQ$'Å$Ü~~:' ~,' , ESTÁBLlSHING A SOUTIlWEST:METROfRANSìT'CÖMMî~S)ON:" ·,·,;::~t .,'," . , :(FôRMJûu;y SØUTHWEST AREA ~SIT cO~ÌSSrøN) " '" ' .' '.,'--,' '-, .,. '-, _, ' - - ': ' ,-'. ' - -, '0, ,'" -<'-:":';~~.>':-__':' ,.. I I , ,- -,- -":' ,',' - - .-',-, .. 'TIIlscFIRST AMIlliDMENT to· the Second Reståted .Joint Pþwl::rs A~ent ÈStãisÌi~~.:~i~~UÍ4w~ ' _ ': , ' : _ _ ,"; ._:'__ ' " _' _ '>_' "" . :, ,_ :,':'_ ' ' _ __:_ _,: ,,,,__ _> ,<" ,'_'__~:::-'.'_' '~_ _ "_" ':«,'_',,":"":':~, ",-",_,:,_,1-" ,:' . "_,' _,u. MeiÍIp Transit COmmissiori (FoimerlYSouthwest Area Transit CommiSsion) is måde andéri\c!rèaiÍ1~. this~ da ,._ '_' ",' _ ><::_,_., ..-:H'__", _,',_ ,:._ '.-'_::~.:'-____',<: ; ","'- :_,.. .,_:,__.:,_:: '_ :_~, .,:;,):){;/,,;<>__';;\/::_,;'_,:,'<':'<~:;:':-:>,'~/.:::_:'-,:,,_.._,,_', ' of , 20'00, by and öctweeIÍ théCitiês· of Eden Prairie, Chai:1hassen:and Cliåskå;' a1Í bei.!Ît municipl ,", __ ,",_ ::'<',i,:__. _'_ ,__- :'.-: "",__.' '" "" ',,' __; :..':' '.', ,:: ',.: ,':'~L,~:_ "','-;:,':,\::';j,~,_::..,,,_,,\.,j:.~,,_:,::_'~!,':' _,_ " corporations organized uilder the laws of the State of Minnesota, pursuant totbc iluÌhorityèontètr~iJpòn,thèpartic -"::>:~,:-" "-_:" , ': ;__'_~' : ,,:»'~'~-::_<:::,;,' ':' ./ - - ..-'. ';' , , ' _" :'> '_i:,,;~>-,,:,..:, ':;,:' ".' .'. :,_\': :," ,-:-: '.- :"_ . - : " ...., ",.:;,~- <:.;':_.:~;:~~:~,\>~;':~::.':\'::-- : ,<-,S :::-: -': . - , , by M.ínriesota Stah1tes § 473.384~ § 473.388, and/or § 47l.59: ... . . , ' , ' - . , , NOW TIIER£i1OJtE, BE 1'1' R.BSOL VEP,inoorisideràtio»of the ;mjJtuIIl coveœnt~ âridìlgreei1lenl :': :::' '_~::,- " : '~,',:' ,-"', :<";'::::- ',:;.;,~~: ,.:-;;';:-, ,;....':'~:;', - - ", ';'-;',:~'~: :-: '., : - :_-;.; -'" .:, ,.- -, ,-, ,~¡"" - ;', ..:,'-: - _::-_ ,;', :'-_'" "'_: .':'_::-?F'; ',_ '" .- :':', ~' :~:\ P::,,:',-,:-:,:-:."_ .. __ "-,,,;, ' ,", ,-'- >~ -, -'-,": _,:~'-: ':-. -, __,' ,_-'. conta:med herein,it is hêrebYÍlWéed by and bétween the Cities ófEden Piaìrle; ChÂl'\þásseri ÌIi1dChaska:,ètl1iough thei .--,,- ::' ','. .--"-",, ,', ," ..' ,,^ 0--.',- - 'J ,,-, - '-, > respeCtive City Councils; thatsubp~&mPh 5b. of the Secó~d Restated Joint PO\verS,Agreérhént ~blishing '-, '., " - .- . ", - , . . - ' ,- '. " Sí:JÙfhwest Metro Transit Cò1i1n1Ìssion (fórmerly Southwest Area Transit COriÍmis3ion)'Îio amend~as follows: . ", -. 5b. ,There shall bèfpur i:lasseS of commissioners. Theterm ofêaèh cOI1lìnissioner ,'¡~ ciass I shill\ ~piie on December 31; 1987, ,ìin(J,eVery,~'yé:árS, , t'hërì:áftèr. Thè tei¡¡: of the each cOmmissioner in Chis!JiSbâlfèXp,i~í:Jn .ti_bër 31, 1981'1, and every three years tfÌerëafiër:The terìÍl'ófÍ¡iath, coriunissioner in Class 3 snaIl expire on December 3]; I 982'; and eÝerythree y~ thereafter. The six original commi ¡sionersSluiil be appOinted ~b cì~sses 1 through 3 by draw, provided that no two corrimissioneT$ appoi.ntc:d by a party shilll be members of the same class. At wi titne~tWo,comnìjss,oilers ' sliilll bè ássigned10 Class I, two commissionèrs shilllbe ássigned, i6 çl!1Ss 2, apô twocommissiorters shall be assigned to Class 3i Aseyênttìciunîriissiøner I .sbÀll be.....<ligned t6 ClaSs ~ beginning JaÌ1uarý 1,1988.tiÚ;~í¡t,.i ':f~.,¿~ìA5S ',,;~_:..~~~~~_~ðiØ&;·~_a., &~t',~_~~~' v~,~ ,D~!I)GC ,.1,,;_ 'r.~8~j. ~¡d:::'?'~"~~,,}'1~~):~~ . ; ,',11..~_~~'~ ~_O~,~,,~:~Ú,~,~û~~~~"-_~'b"'ÂPP¿:~~_:~'h~:::~,¡G ,é,~'ij:~,:Q~~,-~ ' )ó~ti.~1iliA~~'J.. b~~,pdui; l~ì 1 ;_J 98_~~,,:~ ;tfl".~.':'dþ~~,~~á,",ut ~~__' tt~~,¢it), - .)tÇt~~k~ ~~& .1w~~j,:-~, 1~9_~,.._,.~tl& .__tl~~,:',Ç¡t),: ,pf el~~~.@l. _v~-tJ_~~~~J '_:1, . l'~~ ~_~tl.~:~~'_Q~yY[~~~u;.l ~ JL~_ P=_l.1__,of.î3dœ, P~Ai,~;~~';~,~: ~~~lØ~~)~ 4' Úk<, pAtt...b. tI,é,.é¡¡tb;.. A,s ofJa!)Ùáry 1. .2Q.OO JIt~ Ç1~j¡,',; co.Sà¡öper , .sh.1I ÞeclÌíJpolntèd bv tÍi.~ B~rd bfComi:ft~slo@~~'~#'èà~ðJi~.term 'oft~.. ~s 4 eoiftlhiuiönef'shall eXíJjrè-où ÌJe~tijþef '~1~ 20~~åtid even three. vqi1Jhereafter.Nò C..nit citmtiûnio¡Jiirsli.n sèrt~~ore, tháp tWo conset\lI"«VeterìDS. The SuCcessor of e;icli oíthe èomìniiisiôriers s}¡iIll be àppointed to the same class as the successor's predecessqr: One commissioner ajÌþQinted by each partymustinclude a CityCriunci1member, . inclusive of the Mayor, currently ~ng in office, A commissioner who is a \pr-05-00 11:38A SMTC 974 7997 P.03 council member of a party shall cease to be a commissioner, even if the term for which the commissioner was appointed has not expired, if (a) the commissioner ceases to be a member of the Council of the appointing party, and (b) no other council member of the appointing party is then a Class 1,2 or 3 commissioner. In such event, a council member of the appointing party shall be appointed by the appointing party to serve the remainder of the term created by the vacancy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Governmental Units, by action of their governing bodies, have caused this First Amendment Second Restated Joint Powers Agreement Establishing a Southwest Metro Transit Commission (Formerly Southwest Area Transit Commission) to be executed in accordance With the authority of Minnesota Statutes § 471.59. CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE Approved by the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Eden Prairie this_day of By Its Mayor ,2000 By Its City Manager CITY OF CHANHASSEN Approved by the Mayor and City Manager of the City ofChanhassen this_day of By Its Mayor ,2000 By Its City Manager CITY OF CHASKA Approved by the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Chaska this_day of .2000 By Its Mayor By Its Administrator Apr-OS-OO 02:S6P SMTC 974 7997 P_02 Page 1 of) From: . Len Simich <Islmich@swtransn.org> To: Chris Enger <cenger@ci.eden-prairie.mn.us> Datil: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 10:00 AM 5ub ecl: Rider Rep ...--- ._-. ,. ,........ ..... ---¥,. """, .-- - --. ...---.-.. -._..--~------'- --......---- --.---,-....--"----> Chñs; I'll fax a copy 01 the amendment in regards to the requested rider repNlSentative change. In e nut shell, the Commission would Oke to: · Change the tenn of the rider rep from two years to three (matches with the terms of the other members, plus gives the Commissioner enough time on the job to be a productive. · Instead of mandating the rider rep position change from city to city, the criteria would only be thai the person be a regular rider. Its seems lilting since the position is supposed to be representing the system users, not anyone city. the rap could serve no mora than two terms, and every ettempt would be made to move the position around between the cities as much as possible Oust wouldn' be mandated). · Flnany. the selection of the rider representetive would transfer and be the responsibility of the Commission. 3121/00