1n Donation :.0;' .1~ "",~,:',' .. '·:",r,,-'" . "',,'., ,,::' :~':~', _:;:~,::..¡~'\: " " ; " "." '''','' ,- 'P, ',," :' .','. .: " d . :;;..::/i:,;~~:'>,~~~'f( ,(~:~;::<,.:~. ,~:",.:,::~ :-:. ",;,' ,i ~;'> < 1 ' . - ~ . ., .d..,. "'''''MOn'A':''TF:-UM ,'.'" "'".:~_.:_..lY1ll, ftr\;l"lU. ',..' - )'-... " ,,- -:'.' -~' 9OÇ;~~;~ . " .. c~í~~i~2;~37:" . ~;J,;:i::(T~:": ~dtFd6Ì2:9)7¡)73f 'i"( ., En~~t;¡n~t~6!~~7l!5¿~::¡::'j~l (,~~q~:,' "úbll<SdfityFiJJ(612,!!M.252{ \""', ",'.'" wet ~d:~1';4,~1IÍ\~:.:¡;'[~; 'rtÁ}f: ',-' ",.,', , , " Mayór. . , qjy CóunciI, . , Beth Hois~th, Crime Prevention speciali~~ .;'"" -r,-.;,,,,,; :~~;:'SWj: . ',,::':{,:'~:,·i,>:,·;¿ ,~-;"::"';_;;~:~'i: ';', . . , . , . April 4, 2QOO j,>,'. '-',,- , .'.;'~' - , Donation Approval for Safèty Camp 2000 , __:i/:',,::.:: ir- ;)':~:';-" .."':' . Th!s memorandum is to request approval to accept the , <,c$2,ÔOÒ:OO donàtion from l'ilIsbury's for the Charihassen Safety " , '" " th ,. '; :c.atlípprograìn. This is the 4 consecutive year that Pillsbury :./j",~¡;, ":i;~~S~~~;~à;Spò~s,~r. " . ' ,',,"{: Y<TIieAanntiàl Chànhassen Safety Camp is scheduled for ,', ." '>/Ã~~it 16'& 17.'Enrollment caþacity is 120 childTen enteñng " <3rd-gráde.' \ ' . ,Safety Camp has proved to be a SUccess in btinging youth, , :,' i togeth~r to learn valùable safety lessons in a hands-on . . . ,\)\"~nV'irònmént. ' ~ " .- " ,', .'¡'::.. , ',' , '~-'.~." ';;:<." -¡ 1 ", .; .~ Cit:y of ChOl1hassm. A flOwing community with tltan l4kes, quality scbook, a chàmzini downtown, th¡';vinf buiines;es. and b,auriM parks. A trtatÞlart to livt. work, an¿Din ' '.