1e Revisions to Strategic Plan
Chanhassen Strategic Plan
January 2000
Updàted 4/2000
Provide leådérslìip tò enable the community to meet expectations.
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cò$f-Effedivè Quality Sel'Ìlices . .
A. Reviewtheowliåes and processes that guide our contracting of external services.
. B. Develop and Implement a program to guide our approach to 'Customer Service.'
. a; . Identify and train all CitY personnel who have cont¡ìct with 'Customers.'
. . b. Reììlew city poliCies and processes to ensure they are 'Customer Friendly.'
c. . J;i(pJorê tlìe development of a customer call-cènter, that can provide specific 'first
". .... èåll' ¡¡nswets to éustomer inquiries regarding city services.. .
C; . Utili.ze,~nblogy to tlìe betterment of our Citizens and. thè services' we provide.
QùàtitY AtfJenit/.fis .' . . . '.
A.' . Còmplete·thë assessment process for the proposed. Library.
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Community Involvement
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A.[)èsign and field a survey instrument that will enable the city to regularly poll our
residents and businesses about their perceptions of transportation issues and the quality
of èity serVices.
B. Develop an annual. report on the State of the City.
a. · Deliver the repOrt for 19,99 within the first 3 months of 2000.
. b. DÈ!\ivÉfr the repOrt for 2000 during the first quarter of 2001. .
C. Develop a'recOgnition program that regularly acknowledges the efforts of our
comri1Unity :volunteèrs.
promptea 'broad ,range of housing options.
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HOilSing ¡'iv~isity .
A~ Còmpi~tethe ~tticµlation òf the city's overall housing strategy by the end of June 2000.
B. . Con1þlete a quantified assessment of the City's nèèd for Senior Housing, Assisted Living,
and Long Term Care FaålÎties within the context of our desired overall housing mix.
stltATEGY ·3
Develop a central area for the community.
City Center Identity
A. Review the plans to develop the major components of the City Center.
a. City Center COmmons design and possible construction.
b. .aty..ceAter beautificatiOR design, ŒRstruction and.GRgoing initiatives.
c. Relationship and synergy with the proposed Community Ubráry planning.
B. Develop a strategy anctactio.n planfi;lr:!f¡'e originali§t:Ìiubßr:fs ,Ç~~rch;
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c . .
. Preserve and maintain our n~tUral ateas.
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Nat.,ral Areas ., . ",.. ..... ....
À. Implement thè final pha~ofthe qp~n Spaç~ Re{èrénduír);
B.' Implement the Bluff Creek WatêtshédPlan~' " '
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.:=;;:;::~:mote commUhity:conn~~~s;, : ..~,', ~". ',~, ,";::" .,.;,:,:~.:,~:~;~,,:~/~.;/:':';""í' ,
A. ,Contin~e to wo'* with, MI\DòT on, thetif!lely, cOrj'¡ple~6~ of"the.Jilgb~"
B.Continue to work with MnDeT, CálVer& Hehn~pin .CÔOIltles 'aÌ'l(j:Eðêìi . .
proactively representing ChanhasSen ~jshésregå;'dI1Î9 theproPOStÍè:tT ..,', .. " ts'tq+ .', .,'
Highway 101 and adjoiningtrail~ ......,' .c.. .. .'" ,:,:':,~'.·..:r;;:\.,.,': ,;. .
C. Formulate a policy statement regarding sizing and construction standard~ fO.r ieeal. i"òåds.
constructed within ChanhasSen.. '.' ,:',:', ~.:.":~~(':¡" · .'
D. Review and formulate Chänhassen's lòng-range mass transit strátègy,., i;heiel:rdetiriingo" .'.
what is reflected in our Comprehensive.Plan.·. """ . <' "';:~:'i;" ',.; "
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Maintain and foster à sense ôf safetY and security. ,
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safety & Secllrity . .' . . "', .i,.", ., ."
A. Participate in the development of perfomiance stand~rds that will goverrH1:ar:yèrCounty , ,
Sheriff's Department deliveiy of police seívices to Chanhassen's neighborhòò.<!s.and."
businesses~ . , . . " ", c,'." " 'q;'". "
B. Customize the Minnesota Criine-FreèMÌJlti-l1ousing, proçjr¡¡m to fit Cti¡fl!i;ØS:i~h'~un!~!Je,
requirements. '., ' ..' ...,", '..' ," ,.'
. C. . Pilot thè Michigan MOdel City progt,ain (TI)to lI1aintain safety ()Í1 localsffê!i\ts'. '" .
D. 'Develop, processes to en¡¡blt,! the çity tomàintalnongoin9 qìalogue aòdr~~ljJr ",
assessment or our residen~and businesses' perceptions o(cpmÍl')oI1Îty sàfety;j~ues~.
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